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The Brazilian Granitic Province from southeastern Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso region, central western Brazil, can be divided into two major groups and/or magmatic events related to the evolution of the Paraguay Fold Belt. The southern portion crops out in Mato Grosso do Sul State and is constituted by the Taboco, Rio Negro, Coxim and Sonora massifs forming NE-SW oriented, elongated small intrusions. The north portion crops out in Mato Grosso State and is constituted by the São Vicente, Araguaiana and Lajinha batholiths. Lithogeochemical aspects of the northern granites point to Type-I granites ranging from K calc-alkaline to high-K, peraluminous to metaluminous in composition, generated in an environment of continental collision and/or post- collision decompression. The southern granites are Type-I, from K calc-alkaline to high-K, peraluminous to subordinate metalummous, in a syn-collision continental arc environment with the exception of some pre-collisional facies from the Rio Negro Massif. The southern granites have less SiO 2 and K 2O, and are less differentiated and evolved than granites from the northern region. The four southern granites can be grouped into two subordinate sets with the degree of differentiation increasing from South (Taboco and Rio Negro) to North (Coxim and Sonora). The granitic rocks are characterized by a magmatism generated by melting of material from the lower crust which suggests that in this province the formation from non-cogenetic magmas with diversified compositions and distinct degrees of fractioning reaching more steady consolidated environments at the end of the collisional event in the southeastern Amazonian Craton.


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Shells of Bouchardia rosea (Brachiopoda, Rhynchonelliformea) are abundant in Late Holocene death assemblages of the Ubatuba Bight, Brazil, SW Atlantic. This genus is also known from multiple localities in the Cenozoic fossil record of South America. A total of 1211 valves of B. rosea, 2086 shells of sympatric bivalve mollusks (14 nearshore localities ranging in depth from 0 to 30 m), 80 shells of Bouchardia zitteli, San Julián Formation, Paleogene, Argentina, and 135 shells of Bouchardia transplatina, Camacho Formation, Neogene, Uruguay were examined for bioerosion traces. All examined bouchardiid shells represent shallow-water, subtropical marine settings. Out of 1211 brachiopod shells of B. rosea, 1201 represent dead individuals. A total of 149 dead specimens displayed polychaete traces (Caulostrepsis). Live polychaetes were found inside Caulostrepsis borings in 10 life-collected brachiopods, indicating a syn-vivo interaction (Caulostrepsis traces in dead shells of B. rosea were always empty). The long and coiled peristomial palps, large chaetae on both sides of the 5th segment, and flanged pygidium found in the polychaetes are characteristic of the polychaete genus Polydora (Spionidae). The fact that 100% of the Caulostrepsis found in living brachiopods were still inhabited by the trace-making spionids, whereas none was found in dead hosts, implies active biotic interaction between the two living organisms rather than colonization of dead brachiopod shells. The absence of blisters, the lack of valve/site stereotypy, and the fact that tubes open only externally are all suggestive of a commensal relationship. These data document a new host group (bouchardiid rhynchonelliform brachiopods) with which spionids can interact (interestingly, spionid-infested sympatric bivalves have not been found in the study area despite extensive sampling). The syn-vivo interaction indicates that substantial bioerosion may occur when the host is alive. Thus, the presence of such bioerosion traces on fossil shells need not imply a prolonged post-mortem exposure of shells on the sea floor. Also, none of the Paleogene and Neogene Bouchardia species included any ichnological evidence for spionid infestation. This indicates that the Spionidae/ Bouchardia association may be geologically young, although the lack of older records may also reflect limited sampling and/or taphonomic biases.


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The Neoproterozoic Granitic Province from the southeast of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul region is constituted by seven distinctive granitic bodies, emplaced in the epimetamorphic rocks of the Cuiabá Group and related to the evolution of Paraguai Folded Belt. The Northern portion crops out in Mato Grosso State and is constituted by São Vicente, Araguaiana and Lajinha batholiths; the Southern portion crops out in the Mato Grosso do Sul State and is represented the Sonora, Coxim Rio Negro and Taboco massifs. The structural evolution is evidenced by the presence of three deformational phases, the first one is characterized by axial planar foliation (S 1), parallel or sub parallel to S 0, with attitude N60E/70NW; the second constitutes the most important phase for the tectonic arrangement and is defined by a slaty and/or crenulation cleavages (S 2), with attitude N10W/30SW and contact metamorphism associated to the emplacement of granitic bodies, the third phase is characterized by a weak retrometamorphic cleavage (S 3) with attitude N10E/ 80NW, that evolves local and gradually to strike-slip shear zones. The geological data suggest that this province was formed syn- to post tectonic to the D2 deformational set associated to the end of the collisional event in the Southeastern of the Amazonian Craton.


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Intercropping corn (Zea mays L.) with forages, such as palisadegrass {Urochloa brizantha (Hochst. ex A. rich.) r. D. Webster [syn. Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. rich.) Stapf]} or guineagrass [Megathyrsus maximus (Jacq.) B. K. Simon & S. W. L. Jacobs (syn. Panicum maximum Jacq.)], provides large amounts of biomass for use as straw in no-tillage systems or as pasture. However, it is important to evaluate what time these forages have to be sown into corn systems to avoid reductions in both corn and forage production. This study, conducted for three growing seasons at Botucatu, Brazil, evaluated nutrient concentration and yield of corn as affected by time of forage intercropped as well as forage's dry matter production. our data showed that intercropping systems did not reduce leaf nutrient concentrations and grain yield of corn in relation to sole corn. The simultaneous intercropping of corn and guineagrass resulted in the lowest plant population (51, 200 plant ha-1), number of ears per plant (1.0), and, consequently, the lowest corn grain yield (9801 kg ha-1). Guineagrass seeded at the time of corn fertilizer topdressing resulted in the highest plant population (59, 400 plants ha-1), number of ears per plant (1.2), and corn grain yield (12, 077 kg ha-1). Forage production was highest when intercrop was done simultaneously. palisadegrass could be intercropped with corn both simultaneously or at topdressing fertilization stage. In contrast, it is recommended that guineagrass should only be intercropped with corn at topdressingfertilization. © Crop Science Society of America.


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Modelling polymers with side chains is always a challenge once the degrees of freedom are very high. In this study, we present a successful methodology to model poly[2-methoxy-5-(2′-ethyl-hexyloxy)-p-phenylenevinylene] (MEH-PPV) and poly[3-hexylthiophene] (P3HT) in solutions, taking into account the influence of side chains on the polymer conformation. Molecular dynamics and semi-empirical quantum mechanical methods were used for structure optimisation and evaluation of optical properties. The methodology allows to describe structural and optical characteristics of the polymers in a satisfactory way, as well as to evaluate some usual simplifications adopted for modelling these systems. Effective conjugation lengths of 8-14.6 and 21 monomers were obtained for MEH-PPV and P3HT, respectively, in accordance with experimental findings. In addition, anti/syn conformations of these polymers could be predicted based on intrinsic interactions of the lateral branches. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Xylose is the main sugar in hemicellulosic hydrolysates and its fermentation into ethanol by microorganisms is influenced by nutritional factors, such as nitrogen source, vitamins and other elements. Rice bran extract (RBE) is an inexpensive nitrogen source primarily consisting of high amount of protein. This study evaluates the potential of RBE as a nitrogen source for the hemicellulosic ethanol production from sugarcane bagasse dilute acid hydrolysate by novel yeast strains Scheffersomyces shehatae (syn. Candida shehatae) CG8-8BY and Spathaspora arborariae UFMG-HM19.1A, isolated from Brazilian forests. Two different media formulations were used for inoculum preparation and production medium, using yeast extract and RBE as nitrogen sources. S. shehatae CG8-8BY showed ethanol production of 17.0 g/l with the ethanol yield (0.33 g/g) and fermentation efficiency (64 %) from medium supplemented with RBE. On the other hand, S. arborariae presented 5.4 g/l of ethanol production with ethanol yield (0.14 g/g) and fermentation efficiency (21 %) in a fermentation medium supplemented with RBE. Appropriate media formulation is an important parameter to increase the productivity of bioconversion process and RBE proved to be an efficient and inexpensive nitrogen source to supplement sugarcane bagasse hemicellulosic hydrolysate for second generation ethanol production. © 2013 Society for Sugar Research & Promotion.


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The updraft biomass gasifiers currently available produce a gas with high tar content. For almost all downstream applications a substantial reduction of the tar concentration is required. The gravimetric tar concentration behavior in producer gas, obtained at a modified updraft fixed bed gasifier, was studied. The feedstock feeding system was modified respect to the traditional updraft gasification design in order to decrease the tar concentration in the producer gas; the material is feeding continuously through a conduit in the base of the reactor over the grate. The caloric power of the syngas obtained was slightly lower than the typical value for this type of reactor and the highest efficiency obtained for the woodchip gasification was 77%. The highest tar concentration obtained during the experiments was 1652.7 mg N m-3 during the first our of experiments, comparable with the smaller value reported for the updraft reactors, this value is reduced significantly after the stabilization of the gasification process in the reactor. The smaller value obtained was 21 mg N m-3. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Calodium hepaticum (syn. Capillaria hepatica) é um nematódeo trichurídeo parasito de parênquima hepático de roedores e outros mamíferos. As infecções em humanos são raras, mas são relatadas em diversas regiões do mundo. Numerosos fatores contribuem para a distribuição desta zoonose, particularmente, uma densa população de roedores associada com ambientes urbanos com carência de saneamento básico, tais como aqueles encontrados em algumas cidades da região Norte do Brasil, como a cidade de Belém, localizada na Amazônia Oriental. Este estudo quantifica e demonstra a infecção por Calodium em roedores comensais sinantrópicos, de três bairros da cidade de Belém, Estado do Pará, com carência de saneamento público e alta incidência de leptospirose humana. Um total de 50 roedores foram capturados para análise (26 Rattus rattus e 24 R. norvegicus) e destes, 23 (10 R. rattus e 13 R. norvegicus) apresentaram típicas lesões hepáticas, macroscópicas, causadas por C. hepaticum. A análise de amostras por microscopia de luz direta e histopatológica do fígado dos roedores permitiu a identificação de espécimes desse parasito em fase larvar e adulta, além de numerosos ovos apresentando dupla casca estriada e dois tampões operculares. Este é o primeiro registro da ocorrência de C. hepaticum in R. rattus and R. norvegicus na região Amazônica, alertando para um considerável risco de transmissão para a população humana.


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A região Noroeste da Província Borborema apresenta uma diversidade de corpos graníticos de natureza e evolução tectônica diversificadas, do Paleoproterozoico ao Paleozoico, com maior incidência relacionada ao Neoproterozoico e alojamento em diferentes fases da orogenia Brasiliana. Um desses exemplos é o Granito Chaval, que representa um batólito aflorante próximo à costa Atlântica do Ceará e Piauí, intrusivo em ortognaisses do Complexo Granja e supracrustais do Grupo Martinópole. Ele é, em parte, coberto por depósitos cenozoicos costeiros e rochas sedimentares paleozoicas da Bacia do Parnaíba. O Granito Chaval tem como característica marcante a textura porfirítica, destacando-se megacristais de microclina, em sienogranitos e monzogranitos, e outras feições texturais/estruturais de origem magmática, Essas permitiram interpretar sua evolução como de alojamento relativamente raso do plúton, conduzido por processos de cristalização fracionada, mistura de magmas com fluxo magmático e ação gravitacional em função da diferença de densidade do magma, levando à flutuação e ascensão de megacristais de microclina no magma residual, com alojamento de leucogranitos e pegmatitos nos estágios finais da evolução deste plutonismo. Por outro lado, em toda a metade Leste do plúton, encontra-se um rico acervo de estruturas tectógenas de cisalhamento, relacionada à implantação da Zona de Cisalhamento Transcorrente Santa Rosa, que levou a transformações tectonometamórficas superpostas às feições magmáticas, as quais atingiram condições metamórficas máximas na fácies anfibolito baixo. Cartograficamente, foram individualizados três domínios estruturais em que estão presentes uma gama de variações petroestruturais do Granito Chaval, sejam feições texturais/estruturais ígneas e tectônicas. As rochas plutônicas foram deformadas e modificadas progressivamente à medida que se dirige para Leste, no qual as rochas mudam-se para tonalidades mais escuras do cinza e os processos de cominuição e recristalização dinâmica reduzem, progressivamente, a granulação grossa desses granitos bem como o tamanho dos fenocristais para dimensões mais finas, mantendo-se suas características porfiroides. Desse modo, a trama milonítica se torna evidente, acentuando-se ao atingir a porção principal da Zona de Cisalhamento Transcorrente Santa Rosa. Como principais feições estruturais, destacam-se extinção ondulante forte; encurvamento e segmentação de cristais; geminação de deformação; rotação de cristais; microbudinagem; foliação anastomosada, inclusive S-C; lineação de estiramento; formas amendoadas de porfiroclastos, fitas e folhas de quartzo e recristalização. Os produtos desses processos de cisalhamento resultam na formação de protomilonitos, milonitos e ultramilonitos. Essas faixas miloníticas representam os locais de maior concentração da deformação, por isso é possível acompanhar progressivamente suas modificações texturais e mineralógicas, configurando uma sequência clássica de deformação progressiva heterogênea, por cisalhamento simples, em condições frágil-dúctil e dúctil. O alojamento do Granito Chaval aconteceu no final do Criogeniano (aproximadamente 630 Ma) e pode ser interpretado como magmatismo sin a tardi-tectônico em relação ao evento Brasiliano. O processo de cisalhamento que gerou a Zona de Cisalhamento Transcorrente Santa Rosa se formou nos incrementos finais da deformação de uma colisão continental em um sistema de cavalgamento oblíquo, em que se edificou o Cinturão de Cisalhamento Noroeste do Ceará, devido ao extravasamento lateral de massas crustais em fluxo dúctil acontecido no final da orogenia Brasiliana no Noroeste da Província Borborema.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)