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The requirement of a suitable energy source during the induced synthesis of nitrate reductase in Image was investigated. The levels of nitrate reductase induced were shown to be energy-dependent, and to vary in response to the type of carbon source provided. Glycerol, fructose, ethanol, glucose, and sucrose served as efficient energy sources. Growth rate of the yeast and the induced level of nitrate reductase were dependent on the ratio of carbon to nitrogen in the induction medium, and ratio of 2 being optimal. Induction of nitrate reductase was inhibited by uncouplers, 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP), dicumarol and carbonyl cyanide Candida-Utilis -trifluoromethoxy phenyl hydrazone (CCCP), and by cyanide and azide, indicating an absolute energy-dependency. The facilitation of induction of a high level of nitrate reductase by exogenously added ATP as sole source of energy confirmed the obligate requirement of ATP for the synthesis of nitrate reductase in Candida-Utilis.


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Porphyrins appended with crown ether moieties function as efficient uncouplesrs of oxidative phorphorylation in rat liver mitochondria. Permeation of these highly organized porphyrins decrease the respiratory coefficient index (RCI) values. Lowering of the RCI values parallels the number of K+ chelating crown ether groups attached to the porphyrins. The inhibitory effect upon the oxidative phorphorylation reaction depends on the nature of divalent metal ions, VO, Co, Cu and Zn in the porphyrin cavity and related to their relative tendency to complex intracellular K+ ions.


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Porphyrins appended with crown ether moieties function as efficient uncouplesrs of oxidative phorphorylation in rat liver mitochondria. Permeation of these highly organized porphyrins decrease the respiratory coefficient index (RCI) values. Lowering of the RCI values parallels the number of K+ chelating crown ether groups attached to the porphyrins. The inhibitory effect upon the oxidative phorphorylation reaction depends on the nature of divalent metal ions, VO, Co, Cu and Zn in the porphyrin cavity and related to their relative tendency to complex intracellular K+ ions.


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In order to meet the world’s growing energy demand and reduce the impact of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from fossil fuel combustion, renewable plant-based feedstocks for biofuel production must be considered. The first-generation biofuels, derived from starches of edible feedstocks, such as corn, create competition between food and fuel resources, both for the crop itself and the land on which it is grown. As such, biofuel synthesized from non-edible plant biomass (lignocellulose) generated on marginal agricultural land will help to alleviate this competition. Eucalypts, the broadly defined taxa encompassing over 900 species of Eucalyptus, Corymbia, and Angophora are the most widely planted hardwood tree in the world, harvested mainly for timber, pulp and paper, and biomaterial products. More recently, due to their exceptional growth rate and amenability to grow under a wide range of environmental conditions, eucalypts are a leading option for the development of a sustainable lignocellulosic biofuels. However, efficient conversion of woody biomass into fermentable monomeric sugars is largely dependent on pretreatment of the cell wall, whose formation and complexity lend itself toward natural recalcitrance against its efficient deconstruction. A greater understanding of this complexity within the context of various pretreatments will allow the design of new and effective deconstruction processes for bioenergy production. In this review, we present the various pretreatment options for eucalypts, including research into understanding structure and formation of the eucalypt cell wall.


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The integration of stochastic wind power has accentuated a challenge for power system stability assessment. Since the power system is a time-variant system under wind generation fluctuations, pure time-domain simulations are difficult to provide real-time stability assessment. As a result, the worst-case scenario is simulated to give a very conservative assessment of system transient stability. In this study, a probabilistic contingency analysis through a stability measure method is proposed to provide a less conservative contingency analysis which covers 5-min wind fluctuations and a successive fault. This probabilistic approach would estimate the transfer limit of a critical line for a given fault with stochastic wind generation and active control devices in a multi-machine system. This approach achieves a lower computation cost and improved accuracy using a new stability measure and polynomial interpolation, and is feasible for online contingency analysis.


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In this paper, we present numerical evidence that supports the notion of minimization in the sequence space of proteins for a target conformation. We use the conformations of the real proteins in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) and present computationally efficient methods to identify the sequences with minimum energy. We use edge-weighted connectivity graph for ranking the residue sites with reduced amino acid alphabet and then use continuous optimization to obtain the energy-minimizing sequences. Our methods enable the computation of a lower bound as well as a tight upper bound for the energy of a given conformation. We validate our results by using three different inter-residue energy matrices for five proteins from protein data bank (PDB), and by comparing our energy-minimizing sequences with 80 million diverse sequences that are generated based on different considerations in each case. When we submitted some of our chosen energy-minimizing sequences to Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST), we obtained some sequences from non-redundant protein sequence database that are similar to ours with an E-value of the order of 10(-7). In summary, we conclude that proteins show a trend towards minimizing energy in the sequence space but do not seem to adopt the global energy-minimizing sequence. The reason for this could be either that the existing energy matrices are not able to accurately represent the inter-residue interactions in the context of the protein environment or that Nature does not push the optimization in the sequence space, once it is able to perform the function.


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Reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) to hydrocarbon fuel with solar energy is significant for high-density solar energy storage and carbon balance. In this work, single palladium/platinum (Pd/Pt) atoms supported on graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4), i.e. Pd/g-C3N4 and Pt/g-C3N4, acting as photocatalysts for CO2 reduction were investigated by density function theory (DFT) calcu-lations for the first time. During CO2 reduction, the individual metal atoms function as the active sites, while g-C3N4 provides the source of hydrogen (H*) from hydrogen evolution reaction. The complete, as-designed photocatalysts exhibit excellent activity in CO2 reduction. HCOOH is the preferred product of CO2 reduction on the Pd/g-C3N4 catalyst with a rate-determining barrier of 0.66 eV, while the Pt/g-C3N4 catalyst prefers to reduce CO2 to CH4 with a rate-determining barrier of 1.16 eV. In addition, depositing atom catalysts on g-C3N4 significantly enhances the visible light absorption, rendering them ideal for visible light reduction of CO2. Our findings open a new avenue of CO2 reduction for renewable energy supply.


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Presented here is the two-phase thermodynamic (2PT) model for the calculation of energy and entropy of molecular fluids from the trajectory of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. In this method, the density of state (DoS) functions (including the normal modes of translation, rotation, and intramolecular vibration motions) are determined from the Fourier transform of the corresponding velocity autocorrelation functions. A fluidicity parameter (f), extracted from the thermodynamic state of the system derived from the same MD, is used to partition the translation and rotation modes into a diffusive, gas-like component (with 3Nf degrees of freedom) and a nondiffusive, solid-like component. The thermodynamic properties, including the absolute value of entropy, are then obtained by applying quantum statistics to the solid component and applying hard sphere/rigid rotor thermodynamics to the gas component. The 2PT method produces exact thermodynamic properties of the system in two limiting states: the nondiffusive solid state (where the fluidicity is zero) and the ideal gas state (where the fluidicity becomes unity). We examine the 2PT entropy for various water models (F3C, SPC, SPC/E, TIP3P, and TIP4P-Ew) at ambient conditions and find good agreement with literature results obtained based on other simulation techniques. We also validate the entropy of water in the liquid and vapor phases along the vapor-liquid equilibrium curve from the triple point to the critical point. We show that this method produces converged liquid phase entropy in tens of picoseconds, making it an efficient means for extracting thermodynamic properties from MD simulations.


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Spike detection in neural recordings is the initial step in the creation of brain machine interfaces. The Teager energy operator (TEO) treats a spike as an increase in the `local' energy and detects this increase. The performance of TEO in detecting action potential spikes suffers due to its sensitivity to the frequency of spikes in the presence of noise which is present in microelectrode array (MEA) recordings. The multiresolution TEO (mTEO) method overcomes this shortcoming of the TEO by tuning the parameter k to an optimal value m so as to match to frequency of the spike. In this paper, we present an algorithm for the mTEO using the multiresolution structure of wavelets along with inbuilt lowpass filtering of the subband signals. The algorithm is efficient and can be implemented for real-time processing of neural signals for spike detection. The performance of the algorithm is tested on a simulated neural signal with 10 spike templates obtained from [14]. The background noise is modeled as a colored Gaussian random process. Using the noise standard deviation and autocorrelation functions obtained from recorded data, background noise was simulated by an autoregressive (AR(5)) filter. The simulations show a spike detection accuracy of 90%and above with less than 5% false positives at an SNR of 2.35 dB as compared to 80% accuracy and 10% false positives reported [6] on simulated neural signals.


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Recent single molecule experiments have suggested the existence of a photochemical funnel in the photophysics of conjugated polymers, like poly[2-methoxy-5-(2'-ethylhexyl)oxy-1,4-phenylenevinylene] (MEH-PPV). The funnel is believed to be a consequence of the presence of conformational or chemical defects along the polymer chain and efficient non-radiative energy transfer among different chromophore segments. Here we address the effect of the excitation energy dynamics on the photophysics of PPV. The PPV chain is modeled as a polymer with the length distribution of chromophores given either by a Gaussian or by a Poisson distribution. We observe that the Poisson distribution of the segment lengths explains the photophysics of PPV better than the Gaussian distribution. A recently proposed version of an extended particle-in-a-box' model is used to calculate the exciton energies and the transition dipole moments of the chromophores, and a master equation to describe the excitation energy transfer among different chromophores. The rate of energy transfer is assumed to be given here, as a first approximation, by the well-known Forster expression. The observed excitation population dynamics confirms the photochemical funneling of excitation energy from shorter to longer chromophores of the polymer chain. The time scale of spectral shift and energy transfer for our model polymer, with realistic values of optical parameters, is in the range of 200-300 ps. We find that the excitation energy may not always migrate towards the longest chromophore segments in the polymer chain as the efficiency of energy transfer between chromophores depends on the separation distance between the two and their relative orientation.


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We study wireless multihop energy harvesting sensor networks employed for random field estimation. The sensors sense the random field and generate data that is to be sent to a fusion node for estimation. Each sensor has an energy harvesting source and can operate in two modes: Wake and Sleep. We consider the problem of obtaining jointly optimal power control, routing and scheduling policies that ensure a fair utilization of network resources. This problem has a high computational complexity. Therefore, we develop a computationally efficient suboptimal approach to obtain good solutions to this problem. We study the optimal solution and performance of the suboptimal approach through some numerical examples.


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The excellent metal support interaction between palladium (Pd) and titanium nitride (TiN) is exploited in designing an efficient anode material. Pd-TN, that could be useful for direct ethanol fuel cell in alkaline media. The physicochemical and electrochemical characterization of the Pd-TiN/electrolyte interface reveals an efficient oxidation of ethanol coupled with excellent stability of the catalyst under electrochemical conditions. Characterization of the interface using in situ Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (in situ FITR) shows the production CO2 at low overvoltages revealing an efficient cleaving of the C-C bond. The performance comparison of Pd supported on TiN (Pd-TiN) with that supported on carbon (Pd-C) clearly demonstrates the advantages of TiN support over carbon. A positive chemical shift of Pd (3d) binding energy confirms the existence of metal support interaction between pd and TiN, which in turn helps weaken the Pd-CO synergetic bonding interaction. The remarkable ability of TiN to accumulate -OH species on its surface coupled with the strong adhesion of Pd makes TiN an active support material for electrocatalysts.


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The present study evaluates the feasibility of undelimbed Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) for integrated production of pulp and energy in a kraft pulp mill from the technical, economic and environmental points of view, focusing on the potential of bundle harvesting. The feasibility of tree sections for pulp production was tested by conducting an industrial wood-handling experiment, laboratory cooking and bleaching trials, using conventional small-diameter Scots pine pulpwood as a reference. These trials showed that undelimbed Scots pine sections can be processed in favourable conditions as a blend with conventional small-diameter pulpwood without reducing the pulp quality. However, fibre losses at various phases of the process may increase when using undelimbed material. In the economic evaluation, both pulp production and wood procurement costs were considered, using the relative wood paying capability of a kraft pulp mill as a determinant. The calculations were made for three Scots pine first-thinning stands with the breast-height diameter of the removal (6 12 cm) as the main distinctive factor. The supply chains included in the comparison were based on cut-to-length harvesting, whole-tree harvesting and bundle harvesting (whole-tree bundling). With the current ratio of pulp and energy prices, the wood paying capability declines with an increase in the proportion of the energy fraction of the raw material. The supply system based on the cut-to-length method was the most efficient option, resulting in the highest residual value at stump in most cases. A decline in the pulp price and an increase in the energy price improved the competitiveness of the whole-tree systems. With short truck transportation distances and low pulp prices, however, the harvesting of loose whole trees can result in higher residual value at stump in small-diameter stands. While savings in transportation costs did not compensate for the high cutting and compaction costs by the second prototype of the bundle harvester, an increase in transportation distances improved its competitiveness. Since harvesting undelimbed assortments increases nutrient export from the site, which can affect soil productivity, the whole-tree alternatives included in the present study cannot be recommended on infertile peatlands and mineral soils. The harvesting of loose whole trees or bundled whole trees implies a reduction in protective logging residues and an increase in site traffic or payloads. These factors increase the risk of soil damage, especially on peat soils with poor bearing capacity. Within the wood procurement parameters which were examined, the CO2 emissions of the supply systems varied from 13 27 kg m3. Compaction of whole trees into bundles reduced emissions from transportation by 30 39%, but these reductions were insufficient to compensate for the increased emissions from cutting and compaction.


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Described are methods which can be used by developing countries to affordably obtain the energy without ruining the environment. The approaches mix efficient end-use technologies with modest increases in generating capacity. (CW).


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Steady-state fluorescence, lifetime measurements and time-resolved absorption spectra of the covalently linked hetero dimers consisting of pheophorbide and porphyrin revealed rapid (1011–1012s−1) and efficient singlet—singlet excitation energy transfer from porphyrin unit to pheophorbide.