860 resultados para contaminantes


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil e Ambiental - FEB


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O Lago Azul (Rio Claro – SP), oriundo da canalização do Córrego Servidão, vem sofrendo com problemas de inundação, infiltração, erosão e contaminação das águas por esgoto. Alguns dos compostos mais despejados nas águas de rios, e responsáveis por tais problemas de contaminação são os detergentes biodegradáveis, que têm sido alvo de críticas, não apenas devido aos problemas de biodegradação, mas também devido ao fato de provocarem o fenômeno conhecido como eutrofização. A preocupação com a possível contaminação das espécies do Lago Azul levou a prefeitura de Rio Claro, junto da SABESP, a iniciar estudos das águas e sedimentos do Lago Azul. Visando essa preocupação o projeto pretende analisar os efeitos da água do Lago Azul e de uma diluição de detergentes em indivíduos de Prochilodus lineatus (Curimbatá), comparados a um controle exposto a água pura clorada do poço artesiano situado no Campus da UNESP de Rio Claro. O projeto procurou caracterizar o epitélio que recobre as escamas da espécie tratada, haja vista que se trata de uma estrutura inexplorada na literatura. A partir desses dados, análises foram realizadas através da detecção de possíveis alterações morfológicas na histologia e histoquímica das células epiteliais de escamas para avaliar os efeitos dos possíveis agentes contaminantes. Para as análises histológicas o material foi processado em resina para as técnicas de Alcian e PAS para detecção de polissacarídeos ácidos e básicos, Azul de Bromofenol para detecção de proteínas, Picrossirus Red para detecção de fibras colágenas I e III e Hematoxilina-Eosina para analisar alterações morfológicas. Os dados coletados foram analisados com auxílio de um microscópio Leica DM 2000, dotado de câmera para captura de imagens


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The present work deals with the study on the evaluation of the human health risks caused by the leaching of hydrocarbon products from a gas station in Sumaré-SP. First, a geoenvironmental diagnosis had to be done, where information such as: history of the area, chemicals involved, geological characteristics, transport, chemical analysis, were used to make it. The geoenvironmental diagnosis was used in the software RBCA tier 2 which established the risks by all possible pathways. The results indicated that there are risks for groundwater ingestion for commercial (on site and off site) and residential receptors and 10 that there´s risk for inhalation of vapors in enclosed space for the commercial receptor on site. The evaluation also calculated the specific target levels that the area needs to show, in order not to harm human beings and the environment. That makes RBCA a great tool that can helps the remediation actions needed to be done so that the human being and the environment remain secure.


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A contaminação de rios com metais pesados vêm aumentando nas últimas décadas em resposta ao crescimento do setor industrial e seus dejetos, que frequentemente são despejados no ambiente sem que o tratamento adequado seja realizado. As implicações ambientais da contaminação dos ecossistemas naturais de água doce com níquel ainda são mal compreendidas, entretanto, a demanda global por este metal e as descargas antrópicas provenientes do setor industrial só aumentam. Embora o níquel não seja considerado altamente tóxico como outros metais, ele tem a capacidade de ser bioacumulativo e é, portanto, potencialmente perigoso para os peixes. Assim, é importante que seja desenvolvida uma compreensão mais profunda da fisiologia básica do níquel em peixes, tanto como um nutriente essencial quanto como um agente tóxico. Desse modo, o presente estudo teve como objetivo a análise do potencial genotóxico e mutagênico do níquel em peixes da espécie Oreochromis niloticus (Cichlidae), e a comparação das concentrações utilizadas deste metal nos bioensaios com a concentração limite, estabelecida pelo Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente (CONAMA). A resolução 357/05 do CONAMA, para controlar e taxar os limites máximos de contaminantes na água define que o limite máximo da concentração total de níquel permitida em corpos de água doce é de 0,025 mg/L Ni. Assim, os organismos-teste foram expostos a três diferentes concentrações de cloreto de níquel diluído, sendo que, a primeira concentração foi de 0,0125 mg/L, ou seja, metade da concentração máxima definida pelo CONAMA. A segunda concentração utilizada, 0,025 mg/L é o próprio limite de concentração estabelecido pela resolução. Por fim, a terceira concentração utilizada foi de 0,050 mg/L, que consiste no dobro da concentração máxima total de níquel permitida em corpos de água doce... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Mammary cancer is a multifactorial disease that is believed to be caused by genetic and environmental factors. Among the environmental factors, pyrethroids appear to be able to participate in carcinogenesis through several mechanisms, and have been shown to be associated to mammary tumors in canines. In order to investigate the possible rule of pyrethroid on DNA lesion in mammary tissue we compare the comet assay results between mammary tumor bearing dogs with and without pyrethroid associated to the peri mammary adipose tissue or the tumor itself. The pyrethroids presence was assessed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and the DNA damage was assessed by the comet assay as previously described. Despite of correlation between DNA damage and tumor histologic aggressiveness, association between the severity of DNA damage and different types of mammary carcinoma was not found. Although pyrethroids were present in 22% of tumors and peritumoral adipose tissue, no difference in the degree DNA damage between the exposed and non exposed cells to pyrethroids were found. As future perspectives for this work, our group will evaluate the relationship of pyrethroids presence in tumors with its angiogenic potential. Angiogenesis evaluation will be based on presence of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the tumor cells, and microvessel counts


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The landfill biogas can be an alternative energetic resource as a fuel to electrical energy generators, although, there are not too many techniques to prospect the gas. Usually, landfills receive home waste, which in most are constituted by organic matter whose degradation by anaerobic activity produces the biogas. Geophysics is an important tool in environmental studies and the electrorresistivity, an important method employed in contaminated areas by slurry or necroslurry, including a monitoring for each contaminator flow. The electrorresistivity has not too much application in finding biogas. For this work, two biogas drains in Rio Claro-SP landfill were selected: one whose waste disposition correspond to the initial activities in the landfill and another drain whose disposition started more recently. The result consists in a higher biogas production if compared to the biogas from the older drain. The present paper consists in a monitoring along one year, with dates collection in each fifteen days. These dates were tabled in Excel 2010 program and graphics of resistivity x depth were generated. Hereafter, most variable resistivity values depth were chosen, to further graphics pluviosity x resistivity generation in Grapher 8 program and the biogas output (m³/h) in monitoring period. The use of pluviosity parameter can be justified by its influence above resistivity. The results show that there is a horizon with possibly biogas accumulation. Lastly, the method was effective, although, for any application of geophysical methods, the knowledge about its limitations is necessary; in this case the influence of pluviosity and also that the measurements were made in one single point, it will not show any side variation


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The progressive increase in consumption and production of poultry meat in later years comes forth with an increase of the occurrence of foodborne diseases, including salmonellosis. Salmonellosis is caused by the ingestion of contaminated products, mainly by the consumption of poultry meat which processing and preparation for consumption were not effective to eliminate pathogens. Thus, there is a need for the development of faster more sensitive methods of detection of pathogens as a way to ensure the quality of the food offered to consumers. The goal of this essay was to evaluate the effect of enrichment broths on naturally contaminated poultry meat samples. A total of 65 samples was collected, these samples were rinsed with 370 mL of buffered peptone water (BPS) 1% according with the traditional methodology. All of the samples were enriched with both Tetrathionate (TT) and Rappaport-Vassiliadis (RV) and all were analyzed by the convencional identification method and polimerasis chain reaction (PCR). Of the 65 analized samples, 34 (52%) were positive when analized by the conventional method, while 45 (69%) were positive when analized by the PCR. Amongst the 45 positive PCR samples, 44 samples were positive when enriched with TT, while just 32 samples were positive when enriched by RV. Of the 34 positive conventional samples, 29 samples were positive when enriched by TT and 31 were positive when enriched by RV


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The lubricant oil used in engines of internal combustion must be, periodically, changed. Its mainly function in the engines is to reduce the friction between the pieces, but its presence also promotes the cleanness and the refrigeration of the equipment. These attributions, at the end of some cycles of operation, make the oil to be dirty, that is, full of contaminating substances such as water, gasoline, diesel, additives, oxidized hydro-carbons and rests of metals, not being recommended, therefore, its discarding in the environment. Thus, all the used lubricant oil that leaves the automobiles engine has been thrust, waiting for a solution. The pollution generated by the discarding of a ton of used oil per day in the soil or in the rivers is equivalent to a domestic sewer of 40 thousand of people. The indiscriminate burning of the used lubricant oil generates significant emissions of metallic oxides, besides other toxic gases, like the dioxin and sulphur oxides. In this context, the mean objective of this essay was to effectuate the rerrefine of the used lubricant oil, aiming the increase of its life cycle and consequently contributing for the reduction of the environmental pollution. According to the used process, it was possible to get a rerrefine oil, of good quality, which physicistchemistries properties are in compliance with the norms of NBR and ASTM


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Um dos caminhos para identificar os contaminantes e seus efeitos em ecossistemas aquáticos é examinar a resposta de alguns organismos considerados bioindicadores. O presente projeto teve por objetivo avaliar a bioconcentração de cádmio e cobre pelo peixe de água doce Oreochromis niloticus (tilapia), visando, principalmente, estabelecer seu potencial bioindicador de contaminação destes metais em ambientes fluviais.Dentre os vários metais pesados passíveis de contaminação ambiental, o cobre um elemento essencial e o cádmio um elemento não essencial, são altamente tóxicos, mesmo em níveis de concentrações muito baixos e podem se elevar quanto maior for o nível trófico do organismo, podendo chegar ao homem em teores magnificados. Em condições laboratoriais, foram determinadas as toxicidades aguda de Cu, de Cd, e de Cu+Cd em tilápias em períodos de 24 á 96 horas de exposição. A partir dos resultados obtidos nos testes de toxicidade aguda, foi estabelecida a dose letal que levou a óbito metade da população (CL50). Os valores encontrados para o presente estudo foram: CL50-96h para cobre – 3,53 mg/L;CL50-96h pra cádmio – 20,13 mg/L;CL50-96h para cobre combinado ao cádmio – 1,36 mg/L. Foram avaliadas as concentrações dos referidos metais nos fígados e nas brânquias. O presente estudo mostra que em linhas gerais o fígado acumulou mais metal do que as brânquias, e que o processo de absorção do cobre é mais rápido do que o do cádmio para a espécie de peixe testada. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o cobre foi mais tóxico do que o que o cádmio, entretanto, a combinação de ambos metais apresentou maior toxicidade