Collections made with 150 l sampling bottles and BR 113/140 nets, as well as direct counts from the Mir submersible are used to analyze vertical distribution of total biomass of meso- and macroplankton and biomass distributions of their main component groups in the central oligotrophic regions of the North Pacific. Biomass of mesoplankton in the upper 200 m layer ranges from 3.1 to 8.6 g/m**2, but sometimes it increases up to as much as 98 g/m**2 in local population explosions of salps. Jellies predominate in macroplankton at depths of up to 2-3 km, contributing 97-98% of live weight and 30-70% of biomass as organic carbon. In importance they are followed by micronecton fishes (up to 40% of organic carbon). Contributions of other groups countable from the submersible were negligible. Distributions of species at particular stations are discussed.
Radiolarians were recovered from three of the five holes investigated during Leg 125. Relative abundances are estimated at Holes 782A and 784A, where preservation is poor to good. Rare, poorly preserved radiolarians are present in Hole 786A. Seven radiolarian zones are recognized in the latest early- middle Miocene to early Pleistocene of Holes 782A and 784A. These zones are approximately correlated to the zones of Sanfilippo and others published in 1985.
The influence of atmospheric dust on climate and biogeochemical cycles in the oceans is well understood but poorly quantified. Glacial atmospheric dust loads were generally greater than those during the Holocene, as shown, for example, by the covariation of dust fluxes in the Equatorial Pacific and Antarctic ice cores. Nevertheless, it remains unclear whether these increases in dust flux were associated with changes in sources of dust, which would in turn suggest variations in wind patterns, climate or paleo-environment. Such questions can be answered using radiogenic isotope tracers of dust provenance. Here, we present a 160-kyr high-precision lead isotope time-series of dust input to the Eastern Equatorial Pacific (EEP) from core ODP Leg 138, Site 849 (0°11.59' N, 110°31.18' W). The Pb isotope record, combined with Nd isotope data, rules out contributions from Northern Hemisphere dust sources, north of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, such as Asia or North Africa/Sahara; similarly, eolian sources in Australia, Central America, the Northern Andes and Patagonia appear insignificant based upon the radiogenic isotope data. Fluctuations in Pb isotope ratios throughout the last 160 kyr show, instead, that South America remained the prevailing source of dusts to the EEP. There are two distinct South American Pb isotope end-members, constrained to be located in the south Central Volcanic Zone (CVZ, 22° S - 27.5° S) and the South Volcanic Zone (SVZ, 33° S - 43° S), with the former most likely originating in the Atacama Desert. Dust availability in the SVZ appears to be related to the weathering of volcanic deposits and the development of ash-derived Andosols, and influenced by local factors that might include vegetation cover. Variations in the dust fluxes from the two sources are in phase with both the dust flux and temperature records from Antarctican ice cores. We show that the forcing of dust provenance over time in the EEP overall is influenced by high-southerly-latitude climate conditions, leading to changes in the latitudinal position and strength of the South Westerlies as well as the coastal winds that blow northward along the Chilean margin. The net result is a modulation of dust emission from the Atacama Desert and the SVZ via a northward migration of the South Westerlies during cold periods and southward retreat during glacial terminations.
The largest increase in export production in the eastern Pacific of the last 5.3 Myr (million years) occurred between 2.2 and 1.6 Myr, a time of major climatic and oceanographic reorganization in the region. Here, we investigate the causes of this event using reconstructions of export production, nutrient supply and oceanic conditions across the Pliocene-Pleistocene in the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) for the last 3.2 Myr. Our results indicate that the export production peak corresponds to a cold interval marked by high nutrient supply relative to consumption, as revealed by the low bulk sedimentary 15N/14N (d15N) and alkenone-derived sea surface temperature (SST) values. This ?0.6 million year long episode of enhanced delivery of nutrients to the surface of the EEP was predominantly initiated through the upwelling of nutrient-enriched water sourced in high latitudes. In addition, this phenomenon was likely promoted by the regional intensification of upwelling in response to the development of intense Walker and Hadley atmospheric circulations. Increased nutrient consumption in the polar oceans and enhanced denitrification in the equatorial regions restrained nutrient supply and availability and terminated the high export production event.
The development of an orbitally tuned time scale for the ODP leg 138 sites provides biostratigraphers a very high resolution chronostratigraphic framework. With this framework we are better able to define which of the first and last appearances of species appear to be synchronous. In addition, the geographic distribution of sites provides the means with which the detailed spatial patterns of invasion of new species and the extinction of older species can be mapped. These maps not only provide information on the process of evolution, migration, and extinction, they can also be related to water mass distributions and near-surface circulation of the ocean. Of 39 radiolarian events studied at 11 sites in the eastern equatorial Pacific, 28 were found to have a minimum range in their estimated age that exceeded 0.15 m.y. The temporal pattern of first and last appearances of these diachronous events have coherent spatial patterns that indicate shifts in the areas of high oceanographic gradients over the past 10 Ma. These changes in the locations of high gradient regions suggest that the South Equatorial Current (SEC) was north of its present position prior to approximately 7 Ma. There was a southward shift in the northern boundary of this current between approximately 6 and 7 Ma, and the development of a relatively strong gradient between the northeastern and northwestern sites. Between approximately 3.7 and 3.4 Ma, there was a very slight northward shift in the northern boundary of the SEC and the steep gradients between the northeastern and northwestern sites may have disappeared. This change is thought to be associated with the closing of the Isthmus of Panama. The temporal-spatial patterns of diachronous events younger than 3.4 Ma are consistent with patterns of circulation in the modern ocean.
This paper presents materials on the chemical and mineralogical composition of Fe-Mn mineralization in island arcs (Kuril, Nampo, Mariana, New Britain, New Hebrides, and Kermadec) in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. The mineralization was proved to be of hydrothermal and/or hydrogenic genesis. The former is produced by hydrothermal Fe and Mn oxi-hydroxides that cement volcanic-terrigenous material in sediments. Some Fe oxyhydroxides can be derived via the halmyrolysis of volcaniclastic material. Crusts of this stage are characterized by fairly low concentrations of trace and rare elements, and their REE composition is inherited from the volcanic-terrigenous material. The minerals of the Mn oxyhydroxides are todorokite and "Ca-birnessite". The Mn/Fe ratio increases away from the discharge sites of the hydrothermal solutions. The hydrogenic Fe-Mn crusts are characterized by high concentrations of trace and minor elements of both the Mn group (Co, Ni, Tl, and Mo) and the Fe group (REE, Y, and Th). The hydrogenic crusts consist of Fe-vernadite and Mn-feroxyhyte. Some of the hydrothermal crusts originally had a hydrothermal genesis. The first data were obtained on crust B30-72-10 from the Macauley Seamount in the Kermadec island arc, which contained anomalously high concentrations of Co (2587 ppm) and other Mn-related trace elements in the absence of hydrogeneous Fe oxyhydroxides.
Deep water formation in the North Atlantic and Southern Ocean is widely thought to influence deglacial CO2 rise and climate change; here we suggest that deep water formation in the North Pacific may also play an important role. We present paired radiocarbon and boron isotope data from foraminifera from sediment core MD02-2489 at 3640 m in the North East Pacific. These show a pronounced excursion during Heinrich Stadial 1, with benthic-planktic radiocarbon offsets dropping to ~350 years, accompanied by a decrease in benthic d11B. We suggest this is driven by the onset of deep convection in the North Pacific, which mixes young shallow waters to depth, old deep waters to the surface, and low-pH water from intermediate depths into the deep ocean. This deep water formation event was likely driven by an increase in surface salinity, due to subdued atmospheric/monsoonal freshwater flux during Heinrich Stadial 1. The ability of North Pacific Deep Water (NPDW) formation to explain the excursions seen in our data is demonstrated in a series of experiments with an intermediate complexity Earth system model. These experiments also show that breakdown of stratification in the North Pacific leads to a rapid ~30 ppm increase in atmospheric CO2, along with decreases in atmospheric d13C and D14C, consistent with observations of the early deglaciation. Our inference of deep water formation is based mainly on results from a single sediment core, and our boron isotope data are unavoidably sparse in the key HS1 interval, so this hypothesis merits further testing. However we note that there is independent support for breakdown of stratification in shallower waters during this period, including a minimum in d15N, younging in intermediate water 14C, and regional warming. We also re-evaluate deglacial changes in North Pacific productivity and carbonate preservation in light of our new data, and suggest that the regional pulse of export production observed during the Bølling-Allerød is promoted by relatively stratified conditions, with increased light availability and a shallow, potent nutricline. Overall, our work highlights the potential of NPDW formation to play a significant and hitherto unrealized role in deglacial climate change and CO2 rise.
This paper documents the evolutionary history of Cycladophora davisiana Ehrenberg from an uppermost Miocene to Pleistocene sedimentary record in the high-latitude Northwest Pacific. It apparently evolved from C. sakaii Motoyama through a series of intermediates. C. sakaii has a relatively large shell with an external spongy layer. The evolutionary transition is characterized by a relatively rapid decrease in thorax size with a reduction of the spongy appendage. This change occurred during about 0.4 m.y. from 2.8 to 2.4 Ma without cladogenesis. Following this interval, a decrease in thorax size continued gradually up to the Recent, resulting in a very small morphology. Although the population of C. davisiana first appeared at about 2.5 Ma, some morphotypic specimens may occur in earlier periods as indistinguishable very small endmembers in the C. sakaii populations. Timing of the first appearance events both of morphotypic specimens and of a population of C. davisiana in Site 192 and previously reported cores does not disprove the idea that C. davisiana evolved first in the Northwest Pacific region, and later migrated into other regions of the world ocean. Biometrics clearly indicate no direct phylogenetic relationships between C. davisiana and C. cornutoides Kling in the studied core. Thus, the latter species, which was originally described as a variation and later elevated to a subspecies of the former species, is separated from the former species and raised to the species rank.
Accumulation rates of Mg, Al, Si, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, opal, and calcium carbonate have been calculated from their concentrations in samples from equatorial Deep Sea Drilling Project sites. Maps of element accumulation rates and of Q-mode factors derived from raw data indicate that the flux of trace metals to equatorial Pacific sediments has varied markedly through time and space in response to changes in the relative and absolute influence of several depositional influences: biogenic, detrital, authigenic, and hydrothermal sedimentation. Biologically derived material dominates the sediment of the equatorial Pacific. The distributions of Cu and Zn are most influenced by surface-water biological activity, but Ni, Al, Fe, and Mn are also incorporated into biological material. All of these elements have equatorial accumulation maxima similar to those of opal and calcium carbonate at times during the past 50 m.y. Detritus distributed by trade winds and equatorial surface circulation contributes Al, non-biogenic Si, Fe, and Mg to the region. Detrital sediment is most important in areas with a small supply of biogenic debris and low bulk-accumulation rates. Al accumulation generally increases toward the north and east, indicating its continental source and distribution by the northeast trade winds. Maxima in biological productivity during middle Eocene and latest Miocene to early Pliocene time and concomitant well-developed surface circulation contributed toward temporal maxima in the accumulation rates of Cu, Zn, Ni, and Al in sediments of those ages. Authigenic material is also important only where bulk-sediment accumulation rates are low. Ni, Cu, Zn, and sometimes Mn are associated with this sediment. Fe is almost entirely of hydrothermal origin. Mn is primarily hydrothermal, but some is probably scavenged from sea water by amorphous iron hydroxide floes along with other elements concentrated in hydrothermal sediments, Ni, Cu, and Zn. During the past 50 m.y. all of these elements accumulated over the East Pacific Rise at rates nearly an order of magnitude higher than those at non-rise-crest sites. In addition, factor analysis indicates that some of this material is carried substantial distances to the west of the rise crest. Accumulation rates of Fe in basal metalliferous sediments indicate that the hydrothermal activity that supplied amorphous Fe oxides to the East Pacific Rise areas was most intense during middle Eocene and late Miocene to early Pliocene time.