940 resultados para User experience based approaches


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Na atualidade observa-se vastos estudos sobre os processos na área do Design acerca de como projetar experiências e prototipar interações entre pessoas e sistemas, e mesmo entre pessoas por intermédio de sistemas. Enquanto todo tipo de produto produz uma experiência de uso, com a evolução da interatividade as relações estabelecidas entre os usuários e os produtos tornaram-se mais complexas e modificaram-se ao longo dos anos. A abordagem teórica destinada a tratar essas questões também expandiu e diversificou-se simultaneamente. A partir de um estudo sobre os processos interativos e o campo teórico relacionado, foi possível identificar um fenômeno relativamente recente em interfaces nas quais pode ser verificado um alto nível de interação, a saber: os sistemas de recompensa. Cabe salientar que este termo foi emprestado da Neurociência, aonde é utilizado para descrever o circuito responsável pelo gerenciamento do comportamento através da indução de prazer e dor. Portanto, o autor desta dissertação propõe uma acepção do termo no âmbito do design de componentes interativos para designar o artifício, que muitas interfaces atuais incorporaram, de conceder aos usuários a possibilidade de apreciarem, ou não, determinado conteúdo em rede. Assim, pode-se compreender que o emprego do termo aqui é metafórico. Neste processo os usuários podem fornecer outros tipos de feedback ao sistema, como por exemplo um comentário, ou compartilhamento, estimulando assim uma série de desdobramentos interativos e repercussões para a experiência de uso do produto. Este trabalho propõe uma investigação qualitativa sobre as interações concernentes aos sistemas de recompensa, abordando tanto questões objetivas funcionais dos sistemas, quanto questões referentes ao feedback dos usuários. O Facebook será amplamente analisado, por ter sido uma interface pioneira na manipulação dos sistemas de recompensa, na qual estes componentes alcançaram um alto nível de desenvolvimento até este momento. A justificativa para esta pesquisa se deve a dois fatores particularmente relevantes: primeiro, a ausência de conteúdo significativo na literatura relacionada atual. Em segundo lugar, a notável expansão dos sistemas criados com esta finalidade, conforme será demonstrado no estudo. O objetivo deste projeto é compreender de que forma o design dos sistemas de recompensa influenciam o fluxo de interações e o comportamento dos usuários atualmente. Para tanto, esta pesquisa procura verificar como determinados aspectos teóricos do design - dedicados à compreensão da dinâmica de processos interativos - se aplicam a experiências reais de interação no mundo contemporâneo. Por exemplo, diversos modelos e frameworks nas áreas de HCI (Interação Humano-Computador), UX (experiência do usuário), e design de experiências destacam conceitos condizentes com aspectos identificados nos sistemas de recompensa que por sua vez encontram-se em processo de desenvolvimento, guiados por tendências comerciais de uma forma quase que intuitiva, no sentido de que pouca atenção tem sido dada na literatura sobre as bases neuronais que fazem este processo funcionar. Desta forma, pretende-se fornecer subsídios para uma melhor compreensão do impacto que os sistemas de recompensa analisados nesta dissertação desempenham sobre a experiência de uso entre consumidores e produtos delineados dentro deste paradigma.


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Essa pesquisa é um estudo de caso sobre a interação do aluno com a interface da plataforma Moodle. Para tal, foram utilizadas técnicas consolidadas de avaliação da usabilidade de interfaces digitais. Assim, com respaldo na Semiótica do americano Charles Sanders Peirce, verificou-se e discutiu-se questões subjetivas dos processos comunicativos envolvidos nos problemas interacionais identificados. Uma vez analisado o impacto desses problemas, desenhou-se um quadro geral, denominado experiência do usuário, no qual as interfaces avaliadas são arenas das frustrações e ações que esta proposta de inspeção foi capaz de descrever. A partir desse quadro, foram fundadas as bases para compreensão do modelo mental do usuário para propor soluções. Essas soluções são baseadas, principalmente, em prescrições de usabilidade de Jakob Nielsen, Donald Norman e Steve Krug Nesse cenário, é demonstrado como o design contribui para a elaboração de uma interface que convida à ação e reflexão, de forma a proporcionar um ambiente de interação satisfatório e consonante com as novas tendências educacionais e da cibercultura. Deste modo, também demonstra-se de que forma a Semiótica pode instrumentalizar o profissional de design a resolver situações de projeto. Por meio da documentação de metodologias e resultados, esta pesquisa apoia a boa comunicação entre projetistas, ressalta a importância da subjetividade no estudo interacional, além de propor soluções para os problemas encontrados. Em virtude dos fatos supracitados, essa pesquisa tem como produto final um acervo de informações relevantes para o histórico de projetos em design. Contemplados os requisitos de usabilidade propostos por essa pesquisa, espera-se que, no futuro, tais requisitos sejam validados, para que o impacto produzido pelas mudanças implementadas possam ser avaliados. Assim, poderá ser verificado como essas mudanças impactarão no processo comunicativo da nova proposta interacional e se elas se converteram realmente em satisfação na experiência do usuário. Com isso, pretende-se que o foco da interface passe a ser a associação da satisfação do uso ao processo de aprendizagem.


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This report is an account of a cross-country study that covered Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines. Covering four sites (one each in Indonesia and Vietnam) and two sites in the Philippines, the study documented the impacts of three climate hazards affecting coastal communities, namely typhoon/flooding, coastal erosion and saltwater intrusion. It also analyzed planned adaptation options, which communities and local governments can implement, as well as autonomous responses of households to protect and insure themselves from these hazards. It employed a variety of techniques, ranging from participatory based approaches such as community hazard mapping and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) to regression techniques, to analyze the impact of climate change and the behavior of affected communities and households.


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The CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems is a multi-year research initiative launched in July 2011. It is designed to pursue community-based approaches to agricultural research and development that target the poorest and most vulnerable rural households in aquatic agricultural systems. Led by WorldFish, a member of the CGIAR Consortium, the program is partnering with diverse organizations working at local, national and global levels to help achieve impacts at scale.


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Climate change with its attendant geophysical hazards is well studied. A great deal of attention has gone into analyzing climate change impacts as well as searching out possible mitigating adaptive strategies. These matters are very real concerns, especially for coastal communities. Such communities are often the most vulnerable to climate change, since their citizens frequently live in abject poverty and have limited capacity to adapt to geophysical hazards. Their situation is further complicated by the prospect of dealing with a confluence of hazards in comparison with those in other ecosystems. Against this backdrop Worldfish and the Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA) collaborated to implement the cross-country study “Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability Assessments, Economic and Policy Analysis of Adaptation Strategies in Selected Coastal Areas in Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam”. As its title suggests the study covered selected sites in Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines. Employing a gamut of interdisciplinary methodologies -- ranging from community-based approaches such as community hazard mapping and focus group discussions (FGDs) to regression techniques -- the study documented the impacts from three climate hazards affecting coastal communities. These were typhoon/flooding, coastal erosion, and saltwater intrusion. The team also analyzed planned adaptation options suited to implementation by communities and local governments, augmenting autonomous responses of households to protect and insure themselves from these hazards.


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Model-based approaches to handling additive background noise and channel distortion, such as Vector Taylor Series (VTS), have been intensively studied and extended in a number of ways. In previous work, VTS has been extended to handle both reverberant and background noise, yielding the Reverberant VTS (RVTS) scheme. In this work, rather than assuming the observation vector is generated by the reverberation of a sequence of background noise corrupted speech vectors, as in RVTS, the observation vector is modelled as a superposition of the background noise and the reverberation of clean speech. This yields a new compensation scheme RVTS Joint (RVTSJ), which allows an easy formulation for joint estimation of both additive and reverberation noise parameters. These two compensation schemes were evaluated and compared on a simulated reverberant noise corrupted AURORA4 task. Both yielded large gains over VTS baseline system, with RVTSJ outperforming the previous RVTS scheme. © 2011 IEEE.


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In recent years, the use of morphological decomposition strategies for Arabic Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) has become increasingly popular. Systems trained on morphologically decomposed data are often used in combination with standard word-based approaches, and they have been found to yield consistent performance improvements. The present article contributes to this ongoing research endeavour by exploring the use of the 'Morphological Analysis and Disambiguation for Arabic' (MADA) tools for this purpose. System integration issues concerning language modelling and dictionary construction, as well as the estimation of pronunciation probabilities, are discussed. In particular, a novel solution for morpheme-to-word conversion is presented which makes use of an N-gram Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) approach. System performance is investigated within a multi-pass adaptation/combination framework. All the systems described in this paper are evaluated on an Arabic large vocabulary speech recognition task which includes both Broadcast News and Broadcast Conversation test data. It is shown that the use of MADA-based systems, in combination with word-based systems, can reduce the Word Error Rates by up to 8.1 relative. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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POMDP algorithms have made significant progress in recent years by allowing practitioners to find good solutions to increasingly large problems. Most approaches (including point-based and policy iteration techniques) operate by refining a lower bound of the optimal value function. Several approaches (e.g., HSVI2, SARSOP, grid-based approaches and online forward search) also refine an upper bound. However, approximating the optimal value function by an upper bound is computationally expensive and therefore tightness is often sacrificed to improve efficiency (e.g., sawtooth approximation). In this paper, we describe a new approach to efficiently compute tighter bounds by i) conducting a prioritized breadth first search over the reachable beliefs, ii) propagating upper bound improvements with an augmented POMDP and iii) using exact linear programming (instead of the sawtooth approximation) for upper bound interpolation. As a result, we can represent the bounds more compactly and significantly reduce the gap between upper and lower bounds on several benchmark problems. Copyright © 2011, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved.


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Creating a realistic talking head, which given an arbitrary text as input generates a realistic looking face speaking the text, has been a long standing research challenge. Talking heads which cannot express emotion have been made to look very realistic by using concatenative approaches [Wang et al. 2011], however allowing the head to express emotion creates a much more challenging problem and model based approaches have shown promise in this area. While 2D talking heads currently look more realistic than their 3D counterparts, they are limited both in the range of poses they can express and in the lighting conditions that they can be rendered under. Previous attempts to produce videorealistic 3D expressive talking heads [Cao et al. 2005] have produced encouraging results but not yet achieved the level of realism of their 2D counterparts.


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ES cells provide a promising tool for the generation of transgenic animals with site-directed mutations. When ES cells colonize germ cells in chimeras, transgenic animals with modified phenotypes are generated and used either for functional genomics studies or for improving productivity in commercial settings. Althought the ES cell approach has been limited to, mice, there is strong interest for developing the technology in fish.. We describe the step-by-step procedure for developing ES cells in fish. Key aspects include avoiding cell differentiation, specific in vitro traits of pluripotency, and, most importantly, testing for production of chimeric animals as the main evidence of pluripotency. The entire process focuses on two model species, zebrafish and medaka, in which most work has been done. The achievements attained in these species, as well as their applicability to other commercial fish, are discussed. Because of the difficulties relating to germ line competence, mostly of long-term fish ES cells, alternative cell-based approaches such as primordial germ cells and nuclear transfer need to be considered. Although progress to date has been slow, there are promising achievements in homologous recombination and alternative avenues yet to be explored that can bring ES technology in fish to fruition.


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Post- WIMP界面作为继当前的主流界面范式—— WIMP界面后的下一代界面范式 ,它和 WIMP界面有着很大的不同 ,通过使用虚拟现实、语音交互、手势交互等技术 ,它能够提供更加自然高效的交互方式 .然而 ,它却难以构造 .为了有效地构造 Post- WIMP界面 ,在构造之前不考虑实现细节 ,而在一个抽象的层次上描述它是一个较好的方法 .首先 ,分析了 Post- WIMP界面的交互本质 ,交互混合性是 Post- WIMP界面一个最为重要的特点 .从形式化系统的角度分析 Post- WIMP界面 ,通过将 Post- WIMP界面抽象为混合系统能够更为准确和严格地分析Post- WIMP界面的特性 .混合自动机是用于描述混合系统的形式化工具 ,将 Post- WIMP界面建模为一组相互协作的混合自动机 .设计了一基于混合自动机理论的半形式化语言 L EAFF作为 Post- WIMP界面的描述工具 .LEAFF通过结合文本描述和图形描述描述 Post- WIMP界面中的交互行为 ,能够准确地反映交互中的控制关系、时序关系 .给出了对两个典型 Post- WIMP界面——虚拟现实交互和笔式交互的描述实例 ,同时讨论了 Post- WIMP界面中交互并行性的描述、交互实时性的验证和从描述到实际交互系统构造的转换 .


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Linking organisms or groups of organisms to specific functions within natural environments is a fundamental challenge in microbial ecology. Advances in technology for manipulating and analyzing nucleic acids have made it possible to characterize the members of microbial communities without the intervention of laboratory culturing. Results from such studies have shown that the vast majority of soil organisms have never been cultured, highlighting the risks of culture-based approaches in community analysis. The development of culture-independent techniques for following the flow of substrates through microbial communities therefore represents an important advance. These techniques, collectively known as stable isotope probing (SIP), involve introducing a stable isotope-labeled substrate into a microbial community and following the fate of the substrate by extracting diagnostic molecular species such as fatty acids and nucleic acids from the community and determining which specific molecules have incorporated the isotope. The molecules in which the isotope label appears provide identifying information about the organism that incorporated the substrate. Stable isotope probing allows direct observations of substrate assimilation in minimally disturbed communities, and thus represents an exciting new tool for linking microbial identity and function. The use of lipids or nucleic acids as the diagnostic molecule brings different strengths and weaknesses to the experimental approach, and necessitates the use of significantly different instrumentation and analytical techniques. This short review provides an overview of the lipid and nucleic acid approaches, discusses their strengths and weaknesses, gives examples of applications in various settings, and looks at prospects for the future of SIP technology.


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MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching) has recently emerged to facilitate the engineering of network traffic. This can be achieved by directing packet flows over paths that satisfy multiple requirements. MPLS has been regarded as an enhancement to traditional IP routing, which has the following problems: (1) all packets with the same IP destination address have to follow the same path through the network; and (2) paths have often been computed based on static and single link metrics. These problems may cause traffic concentration, and thus degradation in quality of service. In this paper, we investigate by simulations a range of routing solutions and examine the tradeoff between scalability and performance. At one extreme, IP packet routing using dynamic link metrics provides a stateless solution but may lead to routing oscillations. At the other extreme, we consider a recently proposed Profile-based Routing (PBR), which uses knowledge of potential ingress-egress pairs as well as the traffic profile among them. Minimum Interference Routing (MIRA) is another recently proposed MPLS-based scheme, which only exploits knowledge of potential ingress-egress pairs but not their traffic profile. MIRA and the more conventional widest-shortest path (WSP) routing represent alternative MPLS-based approaches on the spectrum of routing solutions. We compare these solutions in terms of utility, bandwidth acceptance ratio as well as their scalability (routing state and computational overhead) and load balancing capability. While the simplest of the per-flow algorithms we consider, the performance of WSP is close to dynamic per-packet routing, without the potential instabilities of dynamic routing.