672 resultados para customer accounting
De modo a manter políticas de utilização aceitável dos seus serviços de Internet, a NOS Madeira tem usado um sistema de fabrico próprio onde os clientes são catalogados de acordo com o tráfego que realizam. Contudo, esse sistema tornou-se demasiado antigo para as necessidades atuais da empresa. Usava tecnologias descontinuadas, não tinha interfaces de integração, faltava modularidade e não tinha a flexibilidade necessária para expandir as regras de negócio. Este projeto centra-se na implementação de um dos três subsistemas que substituem o sistema antigo: o subsistema controlador. O objetivo é modernizar, facilitar a manutenção e garantir maior flexibilidade. Tudo isto com recurso a linguagens de programação atuais como o PHP, ferramentas como a Zend Framework e mantendo em mente as melhores práticas de programação. São apresentados a especificação e modelação do sistema, assim como todos os detalhes da implementação em conjunto com as decisões e problemas encontrados. Os testes e resultados, incluindo a entrada com sucesso em produção do sistema, juntamente com sugestões de melhorias futuras concluem este trabalho.
O controlo de banda larga é um conceito importante quando lidamos com redes de larga escala. Os ISPs precisam de garantir disponibilidade e qualidade de serviço a todos os clientes, enquanto garantem que a rede como um todo não fica mais lenta. Para garantir isto, é necessário que os ISPs recolham dados de tráfego, analisem-nos e usem-nos para definir a velocidade de banda larga de cada cliente. A NOS Madeira implementou, durante vários anos, um sistema semelhante. No entanto, este sistema encontrava-se obsoleto, sendo necessário construir um novo, totalmente de raíz. Entre as limitações encontrava-se a impossibilidade de alterar os algoritmos de análise de tráfego, fraca integração com os serviços de gestão de rede da NOS Madeira e reduzida escalabilidade e modularidade. O sistema IP Network Usage Accounting é a resposta a estes problemas. Este projeto foca-se no desenvolvimento do subsistema Accounting System, o segundo dos três subsistemas que compõem o sistema IP Network Usage Accounting. Este subsistema, implementado com sucesso e atualmente em produção na NOS Madeira, é responsável por analisar os dados referidos acima e usar os resultados dessa análise para direcionar a disponibilidade de banda larga, de acordo com o uso da rede de cada cliente.
In recent decades, changes have been occurring in the telecommunications industry, allied to competition driven by the policies of privatization and concessions, have fomented the world market irrefutably causing the emergence of a new reality. The reflections in Brazil have become evident due to the appearance of significant growth rates, getting in 2012 to provide a net operating income of 128 billion dollars, placing the country among the five major powers in the world in mobile communications. In this context, an issue of increasing importance to the financial health of companies is their ability to retain their customers, as well as turn them into loyal customers. The appearance of infidelity from customer operators has been generating monthly rates shutdowns about two to four percent per month accounting for business management one of its biggest challenges, since capturing a new customer has meant an expenditure greater than five times to retention. For this purpose, models have been developed by means of structural equation modeling to identify the relationships between the various determinants of customer loyalty in the context of services. The original contribution of this thesis is to develop a model for loyalty from the identification of relationships between determinants of satisfaction (latent variables) and the inclusion of attributes that determine the perceptions of service quality for the mobile communications industry, such as quality, satisfaction, value, trust, expectation and loyalty. It is a qualitative research which will be conducted with customers of operators through simple random sampling technique, using structured questionnaires. As a result, the proposed model and statistical evaluations should enable operators to conclude that customer loyalty is directly influenced by technical and operational quality of the services offered, as well as provide a satisfaction index for the mobile communication segment
Detection and Identification of Abnormalities in Customer Consumptions in Power Distribution Systems
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study presents the results of a research on the use of financial and non-financial performance indicators used by medium and large hotels. The research was conducted in Rio Grande do Norte, a Brazilian State. The objective is to identify the usage of performance measures by these companies. Hotel industry is one of the most important sectors in the Rio Grande do Norte economy. The research takes the Balanced Scorecard as a conceptual framework, since it represents an original contribution to the literature of managerial accounting, for rethinking old issues, pointing out themes that were forgotten or badly interpreted, to discuss the requirements imposed by the economy environment, dominated by competitive companies, and increasing the understanding of the relationship between strategy and operation. The objective of the research is to investigate if the hotel managers make use of a managerial information system or not, when evaluating the performance of their business unit. The research reveals the usage of performance evaluation using a large variety of measures. Among them is worth mention: the usage of accounting profit altogether with the EVA/MVA, the process cycle time, total quality management, process transformation, strategic mission, vision, strategic measures, measures related to feedback, risk, costs, productivity, incomes, customers retention, customer satisfaction and profitability, measures using time as a component, quality of the process, cost of the processes, employees capabilities, information systems, motivation, empowerment and alignment. The research leads to the conclusion that the usage of the deriving concepts of Balanced Scorecard can improve the performance measurement systems used by hotels
Monocrotaline is a pyrrolizidine alkaloid present in plants of the Crotalaria species, which causes cytotoxicity and genotoxicity, including hepatotoxicity in animals and humans. It is metabolized by cytochrome P-450 in the liver to the alkylating agent dehydromonocrotaline. We evaluated the effects of monocrotaline and its metabolite on respiration, membrane potential and ATP levels in isolated rat liver mitochondria, and on respiratory chain complex I NADH oxidase activity in submitochondrial particles. Dehydromonocrotaline, but not the parent compound, showed a concentration-dependent inhibition of glutamate/malate-supported state 3 respiration (respiratory chain complex 1), but did not affect succinate-supported respiration (complex II). Only dehydromonocrotaline dissipated mitochondrial membrane potential, depleted ATP, and inhibited complex I NADH oxidase activity (IC50 = 62.06 mu M) through a non-competitive type of inhibition (K-I = 8.1 mu M). Therefore, dehydromonocrotaline is an inhibitor of the activity of respiratory chain complex I NADH oxidase, an action potentially accounting for the well-documented monocrotaline's hepatotoxicity to animals and humans. The mechanism probably involves change of the complex I conformation resulting from modification of cysteine thiol groups by the metabolite. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The quality and the power of human activities affect the external environment in different ways that can be measured and evaluated by means of several approaches and indicators. While the scientific community has been publishing several proposals for sustainable development indicators, there is still no consensus regarding the best approach to the use of these indicators and their reliability to measure sustainability. It is important, therefore, to question the effectiveness of sustainable development indicators in an effort to continue in the search for sustainability. This paper compares the results obtained with emergy accounting with five global Sustainability Metrics (SMs) proposed in the literature to verify if metrics are communicating coherent and similar information to guide decision makers towards sustainable development. Results obtained using emergy indices are discussed with the aid of emergy ternary diagrams. Metrics are confronted with emergy results, and the degree of variability among them is analyzed using a correlation matrix created for the Mercosur nations. The contrast of results clearly shows that metrics arrive at different interpretations about the sustainability of the nations studied, but also that some metrics may be grouped and used more prudently. Mercosur is presented as a case study to highlight and explain the discrepancies and similarities among Sustainability Metrics, and to expose the extent of emergy accounting. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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