936 resultados para V-1a- and V-2-receptors
In this issue...Oredigger football, American Chemical Society, Student Union Building, Virginia City, Butte, Montana, Tom Minette, Professor Ruggles
In this issue...St. Patrick's Church, Glee Club, Parking Committee, Ron Crosby, Coach McAuliffe, Debate Team, M club, Thanksgiving, Butte, Montana
In this issue...YMCA, Gardner Denver Scholarship, Civic Center, Butte, Montana, Air Force, Russell Dugdale, Debate team, Anderson Carlisle Society, Student Wives
In this issue...Volunteer Fire Departments, Butte, Montana, Coffee Shop, Glee Club, M Club, Pioneer's Club, Columbia Gardens, Gamer's, Dick Siguaw
In this issue...State Board of Education, Helen Allen, Drama Club, Galen Hospital, Lydia's, Butte, Montana, convocation, Marion White Arts Society, Professor William W. Chance
In this issue...American Legion, Spring Sport Carnival, Butte, Montana, Coach Olsen, Butte Civic Center, Arnold Air Society, St. James Hospital, Travonia Mine
In this issue...Copper Guards, Vegas Club, Marcus Daly, Military Ball, Sigma RHO, Jersey Standard Oil, Joy Manufacturing Company, Smith Act, Dave Shepard
In this issue...Mine's Baseball, Glee Club, Emerson Public School, Butte, Montana, Maiden Rock, Y.M.C.A., Marcus Daly, Fraternity Dance, Museum Building
In this issue...Dean Adami, M club, Red Rock, Bernice, Montana, Mineral Club, Mines Football, Sam Worcester, Professor Laity, Western Civilization class
In this issue...Yellowstone, Butte, Montana, Shamrock Picnic grounds, Carroll College, Butte Copper Baseball League, Civic Center, Dean McAuliffe
In this issue...Engineer's Valentine, Butte Chamber of Commerce, Jaycee Club, Main Hall, Wilmington Oil Field, Hecla Mining Company, Petroleum Engineers, Finlen Hotel
A general, two-step highly efficient synthesis of 1,2-diaryl-, 1,2,3-triaryl- and 1,2,3,4-tetraarylbenzenes from simple stitching of alpha-oxo-ketene-S,S-acetals and active methylene compounds via a ‘lactone intermediate’ is described. This procedure offers easy access to highly functionalized arylated-benzenes containing sterically demanding groups in good to excellent yields. The novelty of the procedure lies in the fabrication of aromatic compounds with desired conformational flexibility along the molecular axis in a transition metal-free environment through easily accessible precursors. The crystal analysis of these arylated-benzene scaffolds showed that the peripheral aryl rings are arranged in propeller-like fashion with respect to the central benzene rings. Examination of the crystal packing in the structure of a 1,2,3,4-tetraarylbenzene 12c revealed a “N…pi interaction” between molecules related by a two-fold screw axis running in a direction. It is interesting that the repeat of the array of N…pi interaction around the axis of the 1,2,3,4-tetraarylbenzene 12c enforces the molecules in a helical pattern.
This study aims to evaluate the direct effects of anthropogenic deforestation on simulated climate at two contrasting periods in the Holocene, ~6 and ~0.2 k BP in Europe. We apply We apply the Rossby Centre regional climate model RCA3, a regional climate model with 50 km spatial resolution, for both time periods, considering three alternative descriptions of the past vegetation: (i) potential natural vegetation (V) simulated by the dynamic vegetation model LPJ-GUESS, (ii) potential vegetation with anthropogenic land use (deforestation) from the HYDE3.1 (History Database of the Global Environment) scenario (V + H3.1), and (iii) potential vegetation with anthropogenic land use from the KK10 scenario (V + KK10). The climate model results show that the simulated effects of deforestation depend on both local/regional climate and vegetation characteristics. At ~6 k BP the extent of simulated deforestation in Europe is generally small, but there are areas where deforestation is large enough to produce significant differences in summer temperatures of 0.5–1 °C. At ~0.2 k BP, extensive deforestation, particularly according to the KK10 model, leads to significant temperature differences in large parts of Europe in both winter and summer. In winter, deforestation leads to lower temperatures because of the differences in albedo between forested and unforested areas, particularly in the snow-covered regions. In summer, deforestation leads to higher temperatures in central and eastern Europe because evapotranspiration from unforested areas is lower than from forests. Summer evaporation is already limited in the southernmost parts of Europe under potential vegetation conditions and, therefore, cannot become much lower. Accordingly, the albedo effect dominates in southern Europe also in summer, which implies that deforestation causes a decrease in temperatures. Differences in summer temperature due to deforestation range from −1 °C in south-western Europe to +1 °C in eastern Europe. The choice of anthropogenic land-cover scenario has a significant influence on the simulated climate, but uncertainties in palaeoclimate proxy data for the two time periods do not allow for a definitive discrimination among climate model results.
Entre 1935 y 1939 se produjo la llegada de una nueva corriente de inmigrantes suizos al Territorio Nacional de Misiones. Éstos –a diferencia de los ya establecidos una década antes atraídos por las ventajas que ofrecía el cultivo de la yerba mate– vinieron en condiciones de desocupación producto de la crisis económica por la que estaba atravesando su país de origen. Sin embargo, debido a la creación de la Comisión Reguladora de la Yerba Mate [CRYM] en 1935, una vez asentado en territorio misionero no pudieron realizar plantaciones de yerba mate por lo que debieron buscar otras fuentes de sustento. Línea Cuchilla fue una de las colonias destino de esta corriente y, en ese sentido, nos proponemos analizar los factores de atracción y las principales dificultades que tuvieron en la adaptación al nuevo espacio. Metodológicamente, se trabajó con memorias y entrevistas a los inmigrantes y sus descendientes, con el relato de Luis Ferrari En Misión a Misiones y con el documental Gli eredi della crisi.