975 resultados para Water birds--Erie, Lake.
In the poultry industry, the use of water with adequate physical, chemical and microbiological quality it is of fundamental importance. Since many birds have access to the same water source, quality problems will affect a great number of animals. The drinking water plays an important role in the transmission of some bacterial, viral and protozoan diseases that are among the most common poultry diseases. Important factors to prevent waterborne diseases in broiler production are the protection of supply sources, water disinfection and the quality control of microbiological, chemical and physical characteristics. Water is an essential nutrient for birds and therefore quality preservation is fundamental for good herd performance. The farmer may prevent many diseases in bird flocks by controlling the quality of the ingested water, will certainly result in decreased costs and increased profit, two essential aims of animal production nowadays.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aspects involved in broiler water intake are not well known, despite the importance of water in animal nutrition and physiology. Water intake behavior should be taken into account when deciding on different types of drinkers. Bell and nipple drinkers are the most commonly used in commercial broiler production. Broilers were housed in cages equipped with two different drinker types and raised at two different environmental temperatures (25 and 34 ºC) to evaluate water intake behavior and volume. Broiler water intake behavior was influenced by drinker type. Birds visited bell drinkers less often, but presented higher total water intake per visit to the drinker as compared to those drinking from nipple drinkers. The results of this study suggest that both broilers drinking behavior and water intake volume should be taken into account when deciding on drinker type to equip broiler houses.
The occurrence of Aeromonas spp., Vibrio cholerae, and Plesiomonas shigelloides in fresh water from various sources in Araraquara, State of São Paulo, Brazil was determined. Samples from ten distinct irrigation systems used in vegetable cultivation, from five distinct streams, from two reservoirs, from one artificial lake, and from three distinct springs were analyzed. All isolates were serotyped and tested for hemolysin, cytotoxin, heat-stable (ST) and heat-labile (LT) enterotoxins production; presence of plasmid; autoagglutination and drug resistance. V. cholerae isolates were also tested for cholera enterotoxin (CT) production, and Aeromonas isolates for suicide phenomenon. No P. shigelloides was found. V. cholerae non 01 was found in five irrigation water samples and in three stream samples. Aeromonas sp. were isolated in two samples of irrigation water, in three streams, and in one reservoir. All the V. cholerae and Aeromonas isolates were positive for P-hemolysin production, and all Aeromonas isolates were positive for suicide phenomenon; cytotoxic activities were observed in two Aeromonas strains. Cholera enterotoxin was not found in eight V. cholerae non-01 isolates tested by the Y-1 mouse adrenal cell. All isolates were also negative for the other virulence markers. Ii cholelerae isolates were found to be sensitive to the majority of drugs tested, while Aeromonas strains presented multiple drug resistance..
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study firstly reviewed the interspecific interaction records between birds and epiphyte plants in Brazil. Forty two documents, including articles, scientific notes, books and thesis, and 35 personal records and from collaborators were argued, totaling 112 species of birds that interacted with 97 species of epiphyte plants. Two articles treated the theme specifically and another 40 treated related subjects, such as: pollination of epiphytes, ecology and feeding behavior of birds. Studies were concentrated mainly in Atlantic Forest, in the southeastern Brazilian region. The epiphyte species more visited by birds was Aechmea nudicaulis (Bromeliaceae). The main visitor of epiphytes was Ramphodon naevius (Trochilidae). According to the number of authors' citations an index of generality in bird-epiphyte interactions was created. As result the index inferred that the ovenbird Cichlocolaptes leucophrus and the bromeliad Nidularium procerum are less generalist and more specialist species in bird-epiphyte interactions. The totality of the papers showed a considerable number of bird species that use the epiphytes plants and its resources, including nectar, fruits, invertebrates, nest material, nesting place, water and bath. Considering the importance of epiphytes to supply a variety of resources for birds, these results highlighted the necessity of additional and specific studies about the theme in various Brazilian regions and biomes.
The water buffalo is vital to the lives of small farmers and to the economy of many countries worldwide. Not only are they draught animals, but they are also a source of meat, horns, skin and particularly the rich and precious milk that may be converted to creams, butter, yogurt and many cheeses. Genome analysis of water buffalo has advanced significantly in recent years. This review focuses on currently available genome resources in water buffalo in terms of cytogenetic characterization, whole genome mapping and next generation sequencing. No doubt, these resources indicate that genome science comes of age in the species and will provide knowledge and technologies to help optimize production potential, reproduction efficiency, product quality, nutritional value and resistance to diseases. As water buffalo and domestic cattle, both members of the Bovidae family, are closely related, the vast amount of cattle genetic/genomic resources might serve as shortcuts for the buffalo community to further advance genome science and biotechnologies in the species.
Invertebrate predation on zooplankton was investigated in mesocosms in the shallow tropical Lake Monte Alegre, Sauo Paulo State, Brazil, in the summer of 1999. Two treatments were applied: one with natural densities of prey and the predators Chaoborus brasiliensis and the water mite Krendowskia sp. (Pr+), and another without predators (Pr-). Three enclosures (volume: 6.6 m(3) of water per enclosure) per treatment were installed in the sediment of the deepest area of the lake (5.0 m). At the beginning, Chaoborus larvae were present in Pr- enclosures, because of technical difficulties in preventing their entrance, but they virtually disappeared in the course of the experiment. Water mites were almost absent in Pr- enclosures. Chaoborus predation negatively influenced the Daphnia gessneri population, but not the populations of the copepods Tropocyclops prasinus and Thermocyclops decipiens and the rotifers Keratella spp. Death rates of Daphnia were generally significantly higher in the Pr+ treatment; Daphnia densities increased after the disappearance of Chaoborus in Pr-. Copepod losses to predation in the experiment may be compensated by higher fecundity, shorter egg development time, and lower pressure on egg-bearing females, resulting in a lower susceptibility to Chaoborus predation. The predation impact of water mite on microcrustaceans and rotifers in the experiment was negligible.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A comunidade de rotíferos do Lago Amapá (meandro abandonado da planície de inundação do Rio Acre) foi investigada sazonalmente. As amostragens foram realizadas semanalmente em três estações de coletas, em dois períodos: estação seca entre 08/V/1997 e 31/X/1997 e estação chuvosa, entre 02/I/1998 e 24/II/1998. A densidade e composição de rotíferos (48 táxons de rotíferos) foram determinadas. A diversidade e abundância foram caracterizadas por serem maiores, respectivamente, nas águas altas e águas baixas. Anova e teste F foram usados, visando observar diferenças sazonais nas variáveis ambientais e rotíferos. Transparência e pH foram estatisticamente altamente significativos (p < 0,01). As análises de correlações de Pearson revelaram que a condutividade elétrica foi negativamente correlacionada com a densidade de rotíferos (r = -0,8824; p < 0,05), na fase de águas baixas, bem como, profundidade, na fase de águas altas (r = -0,7513; p < 0,05). Mudanças sazonais, causadas pelas flutuações do nível da água, e baixa diversificação dos nichos influenciaram a composição e abundância do grupo estudado.
We compared the relative contribution of blackwater inundation forest (igapo) and unflooded (terra firme) forest for regional bird species diversity in the lower Rio Negro region. For analyses of habitat preference we used mist-net samples and an unpublished bird species check-list. The igapo forest had lower bird species diversity than the terra firme forest. However, some 14% of the forest bird species in the region are restricted to igapo forest. Species composition was found to be distinct between the understories of the two forest types. Common forest bird guilds in the Neotropics such as ant-following birds avoid igapo forest. The differential habitat selection among birds in the inundated and unflooded forest is likely to result from vegetation structure and biological interactions such as aggressive behaviour. Since the inundated forest has a typical biota, conservation efforts needs to be directed to protect these habitats. Unfortunately, inundation forests are threatened by several human actions, especially dam construction. The extent of protected areas in the Brazilian Amazon is insufficient for the adequate protection of the inundated habitats, because it includes only 3% of the total area.
We studied the effect of feed and water deprivation on gastrointestinal tract and intestinal mucosa development of chicks at 24, 48, and 72 h posthatching. The treatments were water and feed ad libitum, water ad libitum and no feed, no water but feed ad libitum, and no water and no feed. The relative weight of the yolk sac was not influenced by the treatments. However, at 48 and 72 h posthatching, the relative weight of the liver increased, and the gizzard + proventriculus weight decreased in birds receiving feed ad libitum. An increase in jejunum and ileum relative weights and lengths was observed when the birds were supplied with feed and water. The lack of water produced the same effect as the lack of feed, both causing a higher number of villi per area with reduction in villus size, when compared with feed and water ad libitum treatments. The results of this study revealed that feed and water are able to affect intestinal villus development after hatching, indicating that both feed and water must be supplied to the chicks immediately after hatching.
Epiphytes constitute a great part of the vegetation biomass in Neotropical forests, offering a large variety of resources to birds. Despite their structural and ecological importance, few studies investigated the use of epiphytes by birds in the Neotropical region. We studied the bird species that exploit vascular epiphytes (and hemi-epiphytes) in an Atlantic forest site in southeastern Brazil. The resources exploited, seasonal variation in the use of epiphytes, the frequency of foraging and selectivity in epiphytes, and the relationship between the use of epiphytes and the participation in mixed-species bird flocks were investigated. After 360 h of observations along trails crossing the forest, 24 bird species (12 families) were recorded in a total of 74 events of epiphyte exploitation. Thamnophilidae (four species), Trochiliclae, Thraupidae and Furnariidae (three species) were the richest bird families in our sample, while Furnariidae and Dendrocolaptidae were the more frequently recorded families. Plants in the Bromeliaceae and Araceae families were the most abundant and more frequently exploited epiphytes. Nectar, water, nest material and invertebrates were the most frequently exploited resources, mainly from Bromeliaceae. None of the species for which we had enough data revealed to be a frequent user of epiphytes for foraging or selective to any epiphyte group. The White-eyed Foliage-gleaner (Automolus leucophthalmus; Furnariidae), a common participant of understory mixed-species flocks, exploited epiphytes more frequently when associated with mixed-species flocks. The utilization of epiphytes was opportunistic for most of the bird species recorded and occurred throughout the year with no seasonal variation.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB