933 resultados para Vegetation fragments


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este trabalho teve o objetivo de examinar se existem associações entre as espécies de peixes e o estado de conservação das matas ciliares na bacia do rio Corumbataí. Foram escolhidos 4 rios principais com 3 pontos de coleta em cada um. Foram realizadas coletas nos períodos de março a junho e de setembro a dezembro de 2001. Técnicas multivariadas foram aplicadas para determinar a correlação entre a riqueza de espécies e a ordem dos rios, estado de preservação da mata ciliar, sombreamento, presença ou ausência de Eucalyptus, cana-de-açúcar e pastagens, e nível de estabilidade do barranco ao redor dos pontos de coleta. A riqueza de espécies foi maior em locais com maior cobertura vegetal e mata ciliar preservada.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O Pontal do Paranapanema, extremo oeste do Estado de São Paulo, é conhecido em todo o Brasil devido aos conflitos pela posse da terra, protagonizados pelo Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST), que transformou significativamente a paisagem da região, onde atualmente se observam pequenas ilhas de assentamentos rurais imersos numa matriz de grandes pastagens. O Código Florestal prevê que esses assentamentos, assim como qualquer propriedade rural, deve manter 20% de sua área com cobertura vegetal arbórea. Essa área, conhecida como Reserva Florestal Legal, deve ser restaurada, caso não exista. Assim, esta pesquisa se desenvolveu no assentamento Santa Zélia, Município de Teodoro Sampaio, São Paulo, numa área de 15 ha de Reserva Legal. Seis famílias desse assentamento foram responsáveis pela restauração da área, através de módulos agroflorestais (Taungya) temporários. Dois indicadores foram utilizados para avaliação econômica da produção agrícola na área: Valor Presente Líquido (VLP) e Relação Benefício-Custo (RB/C). Os resultados indicaram valores positivos em todas as famílias analisadas, levando à conclusão de que sistemas agroflorestais podem ser adotados na recuperação de áreas de reserva legal em propriedades rurais. Sua maior ou menor viabilidade econômica irá depender de um manejo mais intenso na área para produção agrícola e de preços satisfatórios para venda no mercado.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Lianas são membros característicos das florestas tropicais, onde são abundantes e de grande importância ecológica. Entretanto, têm sido negligenciadas em estudos florísticos e fitossociológicos. Este trabalho apresenta as espécies de lianas da Estação Ecológica do Noroeste Paulista (EENP) e as compara àquelas encontradas em outros fragmentos florestais. A EENP (20º48'36'' S e 49º22'50'' W) está a 468 m de altitude e abrange área de 168,63 ha, composta de três fragmentos de vegetação descontínua, classificada como floresta estacional semidecidual, entremeadas por pastagens. As amostras de lianas foram coletadas realizando caminhadas na periferia e no interior da mata. Foram identificadas 105 espécies; delas, 99 são Magnoliopsida (60 gêneros e 22 famílias); e seis, Liliopsida (três gêneros e três famílias). As famílias mais ricas em espécies representaram 59% do total das lianas. A análise do dendrograma de similaridade mostrou que esta é baixa entre a Floresta Atlântica de São Paulo e aquelas localizadas no interior. Situação semelhante foi observada por outros autores na análise de similaridade com espécies de porte arbóreo, e também, entre florestas do interior e Floresta Atlântica.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In an area of tropical seasonal semideciduous forest, the soil characteristics, floristic composition, physiognomic structure, and the distribution of three regeneration and three dispersal guilds were studied for four stands within the forest that had documented histories of varying degrees of human disturbance. The aim was to study forest regeneration in areas of preserved forest and secondary forest, with parts of both types of forest experiencing either 'intensive' or 'occasional' cattle trampling. The study was carried out in the Sebastiao Aleixo da Silva Ecological Station, Bauru, São Paulo State, Brazil. Two stands were called 'secondary' because they corresponded to forest tracts that were felled and occupied by crops and pastures in the past and then abandoned to forest regeneration ca. 40 years before this study. The other two stands, called 'preserved', corresponded to areas of the fragment where the forest has been maintained with only minor human impacts. The arboreal component of the tree community (diameter at breast height or dbh greater than or equal to 5 cm) was sampled in 20 plots of 40 m x 40 m, and the subarboreal component (diameter at the base of the stem or dbs < 5 cm and height greater than or equal to 0.5 m) in subplots of 40 m x 2 m. Physiognomic features, such as canopy height and density of climbing plants, were registered all over a 5 m x 5 m gridline laid on the sample plots. Soil bulk samples were collected for chemical and textural analyses. Most detected differences contrasted the secondary to the preserved forest stands. The soils of the secondary stands showed higher proportions of sand and lower levels of mineral nutrients and organic matter than those of the preserved stands, probably due to higher losses by leaching and erosion. Compared to the secondary stands, the preserved ones had higher proportions of tall trees, higher mean canopy height, lower species diversity, higher abundance of autochorous and shade-tolerant climax species, and lower abundance of pioneer and light-demanding climax species. Despite the high proportion of species shared by the preserved and secondary stands (108 out of 139), they differed consistently in terms of density of the most abundant species. on the other hand, the secondary and preserved stands held similar values for tree density and basal area, suggesting that 40 years were enough to restore these features. Effects of cattle trampling on the vegetation were detected for the frequency of trees of anemochorous and zoochorous species, which were higher in the stands under occasional and intensive cattle trampling, respectively. The density of thin climbers was lower in the stands with intensive trampling. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The establishment of plants depends crucially on where seeds are deposited in the environment. Some authors suggest that in forest understory seed predation is lower than in gaps, and higher than at the forest edge. However, most studies have been carried out in large forest patches and very little is known about the effects of microhabitat conditions on seed predation in forest fragments. We evaluated the effects of three microhabitats (gaps, forest edge, and understory) on seed predation of two palm species (Euterpe edulis and Syagrus romanzoffiana) in two semi-deciduous forest fragments (230 and 2100 hat in southeast Brazil. Our objective was to test two hypotheses: (1) Low rodent abundance in small fragments as a result of meso-predator action levels leads to lower seed predation in small fragments. (2) Most mammal species in small fragments are generalists with respect to diet and habitat, so that seed predation is similar in different microhabitats (gaps, forest edge and understory) in the small fragment, but not in the larger one. The study community of small fragments is usually composed of generalist species (in diet and habitat aspects), so we expected the same rate of seed predation among microhabitats (gaps, forest edge and understory) in the tested smaller fragment. The experiment was carried out in the dry season (for E. edulis) and in the wet season (for S. romanzoffiana) in 1999. We conclude that post-dispersal seed predation in forest fragments can be directly connected with mammal communities, reflecting their historical and ecological aspects. (C) 2004 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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The basic knowledge of the seasonal occurrence of mites can supply data for elaboration of programs of ecological management to be implanted with success in the future. The objective of this study was to determine the species richness and the seasonality of mites present in two areas of rubber tree crops neighboring to native areas in Itiquira, MT. Along one year, 25 quantitative samplings were accomplished in rubber tree crop neighboring to two fragments of Cerrado (Cerradao and Mata Riparia). There were registered 199,380 mites, of 48 species, belonging to 15 families. of those, 13 species are phytophagous, 18 predators and 17 mycophagous or of unknown alimentary habit. Three phytophagous species represented more than 97% of the mites collected: Phyllocoptruta seringueirae Feres (80.8%), Tenuipalpus heveae Baker (12.7%) and Calacarus heveae Feres (3.6%). Among the predators, the most abundant species were Agistemus sp., Scirula sp. and Euseius concordis (Chant). Twenty-eight species were common to both crops. The families that had the largest number of species collected in the neighboring area to Cerradao were Tydeidae (7), Tarsonemidae (6), Eriophyidae and Phytoseiidae (4), and in the area close to Mata Riparia, Tydeidae (9) and Phytoseiidae (8). The presence of vegetation near the crop should explain the great number of species of mites classified as accidental found in this study. The largest abundances and species richness occurred in the end of the rainy season and beginning of the dry season.