951 resultados para accidente cerebrovascular


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ABSTRACT Introduction: The cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is an important cause of neurological impairment. Few data about the factors associated with morbidity of cerebrovascular accident are found in Brazil. Objectives: Evaluate sociodemographic characteristics, sleep habits, cognitive and functional status of patients with cerebrovascular accident. Methods: The patients evaluated through questionnaire Step 1 to survey the sociodemographic characteristics and Modified Rankin Scale for functional assessment. The neurological degree was evaluated by the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS), the sleep Habits questionnaire for sleep and cognitive status by the Mini-Examination of the Mental State (MEMS). The data were analyzed using the chi-square test to determine differences in proportions of variables and linear regression analysis. Results: 305 patients were evaluated and the larger number of subjects was between 50 and 69 years (40%), most patients had no formal education (40.3%) and had ischemic type of cerebrovascular accident (72.5%). In the analysis of the functionality it was found that most patients had moderate impairment (55.1%). The results of the sleep habits showed that 63,6% of patients had one more person in the bedroom,12,3% complained about too much noise in the 11 room and 35% of too much light. From these patients 5,8% were smokers, 7,8% and 70,1% drank coffee drinkers, 28,6% had difficulty in initiate to sleep and woke up 37,6% in the middle of the night. Were showed complaints about nightmares (11%), feeling of suffocation (37,7%) and 35% felt very sleepy during the day. In addition, 95% were unemployed, 80,5% did not perform physical activities and 95,4% did not perform mental activities. The cognitive screening conducted a determined association of cognitive status with age and education level and neurological status. Conclusion: The study showed a high frequency of cases of cerebrovascular accident with functional dependence in a moderate degree, identified that many patients do not follow hygienic measures of sleep and found that the assessment of cognitive deficits must take into consideration the age, educational level and degree of neurological patients. We suggest the need for programs of assistance to victims of cerebrovascular accident patients, with a multidimensional approach including the rehabilitation team, the role of sleep medicine and Neuropsychology, so that patients have access to a more appropriate functional rehabilitation, develop a lifestyle that ensures a good sleep quality and are evaluated and rehabilitated with regard to cognitive impairment


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Urinary incontinence (UI) is a geriatric syndrome that is especially prevalent in institutionalized individuals, and that causes economic and social impacts derived from treatment costs and overload of caregiver. UI also entails physical consequences to the health of the elderly, such as urinary tract infections or pressure ulcers, among other health problems. However, the existing national research on this condition is still scarce and comprises serious methodological biases. Therefore, the objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of urinary incontinence and associated factors in institutionalized elderly. A cross-sectional study is presented herein, conducted between October and December, 2013 and carried out in 10 nursing homes in the city of Natal (Northeast Brazil). UI was verified through the program Minimum Data Set version 3.0, which was also used to assess fecal incontinence, urinary devices and UI control programs. Data collection included sociodemographic information, UI characterization, as well as variables related to the institution itself and to health conditions (comorbidities, medication, pelvic floor surgery, Barthel Index for functional capacity and Pfeiffer test for cognitive status). Bivariate analysis was performed using the Chi-Square Test (or Fisher‟s Exact Test) and the Linear Chi-Square Test, calculating the prevalence ratio with 95% confidence interval. Variables with p value under 0.20 were included in the multivariate analysis, which was performed using the Stepwise Forward logistic regression. The inclusion of variables in the final model depended on the likelihood ratio test, absence of multicollinearity and on the Hosmer-Lemeshow test. A statistical significance level of 0.05 was considered. Six (1.8%) hospitalized elderly, one individual in palliative care (0.3%) and one (0.3%) individual under the age of 60 were excluded from the study. The final sample consisted of 321 elderly, mostly females, with a mean age of 81.5 years. The prevalence of UI was 59.43% and the final model revealed statistically a significant association between UI and white race, physical inactivity, stroke, mobility constraints and cognitive decline. The most frequent UI type was functional UI due to physical or cognitive disability, and incontinence control measures were applied only to a minority of residents (approximately 8%). It is concluded that UI is a health issue that affects more than half of the institutionalized elderly, and is associated with white race, physical inactivity, stroke and other geriatric syndromes such as immobility and cognitive disability. Most of these associated factors are modifiable and therefore the findings of this study highlight the importance of UI prevention and treatment in nursing homes, which include general measures, such as physical and psychosocial activities, and specific measures, such as prompted voiding


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A sedação de dependentes de álcool e drogas em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) é um desafio pela elevada incidência de tolerância às drogas sedativas e da elevada freqüência de síndromes de abstinência. O objetivo deste relato é mostrar um caso de paciente jovem admitido na UTI que desenvolveu síndrome de abstinência alcoólica e tolerância às drogas sedativas, solucionadas somente após o uso de clonidina. RELATO do CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 18 anos, dependente de álcool, tabaco, cocaína e maconha, vítima de acidente por arma de fogo, foi admitido na UTI no 1º dia de pós-operatório de enterectomia, após aspiração de conteúdo gástrico durante reintubação traqueal. Evolução clínica: drogas vasoativas até o 4º dia de internação e broncopneumonia bilateral com derrame pleural e necessidade de ventilação artificial até o 15º dia. O esquema de sedação inicial utilizado foi a associação de midazolam e fentanil. A partir do 4º dia, o paciente apresentou vários episódios de agitação psicomotora, mesmo com a associação de lorazepam no 6° dia. No 9° dia, o paciente recebeu as maiores doses dos fármacos, mas permanecia agitado. Optou-se pela associação de dexmedetomidina, que reduziu as doses das outras drogas em 35% e diminuiu a agitação. No 12° dia, o midazolam e a dexmedetomidina foram substituídos pela infusão de propofol, com piora do quadro. No 13° dia, foi associada clonidina ao esquema de sedação, com resolução do quadro de agitação. No 14° dia, o propofol foi suspenso, sendo mantida a infusão de fentanil e reintroduzida a infusão de midazolam, com doses respectivamente 75% e 65% menores em relação ao pico de uso destas drogas. No 15° dia, o paciente foi extubado e teve alta da UTI. CONCLUSÕES: A droga de escolha para o tratamento da síndrome de abstinência alcoólica é o benzodiazepínico. Entretanto, no presente relato, somente o uso adjuvante de clonidina conseguiu proporcionar tratamento adequado ao paciente.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Injeção inadvertida de medicamentos de uso não espinhal nos espaços peridural e subaracnóideo é uma complicação anestésica passível de ocorrer. Este relato apresenta um caso de injeção inadvertida de metoclopramida no espaço subaracnóideo. RELATO do CASO: Paciente do sexo feminino, 17 anos, 69 kg, IMC de 26.2, estado físico ASA I, 36 semanas e 4 dias de gestação, com diagnóstico de sofrimento fetal agudo, e indicação de cesariana. Apresentava freqüência cardíaca de 82 bpm, pressão arterial de 130 x 70 mmHg, SpO2 de 97%, ritmo cardíaco sinusal regular. A anestesia foi por via subaracnóidea com a associação de anestésico local e opióide, 15 mg de bupivacaína hiperbárica a 0,5% e 25 µg de fentanil. Após 5 minutos da instalação do bloqueio, a paciente referiu mal estar inespecífico. Aferidas pressão arterial, 190 x 120 mmHg, freqüência cardíaca, 145 bpm, e SpO2, 95%. Verificando-se as ampolas cujos conteúdos foram administrados encontrou-se uma de bupivacaína e uma de metoclopramida. O quadro se apresentou com cefaléia frontal intensa, visão turva, náuseas, vômitos e agitação inicial, que evoluiu para sonolência e torpor, além de hipertensão arterial e taquicardia. Foram administrados tramadol, dipirona, ondansetron e medidas de suporte. Após 30 minutos, a paciente apresentava-se assintomática, com PA de 150 x 100 mmHg e FC de 120 bpm. Recebeu alta para a enfermaria 140 minutos após permanência na SRPA, com total reversão dos bloqueios motor, sensitivo e autonômico, e normalização dos parâmetros hemodinâmicos. Recebeu alta hospitalar 48 horas após, sem apresentar seqüelas neurológicas, juntamente com o recém-nascido. CONCLUSÕES: Máxima atenção deve ser dada a qualquer medicamento administrado, seja qual for à via utilizada. Padronização de cores de ampolas, e dos locais de depósito, com o intuito de diminuir este tipo de acidente é recomendável.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender o significado dos acidentes de trabalho com exposição a material biológico na perspectiva dos profissionais de enfermagem. de caráter exploratório com abordagem qualitativa pela análise de conteúdo de Bardin. No período de 2001 a 2006 ocorreram 87 acidentes com material biológico, sendo que destes, oito eram soropositivos para hepatite B e C e Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida/Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana. Para coleta de dados utilizou-se entrevista com perguntas norteadoras. Ao indagar esses profissionais sobre o significado dos acidentes, emergiram quatro categorias: situação de risco; percepção de perigo; fatalidade e sentimentos. Embora não seja estratégia de esclarecimento, mas é fato que organização de trabalho e ações educativas tem impacto considerável para diminuir esse tipo de acidente, diminuindo prejuízos na vida dos acidentados.


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This is a qualitative study which uses Grounded Theory as its methodological framework and Symbolic Interactionism as a theoretical base to understand the experience of family caregivers for Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) patients with regard to social support during their rehabilitation process at home. The components (themes and categories) of the phenomenon assuming home care and specifically the themes assuming care with support and assuming care without support were inter-related for the purpose of comparison and analysis, in order to apprehend how the interaction between them occurred, It was observed that, in addition to the recovery of the patient's autonomy, social support is one of the intervenient components in the quality of life for the family caregiver-disabled person binomial, particularly with respect to the caregiver's freedom to resume his/her life plan.


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A doença vascular encefálica (AVE) é a principal causa de morte no Brasil. As seqüelas em indivíduos pós-acidente vascular encefálico incluem distúrbios motores, distúrbios de fala ou de linguagem e distúrbios de deglutição. A disfagia orofaríngea ocorre em cerca de 50% dos pacientes com AVE. Este estudo teve por objetivo determinar a incidência da disfagia após AVE. Foram avaliados todos os pacientes que deram entrada em hospital universitário de referência no período de um ano, tão logo apresentassem condições para avaliação clínica, fonoaudiológica e neurológica (102 pacientes), com análise objetiva da deglutição (61 pacientes). Foi observada incidência de disfagia em 76,5% dos pacientes avaliados clinicamente, este percentual elevando-se a 91% com avaliação videofluoroscópica. A alta incidência de disfagia observada neste estudo que avaliou pacientes com amplo espectro de gravidade, em diferentes fases de recuperação, ressalta a importância de equipe multidisciplinar, incluindo fonoaudiólogos capacitados, para avaliar os distúrbios da deglutição nos diversos momentos de recuperação dos AVEs.


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O estudo traça um perfil da morbi-mortalidade feminina no Estado de São Paulo, com enfoque nos problemas reprodutivos. A mortalidade foi estudada nos períodos 1979-81; 1986-88 e 1993-5, a partir do Sistema de Informação em Mortalidade (SIM/DATASUS) e a morbidade de 1996 foi obtida do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares (SIH/DATASUS). O artigo discute as principais causas de internação e morte das mulheres e aponta os desafios para as políticas públicas voltadas a saúde da mulher.


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A abordagem tradicional de acidentes pressupõe que a obediência a procedimentos e normas protege o sistema contra acidentes e que esses eventos decorrem de comportamentos faltosos dos trabalhadores, originados, em parte, de aspectos de suas personalidades. A identificação desses comportamentos baseia-se em comparação com o padrão que toma por base o jeito seguro de fazer, conhecido por antecipação pelos especialistas em segurança. Nas últimas décadas, surgem visões alternativas à abordagem tradicional, ampliando o perímetro das análises de acidentes e abrindo caminho para questionamentos de seus pressupostos relativos às concepções de ser humano e de trabalho. Os novos enfoques ajudam a evidenciar os resultados estéreis das práticas tradicionais: culpar e punir as vítimas, recomendar treinamentos e normas mantendo inalterados os sistemas em que ocorreram os acidentes. As novas abordagens sugerem o esgotamento do enfoque tradicional e ressaltam a importância da contribuição dos operadores para a segurança dos sistemas.


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This article was written based on bibliographical research aiming at making a thematic analysis of the production of knowledge in newspapers and magazines about the nurse's role as an educator toward people who care for BVA (brain vascular accident) patients. The analysis gathered articles published in the 80's and 90's, from the Medline, Lilacs and Cinahl databases. Content analysis was the methodological background that allowed the organization of knowledge in two categories: educational intervention in the acute stage and the post-discharge support.


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The aim of the study was to assess risk factors for vascular dementia (VaD) in elderly psychiatric outpatients without dementia, and to determine to what extent clinical interventions targeted such risk factors. Out of 250 clinical charts, 78 were selected of patients over 60 years old, who showed no signs of dementia. Information was obtained regarding demographics, clinical conditions (diagnosis according to ICD-10), complementary investigation, cognitive functions (via CAMCOG), neuroimaging, and the presence of risk factors for VaD. Depression was the most prevalent psychiatric disorder (74%). A great majority of the patients (86%) had at least one risk factor for VaD. One-third of the sample showed three or more risk factors for VaD. The clinical conditions related to risk factors for VaD were hypertension (48.7%), heart disease (30.8%), hypercholesterolemia (25.6%), diabetes mellitus (23.1%), stroke (12.8%), tryglyceride (12.8%), and obesity (5.1%). In terms of lifestyle, smoking (19.2%), alcohol abuse (16.7%), and sedentarism (14.1%) were other risk factors found. Definite risk factors for VaD were found in 83.3% of the patients. Previous interventions targeting risk factors were found in only 20% of the cases. The high rates of risk factors for VaD identified in this sample suggest that psychiatrists should be more attentive to these factors for the prevention of VaD. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The risk for venous thromboembolism (VTE) in medical patients is high, but risk assessment is rarely performed because there is not yet a good method to identify candidates for prophylaxis. Purpose: To perform a systematic review about VTE risk factors (RFs) in hospitalized medical patients and generate recommendations (RECs) for prophylaxis that can be implemented into practice. Data sources: A multidisciplinary group of experts from 12 Brazilian Medical Societies searched MEDLINE, Cochrane, and LILACS. Study selection: Two experts independently classified the evidence for each RF by its scientific quality in a standardized manner. A risk-assessment algorithm was created based on the results of the review. Data synthesis: Several VTE RFs have enough evidence to support RECs for prophylaxis in hospitalized medical patients (eg, increasing age, heart failure, and stroke). Other factors are considered adjuncts of risk (eg, varices, obesity, and infections). According to the algorithm, hospitalized medical patients ≥40 years-old with decreased mobility, and ≥1 RFs should receive chemoprophylaxis with heparin, provided they don't have contraindications. High prophylactic doses of unfractionated heparin or low-molecular-weight-heparin must be administered and maintained for 6-14 days. Conclusions: A multidisciplinary group generated evidence-based RECs and an easy-to-use algorithm to facilitate VTE prophylaxis in medical patients. © 2007 Rocha et al, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd.


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Introduction. Gait becomes the individual independence for their daily activities. The functional deficit caused by central lesion as stroke, makes difficult this motor independence, mainly the locomotion. Objective. Analyze the kinematics gait in stroke patients. Method. It was included 8 patients with clinical diagnosis of stroke, 4 with hemiparesia on the right and 4 on the left. It was analyzed gait spatial-temporal parameters as: length, duration and average speed of the step, using the register in videotape and the software of image 6.3 Dvideow Barros. Results. All patients presented alterations in the kinematics standards of the gait, with lesser duration and length of step, and greater speed than normal subjects. Conclusion. The motor disorder caused by the central lesions produces alterations in the kinematics standards of the gait, in order to adapt the neuro-sensorial sequels, the demands of the task and the way where they live.


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The importance of thrombosis and anticoagulation in clinical practice is rooted firmly in several fundamental constructs that can be applied both broadly and globally. Awareness and the appropriate use of anticoagulant therapy remain the keys to prevention and treatment. However, to assure maximal efficacy and safety, the clinician must, according to the available evidence, choose the right drug, at the right dose, for the right patient, under the right indication, and for the right duration of time. The first International Symposium of Thrombosis and Anticoagulation in Internal Medicine was a scientific program developed by clinicians for clinicians. The primary objective of the meeting was to educate, motivate and inspire internists, cardiologists and hematologists by convening national and international visionaries, thought-leaders and dedicated clinician-scientists in Sao Paulo, Brazil. This article is a focused summary of the symposium proceedings. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009.