993 resultados para Thoracic radiography
Mestrado em Radioterapia.
OBJETIVO: As condições ambientais do trabalho rural, em especial a exposição às poeiras orgânicas e minerais, têm sido associadas ao aumento de doenças respiratórias. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a prevalência de sintomas respiratórios entre agricultores e sua associação com fatores de risco ocupacionais. MÉTODOS: Estudo de delineamento transversal com 1.379 agricultores, de Antônio Prado e Ipê, na Serra Gaúcha, em 1996. Foram coletados dados sobre características sociodemográficas e produção agrícola, bem como a exposição a poeiras orgânicas e minerais. Os sintomas respiratórios foram aferidos por meio de questionário da American Thoracic Society-Division of Lung Disease modificado. Foi realizada análise de regressão logística múltipla, controlada para fatores de confusão. RESULTADOS: A maioria (52%) dos entrevistados trabalhava em atividades com exposição intensa a poeiras. Os trabalhadores de estabelecimentos com melhores indicadores econômicos referiram menor freqüência de sintomas respiratórios do que os demais agricultores. Os avicultores relataram maior prevalência de sintomas de doença respiratória crônica (OR=1,60; IC 95%: 1,05-2,42). Os agricultores com exposição intensa a poeiras apresentaram uma elevação de mais de 70% no risco de sintomas de asma (OR=1,71; IC 95%: 1,10-2,67), como também de doença respiratória crônica (OR=1,77; IC 95%: 1,25-2,50). CONCLUSÕES: Os trabalhadores rurais apresentaram grande exposição ocupacional a poeiras orgânicas e minerais. Agricultores expostos a concentrações mais elevadas, como os avicultores, tiveram maior risco de apresentar sintomas respiratórios relacionados ao trabalho. Recomenda-se a implementação de programas de proteção respiratória, principalmente para os trabalhadores envolvidos com a produção de aves.
Introdução: As teorias etiológicas recíprocas que relacionam as disfunções da articulação temporo mandibular (ATM) com as disfunções da coluna cervical, os seus critérios de diagnóstico e formas de tratamento, não reúnem consenso, constituindo, actualmente, uma temática de debate e investigação. Objectivo: Descrever a avaliação e intervenção em fisioterapia, e os seus resultados numa utente com disfunção do complexo crânio-cervico-mandibular. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo observacional descritivo, do tipo estudo de caso, reportando-se a uma enfermeira, de 28 anos, com quadro sintomatológico compatível com disfunção crânio-cervico-mandibular, com antecedentes de condilectomia e artroplastia da ATM, aos 14 anos. Inicialmente a utente apresentava dor irradiada na região cervical (7/10) e limitação dos movimentos articulares da coluna cervical. Referia, também, dor na região do ptérion direito (6/10), limitação dos movimentos da mandíbula, desvio lateral na abertura da boca e dificuldades funcionais na mastigação. A avaliação inicial e final (após tratamento), foi efectuada recorrendo-se à utilização do Goniometro CROM e da Therabite Range of Motion Scale, para medição das amplitudes articulares da cervical e ATM, respectivamente; Estetoscópio, para avaliação dos sons articulares da ATM; Escala Visual Analógica para graduação da dor. A intervenção decorreu ao longo de 10 sessões, bissemanais. No tratamento, foram aplicadas técnicas sobre os trigers points da musculatura cervical e músculos da mastigação; Mobilização passiva da cervical e ATM; Manipulação dos segmentos vertebrais cervicais e torácicos; Streching e técnicas de energia muscular; Técnicas funcionais para a ATM; Técnicas miofasciais para a coluna cervical e ATM; Exercícios de controlo motor da coluna cervical. Resultados: No final do tratamento, as amplitudes dos movimentos cervicais estavam completas e sem dor (0/10), mantendo, sensibilidade dolorosa à palpação das espinhosas de C5-C6 (1/10). Relativamente à ATM, verifica-se a abolição da dor (0/10) e a ausência do desvio lateral da mandíbula na abertura da boca, bem como, o aumento das amplitudes de movimento na abertura da boca (33 para 36 mm), e no desvio lateral esquerdo (2 para 2,8 mm). Conclusão: os resultados sugerem que a intervenção, com recurso a técnicas de terapia manual, no caso em estudo, parecem surtir efeitos positivos no quadro sintomatológico e funcional da utente.
In this paper, we present the results of mammography quality control tests related to the work with Portuguese mammography equipment, either in conventional or in digital mammography computed radiography, showing the main differences in the tested equipments. Quality control in mammography is a very special area of quality control in radiology, which demands relatively high knowledge on physics. Digital imaging is changing the standards of the radiographic imaging. Regarding mammography, this is yet a controversial issue owing to some limitations of the digital detectors, like the resolution for instance. A complete set of results regarding radiation protection of the patients submitted to mammography diagnosis is presented. A discussion of the quality image parameters and its interpretation in conventional and digital mammography is presented. In conclusion, we present a sample of results that can be considered as characteristics of mammography equipment in Portugal.
O calibre da artéria aorta torácica é avaliado em situações de suspeita de patologia ou em pacientes com pre-disposição para desenvolverem doenças vasculares. A medição das suas dimensões, em duas direcções diametralmente opostas e, assim, fulcral na avaliação desta estrutura. Para tal, o exame de primeira linha definido é a Angiografia por Tomografia Computorizada (Angio-TC), injectando-se um produto de contraste na veia radial que irá opacificar os vasos, permitindo a sua distinção das estruturas adjacentes. O presente trabalho, inserido na disciplina de Dissertação/ Projecto/ Estágio Profissional do Mestrado em Engenharia de Computação e Instrumentação Médica e com a cooperação da empresa Efficientia, foi sugerido pela equipa de Angio-TC do Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia (CHVNG) e tem por objectivo o desenvolvimento de uma aplicação para a medição e registo automático do diâmetro da aorta torácica em nove pontos anatómicos pre-definidos em imagens de Tomografia Computorizada (TC). A aplicação foi desenvolvida no ambiente integrado de processamento e análise de imagem, Fiji, sendo a metodologia composta pelas etapas de segmentação, desenho da linha central, determinação dos planos de cortes, segmentação e medição da aorta nos planos de corte. Os resultados obtidos pela metodologia proposta são concordantes com os obtidos por especialistas para o conjunto de teste utilizado neste trabalho.
Purpose - This study aims to investigate the influence of tube potential (kVp) variation in relation to perceptual image quality and effective dose (E) for pelvis using automatic exposure control (AEC) and non-AEC in a Computed Radiography (CR) system. Methods and materials - To determine the effects of using AEC and non-AEC by applying the 10 kVp rule in two experiments using an anthropomorphic pelvis phantom. Images were acquired using 10 kVp increments (60–120 kVp) for both experiments. The first experiment, based on seven AEC combinations, produced 49 images. The mean mAs from each kVp increment were used as a baseline for the second experiment producing 35 images. A total of 84 images were produced and a panel of 5 experienced observers participated for the image scoring using the two alternative forced choice (2AFC) visual grading software. PCXMC software was used to estimate E. Results - A decrease in perceptual image quality as the kVp increases was observed both in non-AEC and AEC experiments, however no significant statistical differences (p > 0.05) were found. Image quality scores from all observers at 10 kVp increments for all mAs values using non-AEC mode demonstrates a better score up to 90 kVp. E results show a statistically significant decrease (p = 0.000) on the 75th quartile from 0.37 mSv at 60 kVp to 0.13 mSv at 120 kVp when applying the 10 kVp rule in non-AEC mode. Conclusion - Using the 10 kVp rule, no significant reduction in perceptual image quality is observed when increasing kVp whilst a marked and significant E reduction is observed.
Purpose - To develop and validate a psychometric scale for assessing image quality perception for chest X-ray images. Methods - Bandura's theory was used to guide scale development. A review of the literature was undertaken to identify items/factors which could be used to evaluate image quality using a perceptual approach. A draft scale was then created (22 items) and presented to a focus group (student and qualified radiographers). Within the focus group the draft scale was discussed and modified. A series of seven postero-anterior chest images were generated using a phantom with a range of image qualities. Image quality perception was confirmed for the seven images using signal-to-noise ratio (SNR 17.2–36.5). Participants (student and qualified radiographers and radiology trainees) were then invited to independently score each of the seven images using the draft image quality perception scale. Cronbach alpha was used to test interval reliability. Results - Fifty three participants used the scale to grade image quality perception on each of the seven images. Aggregated mean scale score increased with increasing SNR from 42.1 to 87.7 (r = 0.98, P < 0.001). For each of the 22 individual scale items there was clear differentiation of low, mid and high quality images. A Cronbach alpha coefficient of >0.7 was obtained across each of the seven images. Conclusion - This study represents the first development of a chest image quality perception scale based on Bandura's theory. There was excellent correlation between the image quality perception scores derived using the scale and the SNR. Further research will involve a more detailed item and factor analysis.
Purpose - To compare the image quality and effective dose applying the 10 kVp rule with manual mode acquisition and AEC mode in PA chest X-ray. Method - 68 images (with and without lesions) were acquired using an anthropomorphic chest phantom using a Wolverson Arcoma X-ray unit. These images were compared against a reference image using the 2 alternative forced choice (2AFC) method. The effective dose (E) was calculated using PCXMC software using the exposure parameters and the DAP. The exposure index (lgM provided by Agfa systems) was recorded. Results - Exposure time decreases more when applying the 10 kVp rule with manual mode (50%–28%) when compared with automatic mode (36%–23%). Statistical differences for E between several ionization chambers' combinations for AEC mode were found (p = 0.002). E is lower when using only the right AEC ionization chamber. Considering the image quality there are no statistical differences (p = 0.348) between the different ionization chambers' combinations for AEC mode for images with no lesions. Considering lgM values, it was demonstrated that they were higher when the AEC mode was used compared to the manual mode. It was also observed that lgM values obtained with AEC mode increased as kVp value went up. The image quality scores did not demonstrate statistical significant differences (p = 0.343) for the images with lesions comparing manual with AEC mode. Conclusion - In general the E is lower when manual mode is used. By using the right AEC ionising chamber under the lung the E will be the lowest in comparison to other ionising chambers. The use of the 10 kVp rule did not affect the visibility of the lesions or image quality.
Aim - A quantative primary study to determine whether increasing source to image distance (SID), with and without the use of automatic exposure control (AEC) for antero-posterior (AP) pelvis imaging, reduces dose whilst still producing an image of diagnostic quality. Methods - Using a computed radiography (CR) system, an anthropomorphic pelvic phantom was positioned for an AP examination using the table bucky. SID was initially set at 110 cm, with tube potential set at a constant 75 kVp, with two outer chambers selected and a fine focal spot of 0.6 mm. SID was then varied from 90 cm to 140 cm with two exposures made at each 5 cm interval, one using the AEC and another with a constant 16 mAs derived from the initial exposure. Effective dose (E) and entrance surface dose (ESD) were calculated for each acquisition. Seven experienced observers blindly graded image quality using a 5-point Likert scale and 2 Alternative Forced Choice software. Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) was calculated for comparison. For each acquisition, femoral head diameter was also measured for magnification indication. Results - Results demonstrated that when increasing SID from 110 cm to 140 cm, both E and ESD reduced by 3.7% and 17.3% respectively when using AEC and 50.13% and 41.79% respectively, when the constant mAs was used. No significant statistical (T-test) difference (p = 0.967) between image quality was detected when increasing SID, with an intra-observer correlation of 0.77 (95% confidence level). SNR reduced slightly for both AEC (38%) and no AEC (36%) with increasing SID. Conclusion - For CR, increasing SID significantly reduces both E and ESD for AP pelvis imaging without adversely affecting image quality.
Purpose - The study evaluates the pre- and post-training lesion localisation ability of a group of novice observers. Parallels are drawn with the performance of inexperienced radiographers taking part in preliminary clinical evaluation (PCE) and ‘red-dot’ systems, operating within radiography practice. Materials and methods - Thirty-four novice observers searched 92 images for simulated lesions. Pre-training and post-training evaluations were completed following the free-response the receiver operating characteristic (FROC) method. Training consisted of observer performance methodology, the characteristics of the simulated lesions and information on lesion frequency. Jackknife alternative FROC (JAFROC) and highest rating inferred ROC analyses were performed to evaluate performance difference on lesion-based and case-based decisions. The significance level of the test was set at 0.05 to control the probability of Type I error. Results - JAFROC analysis (F(3,33) = 26.34, p < 0.0001) and highest-rating inferred ROC analysis (F(3,33) = 10.65, p = 0.0026) revealed a statistically significant difference in lesion detection performance. The JAFROC figure-of-merit was 0.563 (95% CI 0.512,0.614) pre-training and 0.677 (95% CI 0.639,0.715) post-training. Highest rating inferred ROC figure-of-merit was 0.728 (95% CI 0.701,0.755) pre-training and 0.772 (95% CI 0.750,0.793) post-training. Conclusions - This study has demonstrated that novice observer performance can improve significantly. This study design may have relevance in the assessment of inexperienced radiographers taking part in PCE or commenting scheme for trauma.
As polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have a negative impact on human health due to their mutagenic and/or carcinogenic properties, the objective of this work was to study the influence of tobacco smoke on levels and phase distribution of PAHs and to evaluate the associated health risks. The air samples were collected at two homes; 18 PAHs (the 16 PAHs considered by U.S. EPA as priority pollutants, dibenzo[a,l]pyrene and benzo[j]fluoranthene) were determined in gas phase and associated with thoracic (PM10) and respirable (PM2.5) particles. At home influenced by tobacco smoke the total concentrations of 18 PAHs in air ranged from 28.3 to 106 ngm 3 (mean of 66.7 25.4 ngm 3),∑PAHs being 95% higher than at the non-smoking one where the values ranged from 17.9 to 62.0 ngm 3 (mean of 34.5 16.5 ngm 3). On average 74% and 78% of ∑PAHs were present in gas phase at the smoking and non-smoking homes, respectively, demonstrating that adequate assessment of PAHs in air requires evaluation of PAHs in both gas and particulate phases. When influenced by tobacco smoke the health risks values were 3.5e3.6 times higher due to the exposure of PM10. The values of lifetime lung cancer risks were 4.1 10 3 and 1.7 10 3 for the smoking and nonsmoking homes, considerably exceeding the health-based guideline level at both homes also due to the contribution of outdoor traffic emissions. The results showed that evaluation of benzo[a]pyrene alone would probably underestimate the carcinogenic potential of the studied PAH mixtures; in total ten carcinogenic PAHs represented 36% and 32% of the gaseous ∑PAHs and in particulate phase they accounted for 75% and 71% of ∑PAHs at the smoking and non-smoking homes, respectively.
In 2012 we were awarded an Erasmus Intensive Programme grant to facilitate OPTIMAX 2013, a three week duration residential summer school held within the UK during August 2013. The summer school helped to further develop student radiographer skills in optimising x-radiation dose and image quality. With a major emphasis on visual techniques to determine image quality, lesion visibility, lesion detection performance and physical measures of image quality (eg signal to noise ratio (SNR)) we conducted controlled laboratory experiments on phantoms using Computed Radiography, CT and Full Field Digital Mammography. Mathematical modelling was used for radiation dose estimation. Sixty seven people from 5 European countries participated. This included 49 PhD, MSc and BSc students. Discipline areas included radiography, physics, biomedical science and nuclear medicine.
Background - Pelvis and hip radiography are consistently found to be amongst the highest contributors to the collective effective dose (E) in all ten DOSE DATAMED countries in Europe, representing 2.8 to 9.4% of total collective dose (S) in the TOP 20 exams list. The level of image quality should provide all the diagnostic information in order not to jeopardise the diagnosis, but being able to provide the needed clinical information with the minimum dose. A recent study suggests further research to determine whether the “10 kVp rule” would have value for a range of examinations using Computed Radiography (CR) systems. As a “rule of thumb” increasing the kVp by 10 whilst halving the mAs is suggested to give a similar perceptual image quality when compared to the original exposure factors. Aims - In light of the 10kVp rule, this study aims to investigate the influence of tube potential (kVp) variation in relation to perceptual image quality and E for pelvis imaging using automatic exposure control (AEC) and non-AEC in a Computed Radiography (CR) system. Research questions - Does the 10kVp rule works for the pelvis in relation to image quality in a CR system? Does the image quality differs when the AEC is used instead of manual mode using the 10kVp rule and how this impacts on E?
Introdução – O efeito de êmbolo é um dos principais problemas relacionados com a eficácia de uma prótese. Uma diminuição do mesmo pode levar a uma marcha mais natural através do aumento da propriocetividade. Objetivos – Verificar se existe diferença de valores do efeito de êmbolo entre vários sistemas de suspensão para próteses transtibiais com a utilização de Liners e testar a aplicação de testes de imagiologia na análise da melhor solução protésica para um determinado indivíduo. Metodologia – Foi obtida uma radiografia da prótese em carga na posição ortostática, mantendo o peso do indivíduo igualmente distribuído pelos dois pés. Seguidamente foi realizada outra radiografia no plano sagital com o joelho com 30° de flexão, com a prótese suspensa e um peso de 5kg aplicado na extremidade distal da mesma durante 30 seg. Através destes dois exames efetuaram-se as medições do êmbolo para cada tipo de sistema de suspensão. Resultados – Dos quatro sistemas estudados apenas três apresentam valores de êmbolo, visto que um dos sistemas não criou suspensão suficiente para suportar o peso colocado na extremidade distal da prótese. Através das medições realizadas nos exames imagiológicos dos três sistemas pudemos encontrar variações de efeito de êmbolo que vão dos 47,91mm aos 72,55mm. Conclusão – Através da realização do estudo imagiológico verificaram-se diferenças a nível do efeito de êmbolo nos vários sistemas de suspensão, provando que esta é uma ferramenta viável na avaliação do mesmo. Também através da análise dos resultados ficou notório que o sistema de suspensão Vacuum Assisted Suspention System (VASS) é o que apresenta menos êmbolo.
The characteristics of carbon fibre reinforced laminates had widened their use, from aerospace to domestic appliances. A common characteristic is the need of drilling for assembly purposes. It is known that a drilling process that reduces the drill thrust force can decrease the risk of delamination. In this work, delamination assessment methods based on radiographic data are compared and correlated with mechanical test results (bearing test).