893 resultados para Zammit, Brigitte
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This study investigates the characteristics of the quasi 16-day wave in the mesosphere during boreal winter 2011/2012 using observations of water vapor from ground-based microwave radiometers and satellite data. The ground-based microwave radiometers are located in Seoul (South Korea, 37° N), Bern (Switzerland, 47° N) and Sodankylä (Finland, 67° N). The quasi 16-day wave is observed in the mesosphere at all three locations, while the dominant period increases with latitude from 15 days at Seoul to 20 days at Sodankylä. The observed evolution of the quasi 16-day wave confirms that the wave activity is strongly decreased during a sudden stratospheric warming that occurred in mid-January 2012. Using satellite data from the Microwave Limb Sounder on the Aura satellite, we examine the zonal characteristics of the quasi 16-day wave and conclude that the observed waves above the midlatitudinal stations Seoul and Bern are eastward-propagating s = −1 planetary waves with periods of 15 to 16 days, while the observed oscillation above the polar station Sodankylä is a standing wave with a period of approximately 20 days. The strongest relative wave amplitudes in water vapor during the investigated time period are approximately 15%. The wave activity varies strongly along a latitude circle. The activity of the quasi 16-day wave in mesospheric water vapor during boreal winter 2011/2012 is strongest over northern Europe, the North Atlantic Ocean and northwestern Canada. The region of highest wave activity seems to be related to the position of the polar vortex. We conclude that the classic approach to characterize planetary waves zonally averaged along a latitude circle is not sufficient to explain the local observations because of the strong longitudinal dependence of the wave activity.
We measured the elemental composition on a sample of Allende meteorite with a miniature laser ablation mass spectrometer. This Laser Mass Spectrometer (LMS) has been designed and built at the University of Bern in the Department of Space Research and Planetary Sciences with the objective of using such an instrument on a space mission. Utilising the meteorite Allende as the test sample in this study, it is demonstrated that the instrument allows the in situ determination of the elemental composition and thus mineralogy and petrology of untreated rocky samples, particularly on planetary surfaces. In total, 138 measurements of elemental compositions have been carried out on an Allende sample. The mass spectrometric data are evaluated and correlated with an optical image. It is demonstrated that by illustrating the measured elements in the form of mineralogical maps, LMS can serve as an element imaging instrument with a very high spatial resolution of µm scale. The detailed analysis also includes a mineralogical evaluation and an investigation of the volatile element content of Allende. All findings are in good agreement with published data and underline the high sensitivity, accuracy and capability of LMS as a mass analyser for space exploration.
Two polycrystalline diamond surfaces, manufactured by chemical vapour deposition (CVD) technique, are investigated regarding their applicability as charge state conversion surfaces (CS) for use in a low energy neutral atom imaging instrument in space research. The capability of the surfaces for converting neutral atoms into negative ions via surface ionisation processes was measured for hydrogen and oxygen with particle energies in the range from 100 eV to 1 keV and for angles of incidence between 6 deg and 15 deg. We observed surface charging during the surface ionisation processes for one of the CVD samples due to low electrical conductivity of the material. Measurements on the other CVD diamond sample resulted in ionisation efficiencies of ~2 % for H and up to 12 % for O. Analysis of the angular scattering revealed very narrow and almost circular scattering distributions. Comparison of the results with the data of the CS of the IBEX-Lo sensor shows that CVD diamond has great potential as CS material for future space missions.
OBJECTIVE To investigate the potential of doxycycline to reduce stromelysin and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) activity in dogs with osteoarthritis (OA) secondary to spontaneous cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) rupture. STUDY DESIGN Prospective, clinical study. ANIMALS Eighty-one dogs with OA secondary to CCL rupture and 54 normal dogs. METHODS Dogs with OA secondary to CCL rupture were divided into 2 groups before surgery. The Doxy-CCl group received 3 to 4 mg/kg doxycycline orally every 24 hours for 7 to 10 days (n = 35). The CCL group received no treatment (n = 46). Synovial fluid, articular cartilage, synovial membrane, and CCL samples were collected during surgery (Doxy-CCL group and CCL group) or immediately after euthanasia from healthy dogs (control group). Synovial fluid samples were examined cytologically. Total nitric oxide (NOt) concentrations were measured in the supernatant of explant cultures of all tissue samples, and stromelysin activity was measured in the supernatant of explant cultures of cartilage. RESULTS NOt concentrations measured in cartilage were significantly lower in the Doxy-CCL group than in the CCL group, but were not different from those measured in the control group. Doxycycline treatment did not have a significant effect on cartilage stromelysin levels. CONCLUSION The findings in this study indicate that doxycycline inhibits NO production in cartilage in dogs with CCL rupture. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Doxycycline may have a role in the treatment of canine OA by inhibiting NO production.
CASPARIAN STRIP MEMBRANE DOMAIN PROTEINS (CASPs) are four-membrane-span proteins that mediate the deposition of Casparian strips in the endodermis by recruiting the lignin polymerization machinery. CASPs show high stability in their membrane domain, which presents all the hallmarks of a membrane scaffold. Here, we characterized the large family of CASP-like (CASPL) proteins. CASPLs were found in all major divisions of land plants as well as in green algae; homologs outside of the plant kingdom were identified as members of the MARVEL protein family. When ectopically expressed in the endodermis, most CASPLs were able to integrate the CASP membrane domain, which suggests that CASPLs share with CASPs the propensity to form transmembrane scaffolds. Extracellular loops are not necessary for generating the scaffold, since CASP1 was still able to localize correctly when either one of the extracellular loops was deleted. The CASP first extracellular loop was found conserved in euphyllophytes but absent in plants lacking Casparian strips, an observation that may contribute to the study of Casparian strip and root evolution. In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), CASPL showed specific expression in a variety of cell types, such as trichomes, abscission zone cells, peripheral root cap cells, and xylem pole pericycle cells.
Many observers view Jatropha as a miracle plant that grows in harsh environments, halts land degradation and provides seeds for fuel production. This makes it particularly attractive for use in Ethiopia, where poverty levels are high and the degradation of agricultural land is widespread. In this article, we investigate the potentials and limitations of a government-initiated Jatropha project for smallholders in northeastern Ethiopia from a green economy perspective. Data are based on a 2009 household survey and interviews with key informants, as well as on a 2012 follow-up round of interviews with key informants. We conclude that the project has not contributed to a greener economy so far, but has the potential to do so in the future. To maximize Jatropha’s potential, interventions must focus mainly on smallholders and pay more attention to the entire biofuel value chain.
Over the past two decades the demand for traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in the general population has continuously increased in Switzerland and is frequently implemented in medical teaching. Together with Qigong, Taiji is commonly regarded as a mind-body practice integrating TCM principles of health and longevity. This form of slow intentional body movements is rooted in ancient Chinese martial arts and aims to strengthen and relax the physical body and mind, enhance the natural flow of qi, and improve health, personal development, and self-defense. In the West, as the preventive and therapeutic benefits of Taiji practice are gaining empirical support, the popularity of this form of low impact mind-body practice is increasing. The present article aims to provide a brief overview of the development and current status of Taiji practice in Switzerland with an outlook on future perspectives.
Die Arbeiterbewegung hat sich ursprünglich der sozioökonomischen Schattenseite der Industrialisierung verschrieben. Für die ökologischen Nebenfolgen der technoökonomischen Entwicklung haben die linken Gesellschaftskritiker insofern kein Gespür gezeigt, als der historische Naturschutz bis in die 1970er Jahre eine traditionelle Domäne der Konservativen war. Die Linke verstand sich selbst als „progressiv“ und glaubte, einzig mit dem Fortschreiten von Wachstum und Technologie die Utopie einer sozialistischen Zukunft realisieren zu können. Dann aber – im Zuge der ökologischen Zäsur Ende der 1960er Jahre – wurde das Verhältnis zur Natur aus einer neuen Perspektive betrachtet. Die sich für die Umwelt zuständig fühlenden Kräfte gruppierten sich um. Das Umweltthema geriet in das Blickfeld der Arbeiterparteien, die sich mit dem eigenen Fortschrittsmythos auseinander zu setzen hatten. Wie haben die „Progressiven“ die Diskussion um die Grenzen der wirtschaftlichen und technologischen Entwicklung geführt? Welche traditionellen Denkmuster wurden im Zuge der Lernprozesse ökologisch aufgebrochen? Welchen Einfluss hatte der Umweltdiskurs der Linken auf das gesamtgesellschaftliche Reden und Denken über die Umwelt?