968 resultados para Watson, Richard, 1781-1833.
Attraverso un excursus storico, teorico e metodologico, questa tesi di dottorato analizza la nascita, gli sviluppi e l’attuale dimensione costitutivo-identitaria dei Performance Studies, un ambito di ricerca accademica che, nato negli Stati Uniti alla fine degli anni Settanta, ha sempre palesato una natura restia nei confronti di qualunque tentativo definitorio. Se i Performance Studies concepiscono la performance sia come oggetto d’analisi sia come lente metodologica, e se, come evidenziato da Richard Schechner, praticamente tutto può essere “elevato a performance” e quindi indagato secondo le categorie analitiche di questa disciplina, ecco allora che, con uno slittamento transitivo e “meta-metodologico”, questa ricerca dottorale ha scelto come proprio oggetto di studio i Performance Studies stessi, osservandoli “as performance” e avvalendosi degli strumenti metodologici suggeriti dal suo stesso oggetto d’analisi. Questo lavoro indaga come l’oggetto di studio dei Performance Studies sia, seguendo la teoria schechneriana, il “behaved behavior”, e dunque come di conseguenza, il repertorio, prima ancora che l’archivio, possa essere considerato il fedele custode delle “pratiche incorporate”. Soffermandosi su esempi di “reenactment” performativo come quelli messi in atto da Marina Abramović e Clifford Owens, così come sui tentativi condotti dalla sezione dell’Intangible Cultural Heritage dell’UNESCO, suggerisce validi esempi di “archiviazione” della performance. L’elaborato prende poi in esame casi che esemplificano la proficua identificazione tra “studiare performance” e “fare performance”, sottolinea il ruolo cruciale e imprenscindibile determinato dal lavoro di ricerca sul campo inteso come “osservazione partecipante”, ed evidenzia il costante coinvolgimento sociale e politico assunto dai Performance Studies. Questa dissertazione affronta e supporta l’efficacia dei Performance Studies nel proporsi come uno strumento innovativo in grado di analizzare un mondo sempre più performativo nelle sue dinamiche. La loro natura tanto interdisciplinare quanto interculturale sembra farne una lente adeguata attraverso cui promuovere livelli diversi di performance dialogica tra culture localmente distinte ma globalmente assimilabili.
Il Golfo di Taranto è una baia storica all’interno del Mar Ionio Settentrionale, Mar Mediterraneo Orientale. Sebbene il Mar Mediterraneo rappresenti meno dell’1% della superficie oceanica, presenta un alto livello di diversità biologica e si inserisce tra i primi 25 Biodiversity Hot Spot a livello globale. Esso purtroppo è anche uno dei bacini più antropizzati del mondo; tali pressioni mettono a serio rischio la conservazione di numerose specie, tra cui i Cetacei. Attualmente non sono presenti lavori riportanti dati di abbondanza dei Cetacei nel Golfo di Taranto: la mia ricerca vuole contribuire a colmare questo vuoto conoscitivo ed aggiungere nuove conoscenze sull’abbondanza dei Cetacei nel Mar Mediterraneo. Le aree di studio prese in esame si trovano nel Golfo di Taranto, sono contigue ed hanno la stessa superficie. Utilizzando il metodo del transetto lineare ed il software Distance 6.0 è stato possibile, raccogliere i dati di abbondanza dei delfinidi Stenella coeruleoalba e Truncatus truncatus ed analizzarli, ottenendo delle stime di abbondanza da confrontare con la serie storica disponibile (2009-2014). L’utilizzo del metodo del Distance Sampling, applicato per la prima volta nel Golfo di Taranto, è stato fondamentale perché ha permesso di colmare una lacuna conoscitiva sulla consistenza numerica associata alla nota presenza dei Cetacei nel Mar Ionio Settentrionale. I risultati ottenuti hanno reso possibile il confronto delle stime di abbondanza ottenute nel Golfo di Taranto con quelle del bacino ligure-corso-provenzale del Mediterraneo (Santuario Pelagos). Infatti è stato possibile rilevare che S. coeruleoalba presenta abbondanze generalmente inferiori ed un trend in diminuzione nel Santuario Pelagos, in netto contrasto con le maggiori abbondanze ed il trend in incremento evidenziato nel Golfo di Taranto e sintetizzato in questa tesi. Si evince, quindi la massima urgenza nell’implementare lo studio nel Golfo di Taranto, laddove la presenza di differenti specie di Cetacei e le stime di abbondanza di S. coeruleoalba e T. truncatus evidenziano la necessità di interventi di gestione finalizzati alla conservazione del patrimonio di diversità biologica del Mediterraneo.
Background Identifying modifiable factors that increase women's vulnerability to HIV is a critical step in developing effective female-initiated prevention interventions. The primary objective of this study was to pool individual participant data from prospective longitudinal studies to investigate the association between intravaginal practices and acquisition of HIV infection among women in sub-Saharan Africa. Secondary objectives were to investigate associations between intravaginal practices and disrupted vaginal flora; and between disrupted vaginal flora and HIV acquisition. Methods and Findings We conducted a meta-analysis of individual participant data from 13 prospective cohort studies involving 14,874 women, of whom 791 acquired HIV infection during 21,218 woman years of follow-up. Data were pooled using random-effects meta-analysis. The level of between-study heterogeneity was low in all analyses (I2 values 0.0%–16.1%). Intravaginal use of cloth or paper (pooled adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] 1.47, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.18–1.83), insertion of products to dry or tighten the vagina (aHR 1.31, 95% CI 1.00–1.71), and intravaginal cleaning with soap (aHR 1.24, 95% CI 1.01–1.53) remained associated with HIV acquisition after controlling for age, marital status, and number of sex partners in the past 3 months. Intravaginal cleaning with soap was also associated with the development of intermediate vaginal flora and bacterial vaginosis in women with normal vaginal flora at baseline (pooled adjusted odds ratio [OR] 1.24, 95% CI 1.04–1.47). Use of cloth or paper was not associated with the development of disrupted vaginal flora. Intermediate vaginal flora and bacterial vaginosis were each associated with HIV acquisition in multivariable models when measured at baseline (aHR 1.54 and 1.69, p<0.001) or at the visit before the estimated date of HIV infection (aHR 1.41 and 1.53, p<0.001), respectively. Conclusions This study provides evidence to suggest that some intravaginal practices increase the risk of HIV acquisition but a direct causal pathway linking intravaginal cleaning with soap, disruption of vaginal flora, and HIV acquisition has not yet been demonstrated. More consistency in the definition and measurement of specific intravaginal practices is warranted so that the effects of specific intravaginal practices and products can be further elucidated.
Am 9. September 2011 führte das Institut für Verfahrensrecht und Internationales Privatrecht (CIVPRO) der Universität Bern in bewährter Zusammenarbeit mit der schweizerischen SchKG-Vereinigung die zweite Schweizer Tagung für Internationales Zivilverfahrensrecht durch. Im Mittelpunkt der Tagung standen vorsorgliche Massnahmen im internationalen Kontext vor dem Hintergrund der neuesten Entwicklungen, namentlich (aber nicht nur) des neuen Lugano-Übereinkommens. Der Tagungsband enthält die auf den Vorträgen basierenden, überarbeiteten und erweiterten Beiträge namhafter Autorinnen und Autoren zum vorsorglichen Rechtsschutz im neuen IZPR (Pascal Grolimund). Besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt dem neuen Arrestrecht sowohl im als auch ausserhalb des Anwendungsbereichs des Lugano-Übereinkommens (Richard Gassmann und Jürg Roth). Ebenso enthält der Band Beiträge zu den Sicherungsmassnahmen in der Realvollstreckung (Daniel Staehelin) sowie zur Anerkennung ausländischer vorsorglicher Massnahmen (Isabelle Chabloz).
The first aim of the project was to compile documentation on the life and work of Richard Weiner, a Czech journalist, writer and poet who spent the best part of his life as Paris correspondent for Lidove noviny. Langerova looked at the contexts and the growing independence of certain parts of his work, the distribution of thematic compositional elements into different parts of discourse and their position in the autonomous space of a work of art. Looking at the features of minority literature and the contemporary contexts of Weiner's life and work Langerova focuses on the situation of the Jewish community (Wiener came from an assimilated Jewish family). For this minorities, the function of language as a medium of communication which is able to create an autonomous world became increasingly important. Literature, which is based on this function of language, is a political matter par excellence before it begins forming as an autonomous, independent and divergent place. This means that everything private and intimate is closely connected to political and social responsibility, while supposedly objective genres contain subjective features. Another important characteristic is "nomadism", which asks the question of "Where do I belong". This was very important in Czechoslovakia after World War I , as in the issue of Zionism. Although Weiner rejected Zionism, he asks this question in his writing and it is reflected at a symbolic level in his work, which shows a fundamental thematic and compositional plan of a journey, cross-roads and wandering. These theses were reflected in Weiner's life, which was a series of continuous transfers and unplanned moves, often when he thought he had found his place. As well as tracing the course of his life, and his relations with and views of other writers, Langerova looks at his writings in various areas. Her major focus is the divergence of trivial and great events into different types of discourse in Richard Weiner's work, their transfer (small into great, trivial into mythical) and their historical context.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the impact of a community based Helicobacter pylori screening and eradication programme on the incidence of dyspepsia, resource use, and quality of life, including a cost consequences analysis. DESIGN: H pylori screening programme followed by randomised placebo controlled trial of eradication. SETTING: Seven general practices in southwest England. PARTICIPANTS: 10,537 unselected people aged 20-59 years were screened for H pylori infection (13C urea breath test); 1558 of the 1636 participants who tested positive were randomised to H pylori eradication treatment or placebo, and 1539 (99%) were followed up for two years. INTERVENTION: Ranitidine bismuth citrate 400 mg and clarithromycin 500 mg twice daily for two weeks or placebo. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Primary care consultation rates for dyspepsia (defined as epigastric pain) two years after randomisation, with secondary outcomes of dyspepsia symptoms, resource use, NHS costs, and quality of life. RESULTS: In the eradication group, 35% fewer participants consulted for dyspepsia over two years compared with the placebo group (55/787 v 78/771; odds ratio 0.65, 95% confidence interval 0.46 to 0.94; P = 0.021; number needed to treat 30) and 29% fewer participants had regular symptoms (odds ratio 0.71, 0.56 to 0.90; P = 0.05). NHS costs were 84.70 pounds sterling (74.90 pounds sterling to 93.91 pounds sterling) greater per participant in the eradication group over two years, of which 83.40 pounds sterling (146 dollars; 121 euro) was the cost of eradication treatment. No difference in quality of life existed between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Community screening and eradication of H pylori is feasible in the general population and led to significant reductions in the number of people who consulted for dyspepsia and had symptoms two years after treatment. These benefits have to be balanced against the costs of eradication treatment, so a targeted eradication strategy in dyspeptic patients may be preferable.