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Progressive myoclonus epilepsy (PME) has a number of causes, of which Unverricht-Lundborg disease (ULD) is the most common. ULD has previously been mapped to a locus on chromosome 21 (EPM1). Subsequently, mutations in the cystatin B gene have been found in most cases. In the present work we identified an inbred Arab family with a clinical pattern compatible with ULD, but mutations in the cystatin B gene were absent. We sought to characterize the clinical and molecular features of the disorder. The family was studied by multiple field trips to their town to clarify details of the complex consanguineous relationships and to personally examine the family. DNA was collected for subsequent molecular analyses from 21 individuals. A genome-wide screen was performed using 811 microsatellite markers. Homozygosity mapping was used to identify loci of interest. There were eight affected individuals. Clinical onset was at 7.3 +/- 1.5 years with myoclonic or tonic-clonic seizures. All had myoclonus that progressed in severity over time and seven had tonic-clonic seizures. Ataxia, in addition to myoclonus, occurred in all. Detailed cognitive assessment was not possible, but there was no significant progressive dementia. There was intrafamily variation in severity; three required wheelchairs in adult life; the others could walk unaided. MRI, muscle and skin biopsies on one individual were unremarkable. We mapped the family to a 15-megabase region at the pericentromeric region of chromosome 12 with a maximum lod score of 6.32. Although the phenotype of individual subjects was typical of ULD, the mean age of onset (7.3 years versus 11 years for ULD) was younger. The locus on chromosome 12 does not contain genes for any other form of PME, nor does it have genes known to be related to cystatin B. This represents a new form of PME and we have designated the locus as EPM1B.


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Establishment of the left-right axis is a fundamental process of vertebrate embryogenesis. Failure to develop left-right asymmetry leads to incorrect positioning and morphogenesis of numerous internal organs, and is proposed to underlie the etiology of several common cardiac malformations. The transcriptional modulator Cited2 is essential for embryonic development: Cited2-null embryos die during gestation with profound developmental abnormalities, including cardiac malformations, exencephaly and adrenal agenesis. Cited2 is also required for normal establishment of the left-right axis; we demonstrate that abnormal heart looping and right atrial and pulmonary isomerism are consistent features of the left-right-patterning defect. We show by gene expression analysis that Cited2 acts upstream of Nodal, Lefty2 and Pitx2 in the lateral mesoderm, and of Lefty1 in the presumptive floor plate. Although abnormal left-right patterning has a major impact on the cardiac phenotype in Cited2-null embryos, laterality defects are only observed in a proportion of these embryos. We have therefore used a combination of high-resolution imaging and three-dimensional (3D) modeling to systematically document the full spectrum of Cited2-associated cardiac defects. Previous studies have focused on the role of Cited2 in cardiac neural crest cell development, as Cited2 can bind the transcription factor Tfap2, and thus affect the expression of Erbb3 in neural crest cells. However, we have identified Cited2-associated cardiac defects that cannot be explained by laterality or neural crest abnormalities. In particular, muscular ventricular septal defects and reduced cell density in the atrioventricular (AV) endocardial cushions are evident in Cited2-null embryos. As we found that Cited2 expression tightly correlated with these sites, we believe that Cited2 plays a direct role in development of the AV canal and cardiac septa. We therefore propose that, in addition to the previously described reduction of cardiac neural crest cells, two other distinct mechanisms contribute to the spectrum of complex cardiac defects in Cited2-null mice; disruption of normal left-right patterning and direct loss of Cited2 expression in cardiac tissues.


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Latin America is here defined as all of the Americas south of the United States. In the setting of pulmonary hypertension, there are social inequalities and geophysical aspects in this region that account for a high prevalence of certain etiologies. This review aimed to analyze some of these factors. Data were collected from the existing literature. Information also was obtained from local tertiary-care centers to where patients with pulmonary hypertension generally are referred. Further, local experience and expertise was taken into consideration. Three etiologies of pulmonary hypertension were found to be the most prevalent: schistosomiasis (similar to 1 million affected people in Brazil), high altitude (particularly in the Andes), and congenital heart disease (late diagnosis of congenital left-to-right shunts leading to development of pulmonary vasculopathy). The diversity in terms of ancestries and races probably accounts for the differences in phenotype expression of pulmonary hypertension when a given region is considered (eg, schistosomiasis-, high-altitude-, or congenital heart disease-associated pulmonary hypertension). Governmental measures are needed to improve social and economic inequalities with an obvious impact on certain etiologies, such as schistosomiasis and congenital heart disease. Early diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension and access to medication remain important challenges all over Latin America. CHEST 2010; 137(6)(Suppl):78S-84S


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Tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency is an autosomal recessive disorder resulting from cerebral catecholamine deficiency. Tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency has been reported in fewer than 40 patients worldwide. To recapitulate all available evidence on clinical phenotypes and rational diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for this devastating, but treatable, neurometabolic disorder, we studied 36 patients with tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency and reviewed the literature. Based on the presenting neurological features, tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency can be divided in two phenotypes: an infantile onset, progressive, hypokinetic-rigid syndrome with dystonia (type A), and a complex encephalopathy with neonatal onset (type B). Decreased cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of homovanillic acid and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylethylene glycol, with normal 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid cerebrospinal fluid concentrations, are the biochemical hallmark of tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency. The homovanillic acid concentrations and homovanillic acid/5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid ratio in cerebrospinal fluid correlate with the severity of the phenotype. Tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency is almost exclusively caused by missense mutations in the TH gene and its promoter region, suggesting that mutations with more deleterious effects on the protein are incompatible with life. Genotype-phenotype correlations do not exist for the common c.698G > A and c.707T > C mutations. Carriership of at least one promotor mutation, however, apparently predicts type A tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency. Most patients with tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency can be successfully treated with l-dopa.


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Context: Kisspeptin, encoded by the KISS1 gene, is a key stimulatory factor of GnRH secretion and puberty onset. Inactivating mutations of its receptor (KISS1R) cause isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH). A unique KISS1R-activating mutation was described in central precocious puberty (CPP). Objective: Our objective was to investigate KISS1 mutations in patients with idiopathic CPP and normosmic IHH. Patients: Eighty-three children with CPP (77 girls) and 61 patients with IHH (40 men) were studied. The control group consisted of 200 individuals with normal pubertal development. Methods: The promoter region and the three exons of KISS1 were amplified and sequenced. Cells expressing KISS1R were stimulated with synthetic human wild-type or mutant kisspeptin-54 (kp54), and inositol phosphate accumulation was measured. In a second set of experiments, kp54 was preincubated in human serum before stimulation of the cells. Results: Two novel KISS1 missense mutations, p.P74S and p.H90D, were identified in three unrelated children with idiopathic CPP. Both mutations were absent in 400 control alleles. The p.P74S mutation was identified in the heterozygous state in a boy who developed CPP at 1 yr of age. The p.H90D mutation was identified in the homozygous state in two unrelated girls with CPP. In vitro studies revealed that the capacity of the P74S and H90D mutants to stimulate IP production was similar to the wild type. After preincubation of wild-type and mutant kp54 in human serum, the capacity to stimulate signal transduction was significantly greater for P74S compared with the wild type, suggesting that the p.P74S variant is more stable. Only polymorphisms were found in the IHH group. Conclusion: Two KISS1 mutations were identified in unrelated patients with idiopathic CPP. The p.P74S variant was associated with higher kisspeptin resistance to degradation in comparison with the wild type, suggesting a role for this mutation in the precocious puberty phenotype. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 95: 2276-2280, 2010)


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Disorders of androgen production can occur in all steps of testosterone biosynthesis and secretion carried out by the foetal Leydig cells as well as in the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The differentiation of Leydig cells from mesenchymal cells is the first walk for testosterone production. In 46,XY disorders of sex development (DSDs) due to Leydig cell hypoplasia, there is a failure in intrauterine and postnatal virilisation due to the paucity of interstitial Leydig cells to secrete testosterone. Enzymatic defects which impair the normal synthesis of testosterone from cholesterol and the conversion of testosterone to its active metabolite DHT are other causes of DSD due to impaired androgen production. Mutations in the genes that codify the enzymes acting in the steps from cholesterol to DHT have been identified in affected patients. Patients with 46,XY DSD secondary to defects in androgen production show a variable phenotype, strongly depending of the specific mutated gene. Often, these conditions are detected at birth due to the ambiguity of external genitalia but, in several patients, the extremely undervirilised genitalia postpone the diagnosis until late childhood or even adulthood. These patients should receive long-term care provided by multidisciplinary teams with experience in this clinical management. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Context: Previous studies have shown that double RET mutations may be associated with unusual multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN 2) phenotypes. Objective: Our objective was to report the clinical features of patients harboring a previously unreported double mutation of the RET gene and to characterize this mutation in vitro. Patients: Sixteen patients from four unrelated families and harboring the C634Y/Y791F double RET germline mutation were included in the study. Results: Large pheochromocytomas measuring 6.0-14 cm and weighing upto 640 g were identified in the four index cases. Three of the four tumors were bilateral. High penetrance of pheochromocytoma was also seen in the C634Y/Y791F-mutation-positive relatives (seven of nine, 77.7%). Of these, two cases had bilateral tumors, one presented with multifocal tumors, two cases had large tumors (>5 cm), and one case, which was diagnosed with a large (5.5 x 4.5 x 4.0 cm) pheochromocytoma, reported early onset of symptoms of the disease (14 yr old). The overall penetrance of pheochromocytoma was 84.6% (11 of 13). Development of medullary thyroid carcinoma in our patients seemed similar to that observed in patients with codon 634 mutations. Haplotype analysis demonstrated that the mutation did not arise from a common ancestor. In vitro studies showed the double C634Y/Y791F RET receptor was significantly more phosphorylated than either activated wild-type receptor or single C634Y and Y791F RET mutants. Conclusions: Our data suggest that the natural history of the novel C634Y/Y791F double mutation carries a codon 634-like pattern of medullary thyroid carcinoma development, is associated with increased susceptibility to unusually large bilateral pheochromocytomas, and is likely more biologically active than each individual mutation. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 95: 1318-1327, 2010)


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L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria (L-2-HGA, MIM 236792) is a neurometabolic disorder caused by the toxic accumulation of high concentration of L-2-hydroxyglutaric acid in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid. Distinct mutations on the L2HGDH gene have been associated with the clinical and biochemical phenotype. Here we present three novel mutations (Gln197X, Gly211Val and c.540+1 G>A), which increase the present deleterious collection of L2HGDH gene up to 35 mutations that we have compiled in this study. In addition, we used the haplotypic information based on polymorphic markers to demonstrate the common origin of Gly57Arg harboring chromosomes. Journal of Human Genetics (2010) 55, 55-58; doi: 10.1038/jhg.2009.110; published online 13 November 2009


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Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is associated with multiple risk factors and is believed to arise from pre-neoplastic lesions, usually in the background of cirrhosis. However, the genetic and epigenetic events of hepatocarcinogenesis are relatively poorly understood. HCC display gross genomic alterations, including chromosomal instability (CIN), CpG island methylation, DNA rearrangements associated with hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA integration, DNA hypomethylation and, to a lesser degree, microsatellite instability. Various studies have reported CIN at chromosomal regions, 1p, 4q, 5q, 6q, 8p, 10q, 11p, 16p, 16q, 17p and 22q. Frequent promoter hypermethylation and subsequent loss of protein expression has also been demonstrated in HCC at tumor suppressor gene (TSG), p16, p14, p15, SOCS1, RIZ1, E-cadherin and 14-3-3 sigma. An interesting observation emerging from these studies is the presence of a methylator phenotype in hepatocarcinogenesis, although it does not seem advantageous to have high levels of microsatellite instability. Methylation also appears to be an early event, suggesting that this may precede cirrhosis. However, these genes have been studied in isolation and global studies of methylator phenotype are required to assess the significance of epigenetic silencing in hepatocarcinogenesis. Based on previous data there are obvious fundamental differences in the mechanisms of hepatic carcinogenesis, with at least two distinct mechanisms of malignant transformation in the liver, related to CIN and CpG island methylation. The reason for these differences and the relative importance of these mechanisms are not clear but likely relate to the etiopathogenesis of HCC. Defining these broad mechanisms is a necessary prelude to determine the timing of events in malignant transformation of the liver and to investigate the role of known risk factors for HCC.


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Context: 21-Hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD) is caused by CYP21A2 gene mutations disrupting the adrenal 21-hydroxylase, P450c21. CYP21A2 mutations generally correlate well with the 21OHD phenotype, but some children with severe CYP21A2 mutations have residual 21-hydroxylase activity. Some hepatic P450 enzymes can 21-hydroxylate progesterone, but their physiological relevance in modifying 21OHD is not known. Objective: Wedetermined the ability of CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 to 21-hydroxylate progesterone and 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP), determined the impact of the common P450 oxidoreductase (POR) variant A503V on these activities, and examined correlations between CYP2C19 variants and phenotype in patients with 21OHD. Methods: Bacterially expressed, N-terminally modified, C-His-tagged human P450c21, CYP2C19, and CYP3A4 were combined with bacterially expressed wild-type and A503V POR. The 21-hydroxylation of radiolabeled progesterone and 17OHP was assessed, and the Michaelis constant (Km) and maximum velocity (Vmax) of the reactions were measured. CYP2C19 was genotyped in 21OHD patients with genotypes predicting severe congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Results: Compared to P450c21, the Vmax/Km for 21-hydroxylation of progesterone by CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 were 17 and 10%, respectively. With both forms of POR, the Km for P450c21 was approximately 2.6 mu M, the Km for CYP2C19 was approximately 11 mu M, and the Km for CYP3A4 was approximately 110 mu M. Neither CYP2C19 nor CYP3A4 could 21-hydroxylate 17OHP. The CYP2C19 ultrametabolizer allele CYP2C19* 17 was homozygous in one of five patients with a 21OHD phenotype that was milder than predicted by the CYP21A2 genotype. Conclusions: CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 can 21-hydroxylate progesterone but not 17OHP, possibly ameliorating mineralocorticoid deficiency, but not glucocorticoid deficiency. Multiple enzymes probably contribute to extraadrenal 21-hydroxylation. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 94: 89-95, 2009)


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Background Mutations in the PTPN11 gene are the main cause of Noonan syndrome (NS). The presence of some NS features is a frequent finding in children with idiopathic short stature (ISS). These children can represent the milder end of the NS clinical spectrum and PTPN11 is a good candidate for involvement in the pathogenesis of ISS. Objective To evaluate the presence of mutations in PTPN11 in ISS children who presented NS-related signs and in well-characterized NS patients. Patients and methods We studied 50 ISS children who presented at least two NS-associated signs but did not fulfil the criteria for NS diagnosis. Forty-nine NS patients diagnosed by the criteria of van der Burgt et al. were used to assess the adequacy of these criteria to select patients for PTPN11 mutation screening. The coding region of PTPN11 was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), followed by direct sequencing. Results No mutations or polymorphisms were found in the coding region of the PTPN11 gene in ISS children. Nineteen of the 49 NS patients (39%) presented mutations in PTPN11. No single characteristic enabled us to distinguish between NS patients with or without PTPN11 mutations. Conclusion Considering that no mutations were found in the present cohort with NS-related signs, it is unlikely that mutations would be found in unselected ISS children. The van der Burgt et al. criteria are adequate in attaining NS diagnosis and selecting patients for molecular studies. Mutations in the PTPN11 gene are commonly involved in the pathogenesis of NS but are not a common cause of ISS.


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Context: 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD) is a common genetic disorder caused by mutations in the CYP21A2 gene, which encodes the adrenal 21-hydroxylase, microsomal P450c21. CYP21A2 gene mutations generally correlate well with impaired P450c21 enzymatic activity and the clinical findings in 21OHD, but occasional discrepancies between genotype and phenotype suggest the effects of modifier genes. Mutations in P450 oxidoreductase (POR), the protein that transfers electrons from reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate to all microsomal P450s, can ameliorate the 21OHD phenotype and, therefore, could be a modifier gene. Objectives: We sought to identify POR variants in patients with 21OHD having discordant phenotype and genotype, and to evaluate their effect on 21-hydroxylase activity. Patients and Methods: We determined the CYP21A2 genotypes of 313 Brazilian patients with 21OHD and correlated the genotype and phenotype. The POR gene was sequenced in 17 patients with discordant genotype and phenotype. Wild-type and A503V POR, and P450c21 were expressed in bacteria and reconstituted in vitro. Activities were assayed by conversion of [C-14] progesterone to deoxycorticosterone and [H-3]17-hydroxyprogesterone to 11-deoxycortisol, and assessed by thin layer chromatography and phosphorimaging. Results: The A503V POR variant was found in 10 of 30 alleles, the same ratio as in the normal population. There were no significant differences in Michaelis constant, maximum velocity and maximum velocity/Michaelis constant of 21-hydroxylase activity supported by wild-type and A503V POR. Conclusion: The only POR missense polymorphism found in atypical 21OHD patients was A503V. Although A503V reduces P450c17 enzymatic activity, it does not influence P450c21 activity, indicating that POR A503V does not modify the 21OHD phenotype.


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Wolcott-Rallison syndrome (WRS, OMIM 226980) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus, epiphyseal dysplasia, and other multisystemic clinical manifestations. We described two novel mutations in the EIF2AK3 gene in two consanguineous families with WRS from Brazil and Morocco. We have observed in case 1 a homozygous C > T replacement at base pair c.1192 at exon 7, generating a stop codon at position 398 (Gln398Stop). Both of his parents were found to be heterozygous for the mutation. We detected in both parents of case 2, a deceased Moroccan girl, a duplication of base pair c.851A at exon 5 (c.851dupA) leading to a frameshift and a stop codon at position 285 (p.Pro285AlafsX3). Both cases 1 and 2 had neonatal diabetes mellitus, multiple epiphyseal dysplasia, and growth delay, and presented episodes of acute hepatic dysfunction. Case 1 presented central hypothyroidism, developmental delay, and mild mental retardation. Case 2 presented a fatal episode of acute renal failure. The clinical phenotype associated with the syndrome can be variable, but a combination of infancy-onset diabetes mellitus, multiple epiphyseal dysplasia, and hepatic and/or renal dysfunction is the mainstay of diagnosis.


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Methylmalonic aciduria (MMA) and homocystinuria, cblC type (MIM 277400) is the most frequent inborn error of vitamin B-12. The recent identification of the disease gene, MMACHC, has permitted preliminary genotype-phenotype correlations. We studied 24 Italian and 17 Portuguese patients with cblC defect to illustrate the spectrum of mutations in a southern European population and discuss the impact that mutation identification has on routine diagnostic procedures. Since the metabolic defect raises the serum levels of homocysteine, we also tested if variants in MTHFR-playing a key role in homocysteine remethylation pathway-could act as genetic modifier in cblC defect. We found that the c.271 dupA (accounting for 55% of the MMA CH alleles in our cohort) followed by c.394C > T (16%) and c.331C > T (9%) were the most frequent mutations. In our study we also identified a novel mutation (c.544T > C). On the other hand, the MTHFR genotype did not appear to influence age at onset, the clinical phenotype and outcome of patients with cblC defect. This study shows that mutation screening for the most common MMACH mutations occurring in early-onset forms (c.271dupA and c.331C > T) seems to have a high diagnostic yield in a southern European population with cblC defect. Although the identification of the gene defect per se does not predict completely time and severity of disease appearance, our data corroborate the importance of a molecular testing to offer accurate prenatal diagnosis to couples at high risk of having affected children. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The metabolic syndrome (MetS) phenotype is typically characterized by visceral obesity, insulin resistance, atherogenic dyslipidemia involving hypertriglyceridemia and subnormal levels of high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C), oxidative stress and elevated cardiovascular risk. The potent antioxidative activity of small HDL3 is defective in MetS [Hansel B, et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2004;89:4963-71]. We evaluated the functional capacity of small HDL3 particles from MetS subjects to protect endothelial cells from apoptosis induced by mildly oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL). MetS subjects presented an insulin-resistant obese phenotype, with hypertriglyceridemia, elevated apolipoprotein B and insulin levels, but subnormal HDL-C concentrations and chronic low grade inflammation (threefold elevation of C-reactive protein). When human microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1) were incubated with oxLDL (200 jig apolipoprotein B/ml) in the presence or absence of control HDL subfiractions (25 mu g protein/ml), small, dense HDL3b and 3c significantly inhibited cellular annexin V binding and intracellular generation of reactive oxygen species. The potent anti-apoptotic activity of small HDL3c particles was reduced (-35%; p < 0.05) in MetS subjects (n = 16) relative to normolipidemic controls (n = 7). The attenuated anti-apoptotic activity of HDL3c correlated with abdominal obesity, atherogenic dyslipidemia and systemic oxidative stress (p < 0.05), and was intimately associated with altered physicochemical properties of apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I-poor HDL3c, involving core cholesteryl ester depletion and triglyceride enrichment. We conclude that in MetS, apoA-I-poor, small, dense HDL3c exert defective protection of endothelial cells from oxLDL-induced apoptosis, potentially reflecting functional anomalies intimately associated with abnormal neutral lipid core content. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.