716 resultados para Whale Watching
We report on wintertime data collected from Baffin Bay and northern Davis Strait, a major gateway linking the Arctic with the subpolar North Atlantic, using narwhals (Monodon monoceros) as an oceanographic sampling platform. Fourteen narwhals were instrumented with satellite-linked time-depth-temperature recorders between 2005 and 2007. Transmitters collected and transmitted water column temperature profiles from each dive between December and April, where >90% of maximum daily dive depths reached the bottom. Temperature measurements were combined with 15 helicopter-based conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) casts taken in April 2007 across central Baffin Bay and compared with hydrographic climatology values used for the region in Arctic climate models. Winter temperature maxima for whale and CTD data were in good agreement, ranging between 4.0°C and 4.6°C in inshore and offshore Baffin Bay and in Davis Strait. The warm Irminger Water was identified between 57°W and 59°W (at 68°N) between 200 and 400 m depths. Whale data correlated well with climatological temperature maxima; however, they were on average 0.9°C warmer ±0.6°C (P < 0.001). Furthermore, climatology data overestimated the winter surface isothermal layer thickness by 50-80 m. Our results suggest the previously documented warming in Baffin Bay has continued through 2007 and is associated with a warmer West Greenland Current in both of its constituent water masses. This research demonstrates the feasibility of using narwhals as ocean observation platforms in inaccessible Arctic areas where dense sea ice prevents regular oceanographic measurements and where innate site fidelity, affinity for winter pack ice, and multiple daily dives to >1700 m offer a useful opportunity to sample the area.
Working with subsistence whale hunters, we tagged 19 mostly immature bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) with satellite-linked transmitters between May 2006 and September 2008 and documented their movements in the Chukchi Sea from late August through December. From Point Barrow, Alaska, most whales moved west through the Chukchi Sea between 71° and 74° N latitude; nine whales crossed in six to nine days. Three whales returned to Point Barrow for 13 to 33 days, two after traveling 300 km west and one after traveling ~725 km west to Wrangel Island, Russia; two then crossed the Chukchi Sea again while the other was the only whale to travel south along the Alaskan side of the Chukchi Sea. Seven whales spent from one to 21 days near Wrangel Island before moving south to northern Chukotka. Whales spent an average of 59 days following the Chukotka coast southeastward. Kernel density analysis identified Point Barrow, Wrangel Island, and the northern coast of Chukotka as areas of greater use by bowhead whales that might be important for feeding. All whales traveled through a potential petroleum development area at least once. Most whales crossed the development area in less than a week; however, one whale remained there for 30 days.
Forty-six sightings of bowhead whales have been reported from the Svalbard area between 1940 and 2009. But, only three of these sightings are reported prior to 1980. Most observations involve only one or two whales, but groups of up to seven individuals have been seen recently. Increased ship traffic, particularly cruise-based tourism, in the north undoubtedly provides more opportunities for spotting this species, and the establishment of a structured cetacean sighting programme, as well as increase in effort in documenting sightings from a wider marine user-community, likely all play a role in more records being documented in recent years. The absence of a dedicated monitoring programme for ice-associated cetaceans and the generally low scientific activity level in this field in Svalbard Waters hampers firm conclusions about the trends in abundance of bowhead whales in the Svalbard area.
A selection of MeO-BDE and BDE congeners were analyzed in pooled blubber samples of pilot whale (Globicephala melas), ringed seal (Phoca hispida), minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus), harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), hooded seal (Cystophora cristata), and Atlantic white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus), covering a time period of more than 20 years (1986-2009). The analytes were extracted and cleaned-up using open column extraction and multi-layer silica gel column chromatography. The analysis was performed using both low resolution and high resolution GC-MS. MeO-PBDE concentrations relative to total PBDE concentrations varied greatly between sampling periods and species. The highest MeO-PBDE levels were found in the toothed whale species pilot whale and white-sided dolphin, often exceeding the concentration of the most abundant PBDE, BDE-47. The lowest MeO-PBDE levels were found in fin whales and ringed seals. The main MeO-BDE congeners were 6-MeO-BDE47 and 2'-MeO-BDE68. A weak correlation only between BDE47 and its methoxylated analog 6-MeO-BDE47 was found and is indicative of a natural source for MeO-PBDEs.
We assessed the relationship between exposure to organohalogen polluted minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) blubber and liver morphology and function in a generational controlled study of 28 Greenland sledge dogs (Canis familiaris). The prevalence of portal fibrosis, mild bile duct hyperplasia, and vascular leukocyte infiltrations was significantly higher in the exposed group (all Chi-square: p<0.05). In case of granulomas, the frequency was significantly highest in the bitches (P generation) while the prevalence of portal fibrosis was highest in the F generation (pups) (both Chi-square: p<0.05). No significant difference between exposed and controls was found for bile acid, ALAT, and ALKP, while ASAT and LDH were significantly highest in the control group (both ANOVA: p<0.05). We therefore suggest that a daily intake of 50-200 g environmentally organohalogen polluted minke whale blubber can cause liver lesions in Greenland sledge dogs. It is reasonable to infer that other apex predators such as polar bears (Ursus maritimus) and humans may suffer from similar impacts.
Oxygen penetration depth and temperature at the rim of the clam colony was measured with a small deep-sea microprofiler module (Treude et al., 2009), carrying 3 oxygen Clark-type microelectrodes (Revsbech et al., 1980) and one temperature sensor (Pt100, UST Umweltsensorentechnik GmbH, Germany). High-resolution microprofiles across the sediment-water interface were measured with a vertical resolution of 100 µm on a total length of 15 cm. Oxygen electrodes had a linear response to the oxygen concentration in seawater and were calibrated in situ using constant readings in the bottom water (oxygen concentration determined by Winkler titration) and the anoxic parts of the sediment.
Scientific background: Marine mammals use sound for communication, navigation and prey detection. Acoustic sensors therefore allow the detection of marine mammals, even during polar winter months, when restricted visibility prohibits visual sightings. The animals are surrounded by a permanent natural soundscape, which, in polar waters, is mainly dominated by the movement of ice. In addition to the detection of marine mammals, acoustic long-term recordings provide information on intensity and temporal variability of characteristic natural and anthropogenic background sounds, as well as their influence on the vocalization of marine mammals Scientific objectives: The PerenniAL Acoustic Observatory in the Antarctic Ocean (PALAOA, Hawaiian "whale") near Neumayer Station is intended to record the underwater soundscape in the vicinity of the shelf ice edge over the duration of several years. These long-term recordings will allow studying the acoustic repertoire of whales and seals continuously in an environment almost undisturbed by humans. The data will be analyzed to (1) register species specific vocalizations, (2) infer the approximate number of animals inside the measuring range, (3) calculate their movements relative to the observatory, and (4) examine possible effects of the sporadic shipping traffic on the acoustic and locomotive behaviour of marine mammals. The data, which are largely free of anthropogenic noise, provide also a base to set up passive acoustic mitigation systems used on research vessels. Noise-free bioacoustic data thereby represent the foundation for the development of automatic pattern recognition procedures in the presence of interfering sounds, e.g. propeller noise.
La presente tesis doctoral estudia las características de un transductor acústico bioinspirado en la estructura del maxilar inferior de un Zifio de Couvier (Ziphius cavirostris). El mecanismo de funcionamiento del sensor se basa en las características de un sistema acoplado formado por los distintos componentes acústicos identificados en el maxilar. Para analizar las características del sensor se propone un modelo simplificado 2D que consta de una cavidad cerrada con forma de bocina acoplada a una lengüeta. Una parte de la lengüeta se encuentra dentro de la cavidad y otra en el exterior. Dicha lengüeta detecta los cambios de presión acústica y las vibraciones generadas por el sonido y las transmite con ondas de flexión al interior de la cavidad. La excitación prolongada sobre la placa puede provocar la activación de los modos propios del sistema acoplado. Dichos modos se caracterizan porque presentan un máximo de presión en el cono de la bocina la cual a su vez actúa como un amplificador acústico. Mediante el Método de los elementos Finitos se analizan las características acústicas del sensor y se construye un prototipo experimental para validar los resultados evaluados en el modelo numérico. Se propone una metodología numérica que permite desarrollar y validar un elemento tetraédrico para caracterizar el comportamiento isotrópico de los medios porosos. La metodología permite construir elementos de línea y bidimensionales. A partir de esta metodología se desarrolla un elemento plano ortotrópico. Se realiza un modelo de la cavidad en el que una de las paredes de la bocina está constituida por material poroso y se une la parte exterior de la lengüeta a dicho material para que constituya una viga sobre un apoyo elástico. Se calcula la respuesta modal y se discuten los efectos del material poroso en la eficiencia del transductor y las posibles mejoras a introducir en el mismo. SUMMARY This Thesis studies the characteristics of an acoustic transducer bioinspired by the structure of the lower maxilla of an odontoceto. In this case a Cuvier’s beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris). The transducer working mechanism is based in a coupled system, with components identified in the maxilla. To analyze the transducer a simplified 2D model composed by a horn shaped closed cavity is modeled. The cavity is coupled with a flat belt. The belt has one part inside the cavity and the other part outside of it. The belt traverses the cavity wall and it is in charge to pick the vibrations from outside and introduce it inside the cavity. The transmission is obtained through the belt bending. A sustained external load with the right frequency contents will allow the system to reach a stationary pressure intensity distribution inside the cavity. Frequencies with modal shapes that show an important intensity increase at the horn tip are of special interest because of the signal amplification. A finite element model is constructed to study the transducer coupled modes and a prototype is constructed to validate the numerical results. A numerical methodology to construct and validate a tetrahedral finite element for isotropic porous materials is presented. The methodology allows constructing linear and 2D elements. It is extended to model orthotropic porous materials behavior. At the end, one of the horn walls is made of an orthotropic material and the external belt is glued to it in order to configure a belt over an elastic foundation. Modal response is evaluated and the porous material effects in the transducer efficiency and further improvements are discussed.
El principal objetivo del proyecto es intentar reducir los costes de algunas de las operaciones de vigilancia llevadas a cabo por agencias o instituciones de seguridad. El proyecto consiste en diseñar y desarrollar un sistema informático que permita el manejo a distancia de un cuadricóptero a través de un ordenador, utilizando el teclado y visualizando las imágenes recibidas del módulo de la videocámara. Cada cuadricóptero estará compuesto de diferentes módulos y cada módulo tiene una funcionalidad característica. Se desarrollará un sistema de gestión de aeronaves para poder añadir nuevas unidades de cuadricópteros, así como un sistema de gestión de usuarios para administrar los usuarios en el sistema. Adicionalmente, se construirá un prototipo de cuadricóptero y se implementará su unidad controladora para poder realizar las pruebas del sistema desarrollado con ello. ---ABSTRACT---The aim of this project is to attempt to reduce the costs of some surveillance services offered by security agencies or institutions. The project consists in designing and developing a computer system to remotely control a drone or quad-copter through a computer, manipulating the drone through the keyboard and watching the images captured from the camera module. Each drone is built with one or more modules, and each module has its own functionality. Both new drones and new users can be added to the computer system through the drone management system and the user management system, respectively. Both of management systems are going to be developed. The project also includes the making of a quad-copter prototype and a controller unit implementation.
In recent years, the increasing sophistication of embedded multimedia systems and wireless communication technologies has promoted a widespread utilization of video streaming applications. It has been reported in 2013 that youngsters, aged between 13 and 24, spend around 16.7 hours a week watching online video through social media, business websites, and video streaming sites. Video applications have already been blended into people daily life. Traditionally, video streaming research has focused on performance improvement, namely throughput increase and response time reduction. However, most mobile devices are battery-powered, a technology that grows at a much slower pace than either multimedia or hardware developments. Since battery developments cannot satisfy expanding power demand of mobile devices, research interests on video applications technology has attracted more attention to achieve energy-efficient designs. How to efficiently use the limited battery energy budget becomes a major research challenge. In addition, next generation video standards impel to diversification and personalization. Therefore, it is desirable to have mechanisms to implement energy optimizations with greater flexibility and scalability. In this context, the main goal of this dissertation is to find an energy management and optimization mechanism to reduce the energy consumption of video decoders based on the idea of functional-oriented reconfiguration. System battery life is prolonged as the result of a trade-off between energy consumption and video quality. Functional-oriented reconfiguration takes advantage of the similarities among standards to build video decoders reconnecting existing functional units. If a feedback channel from the decoder to the encoder is available, the former can signal the latter changes in either the encoding parameters or the encoding algorithms for energy-saving adaption. The proposed energy optimization and management mechanism is carried out at the decoder end. This mechanism consists of an energy-aware manager, implemented as an additional block of the reconfiguration engine, an energy estimator, integrated into the decoder, and, if available, a feedback channel connected to the encoder end. The energy-aware manager checks the battery level, selects the new decoder description and signals to build a new decoder to the reconfiguration engine. It is worth noting that the analysis of the energy consumption is fundamental for the success of the energy management and optimization mechanism. In this thesis, an energy estimation method driven by platform event monitoring is proposed. In addition, an event filter is suggested to automate the selection of the most appropriate events that affect the energy consumption. At last, a detailed study on the influence of the training data on the model accuracy is presented. The modeling methodology of the energy estimator has been evaluated on different underlying platforms, single-core and multi-core, with different characteristics of workload. All the results show a good accuracy and low on-line computation overhead. The required modifications on the reconfiguration engine to implement the energy-aware manager have been assessed under different scenarios. The results indicate a possibility to lengthen the battery lifetime of the system in two different use-cases.