760 resultados para YOUNG PEOPLE AT RISK


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En este artículo nos situamos en el campo de estudio relativo a los riesgos, problemas o amenazas asociados al uso que jóvenes y adolescentes hacen de las nuevas tecnologías y, en concreto, de Internet, teléfonos móviles y videojuegos. Sin embargo, nuestro objetivo último no es determinar la existencia real de amenazas, sino analizar cómo los protagonistas las definen, explican y valoran. Para ello, hemos hablado con más de 100 estudiantes de entre 12 y 18 años de edad, a través de entrevistas en grupo realizadas en diferentes municipios españoles. Partiendo de estas entrevistas, hemos podido analizar cuáles son los principales problemas que los participantes en los grupos asocian a las nuevas tecnologías, así como sus discursos en torno a algunos de los temas más frecuentemente tratados en este ámbito de estudio, como son los efectos en términos de sociabilidad, la generación de sentimientos de dependencia, el tipo de contenidos accesibles a través de estas tecnologías o los efectos formativos y en términos de salud.


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Tradicionalmente gran parte de los programas preventivos de drogas y otras adicciones dirigidos a preadolescentes y adolescentes, se han apoyado en la información como estrategia fundamental para disuadir el consumo, utilizando argumentos basados en las consecuencias del deterioro al ser consumidores de sustancias, así como en el abuso de otras conductas adictivas no químicas. El enfoque clásico se apoya en que los jóvenes toman sus decisiones de consumir, o no, en base a una elaboración racional, por tanto en el caso de estar informados de los riesgos que asumen al consumir optarían por no hacerlo. Es fundamental incidir en la importancia que adquieren tres cuestiones alrededor de la información: el nivel y calidad de la información que tienen los jóvenes, el nivel y calidad de la información que tienen los padres y la búsqueda de las fuentes de información sobre drogas y su nivel de credibilidad. Posiblemente los modelos de transmisión y contenido de información que utiliza la publicidad comercial podrían ser más adecuados y eficaces que los del recurso al miedo en el ámbito de los comportamientos de salud, y por supuesto, de las adicciones en general. La tendencia de los promotores de mensajes de salud sigue siendo la de transmitir las consecuencias y los riesgos, en la línea de la apelación al miedo. Presumimos que se alcanzaría una mayor eficiencia con mensajes positivos, reforzando los estilos de vida saludables.


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Background: Oral colonization starts at birth by vertical transmission. Objective: To determine whether mode of delivery influences the oral colonization of infants and contributes to the risk of childhood dental caries. Methods: A systematic review was conducted in the electronic database Web of Science for articles published from January 1995 to December 2015 by using a set of keywords. Results: From 2,644 citations identified through electronic search, ten studies met the inclusion criteria. According to the studies mode of delivery influences oral microbial density, oral microbial profile and the timing of oral colonization by cariogenic microbiota. However, there are no consistent results concerning either the prevalence of children harboring cariogenic microbiota or the prevalence of early childhood caries by mode of delivery. Conclusion: Mode of delivery influences early oral colonization. However, it seems that other determinants rather than mode of delivery could be major contributors to the development of early childhood caries. Keywords: Early childhood caries, early oral colonization, acquisition of oral microflora, mode of delivery


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A adolescência é usualmente marcada por mudanças ao nível do corpo, do pensamento, das atitudes e da vida social que tornam os jovens mais vulneráveis a desenvolver comportamentos irracionais e impulsivos como o consumo de substâncias psicoativas. Neste sentido, o principal objetivo deste estudo é compreender as crenças e atitudes que motivam os jovens adolescentes a usar substâncias como álcool, tabaco e outras substâncias psicoativas. Para tal, foi escolhida uma amostra por conveniência entre os estudantes de três escolas pertencentes ao Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, nomeadamente a Escola Superior de Educação de Portalegre, a Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Portalegre e a Escola Superior de Saúde de Portalegre. A amostra é constituída por 193 estudantes, sendo que a idade dos participantes oscila entre os 18 anos e os 25 anos. Deste modo, foi aplicado o questionário HIT-D&A que permite medir as crenças e atitudes dos jovens, associadas ao uso de substâncias psicoativas como o álcool, o tabaco e outras substâncias psicoativas ilegais. Os resultados evidenciaram que as principais substâncias psicoativas consumidas pelos jovens são o álcool, seguindo-se o tabaco e a marijuana. Outra conclusão é a existência de diferenças significativas entre os dois géneros, sendo que os rapazes apresentam uma média superior face às raparigas de forma estatisticamente significativa. Embora não haja diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre faixas etárias, conclui-se que há mais consumos de substâncias psicoativas entre os jovens mais velhos. No que respeita às médias das três escolas analisadas, estas são superiores na Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Portalegre. Os resultados também mostraram a existência de uma forte associação entre as três distorções cognitivas (centração no eu, culpar os outros e assumir o piro e minimizar e etiquetar) e os consumos das várias substâncias psicoativas.


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"Papers presented at the Allerton Park Institute, sponsored by University of Illinois, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, cosponsored by the Youth Divisions of the American Library Association: American Association of School Librarians (AASL), Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), Young Adult Services Division (YASD); held November 14-16, 1986, Chancellor Hotel & Conference Center ... Champaign, Illinois."


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"The lecture on reading, was first addressed to the Mechanics' Society in this city, and subsequently to the young people belonging to the author's congregation."


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"The lecture on reading, was first addressed to the Mechanics' society in this city, and subsequently to the young people belonging to the author's congregation.


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"The lecture on reading, was first addressed to the Mechanics' Society in this city, and subsequently to the young people belonging to the author's congregation."


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Young people from refugee backgrounds face enormous challenges in the settlement process within Australia. They must locate themselves within a new social, cultural, geographic and adult space, yet also try to find security within the spaces of their own families and ethnic communities. Traumas of the past can mix with painful experiences of the present. The stressors in the lives of these young people can be both complex and diverse. This paper explores the nature a/these stressors among young people from refugee backgrounds living in Australia. [t is based On in-depth interviews with 76 young people from refugee backgrounds now living in Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. A qualitative analysis of the impact of these stressors as well as the coping strategies employed are discussed It is argued that trauma exists


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Telephone counselling is an accessible and confidential means by which distressed young people can seek help. Telephone counselling services were funded under Australia's National Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy between 1997 and 2000. In this study, the effectiveness of telephone counselling for young people seeking help in the context of suicidal ideation or intent was evaluated in an investigation of calls made by suicidal young people to a telephone counselling service. Independent raters measured callers' suicidality and mental state at the beginning and, end of 100 taped counselling sessions. Changes in suicidality and mental state were measured using a reliable rating scale developed for the study. Significant decreases in suicidality and significant improvement in mental state were found to occur during the course of counselling sessions, suggesting positive immediate impact.-Limitations of the study with respect to longer-term outcomes and the relevance of the results for suicide prevention are discussed. Notwithstanding the study limitations, the results lend support for continuing development of hotline services.


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In the 1990s workers in Australia were increasingly subjected to negative work pressures. Irregular work patterns, work intensification, and the transformation of the notion of career, often in the name of ‘flexibility’, were increasingly common. This period was also characterised by scant regard for the quality of working life of young people in entry-level employment, which is often portrayed as a transition stage prior to their admission into the full-time core workforce. This paper explores the experiences of twenty-two young people at the beginning of their careers, in the hospitality and retail industries, with reference to three quality of working life (QWL) elements: hours flexibility, work-life balance and career potential. Qualitative evidence reveals a variety of experiences but, on balance, suggests a negative quality of working life and limited commitment to their current industry. In conclusion, the paper suggests that these industries must pay more attention to QWL issues in order to attract and retain quality staff.


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Objectives: To describe the glycaemic status (assessed by an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)) and associated comorbidities in a cohort of Australian children and adolescents at risk of insulin resistance and impaired glucose homeostasis (IGH). Methods: Twenty-one children and adolescents (three male, 18 female) (18 Caucasian, one Indigenous, two Asian) (20 obese, one lipodystrophy) referred to the Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Clinic underwent a 2-h OGTT with plasma glucose and insulin measured at baseline, + 60 and + 120 min. If abnormal, the OGTT was repeated. Results: The mean (SD) age was 14.2 (1.6) years, BMI 38.8 (7.0) kg/m(2) and BMI-SDS 3.6 (0.6). Fourteen patients had fasting insulin levels >21 mU/L. Type 2 diabetes mellitus was diagnosed in one patient, impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) in four patients and impaired fasting glycaemia (IFG) in one patient. Despite no weight loss, only one patient had a persistently abnormal OGTT on repeat testing. Three patients with IGH were medicated with risperidone at the time of the initial OGTT. One patient who had persistent IGT had continued risperidone. The other two patients had initial OGTT results of IGT and diabetes mellitus type 2. They both ceased risperidone between tests and repeat OGTT showed normal glycaemic status. Conclusions: Use of fasting glucose alone may miss cases of IGH. Diagnosis of IGT should not be made on one test alone. Interpretation of glucose and insulin responses in young people is limited by lack of normative data. Larger studies are needed to generate Australian screening recommendations. Further assessment of the potential adverse effects of atypical antipsychotic medication on glucose homeostasis in this at-risk group is important.


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This study examined the utility of a stress/coping model in explaining adaptation in two groups of people at-risk for Huntington's Disease (HD): those who have not approached genetic testing services (non-testees) and those who have engaged a testing service (testees). The aims were (1) to compare testees and non-testees on stress/coping variables, (2) to examine relations between adjustment and the stress/coping predictors in the two groups, and (3) to examine relations between the stress/coping variables and testees' satisfaction with their first counselling session. Participants were 44 testees and 40 non-testees who completed questionnaires which measured the stress/coping variables: adjustment (global distress, depression, health anxiety, social and dyadic adjustment), genetic testing concerns, testing context (HD contact, experience, knowledge), appraisal (control, threat, self-efficacy), coping strategies (avoidance, self-blame, wishful thinking, seeking support, problem solving), social support and locus of control. Testees also completed a genetic counselling session satisfaction scale. As expected, non-testees reported lower self-efficacy and control appraisals, higher threat and passive avoidant coping than testees. Overall, results supported the hypothesis that within each group poorer adjustment would be related to higher genetic testing concerns, contact with HD, threat appraisals, passive avoidant coping and external locus of control, and lower levels of positive experiences with HD, social support, internal locus of control, self-efficacy, control appraisals, problem solving, emotional approach and seeking social support coping. Session satisfaction scores were positively correlated with dyadic adjustment, problem solving and positive experience with HD, and inversely related to testing concerns, and threat and control appraisals. Findings support the utility of the stress/coping model in explaining adaptation in people who have decided not to seek genetic testing for HD and those who have decided to engage a genetic testing service.


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Relatively little longitudinal research is available in Australia to describe I the age/crime relationship in much detail, particularly patterns of offending occurring during the transition from adolescence to early adulthood. This paper addresses this issue using self-reported criminal involvement from a school-based sample, a group of socially disadvantaged individuals, and a group of officially identified offenders. The findings support the widespread research that rates of offending peak during adolescence, at which time offending is widespread, and that the criminal career is of relatively short duration. However, the results also demonstrate that the age/crime curve is not a unitary phenomenon. The type of offending behaviour being considered, the gender of the population, and the perpetrator's exposure to the criminal justice system contribute to the variability in the curve. In this study, the prevalence and mean level of overall offending for the total sample was higher during early adulthood than adolescence for vehicle offences and drug-use, rates of theft were similar in both periods, and vandalism and serious offending were lower. In addition, socially disadvantaged young people reported involvement in crime that peaked and desisted earlier in the life course compared to the school-based sample, and gender differences within these groups were also found. For the school-based sample, offending for females began and desisted earlier than for males, but within the at-risk group, the opposite was true. Implications for crime-prevention programming are discussed.