986 resultados para after Cande and Kent (1992)


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GRP78 (78 kDa glucose-regulated protein), also known as BiP (immunoglobulin heavy-chain-binding protein), is an essential regulator of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) homeostasis because of its multiple functions in protein folding, ER calcium binding, and controlling of the activation of transmembrane ER stress sensors. In this report, we cloned the full length cDNA of GRP78 (FcGRP78) from Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis. This cDNA revealed a 2,325 bp with 1,968 bp open reading frame encoding 655 amino acids. This is the first reported GRP78 gene in Crustacea. The deduced amino acid sequence of FcGRP78 shared high identity with previously reported insect GRP78s: 86, 87 and 85% identity with GRP78s of Drosophila melanogaster, Aedes aegypti and Bombyx mori, respectively. Northern blot analysis shows that FcGRP78 is ubiquitously expressed in tissues of shrimp. Heat shock at 35A degrees C significantly enhanced the expression of FcGRP78 at the first hour, reached the maximum at 4 h post heat shock, dropped after that and resumed to the normal level until 48 h of post recovery at 25A degrees C. Additionally, differential expression of FcGRP78 was detected in haemocytes, hepatopancreas and lymphoid organ when shrimp were challenged by white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). We inferred that FcGRP78 may play important roles in chaperoning, protein folding and immune function of shrimp.


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Heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) is a highly conserved molecular chaperone that plays key roles in the folding, maintenance of structural integrity and regulation of a subset of cytosolic proteins. In the present study, the cDNA of Argopecten irradians HSP90 (designated AiHSP90) was cloned by the combination of homology cloning and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) approaches. The full-length cDNA of AiHSP90 was of 2669 bp, including an open reading frame (ORF) of 2175 bp encoding a polypeptide of 724 amino acids with predicted molecular weight of 83.08 kDa and theoretical isoelectric point of 4.81. BLAST analysis revealed that AiHSP90 shared high similarity with other known HSP90s, and the five conserved amino acid blocks defined as HSP90 protein family signatures were also identified in AiHSP90, which indicated that AiHSP90 should be a cytosolic member of the HSP90 family. Fluorescent real-time quantitative PCR was employed to examine the expression pattern of AiHSP90 mRNA in haemocytes of scallops challenged by Gram-negative bacteria Vibrio anguillarum and Gram-positive bacteria Micrococcus luteus. In both bacterial challenged groups, the relative expression level of AiHSP90 transcript was up-regulated and reached maximal. level at 9 h after injection, and then dropped progressively to the original level at about 48 h post challenge. The results indicated that AiHSP90 was potentially involved in the immune responses against bacteria challenge in scallop A. irradian. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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C-type lectins are Ca2+-dependent carbohydrate-recognition proteins that play crucial roles in innate immunity. The cDNA of C-type lectin (AiCTL1) in the bay scallop Argopecten irradians was cloned by expressed sequence tag (EST) and RACE techniques. The full-length cDNA of AiCTL1 was 660 bp, consisting of a T-terminal. untranslated region (UTR) of 30 bp and a 3' UTR of 132 bp with a polyadenylation signal sequence AATAAA and a poly(A) tail. The AiCTL1 cDNA encoded a polypeptide of 166 amino acids with a putative signal peptide of 20 amino acid residues and a mature protein of 146 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of AiCTL1 was highly similar to those of the C-type lectins from other animals and contained a typical carbohydrate-recognition domain (CRD) of 121 residues, which has four conserved disulfide-bonded cysteine residues that define the CRD and two additional cysteine residues at the amino terminus. AiCTL1 mRNA was dominantly expressed in the hemocytes of the bay scallop. The temporal expression of AiCTL1 mRNA in hemocytes was increased by 5.7-and 4.9-fold at 6 h after injury and 8 h after injection of bacteria, respectively. The structural features, high similarity and expression pattern of AiCTL1 indicate that the gene may be involved in injury heating and the immune response in A. irradians. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Serine proteases play critical roles in a variety of invertebrate immune defense responses, including hemolymph coagulation, antimicrobial peptide synthesis, and melanization. The first mollusk serine protease with clip-domain (designated CFSP1) cDNA was obtained from the scallop Chlamys farreri challenged with Vibrio anguillarum by randomly sequencing a whole tissue cDNA library and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). The full-length cDNA of the C. farreri serine protease was 1211 bp, consisting of a 5-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 72 bp, a 3'-terminal UTR of 77 bp with a canonical polyadenylation signal sequence AATAAA and a poly (A) tail, and an open reading frame of 1062 bp. The CFSP1 cDNA encoded a polypeptide of 354 amino acids with a putative signal peptide of 19 amino acids and a mature protein of 335 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of CFSP1 contained an amino-terminal clip domain, a low complexity region, and a carboxyl-terminal serine protease domain. CFSP1 mRNA was mainly expressed constitutively in the hemocytes and was up-regulated and increased 2.9- and 1.9-fold at 16 h after injury and injection of bacteria. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An algalytic bacterium provisionally designated as TL1 was isolated from Tai Lake, a large freshwater lake in the Yangtze Delta plain on the border of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces and close to Wuxi city in the People's Republic of China. Strain TL1 was identified as Achromobacter sp. based on its biophysical and biochemical properties and the analysis of its 16S rRNA sequence. Microcystis aeruginosa, which is the most common toxic cyanobacterium in eutrophic freshwater, could be decomposed by strain TL1. The results showed that after inoculation with the algalytic bacterium, the content of chlorophyll-a, maximum PSII quantum yield, and maximum electron transport rates of the alga decreased sharply. At first, the algal cells enhanced the activities of some antioxidative enzymes, but subsequently, the activities of antioxidative enzymes fell sharply once damage of the algal cells was achieved. The filtrate from strain TL1 culture suspension, after autoclaving and treatments with proteinase K, strongly inhibited algal growth, indicating that the lytic metabolites were extracellular and thermostable, not a protein.


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Commercial cultivation of the dioecious brown macroalga Hizikia fusiformis (Harvey) Okamura in East Asia depends on the supply of young seedlings from regenerated holdfasts or from wild population. Recent development of synchronized release of male and female gametes in tumble culture provides a possibility of mass production of young seedlings via sexual reproduction. In this paper, we demonstrate that controlled fertilization can be efficiently realized in ambient light and temperature in a specially designed raceway tank in which the sperm-containing water has been recirculated. The effective fertilization time of eggs by sperm was found to be within six hours. Fast growth and development of the young seedlings relied on the presence of water currents. Velocity tests demonstrated that young seedlings of 2-3 mm in length could withstand a water current of 190 cm s(-1) stop without detachment. Culture experiments at 24 h postfertilization showed that elongation of both the seedlings and their rhizoids were not hampered by high irradiance up to 600 mu mol photons m(-2) stop s(-1) stop. However, growth was slightly retarded if cultured at a temperature of 16 degrees C compared to other culture temperatures of 22, 25 and 29 degrees C. No seedling detachment was observed after transfer of the young seedlings to raft cultivation in the sea after one and 1.5 months post-fertilization, indicating the feasibility of obtaining large quantity of seedlings in such a system.


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Selenium binding proteins (SeBP) represent a family of proteins that are believed to be involved in controlling the oxidation/reduction in many physiological processes. The cDNA of Zhikong Scallop Chlamys farreri selenium binding protein (zSeBP) was cloned by expressed sequence tag (EST) and RACE techniques. The high similarity of zSeBP deduced amino acid sequence with the SeBP in other organisms, such as bird, fish, frog, mosquito, fruit fly, mammalian, and even nematode and microorganism indicated that zSeBP should be a member of SeBP family. The temporal expression of zSeBP in the hemocytes was measured by semi-quantitative RT-PCR after scallops were stimulated by either oxidative stress or microbial challenge. The expression of zSeBP was up-regulated progressively after stimulation, and then dropped gradually to the original level. Meanwhile, malondialdehyde (MDA) measured by the colorimetric method in the microbial challenged scallops increased immediately after scallops was challenged by microbes, and was significantly higher than that in the control scallops. Results indicated that the microbial infection could incense the disorder of oxidation/reduction and may result in high MDA production. The negative correlation between the expression level of zSeBP and the MDA content suggested that zSeBP could play an important role in mediating the anti-oxidation mechanisms and immune response in marine invertebrates. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), the primary member of HSPs that are responsive of thermal stress, is found in all multicellular organisms and functions mostly as molecular chaperon. The inducible HSP70 cDNA cloned from Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai) using rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE), was highly homologous to other HSP70 genes. The full-length cDNA of the Pacific abalone HSP70 was 2631 bp, consisting of a 5'-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 90 bp, a 3'-terminal UTR of 573 by with a canonical polyadenylation signal sequence AATAAA and a poly (A) tail, and an open reading frame of 1968 bp. The HSP70 cDNA encoded a polypeptide of 655 amino acids with an ATPase domain of 382 amino acids, the substrate peptide binding domain of 161 amino acids and a C-terminus domain of 112 amino acids. The temporal expression of HSP70 was measured by semi-quantitative RT-PCR after heat shock and bacterial challenge. Challenge of Pacific abalone with heat shock or the pathogenic bacteria Vibrio anguillarum resulted in a dramatic increase in the expression of HSP70 mRNA level in muscle, followed by a recovery to normal level after 96 h. Unlike the muscle, the levels of HSP70 expression in gills reached the top at 12 h and maintained a relatively high level compared with the control after thermal and bacterial challenge. The upregulated mRNA expression of HSP70 in the abalone following heat shock and infection response indicates that the HSP70 gene is inducible and involved in immune response. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We conducted the liquid phase oxidation of toluene with molecular oxygen over heterogeneous catalysts of copper-based binary metal oxides. Among the copper-based binary metal oxides, iron-copper binary oxide (Fe/Cu = 0.3 atomic ratio) was found to be the best catalyst. In the presence of pyridine, overoxidation of benzaldehyde to benzoic acid was partially prevented. As a result, highly selective formation of benzaldehyde (86% selectivity) was observed after 2 h of reaction (7% conversion of toluene) at 463 K and 1.0 MPa of oxygen atmosphere in the presence of pyridine. These catalytic performances were similar or better than those in the gas phase oxidation of toluene at reaction temperatures higher than 473 K and under 0.5-2.5 MPa. It was suggested from competitive adsorption measurements that pyridine could reduce the adsorption of benzaldehyde. At a long reaction time of 4 It, the conversion increased to 25% and benzoic acid became the predominant reaction product (72% selectivity) in the absence of pyridine. The yield of benzoic acid was higher than that in the Snia-Viscosa process, which requires corrosive halogen ions and acidic solvents in the homogeneous reaction media. The catalyst was easily recycled by simple filtration and reusable after washing and drying.


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Skin flap procedures are commonly used in plastic surgery. Failures can follow, leading to the necrosis of the flap. Therefore, many studies use LLLT to improve flap viability. Currently, the LED has been introduced as an alternative to LLLT. the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of LLLT and LED on the viability of random skin flaps in rats. Forty-eight rats were divided into four groups, and a random skin flap (10 x 4 cm) was performed in all animals. Group 1 was the sham group; group 2 was submitted to LLLT 660 nm, 0.14 J; group 3 with LED 630 nm, 2.49 J, and group 4 with LLLT 660 nm, with 2.49 J. Irradiation was applied after surgery and repeated on the four subsequent days. On the 7th postoperative day, the percentage of flap necrosis was calculated and skin samples were collected from the viable area and from the transition line of the flap to evaluate blood vessels and mast cells. the percentage of necrosis was significantly lower in groups 3 and 4 compared to groups 1 and 2. Concerning blood vessels and mast cell numbers, only the animals in group 3 showed significant increase compared to group 1 in the skin sample of the transition line. LED and LLLT with the same total energies were effective in increasing viability of random skin flaps. LED was more effective in increasing the number of mast cells and blood vessels in the transition line of random skin flaps.


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Davison, Glen, et al., 'Antioxidant supplementation and immunoendocrine responses to prolonged exercise', Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, (2007) 39(4) pp.645-652 RAE2008


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Korosteleva-Polglase Elena, White, S., 'Political Leadership and Public Support In Belarus: Forward to the Past?', In: 'The EU and Belarus: Between Moscow and Brussels', (London: Kogan Page), pp.51-71, 2001 RAE2008


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Grovier, Kelly, 'Keats and the Holocaust: Notes towards a post-temporalism', Literature and Theology (2003) 17 (4) pp.361-373 RAE2008


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Visual search data are given a unified quantitative explanation by a model of how spatial maps in the parietal cortex and object recognition categories in the inferotemporal cortex deploy attentional resources as they reciprocally interact with visual representations in the prestriate cortex. The model visual representations arc organized into multiple boundary and surface representations. Visual search in the model is initiated by organizing multiple items that lie within a given boundary or surface representation into a candidate search grouping. These items arc compared with object recognition categories to test for matches or mismatches. Mismatches can trigger deeper searches and recursive selection of new groupings until a target object io identified. This search model is algorithmically specified to quantitatively simulate search data using a single set of parameters, as well as to qualitatively explain a still larger data base, including data of Aks and Enns (1992), Bravo and Blake (1990), Chellazzi, Miller, Duncan, and Desimone (1993), Egeth, Viri, and Garbart (1984), Cohen and Ivry (1991), Enno and Rensink (1990), He and Nakayarna (1992), Humphreys, Quinlan, and Riddoch (1989), Mordkoff, Yantis, and Egeth (1990), Nakayama and Silverman (1986), Treisman and Gelade (1980), Treisman and Sato (1990), Wolfe, Cave, and Franzel (1989), and Wolfe and Friedman-Hill (1992). The model hereby provides an alternative to recent variations on the Feature Integration and Guided Search models, and grounds the analysis of visual search in neural models of preattentive vision, attentive object learning and categorization, and attentive spatial localization and orientation.


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In a constantly changing world, humans are adapted to alternate routinely between attending to familiar objects and testing hypotheses about novel ones. We can rapidly learn to recognize and narne novel objects without unselectively disrupting our memories of familiar ones. We can notice fine details that differentiate nearly identical objects and generalize across broad classes of dissimilar objects. This chapter describes a class of self-organizing neural network architectures--called ARTMAP-- that are capable of fast, yet stable, on-line recognition learning, hypothesis testing, and naming in response to an arbitrary stream of input patterns (Carpenter, Grossberg, Markuzon, Reynolds, and Rosen, 1992; Carpenter, Grossberg, and Reynolds, 1991). The intrinsic stability of ARTMAP allows the system to learn incrementally for an unlimited period of time. System stability properties can be traced to the structure of its learned memories, which encode clusters of attended features into its recognition categories, rather than slow averages of category inputs. The level of detail in the learned attentional focus is determined moment-by-moment, depending on predictive success: an error due to over-generalization automatically focuses attention on additional input details enough of which are learned in a new recognition category so that the predictive error will not be repeated. An ARTMAP system creates an evolving map between a variable number of learned categories that compress one feature space (e.g., visual features) to learned categories of another feature space (e.g., auditory features). Input vectors can be either binary or analog. Computational properties of the networks enable them to perform significantly better in benchmark studies than alternative machine learning, genetic algorithm, or neural network models. Some of the critical problems that challenge and constrain any such autonomous learning system will next be illustrated. Design principles that work together to solve these problems are then outlined. These principles are realized in the ARTMAP architecture, which is specified as an algorithm. Finally, ARTMAP dynamics are illustrated by means of a series of benchmark simulations.