925 resultados para brief alcohol intervention
Over the past four decades the EU cohesion policy’s focus, objectives and content have experienced significant changes as a result of successive reforms aiming at adapting it to a Union in constant evolution. In the early stages, cohesion policy had eminently redistributive goals and it assumed an explicit spatial dimension. In the late nineties, the possibility of an extension towards Eastern European countries and the limited willingness of net contributors to increase funding led to a turning point in cohesion policy. The increased importance of economic growth and job creation in the 2000’s, within the cohesion policy’s context, has led to a misrepresentation of its essence and motivations. Cohesion was losing importance towards competitiveness and regional equity towards national efficiency. Today, cohesion policy is for many EU countries the main mean for mobilising investment in a context of budgetary constraints and credit rationing. In light of the available evidence, it is likely that the overall design and priorities of the current cohesion policy have a limited impact in terms of convergence in many EU regions, especially in the less developed regions. This paper’s main objectives are to analyse the evolution of European cohesion policy throughout its history, to present a picture of cohesion policy in the 2014-2020 programming period and to discuss the main problems associated with its design, priorities and programming model.
Although some studies point to cognitive stimulation as a beneficial therapy for older adults with cognitive impairments, this area of research and practice is still lacking dissemination and is underrepresented in many countries. Moreover, the comparative effects of different intervention durations remain to be established and, besides cognitive effects, pragmatic parameters, such as cost-effectiveness and experiential relevance to participants, are seldom explored. In this work, we present a randomized con- trolled wait-list trial evaluating 2 different intervention durations (standard 1⁄4 17 vs brief 1⁄4 11 sessions) of a cognitive stimulation program developed for older adults with cognitive impairments with or without dementia. 20 participants were randomly assigned to the standard duration intervention program (17 sessions, 1.5 months) or to a wait-list group. At postintervention of the standard intervention group, the wait-list group crossed over to receive the brief intervention program (11 sessions, 1 month). Changes in neuropsychological, functionality, quality of life, and caregiver outcomes were evaluated. Experience during intervention and costs and feasibility were also evaluated. The current cognitive stimulation programs (ie, standard and brief) showed high values of experiential relevance for both intervention durations. High adherence, completion rates, and reasonable costs were found for both formats. Further studies are needed to definitively establish the potential efficacy, optimal duration, cost-effectiveness, and experiential relevance for participants of cognitive intervention approaches.
There are only a few treatments available for Tourette syndrome (TS). These treatments frequently do notwork in patients with moderate to severe TS [1]. Neuroimaging studies show a correlation between tics severity and increased activation over motor pathways, along with reduced activation over the control areas of the cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuits [2]. Moreover, the temporal pattern of tic generation suggests that cortical activation especially in the SMA precedes subcortical activation [3]. Following this assumption, here we explored the brain effects of 10-daily sessions of cathodal transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) delivered over the pre-SMA in a patient with refractory and severe TS and also assessed whether those changes were long lasting (up to 6 months).
Commercial stents, especially metallic ones, present several disadvantages, and this gives rise to the necessity of producing or coating stents with different materials, like natural polymers, in order to improve their biocompatibility and minimize the disadvantages of metallic ones. This review paper discusses some applications of natural-based polymers in stents, namely polylactic acid (PLA) for stent development and chitosan for biocompatible coatings of stents . Furthermore, some effective stent functionalization techniques will be discussed, namely Layer by Layer (LBL) technique.
Due to remarkable physical properties, special surface chemistry and excellent biological properties, as low toxicity, biocompatibility and biodegradability, nanocellulose has gained much attention for its use as biomedical material, applied in medical implants, tissue engineering, drug delivery, wound-healing, cardiovascular applications, among others. This paper presents a review on nanocellulose applied in biomedical area.
Artigo completo publicado na revista "Journal of The Electrochemical Society" 161:6 (2014) C349-C362 e disponível no RepositóriUM em: http://hdl.handle.net/1822/33784
Artigo completo publicado na revista "Journal of The Electrochemical Society" 161:6 (2014) C349-C362 e disponível no RepositóriUM em: http://hdl.handle.net/1822/33784. Errata disponível no RepositóriUM em: http://hdl.handle.net/1822/40064. (Publisher’s note: An erratum that addressed the errors in Figure 9 was originally published on Dec. 10, 2014, however the graphs in that erratum were not correct.)
OBJECTIVE: The objective of the present study, with focus on gender, was aimed at evaluating alcohol-dependent individual in terms of socio-demographic variables related to alcohol consumption and therapeutic interventions. METHODS: This is a retrospective cross-sectional study of 1,051 patients (833 men and 218 women), with diagnosis of alcohol dependence syndrome, according to ICD-10 criteria, who had sought treatment for the first time at a specialised health centre between 2000 and 2006. RESULTS: The results showed that women, compared to men, are more likely to be unemployed and without partner, in addition to having higher educational level, latter age of alcohol initiation, needing less outpatient alcohol detoxification program, consuming more fermented beverage, presenting less psychiatric comorbidities, and using less coadjutant medications during treatment. CONCLUSION: We can state that some peculiarities exist permeating both gender and alcohol consumption. A further focus on the characteristics of each population is needed to facilitate the adequate use of therapeutic interventions according to gender specificities.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the polymorphism Ile349Val of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase ADH1C gene among individuals with alcohol dependence syndrome (ADS) attending Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings. METHODS: A total of 120 subjects residing in Rio de Janeiro city participated in this study. Subjects were divided into two groups: a group consisting of 54 individuals from the ADS group and 66 individuals that declared not having any alcohol dependence (control group). DNA was extracted from mouth epithelial cells by phenol-chloroform method and further submitted to amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). RESULTS: Our results did not show differences between the genotypes of control individuals and ADS subjects. Nevertheless, we found increased rates of alcoholism in families of ADS subjects as compared to controls. CONCLUSIONS: Our results did not show any genotype difference on the ADH1C gene when control and AA genotypes are compared.
Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia (Especialidade de Psicologia Clínica)
Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia Clínica / Psicologia
Introdução: O craving (ou fissura) é um fator muito importante no tratamento da dependência de substâncias psicotrópicas. Objetivo: Validar o Cocaine Craving Questionnaire-Brief - Versão Brasileira Adaptada para o Crack. Método: O delineamento foi experimental e seus participantes foram randomizados, em grupos: experimental, para o qual foi apresentada uma imagem de um indivíduo consumindo crack (G1), e controle (G2), para o qual não foi apresentada nenhuma imagem. A amostra foi composta por 109 sujeitos (G1 = 50 e G2 = 59) do sexo masculino, internados por causa da dependência do crack. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: Entrevista Clínica com dados sociodemográficos, CCQ-B Versão Adaptada para o Crack, Escala Analógico-Visual do Craving, Inventários Beck de Ansiedade e de Depressão e o Estímulo Visual indutor de craving para o G1. Resultados: Na análise fatorial, foram encontrados dois fatores: o fator 1, relacionado ao craving propriamente dito, e o fator 2, relacionado à percepção da falta de controle do uso do crack. Os dois fatores apresentaram variância total de 68,84%, e a correlação entre os fatores foi significativa e de baixa intensidade (r = 0,204; p = 0,041). O alfa de Cronbach do seu total de pontos foi 0,85. O instrumento no total de pontos foi correlacionado com a Escala Analógico-Visual (r = 0,515; p < 0,01). Conclusão: O CCQ-B - Versão Brasileira Adaptada para o Crack demonstrou ser, psicometricamente, satisfatório para utilização em pesquisas e em ambiente clínico.
OBJECTIVE: In this study we aim to characterize a sample of 85 pregnant crack addicts admitted for detoxification in a psychiatric inpatient unit. METHOD: Cross-sectional study. Sociodemographic, clinical, obstetric and lifestyle information were evaluated. RESULTS: Age of onset for crack use varied from 11 to 35 years (median = 21). Approximately 25% of the patients smoked more than 20 crack rocks in a typical day of use (median = 10; min-max = 1-100). Tobacco (89.4%), alcohol (63.5%) and marijuana (51.8%) were the drugs other than crack most currently used. Robbery was reported by 32 patients (41.2%), imprisonment experience by 21 (24.7%), trade of sex for money/drugs by 38 (44.7%), home desertion by 33 (38.8%); 15.3% were positive for HIV, 5.9% for HCV, 1.2% for HBV and 8.2% for syphilis. After discharge from the psychiatric unit, only 25% of the sample followed the proposed treatment in the chemical dependency outpatient service. CONCLUSION: Greater risky behaviors for STD, as well as high rates of maternal HIV and Syphilis were found. Moreover, the high rates of concurrent use of other drugs and involvement in illegal activities contribute to show their chaotic lifestyles. Prevention and intervention programs need to be developed to address the multifactorial nature of this problem.
OBJETIVO: O presente estudo teve como objetivo conhecer evidências de validade e precisão do Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT). MÉTODOS: Contou-se com uma amostra de conveniência (não probabilística) de 547 estudantes universitários de Fortaleza (CE), com idade média de 21,6 anos (dp = 4,86; amplitude de 18 a 53), a maioria do sexo masculino (51,5%), solteira (91,4%) e católica (62,5%). Os participantes responderam ao AUDIT e a perguntas demográficas. Procurando conhecer a estrutura fatorial, além de estatísticas descritivas, realizou-se uma Análise de Componentes Principais. Adicionalmente, a fim de avaliar a precisão do instrumento, efetuaram-se cálculos de alfa de Cronbach (consistência interna), correlações de r de Pearson e coeficiente de correlação intraclasse - ICC (precisão teste-reteste). RESULTADOS: De acordo com a análise de componentes principais com rotação oblimin, a estrutura bifatorial do AUDIT mostrou-se coerente, com todos os itens apresentando saturações satisfatórias, superior a |0,40|, tendo o Fator 1 explicado 47,5% da variância total com alfa de 0,84 e o Fator 2 explicado 11,6% da variância total com alfa de 0,69. Os resultados do teste-reteste indicaram correlação forte entre os dados obtidos na primeira (t1) e segunda (t2) aplicação (r tt = 0,94, p < 0,01), sem diferença significativa de médias nos dois tempos (m t1 = 0,37, dp = 0,49; m t2 = 0,34, dp2= 0,47; p > 0,05), com ICC satisfatório (0,96). CONCLUSÕES: Os achados apoiaram a adequação psicométrica do AUDIT, com as análises fatoriais exploratórias apontando como mais satisfatória a estrutura com dois fatores, bem como atestaram sua boa estabilidade temporal.
OBJECTIVE: To report a case and to discuss the use of psychodynamic psychotherapy (PD-P) to treat individuals at ultra-high risk (UHR) of psychosis. METHODS: An individual at UHR was followed up for 24 months. The baseline evaluation included a psychiatric interview, the Structured Interview for Prodromal Symptoms (SIPS), the Scale of Prodromal Symptoms (SOPS), and neuropsychological assessment. He underwent weekly sessions of PD-P for 12 months and was followed up for 12 months after the end of PD-P. The evaluations were at baseline, after 6-, 12-, and 24-month follow-up. No medication was prescribed during the 24-month follow-up. RESULTS: The prodromal symptoms remitted. The initial total score on the SIPS/SOPS was 37 points. After the first 12 months of PD-P, there was a reduction to 12 points on the SIPS/SOPS score, which stabilized in the 24-month follow-up. There was also a slight improvement in his performance on the neuropsychological evaluations. CONCLUSION: This case report suggests that PD-P can reduce prodromal symptoms; nevertheless, a better understanding of the specificity and efficacy of PD-P as an option of treatment for UHR individuals is needed.