997 resultados para Tintoretto, 1512-1594.
Alkohol und Schläfrigkeit sind die wichtigsten fahrerbezogenen Faktoren bei der Entstehung von Autounfällen. Bislang gibt es relativ wenige konkrete Erkenntnisse über die schläfrigkeitsfördernde Wirkung von Alkohol. Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte erstmals eine quantitative und objektive Analyse der (Tages-)Schläfrigkeit unter Alkoholeinfluss während der gesamten Alkoholumsetzungskurve erstellt werden. Mit dem pupillographischen Schläfrigkeitstest (PST) steht ein Verfahren zur Verfügung, mit dem es möglich ist, Schläfrigkeit unter Alkoholeinfluss quantitativ zu bestimmen. Diese Methode beruht auf der Vermessung der Pupille, deren Durchmesser der efferenten sympathischen Steuerung unterliegt. Bei zunehmender Schläfrigkeit lässt der sympathische Einfluss auf die Pupillenweite nach und es kommt zu typischen Oszillationen der Pupille. Diese Oszillationen, sogenannte „Fatigue Waves“, werden in einem ruhigen, abgedunkelten Raum mittels Infrarotkamera über 11 Minuten kontinuierlich aufgezeichnet und als Pupillen-Unruhe-Index (PUI) in mm / min ausgegeben. Für diesen Wert existieren Normwerte, welche eine Einteilung der PUI-Werte in „normal“, „erhöht“ und „pathologisch“ ermöglichen. Es wurde ein standardisiertes Kollektiv von 53 Probanden zwischen 20 und 60 Jahren untersucht. Dieses bestand aus 28 Männern und 25 Frauen. Die Probanden wurden wahlweise mit Bier oder Wein stufenweise unter Blutalkohohol-konzentrationen von annähernd 0,3, 0,5 und 0,8 ‰ gesetzt, die genaue BAK wurde jeweils durch Gaschromatographie und ADH-Methode bestimmt. Während dieser Anflutungsphase wurde bei jeder der drei Stufen die Schläfrigkeit bestimmt. Dies geschah zum einen mittels objektivem PST und zum anderen durch die subjektive Stanford Sleepiness Scale (SSS), eine siebenstufige Skala zur Einschätzung der eigenen Schläfrigkeit. In der Eliminationsphase der Alkoholumsetzungskurve wurde wiederum bei 0,5 und 0,3 ‰ sowohl die subjektive als auch die objektive Schläfrigkeit gemessen. Eine Kontrollgruppe von 11 Probanden aus dem genannten Kollektiv wurde zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt unter gleichen Bedingungen ohne Alkoholeinfluss untersucht. Im Ergebnis zeigte die Anflutungsphase zunächst ein signifikantes Absinken des PUI um 5,9 %, gleichbedeutend mit einer höheren Vigilanz. Im weiteren Verlauf war das Maximum der Schläfrigkeit in der Eliminationsphase bei einer verhältnismäßig geringen BAK von durchschnittlich 0,54 ‰ zu beobachten. Der PUI hatte sich im Vergleich zum Ausgangswert um durchschnittlich 17,4 % erhöht und 40,4 % der Probanden wiesen erhöhte oder pathologische Schläfrigkeitswerte auf. Dieser Anteil lag um hochsignifikante 110 % höher als bei der Ausgangsmessung. Insgesamt ließ sich keine Korrelation zwischen objektiver und subjektiver Schläfrigkeit feststellen, obwohl auch die subjektive Schläfrigkeit stieg. Das Maximum der subjektiven Schläfrigkeit fiel zusammen mit dem Maximum der Alkoholisierung von 0,8 ‰. Wirkung auf das Ausmaß der Schläfrigkeit hatten die Häufigkeit des Alkoholkonsums, der Body-Mass-Index (BMI) und das Geschlecht. Je häufiger die Probanden nach eigenen Angaben Alkohol tranken und je höher der jeweilige BMI war, desto geringer war der Einfluss des Alkohols auf die Schläfrigkeit. Mit der Eigenschaft „weibliches Geschlecht“ ging eine höhere objektive Schläfrigkeit einher, allerdings auch eine höhere subjektive Einschätzung der eigenen Schläfrigkeit. Ein Einfluss der Getränkeart ließ sich hingegen nicht nachweisen. Für die Abnahme der Vigilanz spielte es keine Rolle, ob dies durch Bier oder Wein verursacht worden war. Bedenklich erschien die Tatsache, dass zum einen die Probanden das Ausmaß der eigenen Schläfrigkeit sogar unter relativ geringer Alkoholisierung nicht adäquat einschätzen konnten, und dass zum anderen das Maximum der Schläfrigkeit – und damit auch des mutmaßlichen Unfallrisikos – in der Eliminationsphase lag. Ein Zeitpunkt, zu dem sicherlich die meisten Alkoholfahrten unternommen werden.
The level of improvement in the audiological results of Baha(®) users mainly depends on the patient's preoperative hearing thresholds and the type of Baha sound processor used. This investigation shows correlations between the preoperative hearing threshold and postoperative aided thresholds and audiological results in speech understanding in quiet of 84 Baha users with unilateral conductive hearing loss, bilateral conductive hearing loss and bilateral mixed hearing loss. Secondly, speech understanding in noise of 26 Baha users with different Baha sound processors (Compact, Divino, and BP100) is investigated. Linear regression between aided sound field thresholds and bone conduction (BC) thresholds of the better ear shows highest correlation coefficients and the steepest slope. Differences between better BC thresholds and aided sound field thresholds are smallest for mid-frequencies (1 and 2 kHz) and become larger at 0.5 and 4 kHz. For Baha users, the gain in speech recognition in quiet can be expected to lie in the order of magnitude of the gain in their hearing threshold. Compared to its predecessor sound processors Baha(®) Compact and Baha(®) Divino, Baha(®) BP100 improves speech understanding in noise significantly by +0.9 to +4.6 dB signal-to-noise ratio, depending on the setting and the use of directional microphone. For Baha users with unilateral and bilateral conductive hearing loss and bilateral mixed hearing loss, audiological results in aided sound field thresholds can be estimated with the better BC hearing threshold. The benefit in speech understanding in quiet can be expected to be similar to the gain in their sound field hearing threshold. The most recent technology of Baha sound processor improves speech understanding in noise by an order of magnitude that is well perceived by users and which can be very useful in everyday life.
Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programmes support patients to achieve professionally recommended cardiovascular prevention targets and thus good clinical status and improved quality of life and prognosis. Information on CR service delivery in Europe is sketchy.
Heterotopic pancreatic tissue as a cause of ischemic small bowel intussusception in a 6 year old boy
Cell transplantation presents great potential for treatment of patients with severe heart failure. However, its clinical application was revealed to be more challenging than initially expected in experimental studies. Further investigations need to be undertaken to define the optimal treatment conditions. We previously reported on the epicardial implantation of a bio-engineered construct of skeletal myoblast-seeded polyurethane and its preventive effect on progression toward heart failure. In the present study, we present a long-term evaluation of this functional outcome. Left anterior descending coronary ligation was performed in female Lewis rats. Two weeks later, animals were treated with either epicardial implantation of biograft, acellular scaffold, sham operation, or direct intramyocardial skeletal myoblast injection. Functional assessments were performed with serial echocardiographies every 3 months and end point left ventricle pressure was assessed. Hearts were then harvested for histological examinations. Myocardial infarction induced a slow and progressive reduction in fractional shortening after 3 months. Progression toward heart failure was significantly prevented for up to 6 months after injection of myoblasts and for up to 9 months following biograft implantation. Nevertheless, this effect vanished after 12 months, with immunohistological examinations revealing an absence of the transplanted myoblasts within the scaffold. We demonstrated that tissue therapy is superior to cell therapy for stabilization of heart function. However, beneficial effects are transient.
In this study, the effect of time derivatives of flow rate and rotational speed was investigated on the mathematical modeling of a rotary blood pump (RBP). The basic model estimates the pressure head of the pump as a dependent variable using measured flow and speed as predictive variables. Performance of the model was evaluated by adding time derivative terms for flow and speed. First, to create a realistic working condition, the Levitronix CentriMag RBP was implanted in a sheep. All parameters from the model were physically measured and digitally acquired over a wide range of conditions, including pulsatile speed. Second, a statistical analysis of the different variables (flow, speed, and their time derivatives) based on multiple regression analysis was performed to determine the significant variables for pressure head estimation. Finally, different mathematical models were used to show the effect of time derivative terms on the performance of the models. In order to evaluate how well the estimated pressure head using different models fits the measured pressure head, root mean square error and correlation coefficient were used. The results indicate that inclusion of time derivatives of flow and speed can improve model accuracy, but only minimally.
The PediaFlow pediatric ventricular assist device is a miniature magnetically levitated mixed flow pump under development for circulatory support of newborns and infants (3-15 kg) with a targeted flow range of 0.3-1.5 L/min. The first generation design of the PediaFlow (PF1) was manufactured with a weight of approximately 100 g, priming volume less than 2 mL, length of 51 mm, outer diameter of 28 mm, and with 5-mm blood ports. PF1 was evaluated in an in vitro flow loop for 6 h and implanted in ovines for three chronic experiments of 6, 17, and 10 days. In the in vitro test, normalized index of hemolysis was 0.0087 ± 0.0024 g/100L. Hemodynamic performance and blood biocompatibility of PF1 were characterized in vivo by measurements of plasma free hemoglobin, plasma fibrinogen, total plasma protein, and with novel flow cytometric assays to quantify circulating activated ovine platelets. The mean plasma free hemoglobin values for the three chronic studies were 4.6 ± 2.7, 13.3 ± 7.9, and 8.8 ± 3.3 mg/dL, respectively. Platelet activation was low for portions of several studies but consistently rose along with observed animal and pump complications. The PF1 prototype generated promising results in terms of low hemolysis and platelet activation in the absence of complications. Hemodynamic results validated the magnetic bearing design and provided the platform for design iterations to meet the objective of providing circulatory support for young children with exceptional biocompatibility.
It is generally thought that macronutrients stimulate intake when sensed in the mouth (e.g., sweet taste) but as food enters the GI tract its effects become inhibitory, triggering satiation processes leading to meal termination. Here we report experiments extending recent work (see [1]) showing that under some circumstances nutrients sensed in the gut produce a positive feedback effect, immediately promoting continued intake. In one experiment, rats with intragastric (IG) catheters were accustomed to consuming novel flavors in saccharin daily while receiving water infused IG (5 ml/15 min). The very first time glucose (16% w/w) was infused IG instead of water, intake accelerated within 6 mins of infusion onset and total intake increased 29% over baseline. Experiment 2 replicated this stimulatory effect with glucose infusion but not fructose nor maltodextrin. Experiment 3 showed the immediate intake stimulation is specific to the flavor accompanying the glucose infusion. Rats were accustomed to flavored saccharin being removed and replaced with the same or a different flavor. When glucose infusion accompanied the first bottle, intake from the second bottle was stimulated only when it contained the same flavor, not when the flavor switched. Thus we confirm not only that glucose sensed postingestively can have a rapid, positive feedback effect ('appetition' as opposed to 'satiation') but that it is sensory-specific, promoting continued intake of a recently encountered flavor. This sensory specific motivation may represent an additional psychobiological influence on meal size, and further, has implications for the mechanisms of learned flavor-nutrient associations.