806 resultados para Women college students--Michigan--Ann Arbor. Dancing--Michigan--Ann Arbor
Aunque el tema de la participacin en los distintos espacios de la vida comunitaria ha irrumpido con fuerza en los ltimos tiempos, el sector universitario apenas ha incorporado el debate de la participacin en su funcionamiento universitario. La participacin estudiantil ha sido, y sigue siendo en la mayora de los casos, simblica. En este contexto, el artculo que presentamos profundiza en el anlisis de la participacin de los estudiantes en la estructura acadmica universitaria a partir de un estudio realizado en la Universidad de Girona. Nos centramos en los resultados derivados de la aplicacin de un cuestionario electrnico a los estudiantes para conocer sus propias percepciones y puntos de vista en relacin con su participacin en la universidad. A partir de este anlisis planteamos las orientaciones y estrategias que se configuran como elementos y recursos favorecedores de la participacin estudiantil, tratando aspectos diversos como la mejora de la informacin, la necesidad de estrategias para facilitar la adaptacin de los estudiantes a la dinmica de los rganos de gobierno o el reconocimiento del carcter formativo de la participacin
This article lies within the sphere of studies initiated recently in various social sciences and which aim to introduce women's problems as an element of analysis, or in other words, the gender perspective. In the field of geography, the earliest contributions of this nature were made in English-speaking countries. It is only in the 1980s that similar contributions begin to appear in Spanish geography, albeit sporadically . In the first part of this article, an analysis is made of the presence of women geographers in Spanish universities, based on a questionnaire submitted to twenty-six departments of geography. The questionnaires provide information on the age, sex and marital status of women staff, and other relevant facts. It becomes evident that women lecturers are in the minority in Spanish university Geography Departments, especially in the top posts, although the percentage compares favourably with English-speaking countries. The second part of the article consists of a study of the written contributions of women geographers through the analysis of the various geographical magazines published by geography departments and other related bodies. The author reaches the conclusion that the percentage of articles written by women geographers is even lower than the corresponding percentage of staff members. Especially noteworthy is the very limited number of articles in the fields of physical geography and geographical theory, in contrast to a certain tendency to publish studies on, for example, population or urban topics with a highly restricted territorial scope
Este artigo procura revisitar a greve acadmica de 1907 e integr-la num cenrio de declnio da Monarquia Constitucional e numa conjuntura promissora da nova ordem republicana. Num primeiro momento, aborda-se a origem, o desenvolvimento e as consequncias desta rebelio estudantil, enfocando uma multiplicidade de olhares, coevos, de publicistas, escritores e polticos e dando igualmente voz a alguns estudantes que vivenciaram esses acontecimentos. Num segundo momento, procede-se abordagem das intervenes parlamentares que esta questo acadmica despoletou na Cmara dos Deputados, com destaque para os discursos eloquentes de Antnio Jos de Almeida, um dos grandes tribunos republicanos do seu tempo.
O presente estudo prope-se verificar a influncia das Atitudes e da Ansiedade Face Morte na Imortalidade Simblica em estudantes universitrios. Procura igualmente perceber quais as relaes entre as diferentes variveis. Com este propsito, foram aplicadas as verses portuguesas do Death Attitude Profile Revised (DAP-R; Wong, Reker, & Gesser, 1994), da Death Anxiety Scale (DAS; Templer, 1970) e da The Sense of Symbolic Immortality Scale (SSIS; Drolet, 1990), juntamente com um Questionrio de dados sociodemogrficos. Participaram no estudo 310 estudantes universitrios de 1 e 2 ciclo, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 56 anos. Os resultados mostram que os estudantes obtm valores superiores de aceitao neutra e inferiores de aceitao de escape. Relativamente idade os indivduos mais velhos apresentam valores superiores de medo e de evitamento da morte, assim como valores inferiores de desejo de imortalidade simblica. Os homens apresentam resultados mais elevados de aceitao neutra, de escape, de ansiedade face morte e de desejo de imortalidade simblica. Constata-se que as atitudes negativas perante a morte e a imortalidade simblica se correlacionam negativamente com a ansiedade. Os resultados encontrados corroboram a tese de que existe influncia das atitudes e da ansiedade no desejo de imortalidade simblica.
Sendo atualmente a internet cada vez mais um espelho de todas as interaes sociais e estando termos relacionados com sexo entre os termos mais pesquisados na internet, pretendeu-se com o presente estudo explorar a existncia de possveis associaes entre o cibersexo (consequncias nefastas da internet; contedos sexuais na Internet ; influncia da Internet; procura de satisfao na Internet) a qualidade de vida (bem-estar fsico; bem estar psicolgico; bem estar das relaes ; bem estar do ambiente) e a sade mental (depresso; ansiedade; stress) em estudantes universitrios. Participaram neste estudo 225 alunos universitrios com idade compreendidas entre os 18 e os 58 anos, sendo 114 do sexo masculino M= 28.89 anos ; D.P.=7.88) e 111 do sexo feminino (M=29.51 anos; D.P.=9.05). Os resultados mostram que os Contudos Sexuais na Internet associaram-se negativamente e significativamente com o Bem-Estar Fsico e o Bem-Estar Psicolgico. A Dependncia Internet associa-se significativamente com todas as escalas da Sade Mental (Depresso, Ansiedade e Stress). Quanto ao sexo, verificaram-se diferenas estatisticamente significativas ao nvel do Stress, Depresso e Ansiedade, onde as mulheres revelam valores superiores. Os homens apresentaram ndices significativamente maiores nos Contedos Sexuais na Internet e Consequncias Nefastas da Internet. Em relao idade quanto mais novos os participantes , maiores todas as dimenses da utilizao da Internet e maior a dependncia Internet.
In Singapore about 20% of families are considered to be socio-economically disadvantaged. Children from these families have been identified as having reading difficulties when they enter primary school. Recognizing that children from these families have limited access to reading materials, the National Library Board, in partnership with local community clubs and family service centres, has established the KidsREAD literacy programme where volunteers, mostly university and college students, help children between 4 and 8 years of age overcome some of their reading problems. The KidsREAD clubs aim to promote the love of reading and cultivate good reading habits among all young Singaporeans, in particular children from low-income families (National Library Board, 2005). This paper presents an evaluation of the KidsREAD clubs with regard to childrens attitudes towards reading. It explores the differences in childrens reading attitudes at the beginning of the programme and half way through the programme. The study was carried out in three representative clubs. This paper evaluates the attitudes of 65 children towards the clubs and the activities conducted at the clubs. It outlines the childrens beliefs about reading and the extent to which they value reading. It further explores how much KidsREAD clubs have influenced their attitudes towards reading in general and their enjoyment of reading in particular.
Background Depression symptomatology was assessed with the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) in a sample of Jewish adolescents, in order to compare the frequency and severity of depression with non-Jewish adolescents as well as examine gender difference of the expression of depressive symptomatology. Method Subjects comprised 475 students from Jewish private schools, aged 13-17 years, who were compared with an age-matched non-Jewish sample (n = 899). Kendall`s definition was adopted to classify these adolescents according to level of depressive symptoms. The frequency of depression was calculated for ethnicity, gender and age strata. Discriminant analysis and principal component analysis were performed to assess the importance of depression-specific and non-specific items, along with the factor structure of the BDI, respectively. Results The overall mean score on the BDI in the Jewish and the non-Jewish sample was 9.0 (SD = 6.4) and 8.6 (SD = 7.2), respectively. Jewish girls and boys had comparable mean BDI scores, contrasting with non-Jewish sample, where girls complained more of depressive symptoms than boys (p < 0.001). The frequency of depression, adopting a BDI cutoff of 20, was 5.1% for the Jewish sample and 6.3% for the non-Jewish sample. The frequency of depression for Jewish girls and boys was 5.5% (SE = 1.4) and 4.6% (SE = 1.5), respectively. On the other hand, the frequency of depression for non-Jewish girls and boys was 8.4% (SE = 1.2) and 4.0% (SE = 1.0), respectively. The female/male ratio of frequency of BDI-depression was 1.2 in the Jewish sample, but non-Jewish girls were twice (2.1) as likely to report depression as boys. Discriminant analysis showed that the BDI highly discriminates depressive symptomatology among Jewish adolescents, and measured specific aspects of depression. Factor analysis revealed two meaningful factors for the total sample and each gender (cognitive-affective dimension and somatic dimension), evidencing a difference between Jewish boys and Jewish girls in the symptomatic expression of depression akin to non-Jewish counterparts. Conclusions Ethnic-cultural factor might play a role in the frequency, severity and symptomatic expression of depressive symptoms in Jewish adolescents. The lack of gender effect on depression, which might persist from adolescence to adulthood among Jewish people, should be investigated in prospective studies.
Each year search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo, complete trillions of search queries online. Students are especially dependent on these search tools because of their popularity, convenience and accessibility. However, what students are unaware of, by choice or naivet is the amount of personal information that is collected during each search session, how that data is used and who is interested in their online behavior profile. Privacy policies are frequently updated in favor of the search companies but are lengthy and often are perused briefly or ignored entirely with little thought about how personal web habits are being exploited for analytics and marketing. As an Information Literacy instructor, and a member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, I believe in the importance of educating college students and web users in general that they have a right to privacy online. Class discussions on the topic of web privacy have yielded an interesting perspective on internet search usage. Students are unaware of how their online behavior is recorded and have consistently expressed their hesitancy to use tools that disguise or delete their IP address because of the stigma that it may imply they have something to hide or are engaging in illegal activity. Additionally, students fear they will have to surrender the convenience of uber connectivity in their applications to maintain their privacy. The purpose of this lightning presentation is to provide educators with a lesson plan highlighting and simplifying the privacy terms for the three major search engines, Google, Bing and Yahoo. This presentation focuses on what data these search engines collect about users, how that data is used and alternative search solutions, like DuckDuckGo, for increased privacy. Students will directly benefit from this lesson because informed internet users can protect their data, feel safer online and become more effective web searchers.
Hope is an important construct in marketing, once it is an antecedent of important marketing variables, such as trust, expectation and satisfaction (MacInnis & de Mello, 2005, Almeida, Mazzon & Botelho, 2007). Specifically, the literature suggests that hope can play an important influence on risk perception (Almeida, 2010, Almeida et al., 2007, Fleming, 2008, MacInnis & de Mello, 2005) and propensity to indebtedness (Fleming, 2008). Thus, this thesis aims to investigate the relations among hope, risk perception related to purchasing and consumption and propensity to indebtedness, by reviewing the existing literature and conducting two empirical researches. The first of them is a laboratory experiment, which accessed hope and risk perception of getting a mortgage loan. The second is a survey, investigating university students propensity to get indebted to pay for their university tuition, analyzed through the method of Structural Equations Modeling (SEM). These studies found that hope seems to play an important role on propensity to indebtedness, as higher levels of hope predicted an increase in the propensity to accept the mortgage loan, independent of actual risks, and an increase in the propensity of college students to get indebted to pay for their studies. In addition, the first study suggests that hope may lead to a decrease in risk perception, which, however, has not been confirmed by the second study. Finally, this research offers some methodological contributions, due to the fact that it is the first study using an experimental method to study hope in Brazil and, worldwide, it is the first study investigating the relation among hope, risk perception and propensity to indebtedness, which proved to be important influences in consumer behavior
O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as principais necessidades e problemas dos alunos dos cursos bsicos de Cincias Biomdicas, Tecnolgicas e Humanas da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, bem como o Servio de Orientao (Aconselhamento Pessoal ou Orientao Acadmica) mais adequado a essas necessidades e problemas. A amostra constou de 318 estudantes dos cursos bsicos da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro distribudos de forma seguinte: 161 estudantes da Faculdade de Engenharia; 120 estudantes da Faculdade de Medicina e 37 estudantes da Faculdade de Educao.
O Disney International College Program (ICP) um programa de estgio patrocinado pela Walt Disney Company, destinado a estudantes universitrios estrangeiros. Uma vez aceitos no programa, estes jovens viajam para os Estados Unidos durante as frias de vero para trabalhar por trs meses no Walt Disney World Resort na Flrida. O ICP tornou-se um programa popular dentre os estudantes universitrios brasileiros. Todos os anos, aproximadamente trinta mil jovens candidatam-se para o programa. Contudo, apenas cerca de oitocentos conseguem ser aprovados. Durante o programa esses jovens desenvolvem uma identidade Disney que passar a fazer parte do self deles. O objetivo deste trabalho explorar o papel ICP na vida dos seus participantes, assim como desvendar seus efeitos na construo do self destes jovens. O presente estudo tambm procurou avaliar como os participantes conseguem sustentar sua identidade Disney, mesmo aps deixarem o programa. Para tanto, foi desenvolvido um estudo de caso qualitativo, no qual o caso analisado foi a identidade de participantes do ICP. Aps uma breve anlise da literatura sobre identidade, consideramos o self como a capacidade do individuo em manter viva uma narrativa particular. Assim, nossos dados foram coletados e analisados por meio do mtodo de anlise narrativo. Atravs deste estudo, descobrimos que a Walt Disney Company realiza um trabalho eficiente em convencer os participantes do ICP que a sua misso e seus valores so muito importantes. Com isso, estes jovens passam a louvar a marca Disney. Tambm foi observada a existncia de uma comunidade de Disney Alumni (pessoas que participaram do ICP) unida por princpios, ideias e consumo.
A migrao de materiais educacionais para dispositivos portteis, tais como computadores do tipo tablet, torna possvel oferecer altos nveis de interatividade na apresentao de animaes e, dessa forma, pesquisas so necessrias para avaliar o valor pedaggico de incorporar recursos sofisticados de interatividade em lies para dispositivos portteis. Estudantes de Engenharia (no Experimento 1) e estudantes de nvel superior de outras reas (no Experimento 2) estudaram por 5 minutos uma animao mostrando, em um computador do tipo tablet, os seis passos de um procedimento de manuteno para um dispositivo mecnico chamado Tomada de Fora. A animao envolveu um baixo nvel de interatividade, no qual os estudantes eram capazes de reproduzir, pausar, avanar e voltar a animao por meio de botes acionados em tela sensvel ao toque (touch screen); um alto nvel de interatividade, no qual os estudantes podiam tambm tocar e deslizar um dedo na tela para rotacionar a animao ou ainda tocar a tela com dois dedos abrindo-os ou fechando-os para ampliar ou reduzir a animao; ou nenhuma interatividade (apenas no Experimento 2). De forma geral, em ambos os experimentos, os estudantes que utilizaram alto nvel de interatividade reportaram maior interesse, mas no mostraram melhor aprendizagem, comparados aos grupos de baixa ou nenhuma interatividade. Entretanto, no Experimento 2, estudantes que se classificaram como alunos verbais demonstraram maior interesse e obtiveram pontuaes mais altas de aprendizagem com alta interatividade, em vez de baixa ou nenhuma interatividade. Esse padro, contudo, no foi encontrado entre os alunos visuais. Tambm no Experimento 2, os alunos verbais e os alunos com baixo nvel de autorregulao de aprendizagem, que manifestaram alto nvel de interesse, obtiveram pontuaes mais altas de aprendizagem do que os alunos visuais e os alunos com alto nvel de autorregulao de aprendizagem, que manifestaram baixo nvel de interesse, respectivamente.
The Bologna Process introduced some changes in the curriculum of higher education institutions (HEIs) and defined that academic learning should consider the needs of the labour market. HEIs and employers agree that personal skills are the most important set of competence of graduates (Pavlin, Akkuyunlu, Kovacic, & Svetlik, 2009). The goals of this work were to explore how the work experienced by teams of students in HEIs might help them improve their personal skills, namely empirically explore the perception of teamwork and personality into two groups of students. The study was based on the theoretical model of Team Evolution and Maturation (TEAM, Fransen, 2012). The sample consisted of 99 students of the 3rd year of the degree (1st cycle) in Computer Science (49 students) and the 2nd year of the Bachelor's Degree (1st cycle) in Psychology (50 students), from the University of Madeira, Portugal. Areas of personality and team collaboration were evaluated with a Pre- and Post-test. Findings show that the perception of the teamwork collaboration of students in Computer Science and Psychology majors seems to be influenced by their scientific area, by gender, by the selection method of the time-organiser, the self-perceived personality of the time-organiser, the self perceived personality of the non-time-organiser, and the size of the team. It is expected that this data will contribute to further theoretical and practical reflection on the teamwork among college students and their performance in the labour market.
Health and life quality can be preserved and improved by the regular practice of physical activity. Sedentarism is an undesirable condition and represents risk for the health. This study has as objective to analyze the caloric cost and the basic physical qualities in college students of different technical levels. The research was descriptive and applied to 35 students, volunteers, from 19 to 34 years old, from both sexes, participants of the Dance Body of State University of Piau, in the city of Teresina, in the activities of folkloric dance and walking. The caloric cost was evaluated with the accelerometer Caltrac 100/100 Plan, the basic physical qualities through the sitting and reaching test (flexibility); the vertical impulsion test, crouch (inferior members strength); the abdominal test (located muscular resistance); and the Burpee test (motor coordination). The participants were separated in two groups according to their time of practice: group 1 (beginners), group 2 (advanced). The parametric tests t by Student and correlation by Pearson were used, observing a significance p<0,05 in the sense of comparing the observed results, which showed that there are no significant differences between the two groups of students, according to the time of practice, in which concerns the caloric cost. The results of Strength, Resistance and Co-ordination test did not differ so much between the two groups. On the other hand, in the variable flexibility significant differences were observed (sig.p = 0,0022 << 0,05) between the observed groups, being Group 1 (31,5 6,3) meaningfully less than Group 2 (38,1 4,9), which constitutes a difference of about 21%. Such results present relations of caloric cost compensation between the studied groups, the motivation to the beginners group and flexibility to tne advanced group, justifying the lack of significant distinctions. In this sense the folkloric dance, as a physical activity, appears to be efficient, for significant co-relations are still noticed between the caloric cost levels of the dance with the walking, besides not presenting expressive differences between them.
Enter the University and remain in it is a challenge for all students who leave high school and enter this level. The aspiration for a graduation occur by several factors, which have decisive impact on the personal lives of individuals who acquire training in higher education, both as regards the professional capacities as economic opportunity. There are several possible trajectories to get into a college. Students can be classified by their success or failure in performance due to multiple intervening factors that interact among themselves. The purpose of this work is to identify and characterize the factors that reveal trends of success and failure in academic performance of UFRN students. From this general goal, broke out the following specific objectives: to analyze the problems of expanding access to and restructuring of higher education in Brazil and UFRN; explicit definitions of success and failure in higher education; identify national trends and international help to determine the success and failure of students in UFRN. Therefore, we conducted an extensive literature review on the subject and analyzed secondary data from official national, regional and local statistical sources on the subject. In the delimitation of the data, the research population refers to students who entered the UFRN through the vestibular, in the years 2000 to 2010, and who attended at least one (1) semester. In the light of the analysis, the theoretical framework interpretation and the investigative data, it was possible to identify the major factors that affect the categories of success and failure in this university, which highlight the following: the policies adopted by UFRN have provided access mechanisms and student assistance policies, trying to supply the needs of students for them to have a good academic performance, or success in their courses; in addition, the chosen focus of analysis showed that, within the same area, there is not significant difference in the performance of students coming from less favored social and educational contexts, which does not occur when analyzing the success rates between students from different areas of knowledge. The trajectory of interpretative analysis of the results presented in this paper enables to raise points of discussion in various forums and higher councils in order to increase the academic indices of its students. It also enables to promote strategies of guidance and student support for that he persists in his choice