954 resultados para Upper Paleozoic


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A recently proposed scenario for baryogenesis, called post-sphaleron baryogenesis (PSB), is discussed within a class of quark-lepton unified framework based on the gauge symmetry SU(2)L×SU(2) R×SU(4)c realized in the multi-TeV scale. The baryon asymmetry of the Universe in this model is produced below the electroweak phase transition temperature after the sphalerons have decoupled from the Hubble expansion. These models embed naturally the seesaw mechanism for neutrino masses and predict color-sextet scalar particles in the TeV range which may be accessible to the LHC experiments. A necessary consequence of this scenario is the baryon-number-violating ΔB=2 process of neutron-antineutron (n-n̄) oscillations. In this paper we show that the constraints of PSB, when combined with the neutrino oscillation data and restrictions from flavor changing neutral currents mediated by the colored scalars, imply an upper limit on the n-n̄ oscillation time of 5×1010 sec regardless of the quark-lepton unification scale. If this scale is relatively low, in the (200-250) TeV range, τn-n̄ is predicted to be less than 1010 sec, which is accessible to the next generation of proposed experiments. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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We compared the artisanal fisheries, in terms of catch strategies, productivity, and gross per capita income, at two reservoirs: The Barra Bonita (an eutrophic reservoir with some introduced species), and the Jurumirim (an oligotrophic reservoir, with no introduced species). Published data and structured interviews with fishers were used to evaluate fishing activity, fish biomass, and the financial performance of the fisheries. In the Barra Bonita Reservoir we analysed data from 745 fishing trips, from which 86,691.9 kg of fish were landed, with a mean CPUE of 62.4 kg/fisher-1 day-1. The main type of fish caught was tilapia (71,513.5 kg; CPUE of 51.5 kg/fisher-1 day-1), which constituted 82.5% of the biomass caught. In the Jurumirim Reservoir, we analysed data from 2,401 fishing trips, from which 25,093.6 kg of fish were landed, with a mean CPUE of 10.4 kg/fisher-1 day-1. The main type of fish caught was traíra (6,158.6 kg; CPUE of 2.6 kg/fisher-1 day-1), which constituted 24.5% of the biomass caught. Ordination analysis (PCA) indicated that there was a difference in composition between the fishing reservoirs and ANCOVA showed that there was a significant difference in fish production between the reservoirs. A Student's t-test showed that fishers in the Barra Bonita Reservoir had a significantly higher gross per capita income than those from the Jurumirim Reservoir. Although the Barra Bonita Reservoir has a higher fish production and the fishers earn a higher gross per capita income, we recommend the Jurumirim Reservoir as a model for artisanal fishery management because fishing activity in this reservoir is viable in the long term and such a model would promote conservation and sustainability. This contrasts with the Barra Bonita Reservoir, in which the fishery is not viable in the long term, due to environmental problems caused by artificial eutrophication and the introduction of alien species. It is also noted that in many countries, management of fisheries based on exotic species has not been viable in the long term. © 2013 Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of exercise order on one-repetition maximum (1-RM) and ten-repetition maximum (10-RM) strength gains after 6 weeks of resistance training (RT) in trained men. Sixteen men were randomly assigned into two groups based on the order of exercises performed during training sessions: a group that performed large muscle group exercises first and progressed to small muscle group exercises (LG-SM); while a second group performed the opposite sequence and started with small muscle group exercises and progressed to large muscle group exercises (SM-LG). Four sessions of RT were conducted per week; all exercises were performed for three sets of 8-12 repetitions with 1-min rest intervals between sets. Maximal and submaximal strength were assessed at baseline and after 6 weeks of RT with 1-RM and 10-RM testing for the bench press (BP), lat pulldown (LPD), triceps pulley extension (TE) and biceps curl (BC), respectively. Two-way ANOVA for the 1-RM and 10-RM tests indicated a significant group x time interaction. The 1-RM values significantly increased for all exercises in both groups (P<0.05), but were not significantly different between groups. However, effect size (ES) data indicated that the LG-SM group exhibited a greater magnitude of gains (1-RM and 10-RM) for the BP and LPD exercises. Conversely, ES indicated that the SM-LG group exhibited a greater magnitude of gains (1-RM and 10-RM) for the TE and BC exercises. In conclusion, the results suggest that upper body movements should be prioritized and performed according to individual needs to maximize maximal and submaximal strength. © 2013 Scandinavian Society of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine.


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In fluvial systems, the relationship between a dominant variable (e.g. flood pulse) and its dependent ones (e.g. riparian vegetation) is called connectivity. This paper analyzes the connectivity elements and processes controlling riparian vegetation for a reach of the upper Paraná River (Brazil) and estimates the future changes in channel-vegetation relationship as a consequence of the managing of a large dam. The studied reach is situated 30km downstream from the Porto Primavera Dam (construction finished in 1999). Through aerial photography (1:25,000, 1996), RGB-CBERS satellite imagery and a previous field botany survey it was possible to elaborate a map with the five major morpho-vegetation units: 1) Tree-dominated natural levee, 2) Shrubby upper floodplain, 3) Shrub-herbaceous mid floodplain, 4) Grass-herbaceous lower floodplain and 5) Shrub-herbaceous flood runoff channel units. By use of a detailed topographic survey and statistical tools each morpho-vegetation type was analyzed according to its connectivity parameters (frequency, recurrence, permanence, seasonality, potamophase, limnophase and FCQ index) in the pre- and post-dam closure periods of the historical series. Data showed that most of the morpho-vegetation units were predicted to present changes in connectivity parameters values after dam closing and the new regime could affect, in different intensity, the river ecology and particularly the riparian vegetation. The methods used in this study can be useful for dam impact studies in other South American tropical rivers. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O histórico de prospecção de hidrocarbonetos da Bacia Paleozoica do Parnaíba, situada no norte-nordeste do Brasil, sempre foi considerado desfavorável quando comparado aos super-reservatórios estimados do Pré-Sal das bacias da Margem Atlântica e até mesmo interiores, como a Bacia do Solimões. No entanto, a descoberta de gás natural em depósitos da superseqüência mesodevoniana-eocarbonífera do Grupo Canindé, que incluem as formações Pimenteiras, Cabeças e Longá, impulsionou novas pesquisas no intuito de refinar a caracterização paleoambiental, paleogeográfica, bem como, entender o sistema petrolífero, os possíveis plays e a potencialidade do reservatório Cabeças. A avaliação faciológica e estratigráfica com ênfase no registro da tectônica glacial, em combinação com a geocronologia de zircão detrítico permitiu interpretar o paleoambiente e a proveniência do reservatório Cabeças. Seis associações de fácies agrupadas em sucessões aflorantes, com espessura máxima de até 60m registram a evolução de um sistema deltaico Devoniano influenciado por processos glaciais principalmente no topo da unidade. 1) frente deltaica distal, composta por argilito maciço, conglomerado maciço, arenito com acamamento maciço, laminação plana e estratificação cruzada sigmoidal 2) frente deltaica proximal, representada pelas fácies arenito maciço, arenito com laminação plana, arenito com estratificação cruzada sigmoidal e conglomerado maciço; 3) planície deltaica, representada pelas fácies argilito laminado, arenito maciço, arenito com estratificação cruzada acanalada e conglomerado maciço; 4) shoreface glacial, composta pelas fácies arenito com marcas onduladas e arenito com estratificação cruzada hummocky; 5) depósitos subglaciais, que englobam as fácies diamictito maciço, diamictito com pods de arenito e brecha intraformacional; e 6) frente deltaica de degelo, constituída pelas fácies arenito maciço, arenito deformado, arenito com laminação plana, arenito com laminação cruzada cavalgante e arenito com estratificação cruzada sigmoidal. Durante o Fammeniano (374-359 Ma) uma frente deltaica dominada por processos fluviais progradava para NW (borda leste) e para NE (borda oeste) sobre uma plataforma influenciada por ondas de tempestade (Formação Pimenteiras). Na borda leste da bacia, o padrão de paleocorrente e o espectro de idades U-Pb em zircão detrítico indicam que o delta Cabeças foi alimentado por áreas fonte situadas a sudeste da Bacia do Parnaíba, provavelmente da Província Borborema. Grãos de zircão com idade mesoproterozóica (~ 1.039 – 1.009 Ma) e neoproterozóica (~ 654 Ma) são os mais populosos ao contrário dos grãos com idade arqueana (~ 2.508 – 2.678 Ma) e paleoproterozóica (~ 2.054 – 1.992 Ma). O grão de zircão concordante mais novo forneceu idade 206Pb/238U de 501,20 ± 6,35 Ma (95% concordante) indicando idades de áreas-fonte cambrianas. As principais fontes de sedimentos do delta Cabeças na borda leste são produto de rochas do Domínio Zona Transversal e de plútons Brasilianos encontrados no embasamento a sudeste da Bacia do Parnaíba, com pequena contribuição de sedimentos oriundos de rochas do Domínio Ceará Central e da porção ocidental do Domínio Rio Grande do Norte. No Famenniano, a movimentação do supercontinente Gondwana para o polo sul culminou na implantação de condições glaciais concomitantemente com o rebaixamento do nível do mar e exposição da região costeira. O avanço das geleiras sobre o embasamento e depósitos deltaicos gerou erosão, deposição de diamictons com clastos exóticos e facetados, além de estruturas glaciotectônicas tais como plano de descolamento, foliação, boudins, dobras, duplex, falhas e fraturas que refletem um cisalhamento tangencial em regime rúptil-dúctil. O substrato apresentava-se inconsolidado e saturados em água com temperatura levemente abaixo do ponto de fusão do gelo (permafrost quente). Corpos podiformes de arenito imersos em corpos lenticulares de diamicton foram formados pela ruptura de camadas pelo cisalhamento subglacial. Lentes de conglomerados esporádicas (dump structures) nos depósitos de shoreface sugere queda de detritos ligados a icebergs em fases de recuo da geleira. A elevação da temperatura no final do Famenniano reflete a rotação destral do Gondwana e migração do polo sul da porção ocidental da América do Sul e para o oeste da África. Esta nova configuração paleogeográfica posicionou a Bacia do Parnaíba em regiões subtropicais iniciando o recuo de geleiras e a influência do rebound isostático. O alívio de pressão é indicado pela geração de sills e diques clásticos, estruturas ball-and-pillow, rompimento de camadas e brechas. Falhas de cavalgamento associadas à diamictitos com foliação na borda oeste da bacia sugerem que as geleiras migravam para NNE. O contínuo aumento do nível do mar relativo propiciou a instalação de sedimentação deltaica durante o degelo e posteriormente a implantação de uma plataforma transgressiva (Formação Longá). Diamictitos interdigitados com depósitos de frente deltaica na porção superior da Formação Cabeças correspondem a intervalos com baixo volume de poros e podem representar trapas estratigráficas secundárias no reservatório. As anisotropias primárias subglaciais do topo da sucessão Cabeças, em ambas as bordas da Bacia do Parnaíba, estende a influência glacial e abre uma nova perspectiva sobre a potencialidade efetiva do reservatório Cabeças do sistema petrolífero Mesodevoniano-Eocarbonífero da referida bacia.


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Depósitos coluviais pleistocênicos são descritos e datados na região de Presidente Figueiredo, Estado do Amazonas. O estudo sedimentológico-estratigráfico de afloramentos, integrado com análise geomorfológica e datação por luminescência opticamente estimulada, permitiu caracterizar a arquitetura e litofácies destas sucessões sedimentares e fornecer informações sobre a história da denudação e modificações da paisagem da Amazônia Central durante o Pleistoceno. Os depósitos coluviais consistem em areias e, principalmente, cascalhos com arcabouço aberto, matriz arenosa, acamamento maciço e, localmente, gradação inversa, sugestivos de deposição por fluxos gravitacionais e torrenciais, em condições de alta energia. Dois tipos de depósitos coluviais foram identificados: Depósito coluvial tipo 1, datado em 57.000±5.000 anos AP, que é composto por cascalhos e areias com fragmentos de pelito, crosta laterítica e arenito ferruginizado, recobrindo rochas do Eopaleozóico; e Depósito coluvial tipo 2, datado em 22.100±2.600 anos AP, que consiste em cascalhos com fragmentos de caulim semi-flint e crosta laterítica, encontrado principalmente sobre os depósitos siliciclásticos caulínicos da Formação Alter do Chão, do Cretáceo-Terciário (?). A composição dos fragmentos indica como fontes as rochas fanerozóicas intemperizadas e os paleossolos lateríticos bauxítico-ferruginosos que foram removidos durante a denudação dos platôs. Os dois eventos de coluviação descritos aqui parecem confirmar que as fases principais de geomorfogênese seriam correlatas às duas fases climáticas secas e de recuo da floresta registradas para o final do Pleistoceno na Amazônia.


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OBJETIVO: verificar se o mini-implante no palato é eficaz como ancoragem direta para distalização dos molares superiores. MÉTODOS: foi utilizado um modelo em acrílico da arcada superior. Após a confecção da canaleta na região correspondente aos alvéolos dentários, os dentes em acrílico foram fixados com cera #7, montado aparelho ortodôntico com a técnica Edgewise e inserido um mini-implante (SIN, São Paulo) no local correspondente à rafe palatina. Foram colocados arco 0,19" x 0,25" e barra transpalatina, soldados na barra dois ganchos para retenção de dois elásticos em cadeia de dois elos, a uma carga de 150g/f de cada lado (Unitek), que se estenderam dos ganchos até o mini-implante. O modelo da maxila foi mergulhado 40 vezes em banheira e fotografado após cada mergulho para observação da movimentação dentária. Os dados foram analisados pela análise da variânçia (ANOVA) e teste de Tukey. RESULTADOS: os molares deslocaram-se distalmente 3,1mm, em média, com inclinação distal entre 3 e 5mm. CONCLUÕES: a movimentação dos molares ocorreu pela inclinação distal, com leve rotação, mas sem efeito extrusivo.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the most serious public health problems. The increasing prevalence of CKD in developed and developing countries has led to a global epidemic. The hypothesis proposed is that patients undergoing dialysis would experience a marked negative influence on physiological variables of sleep and autonomic nervous system activity, compromising quality of life.Methods/Design: A prospective, consecutive, double blind, randomized controlled clinical trial is proposed to address the effect of dialysis on sleep, pulmonary function, respiratory mechanics, upper airway collapsibility, autonomic nervous activity, depression, anxiety, stress and quality of life in patients with CKD. The measurement protocol will include body weight (kg); height (cm); body mass index calculated as weight/height(2); circumferences (cm) of the neck, waist, and hip; heart and respiratory rates; blood pressures; Mallampati index; tonsil index; heart rate variability; maximum ventilatory pressures; negative expiratory pressure test, and polysomnography (sleep study), as well as the administration of specific questionnaires addressing sleep apnea, excessive daytime sleepiness, depression, anxiety, stress, and quality of life.Discussion: CKD is a major public health problem worldwide, and its incidence has increased in part by the increased life expectancy and increasing number of cases of diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Sleep disorders are common in patients with renal insufficiency. Our hypothesis is that the weather weight gain due to volume overload observed during interdialytic period will influence the degree of collapsibility of the upper airway due to narrowing and predispose to upper airway occlusion during sleep, and to investigate the negative influences of haemodialysis in the physiological variables of sleep, and autonomic nervous system, and respiratory mechanics and thereby compromise the quality of life of patients.


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AbstractThis study evaluates the effectiveness of two fish passes at two hydropower dams (Canoas I and II) in the Upper Parana basin, which form part of a cascade of three reservoirs. Fish from 12 migratory species (3089 specimens) were captured during their ascending, reproductive migration and were tagged with hydrostatic tags. The recapture data (294 specimens over two consecutive years) showed that there is a strong tendency for the maintenance of ascending migration through reservoirs with fish passes but with differences in migratory activity within the same species. No eggs, larvae or juveniles of these species were found in samples collected over 5 years in the reservoirs above the fish passes. These data suggest that fish passes have contributed to the restoration of the migratory routes of adult fish but that in the absence of suitable spawning or nursery habitats for these species; they probably act as ecological traps and do not contribute to the recruitment of the species.


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BackgroundThis is an update of a Cochrane Review first published in The Cochrane Library 2008, Issue 3.Upper abdominal surgical procedures are associated with a high risk of postoperative pulmonary complications. The risk and severity of postoperative pulmonary complications can be reduced by the judicious use of therapeutic manoeuvres that increase lung volume. Our objective was to assess the effect of incentive spirometry compared to no therapy or physiotherapy, including coughing and deep breathing, on all-cause postoperative pulmonary complications andmortality in adult patients admitted to hospital for upper abdominal surgery.ObjectivesOur primary objective was to assess the effect of incentive spirometry (IS), compared to no such therapy or other therapy, on postoperative pulmonary complications and mortality in adults undergoing upper abdominal surgery.Our secondary objectives were to evaluate the effects of IS, compared to no therapy or other therapy, on other postoperative complications, adverse events, and spirometric parameters.Search methodsWe searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2013, Issue 8), MEDLINE, EMBASE, and LILACS (from inception to August 2013). There were no language restrictions. The date of the most recent search was 12 August 2013. The original search was performed in June 2006.Selection criteriaWe included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of IS in adult patients admitted for any type of upper abdominal surgery, including patients undergoing laparoscopic procedures.Data collection and analysisTwo authors independently assessed trial quality and extracted data.Main resultsWe included 12 studies with a total of 1834 participants in this updated review. The methodological quality of the included studies was difficult to assess as it was poorly reported, so the predominant classification of bias was 'unclear'; the studies did not report on compliance with the prescribed therapy. We were able to include data from only 1160 patients in the meta-analysis. Four trials (152 patients) compared the effects of IS with no respiratory treatment. We found no statistically significant difference between the participants receiving IS and those who had no respiratory treatment for clinical complications (relative risk (RR) 0.59, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.30 to 1.18). Two trials (194 patients) IS compared incentive spirometry with deep breathing exercises (DBE). We found no statistically significant differences between the participants receiving IS and those receiving DBE in the meta-analysis for respiratory failure (RR 0.67, 95% CI 0.04 to 10.50). Two trials (946 patients) compared IS with other chest physiotherapy. We found no statistically significant differences between the participants receiving IS compared to those receiving physiotherapy in the risk of developing a pulmonary condition or the type of complication. There was no evidence that IS is effective in the prevention of pulmonary complications.Authors' conclusionsThere is low quality evidence regarding the lack of effectiveness of incentive spirometry for prevention of postoperative pulmonary complications in patients after upper abdominal surgery. This review underlines the urgent need to conduct well-designed trials in this field. There is a case for large RCTs with high methodological rigour in order to define any benefit from the use of incentive spirometry regarding mortality.