946 resultados para digital cultural objects
This study examined the predictive utility of Lent’s (2004) social cognitive model of well-being in the context of academic satisfaction with a sample of Southeast Asian American college students using a cross-sectional design. Path analysis was used to examine the role of perceived parental trauma, perceived parental acculturative stress, intergenerational family conflict, and social cognitive predictors to academic satisfaction. Participants were 111 Southeast Asian American and 111 East Asian American college students who completed online measures. Contrary to expectations, none of the contextual cultural variables were significant predictors of academic satisfaction. Also contrary to expectations, academic support and self-efficacy were not directly linked to academic satisfaction and outcome expectation was not linked to goal progress. Other social cognitive predictors were related directly and indirectly to academic satisfaction, consistent with prior research. Limitations and implications for future research and practice are addressed.
Numa sociedade em que a globalização, as novas tecnologias, o social media, e as alterações sócio-culturais ditam as regras da nossa vida, o foco na diferenciação revela-se fundamental. O comportamento das empresas e dos consumidores tem sofrido alterações nos últimos anos, desde que a internet foi introduzida no seu quotidiano. As empresas passaram a abordar o mercado de forma diferente, o que por sua vez alterou de forma radical o modo como os consumidores interagem com estas, o que acrescentou uma nova dinâmica na relação de ambas as partes e consequentemente permitiu criar um processo interativo de aprendizagem mútua. Focada não somente nos conceitos teóricos da área de Marketing Digital, o presente relatório pretende caracterizar e analisar o processo de adoção desta vertente do marketing pela empresa Aleluia Cerâmicas, contribuindo no final com um conjunto de sugestões de melhoria futura que poderão proporcionar o aumento da satisfação dos clientes e o aumento da produtividade.
A collaboration between dot.rural at the University of Aberdeen and the iSchool at Northumbria University, POWkist is a pilot-study exploring potential usages of currently available linked datasets within the cultural heritage domain. Many privately-held family history collections (shoebox archives) remain vulnerable unless a sustainable, affordable and accessible model of citizen-archivist digital preservation can be offered. Citizen-historians have used the web as a platform to preserve cultural heritage, however with no accessible or sustainable model these digital footprints have been ad hoc and rarely connected to broader historical research. Similarly, current approaches to connecting material on the web by exploiting linked datasets do not take into account the data characteristics of the cultural heritage domain. Funded by Semantic Media, the POWKist project is investigating how best to capture, curate, connect and present the contents of citizen-historians’ shoebox archives in an accessible and sustainable online collection. Using the Curios platform - an open-source digital archive - we have digitised a collection relating to a prisoner of war during WWII (1939-1945). Following a series of user group workshops, POWkist is now connecting these ‘made digital’ items with the broader web using a semantic technology model and identifying appropriate linked datasets of relevant content such as DBPedia (an archived linked dataset of Wikipedia) and Ordnance Survey Open Data. We are analysing the characteristics of cultural heritage linked datasets, so that these materials are better visualised, contextualised and presented in an attractive and comprehensive user interface. Our paper will consider the issues we have identified, the solutions we are developing and include a demonstration of our work-in-progress.
Advances in digital photography and distribution technologies enable many people to produce and distribute images of their sex acts. When teenagers do this, the photos and videos they create can be legally classified as child pornography since the law makes no exception for youth who create sexually explicit images of themselves. The dominant discussions about teenage girls producing sexually explicit media (including sexting) are profoundly unproductive: (1) they blame teenage girls for creating private images that another person later maliciously distributed and (2) they fail to respect—or even discuss—teenagers’ rights to freedom of expression. Cell phones and the internet make producing and distributing images extremely easy, which provide widely accessible venues for both consensual sexual expression between partners and for sexual harassment. Dominant understandings view sexting as a troubling teenage trend created through the combination of camera phones and adolescent hormones and impulsivity, but this view often conflates consensual sexting between partners with the malicious distribution of a person’s private image as essentially equivalent behaviors. In this project, I ask: What is the role of assumptions about teen girls’ sexual agency in these problematic understandings of sexting that blame victims and deny teenagers’ rights? In contrast to the popular media panic about online predators and the familiar accusation that youth are wasting their leisure time by using digital media, some people champion the internet as a democratic space that offers young people the opportunity to explore identities and develop social and communication skills. Yet, when teen girls’ sexuality enters this conversation, all this debate and discussion narrows to a problematic consensus. The optimists about adolescents and technology fall silent, and the argument that media production is inherently empowering for girls does not seem to apply to a girl who produces a sexually explicit image of herself. Instead, feminist, popular, and legal commentaries assert that she is necessarily a victim: of a “sexualized” mass media, pressure from her male peers, digital technology, her brain structures or hormones, or her own low self-esteem and misplaced desire for attention. Why and how are teenage girls’ sexual choices produced as evidence of their failure or success in achieving Western liberal ideals of self-esteem, resistance, and agency? Since mass media and policy reactions to sexting have so far been overwhelmingly sexist and counter-productive, it is crucial to interrogate the concepts and assumptions that characterize mainstream understandings of sexting. I argue that the common sense that is co-produced by law and mass media underlies the problematic legal and policy responses to sexting. Analyzing a range of nonfiction texts including newspaper articles, talk shows, press releases, public service announcements, websites, legislative debates, and legal documents, I investigate gendered, racialized, age-based, and technologically determinist common sense assumptions about teenage girls’ sexual agency. I examine the consensus and continuities that exist between news, nonfiction mass media, policy, institutions, and law, and describe the limits of their debates. I find that this early 21st century post-feminist girl-power moment not only demands that girls live up to gendered sexual ideals but also insists that actively choosing to follow these norms is the only way to exercise sexual agency. This is the first study to date examining the relationship of conventional wisdom about digital media and teenage girls’ sexuality to both policy and mass media.
El propósito de la investigación es analizar los formatos de televisión vigentes en la transición hacia la televisión digital terrestre en los países andinos e identificar alternativas para la televisión local. La investigación se justifica en razón del apagón analógico entre el 2018 y 2020. La metodología es cualitativa y cuantitativa; los instrumentos son análisis de contenidos y entrevistas semiestructuradas. Los resultados permiten concluir que los contenidos de producción nacional están vinculados con la actualidad. Los elementos que influyen en la creación de contenidos están relacionados con factores de identidad, recursos económicos, talento humano y narrativas. La hibridación de formatos que promuevan la cultura es una opción para las estaciones locales
Relational reasoning, or the ability to identify meaningful patterns within any stream of information, is a fundamental cognitive ability associated with academic success across a variety of domains of learning and levels of schooling. However, the measurement of this construct has been historically problematic. For example, while the construct is typically described as multidimensional—including the identification of multiple types of higher-order patterns—it is most often measured in terms of a single type of pattern: analogy. For that reason, the Test of Relational Reasoning (TORR) was conceived and developed to include three other types of patterns that appear to be meaningful in the educational context: anomaly, antinomy, and antithesis. Moreover, as a way to focus on fluid relational reasoning ability, the TORR was developed to include, except for the directions, entirely visuo-spatial stimuli, which were designed to be as novel as possible for the participant. By focusing on fluid intellectual processing, the TORR was also developed to be fairly administered to undergraduate students—regardless of the particular gender, language, and ethnic groups they belong to. However, although some psychometric investigations of the TORR have been conducted, its actual fairness across those demographic groups has yet to be empirically demonstrated. Therefore, a systematic investigation of differential-item-functioning (DIF) across demographic groups on TORR items was conducted. A large (N = 1,379) sample, representative of the University of Maryland on key demographic variables, was collected, and the resulting data was analyzed using a multi-group, multidimensional item-response theory model comparison procedure. Using this procedure, no significant DIF was found on any of the TORR items across any of the demographic groups of interest. This null finding is interpreted as evidence of the cultural-fairness of the TORR, and potential test-development choices that may have contributed to that cultural-fairness are discussed. For example, the choice to make the TORR an untimed measure, to use novel stimuli, and to avoid stereotype threat in test administration, may have contributed to its cultural-fairness. Future steps for psychometric research on the TORR, and substantive research utilizing the TORR, are also presented and discussed.
This research has been conducted within the realm of where today’s digital media society and the timeless concept of cultural identity overlap. The aim of this thesis is to explore the nature of online cultural identity management. By focusing on the social media platform, Pinterest, this study considers the food-pinning behavior of a group of Americans living in Finland and connects their online actions with their cultural identity. Through an examination of Pinterest as a social space, and even a third place, the relative theoretical literature provides and interesting background for a contemporary discussion on the matter. Literature on food as a cultural marker is also brought into consideration. Using the methods of introspection and an adapted version of virtual ethnography, a study was conducted, and ultimately, the analysis of data obtained from the Pinterest boards of ten individuals shows that the vast majority of food-related information in this setting is US-sourced. A questionnaire provides further insight into the individuals’ Pinterest usage. I argue that pinning is an act of online identity management, whether it is a conscious act or a situational effect, and that using Pinterest maintains and even strengthens these individuals’ cultural identity as Americans. This study adds to current discussions pertaining to transnationalism, globalization, and online cultural identity, as well as opens channels for further research on this dynamic topic, which is needed to understand ourselves as cultural beings in the digital age.
This thesis began with the assertion that future embassies will differ significantly from past and current embassies. Embassy of the Future is a place where people of two (or more) countries come together to learn and share their ideologies, perspectives, dictions and ultimately their humanity. Unlike the traditional embassy model where the focus is on representing the foreign country’s political and legal standing, this thesis asserts that future embassies will focus on representing cultural exchanges while promoting economic and cultural cooperation. In this new embassy model political and security matters should not dominate the cultural and humanitarian matters. This thesis is exploring a proposal for the establishment of an Iranian Embassy in Washington D.C. The goal is to promote the Embassy of the Future concept through an attempt at utilizing an architectural structure to be the convening place for reconnecting and resolving conflicts between Iran and the U.S. It has been 36 years since both countries closed their embassies in one another’s countries.
This thesis will address cultural and physical place reclamation, at the ambiguous intersection of ‘city’ and nature.’ By creating a juxtaposed sequence of multi-scalar interventions, which challenge the conventional boundaries of architecture, and landscape architecture; in order to make commonplace a new dynamic threshold condition in Richmond, Virginia. At its core, this thesis is an attempt at place-making on a site which has become ‘no place.’ This concept will be manifest via a landscape park on Mayo Island in Richmond, anchored by a community retreat center, and architectural follies along a constructed path. The interventions will coincide with value of place in historical Richmond: an integrated, socially desegregated waterfront hinge; a social nexus of inherent change, at the point which the river itself changes at the fall line.
El presente proyecto ha sido realizado con la mentalidad de la “Elaboración de un suplemento turístico-cultural para Diario Portada de la ciudad de Azogues”, complemento representativo para la ciudad mediante varios temas como: reportajes, artículos y entretenimiento. De acuerdo con las encuestas realizadas, la gente no conoce ningún medio de comunicación dentro de la ciudad que posea un suplemento, es por eso que se lo creó, para la distribución de dos ediciones. Cada una de las fotografías y la redacción fueron realizadas por las ejecutoras del proyecto, con la idea de que vaya evidencia del trabajo realizado. Este trabajo está complementado con la investigación teórica de varios y prestigiosos autores que han sido y son expertos en la materia de la comunicación social y el periodismo, y que debidamente han sido citadas en cada uno de los capítulos. Logramos el objetivo con el apoyo de varias personas; la ciudadanía y del medio de comunicación en conjunto con sus directivos. Así como también con el apoyo del Sr. Rafael Santos, quién con su asesoría complementó el proyecto con la diagramación del suplemento en sus dos ediciones, el mismo que no tendrá ningún costo económico para los lectores, pues circulará como un aporte adicional en el Diario y al mismo costo.
El turismo, es una actividad fundamental para el desarrollo económico, social, cultural y ecológico de El Salvador, ya que es un segmento económico de mucho potencial en la generación de riqueza y que acompañado de elementos de tipo social y cultural, es una alternativa para el desarrollo integral de diferentes sectores. El turismo de playa en El Salvador actualmente se está convirtiendo en uno de los rubros de mayor importancia para el desarrollo turístico del país. Actualmente se ha empezado a promover el turismo de playa de El Salvador a nivel internacional, destacando que en el país existen bellas playas durante todo el año, incluso, en periodos de invierno en los que brilla el sol durante casi todo el día. Tomando en consideración lo antes expuesto se presenta el informe final del trabajo de investigación titulado “Marketing Digital Para Incentivar el turismo en los Hoteles ubicados en La Playa El Tunco, Departamento de La Libertad” el cual se elaboró con el propósito que se utilice de guía para la implementación de estrategias que ayuden a mejorar el posicionamiento de los hoteles de la zona de la Playa El Tunco en los medios Digitales. Para obtener la información acerca de los medios utilizados por los turistas internacionales, principal demanda potencial para la oferta turística en la zona de la Playa el Tunco, resultó imprescindible realizar una investigación de campo en la cual se utilizaron como instrumentos de investigación dos cuestionarios, dirigidos de la siguiente manera: el primero, a los dueños o encargados de los hoteles de la zona de la playa El Tunco; el segundo, un cuestionario que se pasó a la totalidad de la muestra obtenida del universo representado por los turistas internacionales que visitaron la playa El Tunco en el momento de la investigación. El conjunto de técnicas utilizadas en la investigación de campo denotan que la demanda potencial se interesa en conocer nuevos destinos turísticos y se ven atraídos por la oferta turística de los Hoteles de la zona y la oferta de servicios especializada para los turistas extranjeros que practican deportes acuáticos, aprovechando la amplitud de arena, el reconocimiento del lugar y las condiciones de oleaje que presenta la playa El Tunco. Lo cual podrá tomarse como una ventaja competitiva frente a otras playas de la región. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos a través de la investigación bibliográfica y de campo se recomienda, utilizar el plan de Marketing Digital diseñado, ya que éste servirá de guía para desarrollar de manera efectiva la promoción turística a través de estrategias mercadológicas que vayan dirigidas a posicionar y comercializar los productos y servicios turísticos ofrecidos por los Hoteles de la zona
El presente proyecto Creación e Implementación de una Revista Sociocultural en la parroquia San Miguel de Porotos del cantón Azogues, fue creado por dos estudiantes de la carrera de comunicación social con el principal objetivo de crear un vínculo comunicacional en la parroquia, y como un aporte a la conservación y difusión de la cultura. En su desarrollo se pone de manifiesto la combinación de los saberes teóricos adquiridos en la universidad con la práctica e inclusión en el campo de estudio, basado en investigación teórica complementada con la historia de la parroquia en estudio. Culturas y Tradiciones San Migueleñas, revista que abarca temas de índole cultural, religioso, social y deportivo, recoge historias innatas de los habitantes del lugar y pone en manifiesto la riqueza ancestral que posee su gente, la alfarería, el tejido de paja toquilla y su alto índice de catolicismo fueron las principales características para la elaboración de los artículos y fotografías publicados en la primera edición de este medio de comunicación. La apertura y colaboración de las autoridades parroquiales y pobladores permitieron la realización de este trabajo periodístico, el mismo que se forjó a base de entrevistas directas e involucramiento con la comunidad en diferentes espacios sociales y familiares.
El presente trabajo se desarrolla con la finalidad de resolver un problema de carácter social que acontece en la ciudad de Cañar, el cual consiste en el déficit de áreas verdes, por lo que en respuesta ante esta necesidad se propone el diseño urbano arquitectónico de un equipamiento recreativo, que mejore la calidad de vida de la población. El contexto en el cual se desarrolla esta propuesta, se caracteriza por su patrimonio material e inmaterial, mismo que incide de manera directa en las decisiones que se toman sobre el anteproyecto. Para el desarrollo del anteproyecto como fase final del presente documento de tesis, se requiere un vasto estudio que inicia con los aspectos históricos del cantón Cañar, la teoría y metodologías necesarias para abordar proyectos urbano arquitectónicos, un diagnostico que incorpora temas sociales y técnicos, además un análisis formal del espacio basado en la cultura cañari.
Black boys are confronted with unique educational circumstances. They are often misdiagnosed and misplaced into special education programs (Bush-Daniels, 2008; Patton, 1998; Terman et al., 1996). Additionally, they are less likely to be enrolled in gifted and talented programs, even if their former achievements reflect their aptitude to succeed (Black Alliance for Educational Options, n.d.; Moore & Flowers, 2012). Given these statistics, a considerable emphasis has been placed on the causes and the consequences of low/under achievement for this population. As a result, the experiences of Black males who are achieving have been greatly neglected. Moreover, little is known about the factors that facilitate academic achievement among high-achieving Black boys. In an effort to bring the heterogenic nature of schooling experiences for Black boys to light, the present study examined the influence risk and protective factors had on the academic experiences of high-achieving Black boys. Grounded in the risk and resilience framework and the Integrative Model for the Study of Minority Youth Development, this study explored whether the high-achieving Black high school boys in this sample (n =88) reported experiencing discrimination (i.e. academic-based) and how this academic-based discrimination related to their 1) academic performance (i.e. GPA), 2) perceptions of math ability, and 3) race-based academic self-concept. In addition to exploring how academic-based discrimination was linked to academic achievement, this study examined how cultural resources such as racial socialization messages and racial identity related to academic achievement. Specifically, cultural socialization, preparation for bias, egalitarianism, private regard and public regard were evaluated alongside the three academic outcomes under study. Finally, the study explored whether aspects of racial socialization or racial identity buffered the effects of discrimination on any of the outcomes. Interestingly, the race/ethnicity of the student mattered for how students perceived their math ability. The risk factor academic-based discrimination was linked to academic performance. Cultural resources cultural socialization, preparation for bias, and private regard were linked to various academic outcomes of interest. There was only one significant moderating effect: a high private regard buffered the relationship between academic-based discrimination and race-based academic self-concept. Limitations and implications of this study are discussed.