682 resultados para encapsulation


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O trabalho apresentado foi realizado em duas etapas independentes e baseou-se no estudo de diferentes sistemas nanométricos para viabilizar a aplicação da ftalocianina de cloro alumínio (ClAlPc) na terapia fotodinâmica (TFD) para o tratamento do câncer de pele do tipo melanoma. O fármaco fotossensibilizante (FS) utilizado apresenta propriedades físico-químicas que lhe permitem exercer sua atividade fotodinâmica com excelência, sem a interferência do cromóforo endógeno melanina existente nas células melanocíticas. Para driblar sua elevada hidrofobicidade, ClAlPc foi encapsulada em sistemas nanométricos para administração em meio fisiológico. Inicialmente nanopartículas lipídicas sólidas (NLS) foram desenvolvidas por emulsificação direta, após um estudo de elaboração do diagrama de fases. O compritol foi o lipídio sólido escolhido para compor as NLS, com diferentes concentrações de ClAlPc. Todas as formulações desenvolvidas foram devidamente caracterizadas, com tamanho médio entre 100 e 200 nm, baixa polidispersão, potencial zeta adequadamente negativo (~|30| mV), drug loading de ClAlPc entre 76-94% (com pequena redução após 24 meses) e alta eficiência de encapsulação (E.E.). A morfologia arredondada das nanopartículas foi confirmada por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e de força atômica. A estabilidade das NLS foi de 24 meses. A avaliação da cristalinidade do lipídio revelou a integração da ClAlPc à matriz lipídica da NLS, presença de estruturas polimórficas e grau de cristalinidade adequado, sem alterações após 24 meses. Nos estudos de difusão in vitro, observou-se que ftalocianina encapsulada nas NLS acumulam-se preferencialmente na epiderme e derme do que no estrato córneo, sem traços de permeação do ativo. Foi confirmado o caráter biocompatível das NLS sobre fibroblastos NIH-3T3. A ftalocianina encapsulada nas NLS não foi tóxica na linhagem de melanoma B16-F10 na ausência de luz, porém, apresentou excelente efeito fototóxico (0,75 ?g mL-1 de ClAlPc nanoencapsulada e irradiação entre 0,5 e 2,0 J cm-2), com redução da viabilidade celular de 87%. O segundo sistema de veiculação estudado foram as vesículas cataniônicas (VesCat), que se formam espontaneamente em água com o tensoativo TriCat 12. A obtenção das vesículas contendo ClAlPc envolve uma etapa adicional, para remoção de solvente orgânico, que foi aprimorada, reduzindo o tempo de produção em 55%. As VesCat/ClAlPc obtidas mantiveram suas propriedades físico-químicas e morfologia arredondada (confirmada por microscopia eletrônica de varredura), drug loading de 47% e alta E.E. Os resultados comprovaram que a aplicação desses dois sistemas nanométricos é altamente eficiente para aplicação da TFD no tratamento do câncer de pele do tipo melanoma ou outras doenças cutâneas, apresentando características favoráveis para avanços nos estudos de fase clínica e pré-clínica.


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Entre os inibidores de corrosão clássicos que já são utilizados na indústria do petróleo, foram estudadas a imidazolina oleica e a quaternária através de técnicas eletroquímicas, gravimétrica e analíticas, para avaliar a eficiência de inibição e como esses inibidores atuam em meio ácido. O meio agressivo foi uma solução de NaCl 3,5% em massa acidificada com ácido clorídrico até atingir um pH=2 com o objetivo de simular o ambiente de extração petrolífera. O substrato empregado foi o aço carbono 1020. As técnicas eletroquímicas utilizadas foram: monitoramento do potencial de circuito aberto, medidas de resistência de polarização linear, espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica (EIE ) e curvas de polarização. Os valores das componentes real e imaginária de impedância indicam uma resistência maior aos processos de transferência de carga com o aumento da concentração dos inibidores e os Diagramas de Bode de ângulo de fase, revelaram a presença de uma camada de inibidor adsorvida sobre o metal com uma constante de tempo em altas frequências observada para a imidazolina oleica e quaternária. Para a imidazolina quaternária, verificou-se que só para tempos maiores de imersão é que o filme se adsorve de forma eficiente demonstrando uma cinética mais lenta de adsorção. Nos ensaios gravimétricos, os resultados de taxa de corrosão em m/ano foram decrescentes com o tempo após período de imersão de 30 dias, para ambas as imidazolinas. O uso das técnicas analíticas foi necessário a fim de se compreender melhor o comportamento das imidazolinas sobre o aço no meio estudado. Os resultados da análise de íons férricos em solução, por emissão atômica, foram obtidos durante várias amostragens durante o período do ensaio de perda de massa, e foi possível verificar um processo de inibição da corrosão até doze dias de imersão do metal, depois disto ocorre um disparo na quantidade de ferro liberado em solução, sugerindo que pode estar ocorrendo uma degradação do inibidor após 12 dias de imersão. Para esclarecer esse ponto, análises por espectroscopia Raman dos produtos de fundo formados durante os ensaios de perda de massa indicaramm que a degradação pode realmente estar ocorrendo. Foi confirmado, também por espectroscopia Raman sobre a superfície do aço após imersão prévia em solução contendo a imidazolina oleica, que há uma película adsorvida que protege o metal do meio agressivo. Técnica de microscopia eletrônica de varredura foi utilizada para caracterizar os corpos de prova na ausência e presença do inibidor, depois dos ensaios eletroquímicos e foi possível caracterizar, através dessa técnica a maior eficiência inibidora do filme de imidazolina quaternária. Dois tipos de nanoconatiners foram avaliados para o encapsulamento das duas imidazolinas estudadas: nanocontainers a base do argilomineral haloiista e sílica mesoporosa tipo SBA 15. Resultados de impedância eletroquímica mostraram a liberação dos inibidores de corrosão encapsulados com o tempo de imersão. Análise na região do infravermelho por sonda de fibra ótica foi utilizada para comprovar química e qualitativamente a liberação do inibidor a partir dos nanorreservatórios, no meio agressivo.


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O câncer é uma das maiores causas de mortalidade no Brasil e no mundo, com potencial de crescimento nas próximas décadas. Um tipo de tratamento promissor é a hipertermia magnética, procedimento no qual as células tumorais morrem pelo efeito do calor gerado por partículas magnéticas após a aplicação de campo magnético alternado em frequências adequadas. Tais partículas também são capazes de atuar como agentes de contraste para imageamento por ressonância magnética, um poderoso método de diagnóstico para identificação de células neoplásicas, formando a combinação conhecida como theranostics (terapia e diagnóstico). Neste trabalho foram sintetizadas nanopartículas de óxido de ferro por método de coprecipitação com posterior encapsulação por técnica de nano spray drying, visando sua aplicação no tratamento de câncer por hipertermia e como agente de contraste para imageamento por ressonância magnética. Para a encapsulação foram utilizadas matrizes poliméricas de Maltodextrina com Polissorbato 80, Pluronic F68, Eudragit® S100 e PCL com Pluronic F68, escolhidos com o intuito de formar partículas que dispersem bem em meio aquoso e que consigam atingir alvo tumoral após administração no corpo do paciente. Parâmetros de secagem pelo equipamento Nano Spray Dryer, como temperatura, solvente e concentração de reagentes, foram avaliados. As partículas formadas foram caracterizadas por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura, Difração de Raios-X, Análise Termogravimétrica, Espalhamento de Luz Dinâmico, Espectroscopia de Infravermelho, magnetismo quanto a magnetização de saturação e temperatura, citotoxicidade e potencial de aquecimento. Tais procedimentos indicaram que o método de coprecipitação produziu nanopartículas de magnetita de tamanho em torno 20 nm, superparamagnéticas a temperatura ambiente, sem potencial citotóxico. A técnica de nano spray drying foi eficiente para a formação de partículas com tamanho em torno de 1 μm, também superparamagnéticas, biocompatíveis e com propriedades magnéticas adequadas e para aplicações pretendidas. Destaca-se a amostra com Pluronic, OF-10/15-1P, que apresentou magnetização de saturação de 68,7 emu/g e interação específica com células tumorais.


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The direct electron transfer between indium–tin oxide electrodes (ITO) and cytochrome c encapsulated in different sol–gel silica networks was studied. Cyt c@silica modified electrodes were synthesized by a two-step encapsulation method mixing a phosphate buffer solution with dissolved cytochrome c and a silica sol prepared by the alcohol-free sol–gel route. These modified electrodes were characterized by cyclic voltammetry, UV–vis spectroscopy, and in situ UV–vis spectroelectrochemistry. The electrochemical response of encapsulated protein is influenced by the terminal groups of the silica pores. Cyt c does not present electrochemical response in conventional silica (hydroxyl terminated) or phenyl terminated silica. Direct electron transfer to encapsulated cytochrome c and ITO electrodes only takes place when the protein is encapsulated in methyl modified silica networks.


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The electroassisted encapsulation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes was performed into silica matrices (SWCNT@SiO2). This material was used as the host for the potentiostatic growth of polyaniline (PANI) to yield a hybrid nanocomposite electrode, which was then characterized by both electrochemical and imaging techniques. The electrochemical properties of the SWCNT@SiO2-PANI composite material were tested against inorganic (Fe3+/Fe2+) and organic (dopamine) redox probes. It was observed that the electron transfer constants for the electrochemical reactions increased significantly when a dispersion of either SWCNT or PANI was carried out inside of the SiO2 matrix. However, the best results were obtained when polyaniline was grown through the pores of the SWCNT@SiO2 material. The enhanced reversibility of the redox reactions was ascribed to the synergy between the two electrocatalytic components (SWCNTs and PANI) of the composite material.


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Tecnologia Farmacêutica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2016


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The suitability of Portland cement blends for encapsulation of Cs-Ionsiv in a monolithic wasteform was investigated. No evidence of reaction or dissolution of the Cs-Ionsiv in the cementitious environment was found by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. However, a small fraction (≤1.6 wt%) of the Cs inventory was released from the encapsulated Ionsiv during leaching experiments carried out on hydrated samples. Cs release was enhanced by exchange of K and Na present in the cementitious pore water. Cement systems lower in K and Na, such as slag based blends, showed lower Cs release than the fly ash based analogues. © 2010 Materials Research Society.


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Subunit vaccines, based on one or more epitopes, offer advantages over whole vaccines in terms of safety but are less antigenic. We investigated whether fusion of the cytokine interleukin-2 (IL-2) to influenza-derived subunit antigens could increase their antigenicity. The fusion of IL-2 to the subunit antigens increased their antigenicity in vitro. Encapsulation of the subunit antigen in liposomes also increased its antigenicity in vitro, yet encapsulation of the subunit IL-2 fusion did not. The use of anti-IL-2 receptor beta (IL-2Rbeta) antibody to block the receptor subunit on macrophages suggested that the adjuvancy exerted by IL-2 in our in vitro system is due to, at least in part, a previously unreported IL-2Rbeta-mediated antigen uptake mechanism.


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Background: Encapsulation in hepatocellular carcinoma is associated with decreased invasiveness and improved survival in several series. Although active fibrogenesis by myofibroblasts has been demonstrated in the capsule, it is unclear if the capsule results from a general increase in peritumoral fibrosis, or an inherently less invasive tumor phenotype. The relationship between collagen deposition within tumor stroma, presence of cirrhosis and invasiveness also needs clarification. Methods: We performed immunohistochemistry for collagens I, III, IV and VI on sections of encapsulated and non-encapsulated hepatocellular carcinoma, arising in cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic livers. Staining was graded semi-quantitatively in tumor stromal elements and adjacent parenchymal sinusoids. The relationship of this staining with encapsulation, cirrhosis, and vascular invasion was analyzed. Results: Formation of a discrete capsular layer was associated with reduced vascular invasion, but not with a pervasive increase in peritumoral fibrosis. Increased collagen I content of tumor stroma and adjacent parenchymal sinusoids was associated with non-encapsulated tumors and vascular invasion. The presence of cirrhosis had little effect on capsule composition. Conclusions: Encapsulation of hepatocellular carcinoma reflects reduced invasiveness, rather than increased peritumoral collagen synthesis, which may instead enhance invasion. Increased intratumoral collagen I protein is also associated with increased tumor invasiveness. Pre-existing cirrhosis has little effect on tumor progression, possibly because the characteristics of cirrhosis are overwhelmed by tumor-induced changes in the adjacent parenchyma.(C) 2003 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.


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Properties relevant to the ovipositional activity and lifetime productivity of Coccidoxenoides peregrinus (Timberlake) were assessed in the laboratory, to determine the potential of this species as a biocontrol agent against the citrus mealybug, Planococcus citri (Risso). In general, this species has not performed well in orchards, except for a few localities on different continents. The mode of reproduction of C peregrinus is almost entirely thelytokous, with males produced sporadically and at low frequency. The females have both pro-ovigenic and synovigenic traits, which raises questions of the utility of this distinction. The females have a high reproductive potential with 10-20 eggs per day available within the first two days (after a short (12 h) pre-oviposition period), and 80-150 eggs per day thereafter until death at about eight days. Mean lifetime fecundity was 239.2 +/- 34.3 eggs. C peregrinus oviposits across a range of P. citri instars, but productivity relies predominantly on second instar hosts. Second stage (N2) hosts received most eggs in choice (about 52%) and no-choice (about 50%) tests. Most eggs deposited into N2 hosts (82%) reached adult stage whereas only a few of those deposited into N1 and N3 (about 5% each) developed successfully. The haemolymph of parasitised reproductive mealybugs contained granular structures and no parasitoid eggs were found 24 h after exposure to ovipositing wasps. Also, no wasps emerged from parasitised adult hosts that were kept alive. Parasitoid eggs deposited into adult hosts were presumed encapsulated and destroyed, as control mealybugs (not exposed to female wasps) had no granular structures in their haemolymph. Wasps exposed to an abundance of hosts soon started ovipositing, but only for a relatively short time each day (about 2.5 h out of a 7 h exposure). They stopped ovipositing despite eggs judged to be mature in their ovaries. The reproductive output of C peregrinus is discussed in relation to the ecological factors that could influence this output, and the implications for biocontrol are discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The ann of this study was to investigate the incorporation of a model antigen, fluorescently labelled ovalbumin (FITC-OVA), into various colloidal particles including immune stimulating complexes (ISCOMs), liposomes, ring and worm-like micelles, lamellae and lipidic/layered structures that are formed from various combinations of the triterpene saponin Quil A, cholesterol and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) following hydration of PE/cholesterol lipid films with aqueous Solutions of Quil A. Colloidal dispersions of these three components were also prepared by the dialysis method for comparison. FITC-OVA was conjugated with palmitic acid (P) and PE to produce P-FITC-OVA and PE-FITC-OVA, respectively. Both P-FITC-OVA and PE-FITC-OVA could be incorporated in all colloidal structures whereas FITC-OVA was incorporated only into liposomes. The incorporation of PE-FITC-OVA into all colloidal structures was significantly higher than P-FITC-OVA (P < 0.05). The degree of incorporation of protein was in the order: ring and worm-like micelles < liposomes and lipidic/layered structures < ISCOMs and lamellae. The incorporation of protein into the various particles prepared by the lipid film hydration method was similar to those for colloidal particles prepared by the dialysis method (provided both methods lead to the formation of the same colloidal structures). In the case of different colloidal structures arising due to the preparation method, differences in encapsulation efficiency were found (P < 0.05) for formulations with the same polar lipid composition. This study demonstrates that the various colloidal particles formed as a result of hydrating PE/cholesterol lipid films with different amounts of Quil A are capable of incorporating antigen, provided it is amphipathic. Some of these colloidal particles may be used as effective vaccine delivery systems. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Flavoring is still a difficult problem in the snack food industry because of the high volatility of flavors and their instability under extrusion condition. Although postextrusion added flavor is commonly used, it suffers from numerous drawbacks. Flavor losses at the exit die because flash distillation is a critical issue and can only be minimized by controlling the pressure difference at the end of the barrel and the exit die, which, however, affects other desirable product characteristics. Residence time distribution (RTD), as an important intermediate process variable that among others controls the extent of reactions, can also be a major determinant on flavor retention during extrusion. Encapsulation of flavors is a promising alternative to enhance the retention of preextrusion added flavor during extrusion. The capsules should withstand high temperature and shear conditions in, the extruder barrel. Various encapsulation techniques and their encapsulated flavor characteristics are illustrated.


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The probiotics, Lactobacillus acidophilus 547, Bifidobacterium bifidum ATCC 1994, and Lactobacillus casei 01, were encapsulated into uncoated calcium alginate beads and the same beads were coated with three types of material, chitosan, sodium alginate, and poly-L-lysine in combination with alginate. The thickness of the alginate beads increased with the addition of coating materials. No differences were detectable in the bead strength by texture analysis or in the thickness of the beads with different types of coating materials by transmission electron microscopy. The survivability of three probiotics in uncoated beads, coated beads, and as free cells (unencapsulated) was conducted in 0.6% bile salt solution and simulated gastric juice (pH 1.55) followed by incubation in simulated intestinal juice with and without 0.6% bile salt. Chitosan-coated alginate beads provided the best protection for L. acidophilus and L. casei in all treatments. However, B. bifidum did not survive the acidic conditions of gastric juice even when encapsulated in coated heads. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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During oviposition, the parasitoid wasp Cotesia congregata injects polydnavirus, venom, and parasitoid eggs into larvae of its lepidopteran host.. the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. Polydnaviruses (PDVs) suppress the immune system of the host and allow the juvenile parasitoids to develop without being encapsulated by host hemocytes mobilized by the immune system. Previous work identified a gene in the Cotesia rubecula PDV (CrV1) that is responsible for depolymerization of actin in hemocytes of the host Pieris rapae during a narrow temporal window from 4 to 8 h post-parasitization. Its expression appears temporally correlated with hemocyte dysfunction. After this time, the hemocytes recover, and encapsulation is then inhibited by other mechanism(s). In contrast, in parasitized tobacco hornworm larvae this type of inactivation in hemocytes of parasitized M. sexta larvae leads to irreversible cellular disruption. We have characterized the temporal pattern of expression of the CrV1-homolog from the C. congregata PDV in host fat body and hemocytes using Northern blots, and localized the protein in host hemocytes with polyclonal antibodies to CrV1 protein produced in P. rapae in response to expression of the CrV1 protein. Host hemocytes stained with FITC-labeled phalloidin, which binds to filamentous actin, were used to observe hemocyte disruption in parasitized and virus-injected hosts and a comparison was made to hemocytes of nonparasitized control larvae. At 24 h post-parasitization host hemocytes were significantly altered compared to those of nonparasitized larvae. Hemocytes front newly parasitized hosts displayed blebbing, inhibition of spreading and adhesion, and overall cell disruption. A CrV1-homolog gene product was localized in host hemocytes using polyclonal CrV1 antibodies, suggesting that CrV1-like gene products of C. congregata's bracovirus are responsible for the impaired immune response of the host. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Many insect parasitoids that deposit their eggs inside immature stages of other insect species inactivate the cellular host defence to protect the growing embryo from encapsulation. Suppression of encapsulation by polydnavirus-encoded immune-suppressors correlates with specific alterations in hemocytes, mainly cytoskeletal rearrangements and actin-cytoskeleton breakdown. We have previously shown that the Cotesia rubecula polydnavirus gene product CrV1 causes immune suppression when injected into the host hemocoel. CrV1 is taken up by hemocytes although no receptors have been found to bind the protein. Instead CrV1 uptake depends on dimer formation, which is required for interacting with lipophorin, suggesting a CrV1-lipophorin complex internalisation by hemocytes. Since treatment of hemocytes with oligomeric lectins and cytochalasin D can mimic the effects of CrV1, we propose that some dimeric and oligomeric adhesion molecules are able to cross-link receptors on the cell surface and depolymerise actin by leverage-mediated clearance reactions in the hemolymph.