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Severe plastic deformation techniques are known to produce grain sizes up to submicron level. This leads to conventional Hall-Petch strengthening of the as-processed materials. In addition, the microstructures of severe plastic deformation processed materials are characterized by relatively lower dislocation density compared to the conventionally processed materials subjected to the same amount of strain. These two aspects taken together lead to many important attributes. Some examples are ultra-high yield and fracture strengths, superplastic formability at lower temperatures and higher strain rates, superior wear resistance, improved high cycle fatigue life. Since these processes are associated with large amount of strain, depending on the strain path, characteristic crystallographic textures develop. In the present paper, a detailed account of underlying mechanisms during SPD has been discussed and processing-microstructure-texture-property relationship has been presented with reference to a few varieties of steels that have been investigated till date.
Grain growth kinetics was studied for commercially pure magnesium subjected to equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE). The specimens were ECAE processed upto 4 passes at 523 K following all the three important routes, namely A, 13, and C. Texture and microstructures of the samples were studied using Electron Back Scattered Diffraction (EBSD) technique in a Field Emission Gun Scanning Electron Microscope (FEG-SEM). It was observed that the grain size significantly reduces after ECAE. ECAE process produces a slightly rotated B and C-2 fiber. Static annealing leads to normal grain growth with unimodal distribution of grains through out the temperature range. Average activation energy for grain growth in the temperature range studied is found to be less than the activation energy for lattice diffusion and grain boundary diffusion of magnesium. No significant change in texture during isochronal annealing for 1 hour i.e., the predominant deformation texture remains same.
Sanukitoid series intrusions can be found throughout the Archean Karelian Province of the Fennoscandian shield. All sanukitoids share the same controversial elemental characteristics: they have high content of incompatible elements such as K, Ba, and Sr as well as high content of the compatible elements Mg, Cr, and Ni, and high Mg#. This composition is explained by an enriched mantle wedge origin in a Neoarchean subduction setting. This study concentrates on sanukitoid intrusions and tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite series (TTGs) from Finnish part of the Karelian Province. The collected rock samples have been studied in the field and under microscope as well as for their whole-rock (including isotopes) and mineral compositions. The new data together with previously published analyses help us to better understand the petrogenesis, tectonic setting and reworking of the Archean rock units. TTGs from the Karelian Province form a voluminous series of granitoids and reworked migmatites. This study divides TTG series into two subgroups based on their elemental composition: low-HREE (heavy rare earth element) TTGs and high-HREE TTGs indicating pressure differences in their source. Sanukitoid series is a minor, divergent group of intrusions. These intrusions are variable sized, and the texture varies from even-grained to K-feldspar porphyritic. The elemental composition differentiates sanukitoids from more voluminous TTG groups, the SiO2 in sanukitoids varies to include series of gabbro, diorite, and granodiorite. U Pb age determinations from sanukitoid series show temporally limited emplacement between ~ 2745 2715 Ma after the main crust forming period in the area. Hafnium, neodymium, common lead, and oxygene isotopes indicate well homogenized characteristics. Recycled crust has made a variable, yet minor, contribution to sanukitoids, as evidenced by oxygene isotopes and inherited zircon cores. A proposed tectonic setting for the formation of the sanukitoid series is slab breakoff of oceanic lithosphere in subduction setting, with sanukitoids deriving from an enriched mantle wedge. The proposed setting explains some of the peculiar features of sanukitoids, such as their temporally limited occurrence and controversial elemental composition. Sanukitoids would occur after cessation of the regional growth of Archean crust, and they could be derived from mantle wedge previously enriched by melts and fluids from oceanic crust and sediments. A subsequent event during the Paleoproterozoic Svecofennian orogeny at ~1.9 Ga affected the appearance and microstructures of the rocks as well as caused redistribution of lead between minerals and whole rock. However, the deformation was not able to obliterate the original geochemical characteristics of these sanukitoids.
Cereal water-soluble β-glucan [(1→3)(1→4)-β-D-glucan] has well-evidenced health benefits and it contributes to the texture properties of foods. These functions are characteristically dependent on the excellent viscosity forming ability of this cell wall polysaccharide. The viscosity is affected by the molar mass, solubility and conformation of β-glucan molecule, which are further known to be altered during food processing. This study focused on demonstrating the degradation of β-glucan in water solutions following the addition of ascorbic acid, during heat treatments or high pressure homogenisation. Furthermore, the motivation of this study was in the non-enzymatic degradation mechanisms, particularly in oxidative cleavage via hydroxyl radicals. The addition of ascorbic acid at food-related concentrations (2-50 mM), autoclaving (120°C) treatments, and high pressure homogenisation (300-1000 bar) considerably cleaved the β-glucan chains, determined as a steep decrease in the viscosity of β-glucan solutions and decrease in the molar mass of β-glucan. The cleavage was more intense in a solution of native β-glucan with co-extracted compounds than in a solution of highly purified β-glucan. Despite the clear and immediate process-related degradation, β-glucan was less sensitive to these treatments compared to other water-soluble polysaccharides previously reported in the literature. In particular, the highly purified β-glucan was relatively resistant to the autoclaving treatments without the addition of ferrous ions. The formation of highly oxidative free radicals was detected at the elevated temperatures, and the formation was considerably accelerated by added ferrous ions. Also ascorbic acid pronounced the formation of these oxidative radicals, and oxygen was simultaneously consumed by ascorbic acid addition and by heating the β-glucan solutions. These results demonstrated the occurrence of oxidative reactions, most likely the metal catalysed Fenton-like reactions, in the β-glucan solutions during these processes. Furthermore, oxidized functional groups (carbonyls) were formed along the β-glucan chain by the treatments, including high pressure homogenisation, evidencing the oxidation of β-glucan by these treatments. The degradative forces acting on the particles in the high pressure homogenisation are generally considered to be the mechanical shear, but as shown here, carbohydrates are also easily degraded during the process, and oxidation may have a role in the modification of polysaccharides by this technique. In the present study, oat β-glucan was demonstrated to be susceptible to degradation during aqueous processing by non-enzymatic degradation mechanisms. Oxidation was for the first time shown to be a highly relevant degradation mechanism of β-glucan in food processing.
Generation of raw materials for dry powder inhalers by different size reduction methods can be expected to influence physical and chemical properties of the powders. This can cause differences in particle size, size distribution, shape, crystalline properties, surface texture and energy. These physical properties of powders influence the behaviour of particles before and after inhalation. Materials with an amorphous surface have different surface energy compared to materials with crystalline surface. This can affect the adhesion and cohesion of particles. Changes in the surface nature of the drug particles results in a change in product performance. By stabilization of the raw materials the amorphous surfaces are converted into crystalline surfaces. The primary aim of the study was to investigate the influence of the surface properties of the inhalation particles on the quality of the product. The quality of the inhalation product is evaluated by measuring the fine particle dose (FPD). FDP is the total dose of particles with aerodynamic diameters smaller than 5,0 μm. The secondary aim of this study was to achieve the target level of the FPD and the stability of the FPD. This study was also used to evaluate the importance of the stabilization of the inhalation powders. The study included manufacturing and analysing drug substance 200 μg/dose inhalation powder batches using non-stabilized or stabilized raw materials. The inhaler formulation consisted of micronized drug substance, lactose <100μm and micronized lactose <10μm. The inhaler device was Easyhaler®. Stabilization of the raw materials was done in different relative humidity, temperature and time. Surface properties of the raw materials were studied by dynamic vapour sorption, scanning electron microscopy and three-point nitrogen adsorption technique. Particle size was studied by laser diffraction particle size analyzer. Aerodynamic particle size distribution from inhalers was measured by new generation impactor. Stabilization of all three raw materials was successful. A clear difference between nonstabilized and stabilized raw materials was achieved for drug substance and lactose <10μm. However for lactose <100μm the difference wasn’t as clear as wanted. The surface of the non-stabilized drug substance was more irregular and the particles had more roughness on the surface compared to the stabilized drug substances particles surface. The surface of the stabilized drug particles was more regular and smoother than non-stabilized. Even though a good difference between stabilized and non-stabilized raw materials was achieved, a clear evidence of the effect of the surface properties of the inhalation particles on the quality of the product was not observed. Stabilization of the raw materials didn’t lead to a higher FPD. Possible explanations for the unexpected result might be too rough conditions in the stabilization of the drug substance or smaller than wanted difference in the degree of stabilization of the main component of the product <100μm. Despite positive effects on the quality of the product were not seen there appears to be some evidence that stabilized drug substance results in smaller particle size of dry powder inhalers.
The hot deformation characteristics of alpha-zirconium in the temperature range of 650 °C to 850 °C and in the strain-rate range of 10-3 to 102 s-1 are studied with the help of a power dissipation map developed on the basis of the Dynamic Materials Model.[7,8,9] The processing map describes the variation of the efficiency of power dissipation (η =2m/m + 1) calculated on the basis of the strain-rate sensitivity parameter (m), which partitions power dissipation between thermal and microstructural means. The processing map reveals a domain of dynamic recrystallization in the range of 730 °C to 850 °C and 10−2 to 1−1 with its peak efficiency of 40 pct at 800 °C and 0.1 s-1 which may be considered as optimum hot-working parameters. The characteristics of dynamic recrystallization are similar to those of static recrystallization regarding the sigmoidal variation of grain size (or hardness) with temperature, although the dynamic recrystallization temperature is much higher. When deformed at 650 °C and 10-3 s-1 texture-induced dynamic recovery occurred, while at strain rates higher than 1 s-1, alpha-zirconium exhibits microstructural instabilities in the form of localized shear bands which are to be avoided in processing.
Tutkielman kirjallisuuskatsauksessa tarkasteltiin kauran leivontateknologisia ominaisuuksia, entsyymiaktiivista leivontaa ja ruismaltaan hyödyntämistä vähägluteenisessa leivonnassa. Kokeellisessa osiossa tutkittiin ruismallashapantaikinasta valmistetun uutteen vaikutusta kaurataikinan viskositeettiin ja kauraleivän ominaisuuksiin. Työn tarkoituksena oli kehittää maultaan ja rakenteeltaan onnistunut rukiinmakuinen kauraleipä. Ruismaltaan entsyymien annettiin pilkkoa keliaakikolle haitallisia rukiin prolamiineja hapantaikinaprosessissa. Hapantaikinasta erotettiin uute sentrifugoimalla. Leivontakokeisiin käytettiin entsyymiaktiivista ja kuumentamalla inaktivoitua uutetta. Uutteella korvattiin taikinavettä 15, 25 ja 30 % (taikinan painosta). Leivonta toteutettiin miniatyyrikoossa, vuokaleivontana 20 g:n taikinapaloja käyttäen. Taikinoiden viskositeetti mitattiin tarkoituksena seurata beetaglukaanin hydrolyysiä. Rukiin makua mitattiin koulutetun raadin avulla. Happaman uutteen lisäys laski taikinan pH-arvoa noin 5,8:sta noin 4,4:ään. Entsyymiaktiivisen uutteen lisäys laski taikinan viskositeettia ja inaktivoitu uute puolestaan kasvatti sitä. Leipien sisus tiivistyi, jolloin mitatut sisuksen kovuudet kasvoivat uutteen lisäyksen myötä. Uutelisäys paransi leipien makua ja aromia. Uutteen vaikutuksesta leipien huokoset olivat pienempiä ja ne jakaantuivat tasaisemmin leipämatriisiin. Jos uutetta käytettiin inaktivoituna, leipien murenevuus kasvoi. Tutkimuksessa kehitetyn teknologian avulla oli mahdollista valmistaa hyvänlaatuinen, rukiinmakuinen kauraleipä myös ilman että uutteen entsyymit inaktivoitiin keittämällä. Tähän vaikutti ilmeisesti taikinan alhainen pH, joka inhiboi alfa-amylaasia, ja kauratärkkelyksen korkea liisteröitymislämpötila, jolloin entsyymien inaktivoituminen paiston aikana tapahtui ennen kuin tärkkelys tuli alttiiksi liialliselle pilkkoutumiselle. Tämä mahdollistaa uutteen käytön osana leivontaprosessia ilman inaktivointia. Hapantaikinafermentaatio osana gluteenitonta leivontaa havaittiin toimivaksi yhdistelmäksi, sillä se paransi leivän väriä, makua ja rakennetta. Myös leivän homeeton aika parani jo vähäisenkin uutelisäyksen vaikutuksesta. Näyttää siltä, että tämän teknologian avulla on mahdollista tuoda esille pitkään kaivattua rukiin makua vähägluteenisten kauraleipien valikoimassa. Laskennallisesti ja aiempiin tuloksiin tukeutuen, voitiin päätellä, että leivän prolamiinipitoisuudessa on mahdollista päästä tasolle 63,5 mg/kg, mutta jatkokehityksen avulla päästäisiin luultavasti vielä parempiin tuloksiin.
Friction plays an important role in metal forming processes, and the surface texture of the die is a major factor that influences friction. In the present investigation, experiments were conducted to understand the role of surface texture of the harder die surface and load on coefficient of friction. The data analysis showed that the coefficient of friction is highly dependent on the surface texture of the die surface. Assigning different magnitude of coefficients of friction, obtained in the experiments, at different regions between the die and the workpiece, Finite element (FE) simulation of a compression test was carried out to understand the effect of friction on deformation and stress/strain-rate distribution. Simulation results revealed that, owing to the difference in coefficient of friction, there is a change in metal flow pattern. Both experimental and simulation results confirmed that the surface texture of the die surface and thus coefficient of friction directly affects the strain rate and flow pattern of the workpiece.
Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) is a kesterite semiconductor consisting of abundantly available elements. It has a band gap of 1.5 eV and a large absorption coefficient. Hence, thin films made of this material can be used as absorber layers of a solar cell. CZTS films were deposited on soda lime and Na free borosilicate glass substrates through Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis. The diffusion of sodium from soda lime glass was found to have a profound effect on characteristics like grain size, crystal texture and conductivity of CZTS thin films. Copper ion concentration also varied during the deposition and it was observed that the carrier concentration was enhanced when there was a deficiency of copper in the films. The effect of sodium diffusion and copper deficiency in enhancing the structural and electrical properties of CZTS films are presented in this paper. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pure Y2O3 and Y2O3---ZrO2 solid solutions have been prepared by melt atomization and by pyrolysis of nitrate solutions. Extended solubility is readily achieved in both techniques for the entire composition range investigated: melts with 0–30% ZrO2 and precursors with 0–50% ZrO2. However, solidification of under cooled droplets yields almost exclusively single phase powders with the structure of cubic yttria (D53). In contrast, the pyrolysis route leads to a sequence of metastable microstructures beginning with a nanocrystalline disordered fluorite-based (C1) solid solution. Further heating leads to the evolution of much larger (micron size) flake crystals with a {001} texture, concurrent with partial ordering of the oxygen ions to the sites occupied in the D53 structure. The driving force for ordering and the rate of grain growth decrease with increasing ZrO2 addition. Abrupt heating to high temperatures or electron irradiation can induce ordering without substantial grain growth. There is no significant reduction in porosity during the recrystallization, which with the other observations suggests that grain growth is driven by the free energy available for the ordering transformation from fluorite to the yttria structure. This route offers opportunities for single crystal thin film development at relatively low processing temperatures.
Pure Y2O3 and Y2O3-ZrO2 solid solutions have been prepared by melt atomization and by pyrolysis of nitrate solutions. Extended solubility is readily achieved in both techniques for the entire composition range investigated: melts with 0-30% ZrO2 and precursors with 0-50% ZrO2. However, solidification of under cooled droplets yields almost exclusively single phase powders with the structure of cubic yttria (D5(3)). In contrast, the pyrolysis route leads to a sequence of metastable microstructures beginning with a nanocrystalline disordered fluorite-based (C1) solid solution. Further heating leads to the evolution of much larger (micron size) flake crystals with a {001} texture, concurrent with partial ordering of the oxygen ions to the sites occupied in the D5(3) structure. The driving force for ordering and the rate of grain growth decrease with increasing ZrO2 addition. Abrupt heating to high temperatures or electron irradiation can induce ordering without substantial grain growth. There is no significant reduction in porosity during the recrystallization, which with the other observations suggests that grain growth is driven by the free energy available for the ordering transformation from fluorite to the yttria structure. This route offers opportunities for single crystal thin film development at relatively low processing temperatures.
Polycrystalline Ti thin films are shown to gradually transform from face-centered cubic (fcc) to hexagonal close-packed structure (hcp) with increasing film thickness. Diffraction stress analysis revealed that the fcc phase is formed in a highly compressive hcp matrix (>= 2 GPa), the magnitude of which decreases with increasing film thickness. A correlation between stress and crystallographic texture vis-a-vis the fcc-hcp phase transformation has been established. The total free energy change of the system upon phase transformation calculated using the experimental results shows that the fcc-hcp transformation is theoretically possible in the investigated film thickness regime (144-720 nm) and the hcp structure is stable for films thicker than 720 nm, whereas the fcc structure can be stabilized in Ti films much thinner than 144 nm. (C) 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this investigation, the influence of microstructure on the high temperature creep behaviour of Ti-24Al-11Nb alloy has been studied. Different microstructures are produced by devising suitable heat treatments from the beta phase field. Creep tests are conducted in the temperature range of 923-1113 K, over a wide stress range at each temperature, employing the impression creep technique. The creep behaviour is found tb be sensitive to the crystallographic texture as well as to the details of microstructure. Best creep resistance is shown when the microstructure contains smaller alpha(2) plates and a lower beta volume fraction. This can be understood in terms of the dislocation barriers offered by alpha(2) beta boundaries and the case of plastic flow in the beta phase at high temperatures.
Concrete is basically a heterogeneous material made up of ingredients with distinct physical and mechanical properties. As a result, the presence of interphases is inevitable. In the processing of concrete, fresh and hardened states are the two distinct stages. In the fresh state, the presence of inert constituents in the cement mortar matrix only dilutes the overall potential of concrete to flow. In the hardened state the synergetics play a dominant role in strength development. When the strength of coarse aggregate is far higher than the strength levels for which the matrix or concrete is processed, interphase bonding plays a dominant role on the strength. When the matrix strength is comparable to that of the aggregate strength, in contrast, the concrete strength is affected by the aggregate strength. Besides these aspects, the effects of the size and the surface texture of coarse aggregates have also been analysed. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.
Microstructural stability of nanocrystalline Ni-1.5wt.%P alloy with an initial grain size of 3 nm processed by pulsed electrodeposition was studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and annealing. Microstructural characterization suggests that the observed exothermic peak during heating in DSC is related to both concurrent grain growth and Ni3P formation. Nanoindentation on samples with grain sizes from 3 to 50 nm revealed a breakdown in Hall-Petch strengthening in nano Ni-P alloy at grain sizes <= 10 nm, consistent with some previous observations. It is concluded that there is a grain boundary weakening regime for grain sizes < 10 nm, based on analysis which show that the data cannot be rationalized in terms of microstrain relaxation, variation in elastic modulus, texture evolution and duplex structure formation.