994 resultados para Transverse vibrations
Viewed on a hydrodynamic scale, flames in experiments are often thin so that they may be described as gasdynamic discontinuities separating the dense cold fresh mixture from the light hot burned products. The original model of a flame as a gasdynamic discontinuity was due to Darrieus and to Landau. In addition to the fluid dynamical equations, the model consists of a flame speed relation describing the evolution of the discontinuity surface, and jump conditions across the surface which relate the fluid variables on the two sides of the surface. The Darrieus-Landau model predicts, in contrast to observations, that a uniformly propagating planar flame is absolutely unstable and that the strength of the instability grows with increasing perturbation wavenumber so that there is no high-wavenumber cutoff of the instability. The model was modified by Markstein to exhibit a high-wavenumber cutoff if a phenomenological constant in the model has an appropriate sign. Both models are postulated, rather than derived from first principles, and both ignore the flame structure, which depends on chemical kinetics and transport processes within the flame. At present, there are two models which have been derived, rather than postulated, and which are valid in two non-overlapping regions of parameter space. Sivashinsky derived a generalization of the Darrieus-Landau model which is valid for Lewis numbers (ratio of thermal diffusivity to mass diffusivity of the deficient reaction component) bounded away from unity. Matalon & Matkowsky derived a model valid for Lewis numbers close to unity. Each model has its own advantages and disadvantages. Under appropriate conditions the Matalon-Matkowsky model exhibits a high-wavenumber cutoff of the Darrieus-Landau instability. However, since the Lewis numbers considered lie too close to unity, the Matalon-Matkowsky model does not capture the pulsating instability. The Sivashinsky model does capture the pulsating instability, but does not exhibit its high-wavenumber cutoff. In this paper, we derive a model consisting of a new flame speed relation and new jump conditions, which is valid for arbitrary Lewis numbers. It captures the pulsating instability and exhibits the high-wavenumber cutoff of all instabilities. The flame speed relation includes the effect of short wavelengths, not previously considered, which leads to stabilizing transverse surface diffusion terms.
Three pathological fractures occurred secondary to osteolytic lesions of multiple myeloma. Two long bone fractures were each stabilised using interlocking nail fixation augmented with polymethyl meth acral ate bone cement. One vertebral fracture was stabilised using Steinmann pins and PMMA. Successful stabilisation, rapid return to function and improvement in quality of life occurred in all fractures. The patient survived approximately eight months on concurrent chemotherapy.
This paper presents a large amplitude vibration analysis of pre-stressed functionally graded material (FGM) laminated plates that are composed of a shear deformable functionally graded layer and two surface-mounted piezoelectric actuator layers. Nonlinear governing equations of motion are derived within the context of Reddy's higher-order shear deformation plate theory to account for transverse shear strain and rotary inertia. Due to the bending and stretching coupling effect, a nonlinear static problem is solved first to determine the initial stress state and pre-vibration deformations of the plate that is subjected to uniform temperature change, in-plane forces and applied actuator voltage. By adding an incremental dynamic state to the pre-vibration state, the differential equations that govern the nonlinear vibration behavior of pre-stressed FGM laminated plates are derived. A semi-analytical method that is based on one-dimensional differential quadrature and Galerkin technique is proposed to predict the large amplitude vibration behavior of the laminated rectangular plates with two opposite clamped edges. Linear vibration frequencies and nonlinear normalized frequencies are presented in both tabular and graphical forms, showing that the normalized frequency of the FGM laminated plate is very sensitive to vibration amplitude, out-of-plane boundary support, temperature change, in-plane compression and the side-to-thickness ratio. The CSCF and CFCF plates even change the inherent hard-spring characteristic to soft-spring behavior at large vibration amplitudes. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we examine the postbuckling behavior of functionally graded material FGM rectangular plates that are integrated with surface-bonded piezoelectric actuators and are subjected to the combined action of uniform temperature change, in-plane forces, and constant applied actuator voltage. A Galerkin-differential quadrature iteration algorithm is proposed for solution of the non-linear partial differential governing equations. To account for the transverse shear strains, the Reddy higher-order shear deformation plate theory is employed. The bifurcation-type thermo-mechanical buckling of fully clamped plates, and the postbuckling behavior of plates with more general boundary conditions subject to various thermo-electro-mechanical loads, are discussed in detail. Parametric studies are also undertaken, and show the effects of applied actuator voltage, in-plane forces, volume fraction exponents, temperature change, and the character of boundary conditions on the buckling and postbuckling characteristics of the plates. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
In standard cylindrical gradient coils consisting of a single layer of wires, a limiting factor in achieving very large magnetic field gradients is the rapid increase in coil resistance with efficiency. This is a particular problem in small-bore scanners, such as those used for MR microscopy. By adopting a multi-layer design in which the coil wires are allowed to spread out into multiple layers wound at increasing radii, a more favourable scaling of resistance with efficiency is achieved, thus allowing the design of more powerful gradient coils with acceptable resistance values. Previously this approach has been applied to the design of unshielded, longitudinal, and transverse gradient coils. Here, the multi-layer approach has been extended to allow the design of actively shielded multi-layer gradient coils, and also to produce coils exhibiting enhanced cooling characteristics. An iterative approach to modelling the steady-state temperature distribution within the coil has also been developed. Results indicate that a good level of screening can be achieved in multi-layer coils, that small versions of such coils can yield higher efficiencies at fixed resistance than conventional two-layer (primary and screen) coils, and that performance improves as the number of layers of increases. Simulations show that by optimising multi-layer coils for cooling it is possible to achieve significantly higher gradient strengths at a fixed maximum operating temperature. A four-layer coil of 8 mm inner diameter has been constructed and used to test the steady-state temperature model. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objectives: To examine the changes in torque output resulting from fatigue, as well as changes in electromyographic measures of trunk muscles during isometric axial rotation and to compare these changes between directions of axial rotation. Design: Subjects performed fatiguing right and left isometric axial rotation of the trunk at 80% of maximum voluntary contraction while standing upright. Setting: A rehabilitation center. Participants: Twenty-three men with no history of back pain. Interventions: Not applicable. Main Outcome Measures: Surface electromyographic Signals were recorded from 6 trunk muscles bilaterally. The primary torque in the transverse plane and the coupling torques in sagittal and coronal planes were also measured. Results: During the fatiguing axial rotation contraction, coupling torques of both sagittal and coronal planes were slightly decreased and no difference was found between directions of axial rotation. Decreasing median frequency and an increase in electromyographic amplitude were also found in trunk muscles with different degrees of changes in individual muscles. There were significant differences (P
Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate the between-days reliability of electromyographic (EMG) measurement of 6 bilateral trunk muscles and also the torque output in 3 planes during isometric right and left axial rotation at different exertion levels. Methods: Ten healthy subjects performed isometric right and left axial rotation at 100, 70, 50 and 30% maximum voluntary contractions in two testing sessions at least 7 days apart. EMG amplitude and frequency analyses of the recorded surface EMG signals were performed for rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, latissimus dorsi, iliocostalis lumborum and multifidus bilaterally. The primary torque in the transverse plane and the coupling torques in sagittal and coronal planes were measured. Results: For both EMG amplitude and frequency values, good (intraclass correlation coefficient, ICC = 0.75-0.89) to excellent (ICC greater than or equal to 0.90) reliability was found in the 6 trunk muscles at different exertion levels during axial rotation. The reliability of both maximal isometric axial rotation torque and coupling torques in sagittal and coronal planes were found to be excellent (ICC greater than or equal to 0.93). Conclusions: Good to excellent reliability of EMG measures of trunk muscles and torque measurements during isometric axial rotation was demonstrated. This provides further confidence of using EMG and triaxial torque assessment as outcome measures in rehabilitation and in the evaluation of the human performance in the work place. (C) 2003 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
O estudo da higroscopicidade é indispensável para o entendimento da trabalhabilidade, estabilidade dimensional, resistência mecânica e durabilidade natural da madeira. Neste trabalho objetivou-se a avaliação do teor de equilíbrio higroscópico para diversas condições de umidade relativa do ar, bem como da retratibilidade linear e volumétrica e da densidade básica da madeira de Eucalyptus saligna Sm. A madeira utilizada foi proveniente de árvores com 16 anos de idade, procedentes de talhões experimentais da EMBRAPA Florestas de Colombo, Paraná. Amostras com dimensões de 1,0x2,0x3,0 cm, sendo a última na direção longitudinal, foram colocadas em uma câmara fechada, sob ventilação, próximas de recipientes com soluções salinas supersaturadas, a fim de atingir determinada condição preestabelecida de teor de equilíbrio higroscópico. Após o equilíbrio da umidade da madeira nas distintas condições de umidade relativa, as amostras foram secas em estufa, para posterior avaliação. Os dados relativos à umidade de equilíbrio ajustaram-se muito bem às condições de umidade relativa adotadas neste estudo, tendo sido possível estimar com grande precisão o teor de equilíbrio higroscópico, para a faixa de aproximadamente 20 até 100% de umidade relativa. A madeira em estudo apresentou dados de retratibilidade bastante elevados, se comparados aos de outras da mesma faixa de densidade. Apesar dos elevados coeficientes de contração, o fator anisotrópico ou relação T/R mostrou-se próximo daquele encontrado na grande maioria das madeiras comerciais brasileiras. Verificaram-se ainda coeficientes de contrações mais suaves nos teores de umidade abaixo de 17%.
Implementação de formulações do método dos elementos de contorno para associação de placas no espaço
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2016.
O presente trabalho teve como principal objectivo o desenvolvimento de um analisador de vibrações de dois canais baseado em computador, para a realização de diagnóstico no âmbito do controlo de condição de máquinas. Foi desenvolvida uma aplicação num computador comum, no software LabVIEW, que através de transdutores de aceleração do tipo MEMS conectados via USB, faz a recolha de dados de vibração e procede ao seu processamento e apresentação ao utilizador. As ferramentas utilizadas para o processamento de dados são ferramentas comuns encontradas em vários analisadores de vibrações disponíveis no mercado. Estas podem ser: gráficos de espectro de frequência, sinal no tempo, cascata ou valores de nível global de vibração, entre outras. Apesar do analisador desenvolvido não apresentar inovação nas ferramentas de análise adoptadas, este pretende ser distinguido pelo baixo custo, simplicidade e carácter didáctico. Este trabalho vem evidenciar as vantagens, desvantagens e potencialidades de um analisador desta natureza. São tiradas algumas conclusões quanto à sua capacidade de diagnóstico de avarias, capacidades como ferramenta didáctica, sensores utilizados e linguagem de programação escolhida. Como conclusões principais, o trabalho revela que os sensores escolhidos não são os indicados para efectuar o diagnóstico de avarias em ambiente industrial, contudo são ideais para tornar este analisador numa boa ferramenta didáctica e de treino.
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre o comportamento dinâmico das bicicletas com o principal objectivo de quantificar o conforto de um ciclista. Neste trabalho serão estudados dois tipos de bicicletas: uma apenas com suspensão dianteira e outra com suspensão dianteira e traseira (ou suspensão total), e três classes de pavimento: um mais sinuoso, um mais suave e um intermédio. Para cada uma destas situações o que se pretende é analisar a quantidade de vibração que é transmitida para o corpo do ciclista através dos três pontos de contacto existentes entre ambos: Assento, guiador e pedais. Os valores obtidos são comparados entre os vários casos e também com valores referência, fornecidos por normas, afim de analisar a situação de conforto do ciclista. Após a realização dos estudos o que se verificou é que o ciclista está numa situação mais desconfortável em pisos mais sinuosos, e que nesta situação se utilizar uma bicicleta de suspensão total está sujeito a vibrações inferiores. No entanto, o mais importante a concluir é que em qualquer uma das situações estudadas o ciclista encontra-se sempre dentro de uma zona conforto segundo as normas utilizadas.
Existe uma necessidade de reabilitação das linhas mais antigas para que estas possam dar maior conforto, comodidade e segurança aos utentes e para que o caminho - de- ferro possa ser competitivo com outros meios de transporte. A REFER é a empresa que gere a conservação, manutenção, renovação das linhas de caminho-de-ferro existentes e a construção de novas linhas. No caso em estudo, trata-se de uma linha de caminho-de-ferro antiga a necessitar de renovação/manutenção, sendo por isso a REFER a empresa responsável pelo lançamento de novos projetos neste âmbito. Este relatório de estágio foi desenvolvido no âmbito do estudo de soluções para a reabilitação do túnel do Loureiro, com o objetivo da criação de condições para a sua eletrificação. Foram equacionados três cenários possíveis, todos eles com o propósito da futura eletrificação da via. A primeira solução passa pela conversão de via balastrada em via não balastrada dentro do túnel, a segunda solução cinge-se à intervenção nas bocas do túnel e nas zonas de alvenaria, e a terceira hipótese é uma solução de rebaixamento de via. De entre as três hipóteses, optou-se por estudar a terceira solução de rebaixamento da via, em detrimento das outras duas devido à sua complexidade de trabalhos e ao seu elevado custo de construção.
Electrical resistivity, transverse magnetoresistance and thermoelectric power measurements were performed on CuS high quality single crystals in the range 1.2-300 K and under fields of up to 16 T. The zero field resistivity data are well described below 55 K by a quasi-2D model, consistent with a carrier confinement at lower temperatures, before the transition to the superconducting state. The transverse magnetoresistance develops mainly below 30 K and attains values as large as 470% for a 16 T field at 5 K, this behaviour being ascribed to a band effect mechanism, with a possible magnetic field induced DOS change at the Fermi level. The transverse magnetoresistance shows no signs of saturation, following a power law with field Delta rho/rho(0) proportional to H(1.4), suggesting the existence of open orbits for carriers at the Fermi surface. The thermoelectric power shows an unusual temperature dependence, probably as a result of the complex band structure of CuS.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
One of the most effective ways of controlling vibrations in plate or beam structures is by means of constrained viscoelastic damping treatments. Contrary to the unconstrained configuration, the design of constrained and integrated layer damping treatments is multifaceted because the thickness of the viscoelastic layer acts distinctly on the two main counterparts of the strain energy the volume of viscoelastic material and the shear strain field. In this work, a parametric study is performed exploring the effect that the design parameters, namely the thickness/length ratio, constraining layer thickness, material modulus, natural mode and boundary conditions have on these two counterparts and subsequently, on the treatment efficiency. This paper presents five parametric studies, namely, the thickness/length ratio, the constraining layer thickness, material properties, natural mode and boundary conditions. The results obtained evidence an interesting effect when dealing with very thin viscoelastic layers that contradicts the standard treatment efficiency vs. layer thickness relation; hence, the potential optimisation of constrained and integrated viscoelastic treatments through the use of properly designed thin multilayer configurations is justified. This work presents a dimensionless analysis and provides useful general guidelines for the efficient design of constrained and integrated damping treatments based on single or multi-layer configurations. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.