768 resultados para affinities


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A total of 145 samples were analyzed for palynology, and all were found to be productive. Residues are dominated by pollen, terrestrial spores, and land plant tissues. Marine palynomorphs occur in all samples, which allowed us to recognize five Miocene dinocyst assemblage zones. Dinocyst assemblages indicate cool-water conditions and suggest a neritic rather than fully oceanic environment, with not only North Atlantic and Norwegian Sea affinities, but also containing both notable protoperidiniacean and possible endemic elements. Dinocyst assemblages indicate an early Miocene age for the bottom of Hole 645E and an age no younger than early late Miocene (Sample 105-645E-24R, CC) near the top of the interval studied. These age assignments provide an estimated initiation of ice rafting in Baffin Bay at between 7.4 and 9.5 Ma. Increased terrigenous influx and apparent disappearance of certain dinocyst taxa occur in the middle to late Miocene and may be related to oceanographic changes or climatic deterioration. Spores and pollen indicate a climate that varied within a temperate regime during the early and middle to early late Miocene, followed by climatic deterioration. Four new dinocyst species are described: Batiacasphaera gemmata, Impletosphaeridium prolatum, Operculodinium vacuolatum, and Selenopemphix brevispinosa. The acritarch genus Cyclopsiella Drugg and Loeblich is emended, and two new combinations have been created: Cyclopsiella granosa (Matsuoka) and Cyclopsiella? laevigata (Chateauneuf). Cyclopsiella granosa (Matsuoka) n. comb. is considered a subjective junior synonym of Cyclopsiella granulata He and Li. Ascostomocystis granulatus Chateauneuf has been provisionally allocated to Cyclopsiella and renamed Cyclopsiella? chateauneufii. Two new acritarch species are described: Cyclopsiella spiculosa and Cymatiosphaera! baffinensis.


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Major and trace element analyses are presented for 110 samples from the DSDP Leg 60 basement cores drilled along a transect across the Mariana Trough, arc, fore-arc, and Trench at about 18°N. The igneous rocks forming breccias at Site 453 in the west Mariana Trough include plutonic cumulates and basalts with calc-alkaline affinities. Basalts recovered from Sites 454 and 456 in the Mariana Trough include types with compositions similar to normal MORB and types with calc-alkaline affinities within a single hole. At Site 454 the basalts show a complete compositional transition between normal MORB and calc-alkaline basalts. These basalts may be the result of mixing of the two magma types in small sub-crustal magma reservoirs or assimilation of calc-alkaline, arc-derived vitric tuffs by normal MORB magmas during eruption or intrusion. A basaltic andesite clast in the breccia recovered from Site 457 on the active Mariana arc and samples dredged from a seamount in the Mariana arc are calc-alkaline and similar in composition to the basalts recovered from the Mariana Trough and West Mariana Ridge. Primitive island arc tholeiites were recovered from all four sites (Sites 458-461) drilled on the fore-arc and arc-side wall of the trench. These basalts form a coherent compositional group distinct from the Mariana arc, West Mariana arc, and Mariana Trough calc-alkaline lavas, indicating temporal (and perhaps spatial?) chemical variations in the arc magmas erupted along the transect. Much of the 209 meters of basement cored at Site 458 consists of endiopside- and bronzite-bearing, Mg-rich andesites with compositions related to boninites. These andesites have the very low Ti, Zr, Ti/Zr, P, and rare-earthelement contents characteristic of boninites, although they are slightly light-rare-earth-depleted and have lower MgO, Cr, Ni, and higher CaO and Al2O3 contents than those reported for typical boninites. The large variations in chemistry observed in the lavas recovered from this transect suggest that diverse mantle source compositions and complex petrogenetic process are involved in forming crustal rocks at this intra-oceanic active plate margin.


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To examine the processes and histories of arc volcanism and of volcanism associated with backarc rifting. 130 samples containing igneous glass shards were taken from the Plioccne-Quatemai^ succession on the rift Hank (Site 788) and the Quaternary fill in the basin fill of the Sumisu Rift (Sites 790 and 791). These samples were subsequently analyzed at the University of Illinois at Chicago and Shizuoka University. The oxides determined by electron probe do not account for the total weight of the material; differences between summed oxides and 100% arise from the water contents, probably augmented by minor losses thai result from alkali vaporization during analysis. Weight losses in colorless glasses are up to 9%; those in brown glasses (dacitcs to basalts) arc no more than 4.5%; shards from the rift-flank (possibly caused by prolonged proximity to ihc scafloor) generally have higher values than those from the rift-basin fill How much of the lost water is magmatic, and how much is hydrated is uncertain; however, although the shards absorb potassium, calcium, and magnesium during hydration in the deep sea, they do so only to a minor extent that does not significantly alter their major element compositions. Therefore, the electron-probe results are useful in evaluating the magmatism recorded by the shards. Pre- and syn-rift Izu-Bonin volcanism were overwhelmingly dominated by rhyolile explosions, demonstrating that island arcs may experience significant silicic volcanism in addition to the extensive basaltic and basaltic andestic activity, documented in many arcs since the 1970s, that occurs in conjunction with the andesitic volcanism formerly thought to be dominant. Andesitic eruptions also occurred before rifting, but the andesitic component in our samples is minor. All the pre- and syn-rift rhyolites and andesites belong to the low-alkali island-arc tholeiitic suite, and contrast markedly with the alkali products of Holocene volcanism on the northernmost Mariana Arc that have been attributed to nascent rifting. The Quaternary dacites and andesites atop the rift flank and in the rift-basin fill are more potassic than those of Pliocene age, as a result of assimilation from the upper arc crust, or from variations in degrees of partial melting of the source magmas, or from metasomatic fluids. All the glass layers from the rift-flank samples belong to low-K arc-tholeiitic suites. Half of those in the Pliocene succession are exclusively rhyolitic: the others contain minor admixtures of dacite and andesite, or andesite and either basaltic andesite or basalt. In Contrast, the Quaternary (syn-rift) volcaniclastics atop the rift-flank lack basalt and basaltic andesite shards. These youngest sediments of the rift flank show close compositional affinities with five thick layers of coarse, rhyolitic pumice deposits in the basin fill, the two oldest more silicic than the younger ones. The coarse layers, and most thin ash layers that occur in hemipelagites below and intercalated between them, are low-K rhyolites and therefore probably came from sources in the arc. However, several thin rhyolitic ash beds in the hemipelagites are abnormally enriched in potassium and must have been provided by more distal sources, most likely to the west in Japan. Remarkably, the Pliocene-Pleistocene geochemistry of the volcanic front does not appear to have been influenced by the syn-rift basaltic volcanism only a few kilometers away. Rare, thin layers of basaltic ash near the bases of the rift-basin successions are not derived from the arc. They deviate strongly from trends that the arc-derived glasses display on oxide-oxide plots, and show close affinities to the basalts empted all over the Sumisu Rift during rifting. These basalts, and the basaltic ashes in the basal rift-basin fill, arc compositionally similar to those erupted from mature backarc basins elsewhere.


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New petrographic and compositional data were reported for 143 samples of core recovered from Sites 832 and 833 during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 134. Site 832 is located in the center and Site 833 is on the eastern edge of the North Aoba Basin, in the central part of the New Hebrides Island Arc. This basin is bounded on the east (Espiritu Santo and Malakula islands) and west (Pentecost and Maewo islands) by uplifted volcano-sedimentary ridges associated with collision of the d'Entrecasteaux Zone west of the arc. The currently active Central Belt volcanic front extends through the center of this basin and includes the shield volcanoes of Aoba, Ambrym, and Santa Maria islands. The oldest rocks recovered by drilling are the lithostratigraphic Unit VII Middle Miocene volcanic breccias in Hole 832B. Lava clasts are basaltic to andesitic, and the dominant phenocryst assemblage is plagioclase + augite + orthopyroxene + olivine. These clasts characteristically contain orthopyroxene, and show a low to medium K calc-alkaline differentiation trend. They are tentatively correlated with poorly documented Miocene calc-alkaline lavas and intrusives on adjacent Espiritu Santo Island, although this correlation demands that the measured K-Ar of 5.66 Ma for one clast is too young, due to alteration and Ar loss. Lava clasts in the Hole 832B Pliocene-Pleistocene sequence are mainly ankaramite or augite-rich basalt and basaltic andesite; two of the most evolved andesites have hornblende phenocrysts. These lavas vary from medium- to high-K compositions and are derived from a spectrum of parental magmas for which their LILE and HFSE contents show a broad inverse correlation with SiO2 contents. We hypothesize that this spectrum results from partial melting of an essentially similar mantle source, with the low-SiO2 high HFSE melts derived by lower degrees of partial melting probably at higher pressures than the high SiO2, low HFSE magmas. This same spectrum of compositions occurs on the adjacent Central Chain volcanoes of Aoba and Santa Maria, although the relatively high-HFSE series is known only from Aoba. Late Pliocene to Pleistocene lava breccias in Hole 833B contain volcanic clasts including ankaramite and augite + olivine + plagioclase-phyric basalt and rare hornblende andesite. These clasts are low-K compositions with flat REE patterns and have geochemical affinities quite different from those recovered from the central part of the basin (Hole 832B). Compositionally very similar lavas occur on Merelava volcano, 80 km north of Site 833, which sits on the edge of the juvenile Northern (Jean Charcot) Trough backarc basin that has been rifting the northern part of the New Hebrides Island Arc since 2-3 Ma. The basal sedimentary rocks in Hole 833B are intruded by a series of Middle Pliocene plagioclase + augite +/- olivine-phyric sills with characteristically high-K evolved basalt to andesite compositions, transitional to shoshonite. These are compositionally correlated with, though ~3 m.y. older than, the high-HFSE series described from Aoba. The calc-alkaline clasts in Unit VII of Hole 832B, correlated with similar lavas of Espiritu Santo Island further west, presumably were erupted before subduction polarity reversal perhaps 6-10 Ma. All other samples are younger than subduction reversal and were generated above the currently subduction slab. The preponderance in the North Aoba Basin and adjacent Central Chain islands of relatively high-K basaltic samples, some with transitional alkaline compositions, may reflect a response to collision of the d'Entrecasteaux Zone with the arc some 2-4 Ma. This may have modified the thermal structure of the subduction zone, driving magma generation processes to deeper levels than are present normally along the reminder of the New Hebrides Island Arc.


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To predict effects of climate change and possible feedbacks, it is crucial to understand the mechanisms behind CO2 responses of biogeochemically relevant phytoplankton species. Previous experiments on the abundant N2 fixers Trichodesmium demonstrated strong CO2 responses, which were attributed to an energy reallocation between its carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) acquisition. Pursuing this hypothesis, we manipulated the cellular energy budget by growing Trichodesmium erythraeum IMS101 under different CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) levels (180, 380, 980 and 1400?µatm) and N sources (N2 and NO3-). Subsequently, biomass production and the main energy-generating processes (photosynthesis and respiration) and energy-consuming processes (N2 fixation and C acquisition) were measured. While oxygen fluxes and chlorophyll fluorescence indicated that energy generation and its diurnal cycle was neither affected by pCO2 nor N source, cells differed in production rates and composition. Elevated pCO2 increased N2 fixation and organic C and N contents. The degree of stimulation was higher for nitrogenase activity than for cell contents, indicating a pCO2 effect on the transfer efficiency from N2 to biomass. pCO2-dependent changes in the diurnal cycle of N2 fixation correlated well with C affinities, confirming the interactions between N and C acquisition. Regarding effects of the N source, production rates were enhanced in NO3-grown cells, which we attribute to the higher N retention and lower ATP demand compared with N2 fixation. pCO2 effects on C affinity were less pronounced in NO3- users than N2 fixers. Our study illustrates the necessity to understand energy budgets and fluxes under different environmental conditions for explaining indirect effects of rising pCO2.


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The Albian-Cenomanian sediments in Holes 627B and 635B contain diverse dinoflagellate-cyst assemblages, which show affinities with coeval assemblages from offshore Morocco and northwest Europe. A total of 34 samples were analyzed from the shallow-water platform sediments and neritic marly chalk of Hole 627B and from the argillaceous chalk and limestone of Hole 635B. Dinoflagellate cysts indicate that the top of the shallow-water platform drilled at Hole 627B must be attributed to the late Albian. Dinocysts also date the drowning of the carbonate platform of the Blake Plateau. This drowning started in the latest Albian (Vraconian) and continued into the Cenomanian. The site area changed from an inner to intermediate or outer(?) neritic environment. The area around Hole 635B from the late Albian appears to have been situated in a deeper environment than the area around Hole 627B during the same period. The new dinoflagellate-cyst species Compositosphaeridiuml bahamaensis n. sp., Maghrebinia breviornata n. sp., and Subtilisphaeral habibi n. sp. are described, and Pervosphaeridium truncatum is emended. Additional taxonomic remarks about other species are included.


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We investigated carbon acquisition by the N2-fixing cyanobacterium Trichodesmium IMS101 in response to CO2 levels of 15.1, 37.5, and 101.3 Pa (equivalent to 150, 370, and 1000 ppm). In these acclimations, growth rates as well as cellular C and N contents were measured. In vivo activities of carbonic anhydrase (CA), photosynthetic O2 evolution, and CO2 and HCO3- fluxes were measured using membrane inlet mass spectrometry and the 14C disequilibrium technique. While no differences in growth rates were observed, elevated CO2 levels caused higher C and N quotas and stimulated photosynthesis and N2 fixation. Minimal extracellular CA (eCA) activity was observed, indicating a minor role in carbon acquisition. Rates of CO2 uptake were small relative to total inorganic carbon (Ci) fixation, whereas HCO{3 contributed more than 90% and varied only slightly over the light period and between CO2 treatments. The low eCA activity and preference for HCO3- were verified by the 14C disequilibrium technique. Regarding apparent affinities, half-saturation concentrations (K1/2) for photosynthetic O2 evolution and HCO3- uptake changed markedly over the day and with CO2 concentration. Leakage (CO2 efflux : Ci uptake) showed pronounced diurnal changes. Our findings do not support a direct CO2 effect on the carboxylation efficiency of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) but point to a shift in resource allocation among photosynthesis, carbon acquisition, and N2 fixation under elevated CO2 levels. The observed increase in photosynthesis and N2fixation could have potential biogeochemical implications, as it may stimulate productivity in N-limited oligotrophic regions and thus provide a negative feedback in rising atmospheric CO2 levels.


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Geochemical (atomic absorption, neutron activation analyses), mineralogical (microprobe), and radiometric (40K - 40Ar) data are presented for five basalts from the Guatemala Trench area (Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 84). Strong geochemical and mineralogical differences distinguish two types among these basalts: (1) One basalt (Sample 567A-19,CC), recovered below Upper Cretaceous limestone has the following characteristics: it is quartz normative and has low TiO2, content, as well as low amounts of Cr, Ni and other transition metals, an LREE depleted pattern, and affinities of clinopyroxene phenocryst plotted into the field of tholeiitic and calc-alkalic pyroxenes. (2) Four alkaline basalts, recovered from the mafic and ultramafic acoustic basement, are nepheline normative and show high TiO2 content, high amounts of Cr, Ni and so on, an LREE enriched pattern and compositions of clinopyroxene phenocryst plotted close to or within the field of alkali basalt pyroxenes. These basalts are comparable to those recognized in the lower part of the Santa Elena complex and are clearly different from the oceanic basalts of the Cocos Plate. The radiometric age of the orogenic basalt seems to be close to 80 Ma. The alkaline basalts are clearly older, even if a discrepancy appears between the results of different analyses because of the secondary effects of alteration.


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To investigate the geochemistry of trace elements in coals from the Dingji Mine of the Huainan Coalfield, Anhui province, China, 416 borehole samples of coal, one parting, two floor and two roof mudstones were collected from 9 minable coal seams in 24 boreholes drilled during exploration. The abundances of 47 elements in each sample were determined by various instruments. The boron concentration in the coals suggests that marine influence decreased from coal seam 1 to 13-1. The geometric means of the elements Sn, Bi, Sb, and B are higher than the average for the corresponding elements in the coals from China, the U.S., and world. The enrichment of certain elements in the Shanxi or Upper Shihezi Formations is related to their depositional environment. The roof, floor and parting samples have higher contents of some elements than coal seams. The mineral matters in the coals from the Dingji Mine were found to consist mainly of granular quartz, clay minerals, and carbonate minerals. The elements are classified into two groups based on their stratigraphic distribution from coal seam 1 to 13-1, and the characteristics of each group are discussed. Based on the correlation coefficients of elemental concentrations with ash yield, four groups of elements with different affinities were identified.


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As part of the GEOTRACES Polarstern expedition ANT XXIV/3 (ZERO and DRAKE), Polonium-210 and Lead-210 have been measured in the water column and on suspended particulate matter in February to April 2008. Our goal was to resolve the affinities of 210Po and 210Pb to transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) and particulate organic carbon (POC). Polonium-210 and Lead-210 in the ocean can be used to identify the sources and sinks of suspended matter. In seawater, Polonium-210 (210Po) and Lead-210 (210Pb) are produced by stepwise radioactive decay of Uranium-238. 210Po (138 days half life) and 210Pb (22.3 years half life) have high affinities for suspended particles. Those radionuclides are present in dissolved form and adsorbed onto particles. Following adsorption onto particle surfaces, 210Po especially is transported into the interior of cells where it bonds to proteins. In this way, 210Po also accumulates in the food chain. 210Po is therefore considered to be a good tracer for POC, and traces particle export over a timescale of months. 210Pb (22.3 years half life) adsorbs preferably onto structural components of cells, biogenic silica and lithogenic particles, and is therefore a better tracer more rapidly sinking matter. Water samples were taken with Niskin bottles. Dissolved Polonium-210 and Lead-210 activities refer to the fraction < 1µm. Particulate Polonium-210 and Lead-210 refer to the activity on particles >1µm retained on nucleopore filters. Zooplankton retained on the filters was systematically removed as this study focused on phytoplankton and exudates. The data have been submitted to Pangaea following a Polonium-Lead intercalibration exercise organized by GEOTRACES, where the AWI lab results range within the data standard deviation from 10 participating labs.


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We propose a weakly supervised method to arrange images of a given category based on the relative pose between the camera and the object in the scene. Relative poses are points on a sphere centered at the object in a given canonical pose, which we call object viewpoints. Our method builds a graph on this sphere by assigning images with similar viewpoint to the same node and by connecting nodes if they are related by a small rotation. The key idea is to exploit a large unlabeled dataset to validate the likelihood of dominant 3D planes of the object geometry. A number of 3D plane hypotheses are evaluated by applying small 3D rotations to each hypothesis and by measuring how well the deformed images match other images in the dataset. Correct hypotheses will result in deformed images that correspond to plausible views of the object, and thus will likely match well other images in the same category. The identified 3D planes are then used to compute affinities between images related by a change of viewpoint. We then use the affinities to build a view graph via a greedy method and the maximum spanning tree.


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Background Most aerial plant parts are covered with a hydrophobic lipid-rich cuticle, which is the interface between the plant organs and the surrounding environment. Plant surfaces may have a high degree of hydrophobicity because of the combined effects of surface chemistry and roughness. The physical and chemical complexity of the plant cuticle limits the development of models that explain its internal structure and interactions with surface-applied agrochemicals. In this article we introduce a thermodynamic method for estimating the solubilities of model plant surface constituents and relating them to the effects of agrochemicals. Results Following the van Krevelen and Hoftyzer method, we calculated the solubility parameters of three model plant species and eight compounds that differ in hydrophobicity and polarity. In addition, intact tissues were examined by scanning electron microscopy and the surface free energy, polarity, solubility parameter and work of adhesion of each were calculated from contact angle measurements of three liquids with different polarities. By comparing the affinities between plant surface constituents and agrochemicals derived from (a) theoretical calculations and (b) contact angle measurements we were able to distinguish the physical effect of surface roughness from the effect of the chemical nature of the epicuticular waxes. A solubility parameter model for plant surfaces is proposed on the basis of an increasing gradient from the cuticular surface towards the underlying cell wall. Conclusions The procedure enabled us to predict the interactions among agrochemicals, plant surfaces, and cuticular and cell wall components, and promises to be a useful tool for improving our understanding of biological surface interactions.


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Background Most aerial plant parts are covered with a hydrophobic lipid-rich cuticle, which is the interface between the plant organs and the surrounding environment. Plant surfaces may have a high degree of hydrophobicity because of the combined effects of surface chemistry and roughness. The physical and chemical complexity of the plant cuticle limits the development of models that explain its internal structure and interactions with surface-applied agrochemicals. In this article we introduce a thermodynamic method for estimating the solubilities of model plant surface constituents and relating them to the effects of agrochemicals. Results Following the van Krevelen and Hoftyzer method, we calculated the solubility parameters of three model plant species and eight compounds that differ in hydrophobicity and polarity. In addition, intact tissues were examined by scanning electron microscopy and the surface free energy, polarity, solubility parameter and work of adhesion of each were calculated from contact angle measurements of three liquids with different polarities. By comparing the affinities between plant surface constituents and agrochemicals derived from (a) theoretical calculations and (b) contact angle measurements we were able to distinguish the physical effect of surface roughness from the effect of the chemical nature of the epicuticular waxes. A solubility parameter model for plant surfaces is proposed on the basis of an increasing gradient from the cuticular surface towards the underlying cell wall. Conclusions The procedure enabled us to predict the interactions among agrochemicals, plant surfaces, and cuticular and cell wall components, and promises to be a useful tool for improving our understanding of biological surface interactions.


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Recently a new recipe for developing and deploying real-time systems has become increasingly adopted in the JET tokamak. Powered by the advent of x86 multi-core technology and the reliability of the JET’s well established Real-Time Data Network (RTDN) to handle all real-time I/O, an official Linux vanilla kernel has been demonstrated to be able to provide realtime performance to user-space applications that are required to meet stringent timing constraints. In particular, a careful rearrangement of the Interrupt ReQuests’ (IRQs) affinities together with the kernel’s CPU isolation mechanism allows to obtain either soft or hard real-time behavior depending on the synchronization mechanism adopted. Finally, the Multithreaded Application Real-Time executor (MARTe) framework is used for building applications particularly optimised for exploring multicore architectures. In the past year, four new systems based on this philosophy have been installed and are now part of the JET’s routine operation. The focus of the present work is on the configuration and interconnection of the ingredients that enable these new systems’ real-time capability and on the impact that JET’s distributed real-time architecture has on system engineering requirements, such as algorithm testing and plant commissioning. Details are given about the common real-time configuration and development path of these systems, followed by a brief description of each system together with results regarding their real-time performance. A cycle time jitter analysis of a user-space MARTe based application synchronising over a network is also presented. The goal is to compare its deterministic performance while running on a vanilla and on a Messaging Real time Grid (MRG) Linux kernel.