956 resultados para Zoological taxonomy
The composition of the Pyrgulidae and its relationships to other member families of the caenogastropod superfamily Rissooidea are examined after a consideration of new anatomical (including gross anatomy, sperm ultrastructure), conchological (including protoconch features), ecological, biogeographical and palaeontological data and a re-evaluation of existing literature. Pyrgulidae can be distinguished from hydrobiids unequivocally only with the aid of the radula. Sperm ultrastructural features suggest a very close relationship between the Pyrgulidae, the Hydrobiidae and the Bithyniidae (in fact no family-diagnostic sperm characters can be found to separate these three taxa). Based upon neontological and fossil evidence it is likely that pyrgulids represent a Miocene offshoot from a paratethyal hydrobiid lineage. Pyrgulids may also represent the stock from which the baicaliids arose, in which case the Pyrgulidae must be considered a paraphyletic group. The huge biogeographic gap between the Caspian Sea and Lake Baikal is to some extent bridged by the finding of a Neogene pyrgulid from the Altai Mountains. An alternative scenario for the origin of baicaliids is presented.
The walkeriana species-group of iridescent Euhesma bees is described with the following nine species considered new: E. allunga, E. banksia, E. bronzus, E. dongara, E. lobata, E. spinola, E. sybilae, E. viridescens and E. xana. Two new synonymies are proposed: E. mica (Cockerell) with E. neglectula (Cockerell), and E. halictoides (Rayment) with E. latissima (Cockerell). A key enables the separation of species, and distributions are mapped.
Agapophytinae subf.n. is a highly diverse lineage of Australasian Therevidae, comprising eight described and two new genera: Agapophytus Guerin-Meneville, Acupalpa Krober, Acraspisa Krober, Belonalys Krober, Bonjeania Irwin & Lyneborg, Parapsilocephala Krober, Acatopygia Krober, Laxotela Winterton & Irwin, Pipinnipons gen.n. and Patanothrix gen.n. A genus-level cladistic analysis of the subfamily was undertaken using sixty-eight adult morphological characters and c. 1000 base pairs of the elongation factor-1 alpha (EF-1 alpha) protein coding gene. The morphological data partition produced three most parsimonious cladograms, whereas the molecular data partition gave a single most parsimonious cladogram, which did not match any of the cladograms found in the morphological analysis. The level of congruence between the data partitions was determined using the partition homogeneity test (HTF) and Wilcoxon signed ranks rest. Despite being significantly incongruent in at least one of the incongruence tests, the partitions were combined in a simultaneous analysis. The combined data yielded a single cladogram that was better supported than that of the individual partitions analysed separately. The relative contributions of the data partitions to support for individual nodes on the combined cladogram were investigated using Partitioned Bremer Support. The level of support for many nodes on the combined cladogram was non-additive and often greater than the sum of support for the respective nodes on individual partitions. This synergistic interaction between incongruent data partitions indicates a common phylogenetic signal in both partitions. It also suggests that criteria for partition combination based solely on incongruence may be misleading. The phylogenetic relationships of the genera are discussed using the combined data. A key to genera of Agapophytinae is presented, with genera diagnosed and figured. Two new genera are described: Patanothrix with a new species (Pat. skevingtoni) and Pat. wilsoni (Mann) transferred from Parapsilocephala, and Pipinnipons with a new species (Pip. kroeberi). Pipinnipons fascipennis (Krober) is transferred from Squamopygin Krober and Pip. imitans (Mann) is transferred from Agapophytus. Agapophytus bicolor (Krober) is transferred from Parapsilocephala. Agapophytus varipennis Mann is synonymised with Aga, queenslandi Krober and Aga. flavicornis Mann is synonymised with Aga. pallidicornis (Krober).
Morphologically diverse and species-rich, the endemic Australasian genus Agapophytus is revised. Eleven previously described species are redescribed and twenty-nine species are described for the first time: A. adonis, sp. nov., A. annamariae, sp. nov., A. antheliogynaion, sp. nov., A. asprolepidotos, sp. nov., A. atrilaticlavius, sp. nov., A. biluteus, sp. nov., A. borealis, sp. nov., A. caliginosus, sp. nov., A. cerrusus, sp. nov., A. chaetohypopion, sp. nov., A. chrysosisyrus, sp. nov., A. decorus, sp. nov., A. dieides, sp. nov., A. discolor, sp. nov., A. eli, sp. nov., A. fenestratum, sp. nov., A. galbicaudus, sp. nov., A. labifenestellus, sp. nov., A. laparoceles, sp. nov., A. lissohoplon, sp. nov., A. lyneborgi, sp. nov., A. notozophos, sp. nov., A. novaeguineae, sp. nov., A. pallidicrus, sp. nov., A. palmulus, sp. nov., A. paramonovi, sp. nov., A. septentrionalis, sp. nov., A. yeatesi, sp. nov. and A. zebra, sp. nov. All 40 species of Agapophytus were compared in a cladistic analysis with three species of Acupalpa Krober using 134 states across 58 adult morphological characters. The analysis resulted in 36 most parsimonious trees with a length of 240 steps. The phylogenetic relationships of the species of Agapophytus are discussed with three main clades recognised: A. dioctriaeformis clade, A. australasiae clade and A. queenslandi clade.
The 29 Australian species of Clistoabdominalis Skevington are revised and a phylogenetic analysis is presented. The following 23 new species are proposed: Clistoabdominalis ancylus, C. angelikae, C. capillifascis, C. carnatistylus, C. collessi, C. colophus, C. condylostylus, C. danielsi, C. dasymelus, C. digitatus, C. exallus, C. gaban, C. gremialis, C. lambkinae, C. lingulatus, C. mathiesoni, C. nutatus, C. octiparvus, C. scalenus, C. scintillatus, C. tasmanicus, C. tharra, and C. yeatesi. Pipunculus picrodes Perkins is proposed as a junior synonym of C. trochanteratus (Becker). Diagnoses and an illustrated key to species are provided. A summary of host records for all Australian species of Pipunculidae is presented to clarify confusion in the literature. Pipunculidae are documented hilltopping for the first time. This mating strategy is used by many species of Clistoabdominalis and patterns of hilltopping within the genus are examined.
The phylogenetic relationships of members of Eudorylini (Diptera: Pipunculidae: Pipunculinae) were explored. Two hundred and fifty-seven species of Eudorylini from all biogeographical regions and all known genera were examined. Sixty species were included in an exemplar-based phylogeny for the tribe. Two new genera are described, Clistoabdominalis and Dasydorylas. The identity of Eudorylas Aczél, the type genus for Eudorylini, has been obscure since its inception. The genus is re-diagnosed and a proposal to stabilize the genus and tribal names is discussed. An illustrated key to the genera of Pipunculidae is presented and all Eudorylini genera are diagnosed. Numerous new generic synonyms are proposed. Moriparia nigripennis Kozánek & Kwon is preoccupied by Congomyia nigripennis Hardy when both are transferred to Claraeola, so Cla. koreana Skevington is proposed as a new name for Mo. nigripennis.
Short-nosed bandicoots, Isoodon, have undergone marked range contractions since European colonisation of Australia and are currently divided into many subspecies, the validity of which is debated. Discriminant function analysis of morphology and a phylogeny of Isoodon based on mtDNA control region sequences indicate a clear split between two of the three recognised species, I. macrourus and I. obesulus/auratus. However, while all previously recognised taxa within the I. obesulus/auratus group are morphologically distinct, I. auratus and I. obesulus are not phylogenetically distinct for mtDNA. The genetic divergence between I. obesulus and I. auratus (2.6%) is similar to that found among geographic isolates of the former (I. o. obesulus and I. o. peninsulae: 2.7%). Further, the divergence between geographically close populations of two different species (I. o. obesulus from Western Australia and I. a. barrowensis: 1.2%) is smaller than that among subspecies within I. auratus (I. a. barrowensis and I. auratus from northern Western Australia: 1.7%). A newly discovered population of Isoodon in the Lamb Range, far north Queensland, sympatric with a population of I. m. torosus, is shown to represent a range extension of I. o. peninsulae (350 km). It seems plausible that what is currently considered as two species, I. obesulus and I. auratus, was once one continuous species now represented by isolated populations that have diverged morphologically as a consequence of adaptation to the diverse environments that occur throughout their range. The taxonomy of these populations is discussed in relation to their morphological distinctiveness and genetic similarity.
Corymbia variegata (spotted gum) is an important commercial hardwood timber species in Australia. Fourteen polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated from C. variegata, with 3-5 alleles amplified in three individuals examined. Cross-species amplification in Corymbia was successful for all primer pairs, while 10 loci (71%) were successfully transferred to at least one species in the closely related genus Eucalyptus.
The dentary, a component of the transient marginal dentition found in the mandible of juveniles of the living Australian lungfish Neoceratodus forsteri, is a tooth plate exactly comparable to the tooth plates with radiating ridges that make up the marginal dentitions of Devonian dipnoans like Andreyevichthys, Orlovichthys and Ichnomylax. In N. forsteri, the dentary consists of two ridges, set almost in line with each other, and growing by the addition of cusps, of increasing sizes, to the extremity of each ridge. It is therefore equivalent to two ridges of a more normal tooth plate with radiating ridges. Despite its appearance, as a long row of sharp cusps ankylosed to a slender bone, and its position, embedded in soft tissue above the anterolabial margin of Meckel's cartilage, it is a tooth plate and is not comparable to the marginal dentitions of other vertebrates. Structure and development of the transient marginal dentition of this lungfish is another indication that dipnoans may not be the sister group of tetrapods.
Members of the flightless genus Apterotheca Gebien (Coleoptera : Tenebrionidae) are mostly restricted to the high elevation rainforests of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area of north-eastern Australia. This region has been recognised as an 'epicentre of evolution for low vagility animals'. The genus Apterotheca is the most diverse low vagility insect taxon known in this region. Forty-four species are included here in a revision of the genus. Three of these species were previously included in Apterotheca (A. antaroides (Pascoe), A. besti (Blackburn) and A. punctipennis Carter), four were previously included in other genera (A. australis (Kulzer), comb. nov. and A. punctifrons (Gebien), comb. nov. in Apterophenus Gebien, A. costata (Buck), comb. nov. in Caxtonana Buck and A. pustulosa (Carter), comb. nov. in Austropeus Carter) and 37 are new. The monotypic genera Austropeus Carter, syn. nov. and Caxtonana Buck, syn. nov. are proposed as new synonyms of Apterotheca. A lectotype for A. punctipennis and A. besti are designated. A key to the species of Apterotheca and a phylogenetic analysis based on the morphological features of adults, as well as a discussion of character evolution, are also included. Data presented here represent the framework for future studies on the determinants of the patterns of diversity found in the Wet Tropics.