1000 resultados para Urbanismo expansivo
O presente trabalho é um estudo sucinto à percepção dos elementos formais e não formais urbanos, com base no estudo Desenho Urbano - elementos de análise morfológica.
É comum, ao estudar a cidade aplicar conceitos provenientes de outros ramos de estudo, no entanto, sem que para tal, o utilizador tenha investigado e limitado com clareza o significado desses mesmos conceitos.
Neste capítulo, abordaremos os diversos contributos trazidos ao desenho urbano como disciplina do urbanismo; compreender a sua génese e o seu desenvolvimento, e expor algumas tendências contemporâneas do desenho urbano.
O ambiente urbano é composto por uma variedade complexa de elementos urbanos, que compartilham o mesmo limite, uma linha imaginária, uma sensação de convite, um pano de vãos ritmado, um edifício simétrico....
A Vila de Óbidos, integrada no distrito de Leiria, com uma população na ordem dos 3100 habitantes. A área de estudo, caracteriza-se por um aglomerado urbano de características medievais, que actualmente são um pólo atractivo de visitantes à vila.
Elementos formais e não formais da Vila de Óbidos.
A habitação e envolvimento com a cidade leva-nos a aplicar conceitos sobre si, numa tentativa de caracteriza-la e explicá-la, sem que para tal, tenhamos a clareza e o significado devidamente compreendido desses mesmos conceitos.
One of the main stated objectives of the Favela Bairro program was to allow squatter settlements to become part of the formal city. The focus of the study is to assess how different project solutions in the Favela Bairro program have used urban design tools to achieve this objective. A subsequent question concerns the extent to which urban design factors helped to improve the social integration of the settlements, and specifically to overcome poverty and exclusion conditions.This bring us to a another group of problems related to indicators to measure the attainment of these objectives from four perspectives: Spatial, Social, Economical and Political (citizenship and participation)This analysis highlights the major difficulties confronted by the design teams, and allows pinpointing the positive and negative impacts of the interventions on the communities and the city
The article if considers to identify in the fields of the public sphere, the public politics and the theory of the complexity elements that take the public politics to reconsider the citizen as principal actor of the public sphere, verifying evidences of its use in strategical lines of the cities. By means of research qualitative and exploratória concludes that, in the majority of the experiences of public politics analyzed the citizen, when is taken in consideration, it occupies secondary positions. Of the theoretical point of view, this if must to the fact predominate in the processes of elaboration of the public politics, linear, instrumental and exculpatory rationalities, in detriment of nonlinear and opened rationalities to the yearnings of the citizens.
The article is a reflective analysis of the usage of the city and its public spaces, based on a study of the city of Funchal, in Madeira. Today, the city centre tackles the falling rate of its active user risking the disappearance of its public space usage, with the relocation of its leisure spaces to less central areas, due to the appearance of new interior spaces which offer the public the same services as the traditional outdoor ones. It is therefore imperative to make the city attractive and lively. The text presents the city of Funchal as it came into the XXI century, mentioning, in the context of urban requalification or revitalization, the different forms of use and preservation of open spaces.
The main purpose of this paper is to focus discussion around the concept of “enterprise” as a reality which, together with other production units located in urban areas, could generate economies of agglomeration. These in turn play a role of enormous importance to local and regional level. By this route was thought to introduce a multidisciplinary approach in the debate about territory.
The history of the development of the modern Portuguese state shows, since the liberal revolution (1820), many difficulties in resolving issues relating to local government planning. Apart from the turbulent history of municipalities in the days of absolute monarchy and of liberalism, the Portuguese Republican ideology was far beyond what was expected. Much more serious in the case of the Salazar regime, a regime which sought to impose the state as the center of planning, settling the long history of subsidiary municipalities.
This article focuses on issues of planning that arise in S Vicente Island and in particular in the city of MindeloWe consider issues of urban regeneration and the inventory of solutions within the general scope of hydraulic options solutions for an appropriate response to the serious problems caused by floods in Mindelo, which occur at times of heavy rainfall.
The present documents get together reflection elements that allow sustaining the irreversibility of the process that leads to the creation of a Directorate General for Urban AffairsThe irreversibility of this process results of the assumed necessity to implement the cooperation between Member-States in respect to the urban and territorial development policy. It is time, with vision, to assume the urgency to create, as well, in this area an European joint policy and which are the necessary structures for its definition and implementation within the EU framework. O Directorate General for Urban Affairs deverá articular-se em particular com o Comité Económico e Social e com o Comité das RegiõesThe present text is based essentially on political documents on urban and territorial affairs elaborated in the extent of the EU and in the general guideline documents produced by the EU, which favor social, economic and territorial integration.
A cidade ...Todos a conhecem. Amada por uns e odiada por outros. Lugar de encontros e de desencontros; de memórias e de história; do conhecimento e de divertimento; de escolhas e de trocas. Palco de transformações e interacções.Gosto da cidade, sobretudo de a observar. Ela transforma-se, cria-se e recria-se a cada dia. Em cada esquina há uma descoberta, uma forma, uma memória, um “olhar” indiscreto, uma história de vida. Enfim, na cidade há vidas, de ontem e de hoje, que se cruzam e misturam, acabando por se renovar e recriar.A cidade é um teatro com múltiplos actores e espectadores.Enquanto espectadora da cidade observo-a incessantemente para a conhecer e interpretar. Procuro compreender as suas formas, os seus lugares, os seus espaços. Comparo-a com o seu passado e com o seu semelhante. Analiso-a para actuar.O estudo que aqui se apresenta é sobre a cidade do Funchal, os seus lugares e espaços, os seus actores, os cantos e recantos onde se escondem e guardam as memórias e os testemunhos da “cidade do açúcar”, da “cidade do vinho” e de todas as que lhes sucederam e que se transformaram na actual Cidade do Funchal. (...)