933 resultados para Thermal Remote Sensing, UHI-Urban Heat Island, LST-Land Surface Temperature, Classificazione, Emissività


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This dataset contains continuous time series of land surface temperature (LST) at spatial resolution of 300m around the 12 experimental sites of the PAGE21 project (grant agreement number 282700, funded by the EC seventh Framework Program theme FP7-ENV-2011). This dataset was produced from hourly LST time series at 25km scale, retrieved from SSM/I data (André et al., 2015, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2015.01.028) and downscaled to 300m using a dynamic model and a particle smoothing approach. This methodology is based on two main assumptions. First, LST spatial variability is mostly explained by land cover and soil hydric state. Second, LST is unique for a land cover class within the low resolution pixel. Given these hypotheses, this variable can be estimated using a land cover map and a physically based land surface model constrained with observations using a data assimilation process. This methodology described in Mechri et al. (2014, doi:10.1002/2013JD020354) was applied to the ORCHIDEE land surface model (Krinner et al., 2005, doi:10.1029/2003GB002199) to estimate prior values of each land cover class provided by the ESA CCI-Land Cover product (Bontemps et al., 2013) at 300m resolution . The assimilation process (particle smoother) consists in simulating ensemble of LST time series for each land cover class and for a large number of parameter sets. For each parameter set, the resulting temperatures are aggregated considering the grid fraction of each land cover and compared to the coarse observations. Miniminizing the distance between the aggregated model solutions and the observations allow us to select the simulated LST and the corresponding parameter sets which fit the observations most closely. The retained parameter sets are then duplicated and randomly perturbed before simulating the next time window. At the end, the most likely LST of each land cover class are estimated and used to reconstruct LST maps at 300m resolution using ESA CCI-Land Cover. The resulting temperature maps on which ice pixels were masked, are provided at daily time step during the nine-year analysis period (2000-2009).


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Identifying cloud interference in satellite-derived data is a critical step toward developing useful remotely sensed products. Most MODIS land products use a combination of the MODIS (MOD35) cloud mask and the 'internal' cloud mask of the surface reflectance product (MOD09) to mask clouds, but there has been little discussion of how these masks differ globally. We calculated global mean cloud frequency for both products, for 2009, and found that inflated proportions of observations were flagged as cloudy in the Collection 5 MOD35 product. These erroneously categorized areas were spatially and environmentally non-random and usually occurred over high-albedo land-cover types (such as grassland and savanna) in several regions around the world. Additionally, we found that spatial variability in the processing path applied in the Collection 5 MOD35 algorithm affects the likelihood of a cloudy observation by up to 20% in some areas. These factors result in abrupt transitions in recorded cloud frequency across landcover and processing-path boundaries impeding their use for fine-scale spatially contiguous modeling applications. We show that together, these artifacts have resulted in significantly decreased and spatially biased data availability for Collection 5 MOD35-derived composite MODIS land products such as land surface temperature (MOD11) and net primary productivity (MOD17). Finally, we compare our results to mean cloud frequency in the new Collection 6 MOD35 product, and find that landcover artifacts have been reduced but not eliminated. Collection 6 thus increases data availability for some regions and land cover types in MOD35-derived products but practitioners need to consider how the remaining artifacts might affect their analysis.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The inverse problem of determining a spacewise dependent heat source, together with the initial temperature for the parabolic heat equation, using the usual conditions of the direct problem and information from two supplementary temperature measurements at different instants of time is studied. These spacewise dependent temperature measurements ensure that this inverse problem has a unique solution, despite the solution being unstable, hence the problem is ill-posed. We propose an iterative algorithm for the stable reconstruction of both the initial data and the source based on a sequence of well-posed direct problems for the parabolic heat equation, which are solved at each iteration step using the boundary element method. The instability is overcome by stopping the iterations at the first iteration for which the discrepancy principle is satisfied. Numerical results are presented for a typical benchmark test example, which has the input measured data perturbed by increasing amounts of random noise. The numerical results show that the proposed procedure gives accurate numerical approximations in relatively few iterations.


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The thermal stability of porous sol-gel phosphosilicates was studied by comparing the textural features upon calcination between 400 and 550 °C. A significant loss of surface area and pore volume were observed; the first is due to thermal coarsening of the nanoparticles, and the pore volume reduction was ascribed to sintering of the most external nanoparticles producing less void volume. Lanthanum addition was investigated as thermal stabilizer. For the mesoporous phosphosilicate composition, lanthanum addition enhanced the surface area, showing a 45% and 50% improvement with respect to the La-free counterpart; the effect was much less visible for the macroporous composition.


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The premature failure of an aluminium injection die with a duplex surface treatment (plasma nitriding and physical vapor deposition coating) was investigated, in an effort to identify the causes of such premature failure of the component. The manufacturing and the operating conditions were documented. Analytical tools were used, including scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray capability, X-ray diffraction, and instrumented microhardness testing. Preliminary observations showed a microstructure of coarse tempered martensite, and a considerably rough surface with porosity and cracks. A detailed analysis of crack initiation sites identified sulfur inclusions in the subsurface, underneath the coating. A further revision of the processing conditions revealed that a sulfur-impregnated grinding stone had been used to polish the die. The chemical composition of such grinding stone matched that of the inclusions found in the subsurface of the failed component. Thus, searched causes of premature failure could be discussed on the lights of the present findings.


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Background: The transmission of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) is influenced by climatic variables. However, few studies have examined the quantitative relationship between climate variation and HFRS transmission. ---------- Objective: We examined the potential impact of climate variability on HFRS transmission and developed climate-based forecasting models for HFRS in northeastern China. ---------- Methods: We obtained data on monthly counts of reported HFRS cases in Elunchun and Molidawahaner counties for 1997–2007 from the Inner Mongolia Center for Disease Control and Prevention and climate data from the Chinese Bureau of Meteorology. Cross-correlations assessed crude associations between climate variables, including rainfall, land surface temperature (LST), relative humidity (RH), and the multivariate El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) index (MEI) and monthly HFRS cases over a range of lags. We used time-series Poisson regression models to examine the independent contribution of climatic variables to HFRS transmission. ----------- Results: Cross-correlation analyses showed that rainfall, LST, RH, and MEI were significantly associated with monthly HFRS cases with lags of 3–5 months in both study areas. The results of Poisson regression indicated that after controlling for the autocorrelation, seasonality, and long-term trend, rainfall, LST, RH, and MEI with lags of 3–5 months were associated with HFRS in both study areas. The final model had good accuracy in forecasting the occurrence of HFRS. ---------- Conclusions: Climate variability plays a significant role in HFRS transmission in northeastern China. The model developed in this study has implications for HFRS control and prevention.


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The response of East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) precipitation to long term changes in regional anthropogenic aerosols (sulphate and black carbon) is explored in an atmospheric general circulation model, the atmospheric component of the UK High-Resolution Global Environment Model v1.2 (HiGAM). Separately, sulphur dioxide (SO2) and black carbon (BC) emissions in 1950 and 2000 over East Asia are used to drive model simulations, while emissions are kept constant at year 2000 level outside this region. The response of the EASM is examined by comparing simulations driven by aerosol emissions representative of 1950 and 2000. The aerosol radiative effects are also determined using an off-line radiative transfer model. During June, July and August, the EASM was not significantly changed as either SO2 or BC emissions increased from 1950 to 2000 levels. However, in September, precipitation is significantly decreased by 26.4% for sulphate aerosol and 14.6% for black carbon when emissions are at the 2000 level. Over 80% of the decrease is attributed to changes in convective precipitation. The cooler land surface temperature over China in September (0.8 °C for sulphate and 0.5 °C for black carbon) due to increased aerosols reduces the surface thermal contrast that supports the EASM circulation. However, mechanisms causing the surface temperature decrease in September are different between sulphate and BC experiments. In the sulphate experiment, the sulphate direct and the 1st indirect radiative effects contribute to the surface cooling. In the BC experiment, the BC direct effect is the main driver of the surface cooling, however, a decrease in low cloud cover due to the increased heating by BC absorption partially counteracts the direct effect. This results in a weaker land surface temperature response to BC changes than to sulphate changes. The resulting precipitation response is also weaker, and the responses of the monsoon circulation are different for sulphate and black carbon experiments. This study demonstrates a mechanism that links regional aerosol emission changes to the precipitation changes of the EASM, and it could be applied to help understand the future changes in EASM precipitation in CMIP5 simulations.


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The Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR) is a nine channel visible and infrared high precision radiometer designed to provide climate data of global sea and land surface temperatures. The SLSTR payload is destined to fly on the Ocean and Medium-Resolution Land Mission for the ESA/EU Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) Programme Sentinel-3 mission to measure the sea and land temperature and topography for near real-time environmental and atmospheric climate monitoring of the Earth. In this paper we describe the optical layout of infrared optics in the instrument, spectral thin-film multilayer design, and system channel throughput analysis for the combined interference filter and dichroic beamsplitter coatings to discriminate wavelengths at 3.74, 10.85 & 12.0 μm. The rationale for selection of thin-film materials, deposition technique, and environmental testing, inclusive of humidity, thermal cycling and ionizing radiation testing are also described.


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Turbulent surface fluxes of momentum and sensible and latent heat as well as surface temperature, air temperature, air humidity, and wind speed were measured by the German Falcon research aircraft over the marginal ice zone (MIZ) of the northern Baltic Sea and the Fram Strait. Applying the bulk formulas and the stability functions to the measurements, the roughness lengths for momentum z0, sensible heat zT, and latent heat zq were calculated. As mean values over a wide range of sea ice conditions, we obtain z0 = 5 � 10�4 m, zT = 1 � 10�8 m, and zq = 1 � 10�7 m. These correspond to the following mean values (± standard deviations) of neutral transfer coefficients reduced to 10 m height, CDN10 = (1.9 ± 0.8) � 10�3, CHN10 = (0.9 ± 0.3) � 10�3, and CEN10 = (1.0 ± 0.2) � 10�3. An average ratio of z0/zT � 104 was observed over the range of 10�6 m < z0 < 10�2 m and differs from previously published results over compact sea ice (10�1 < z0/zT < 103). Other observational results over heterogeneous sea ice do not exist. However, our z0/zT ratio approximately agrees with observations over heterogeneous land surfaces. Flux parameterizations based on commonly used roughness lengths ratios (z0 = zT = zq) overestimate the surface heat fluxes compared to our measurements by more than 100%.


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This study was conducted to determine the effect of the air temperature variation on the mean surface temperature (MST) of 7-to 35-day-old broiler chickens using infrared thermometry to estimate MST, and to study surface temperature variation of the wings, head, legs, back and comb as affected by air temperature and broiler age. One hundred Cobb(R) broilers were used in the experiment. Starting on day 7, 10 birds were weekly selected at random, housed in an environmental chamber and reared under three distinct temperatures (18, 25 and 32 degrees C) to record their thermal profile using an infrared thermal camera. The recorded images were processed to estimate MST by selecting the whole area of the bird within the picture and comparing it with the values obtained using selected equations in literature, and to record the surface temperatures of the body parts. The MST estimated by infrared images were not statistically different (p > 0.05) from the values obtained by the equations. MST values significantly increased (p < 0.05) when the air temperature increased, but were not affected by bird age. However, age influenced the difference between MST and air temperature, which was highest on day 14. The technique of infrared thermal image analysis was useful to estimate the mean surface temperature of broiler chickens.


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In this paper we pledge that physically based equations should be combined with remote sensing techniques to enable a more theoretically rigorous estimation of area-average soil heat flux, G. A standard physical equation (i.e. the analytical or exact method) for the estimation of G, in combination with a simple, but theoretically derived, equation for soil thermal inertia (F), provides the basis for a more transparent and readily interpretable method for the estimation of G; without the requirement for in situ instrumentation. Moreover, such an approach ensures a more universally applicable method than those derived from purely empirical studies (employing vegetation indices and albedo, for example). Hence, a new equation for the estimation of Gamma(for homogeneous soils) is discussed in this paper which only requires knowledge of soil type, which is readily obtainable from extant soil databases and surveys, in combination with a coarse estimate of moisture status. This approach can be used to obtain area-averaged estimates of Gamma(and thus G, as explained in paper II) which is important for large-scale energy balance studies that employ aircraft or satellite data. Furthermore, this method also relaxes the instrumental demand for studies at the plot and field scale (no requirement for in situ soil temperature sensors, soil heat flux plates and/or thermal conductivity sensors). In addition, this equation can be incorporated in soil-vegetation-atmosphere-transfer models that use the force restore method to update surface temperatures (such as the well-known ISBA model), to replace the thermal inertia coefficient.


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A method is presented which allows thermal inertia (the soil heat capacity times the square root of the soil thermal diffusivity, C(h)rootD(h)), to be estimated remotely from micrometeorological observations. The method uses the drop in surface temperature, T-s, between sunset and sunrise, and the average night-time net radiation during that period, for clear, still nights. A Fourier series analysis was applied to analyse the time series of T-s . The Fourier series constants, together with the remote estimate of thermal inertia, were used in an analytical expression to calculate diurnal estimates of the soil heat flux, G. These remote estimates of C(h)rootD(h) and G compared well with values derived from in situ sensors. The remote and in situ estimates of C(h)rootD(h) both correlated well with topsoil moisture content. This method potentially allows area-average estimates of thermal inertia and soil heat flux to be derived from remote sensing, e.g. METEOSAT Second Generation, where the area is determined by the sensor's height and viewing angle. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.