1000 resultados para Terapêutica do mieloma múltiplo refratário e em recaída (MMRR)


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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A presente pesquisa teve por objetivos analisar a consulta terapêutica como técnica de atendimento psicológico da criança pequena na rotina ambulatorial e discutir seis casos emblemáticos e representativos da população constituída de 55 crianças, a partir do referencial teórico de Winnicott. Foram levantados os prontuários de pacientes menores de cinco anos atendidos no Ambulatório de Saúde Mental Infantil de São Bernardo do Campo, no período de janeiro a junho de 2007. O estudo clínico foi feito com 10% do total dos prontuários. A partir dos dados contidos no prontuário, foi feito um levantamento epidemiológico registrando a idade dos pacientes assistidos e o diagnóstico dos menores de cinco anos. Os prontuários dos pacientes menores de cinco anos foram selecionados a patir das hipóteses disgnósticas psicopatológica e psicodinâmica. Foram apresentados as consultas terapêuticas de seis casos identificados com hipótese diagnóstica do grupo três do diagnóstico de Winnicott, complementados por Hisada, em A Clínica do Setting.(AU)


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O trabalho emocionalmente desgastante dos profissionais das áreas de saúde implica não só a necessidade de uma habilitação acadêmica, mas, acima de tudo, uma adaptação, um equilíbrio emocional satisfatório, premissa básica para um serviço eficaz à saúde da população. Preocupando-se com o futuro profissional de Psicologia, esta pesquisa teve por finalidade verificar o grau de eficácia adaptativa de alunos do curso de Psicologia da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, São Bernardo do Campo SP e, quando necessário, fazer-lhes indicação terapêutica. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com a utilização da EDAO (Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada). Durante os anos de 1999 e 2000, foram feitas entrevistas diagnósticas individuais no NEPAP (Núcleo de Estudos, Pesquisa e Atendimento Psicológico), da UMESP, em 10% dos alunos do curso de Psicologia, dos períodos matutino e noturno. Os resultados foram analisados individualmente e inter-grupos com a finalidade de se obter um panorama geral do grau de eficácia adaptativa desses alunos. Com base nos resultados obtidos, verificou-se que embora alguns alunos apresentassem dificuldades nos setores Afetivo-Relacional e Produtividade, a grande maioria foi considerada normal .(AU)


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This anthropological research has as main goal to grasp the meanings and perceptions - mode of subjectivity - of crack users in relation to the proposals of Therapeutic Communities (TC) of religious character. The work emphasizes the analysis of Therapeutic Communities of Rio Grande do Norte state, studying a particular organization, called Anzóis da Dor. I intend to analyze qualitative data, focusing on an analysis of the discursive content of speeches and the observation of social interaction, which results in an ethnographic text characterized by a dense description. In relation to the dissertation’s specific goals, we seek to present a general overview of the emergence and development of Therapeutic Communities – encompassing general and local considerations - and pointing out to the dynamics of religious healing systems of these institutions, besides the principles that guide them. In methodological terms, I conducted the partial mapping of therapeutic communities located in Rio Grande do Norte state; interviews with Therapeutic Communities coordinators, visits, participant observation in one of these institutions as well as some interviews with crack users and people close to these social agents in relation to the Therapeutic Communities and the treatment offered by them


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Chronic heart failure (CHF) is the final common pathway of most diseases affecting the heart, being responsible for a high level of mortality and hospitalization, as well as significant reduction in quality of life of those affected. Interventions that claim to optimize patient adherence to their medical regimen, and improve self-care behavior, have proven effective in preventing unplanned admissions and improves the outcome for patients, however, studies have shown the problem of non-adherence, and some psychological instruments have been used to show that traces indicate difficulties with treatment adherence. Having shown this, the aim of this work is to evaluate the evidence of validity of the Millon Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic (MBMD) in a population of patients with CHF. The study included individuals with CHF, males and females, between the age of 18 and 85 years, treated in a reference hospital in the city of NatalRN. A total of 120 patients answered, in addition to the MBMD, another questionnaire structured with sociodemographic aspects and clinical itens. The results indicated that the parameter of the MBMD reliability was satisfactory the most of extracted factors, and some scale. In terms of the population studied, we could verify that the disease was more prevalent in men, but women had the highest average in indicators related to negative health habits and depressed mood. Younger pacients and those who had no partner had the highest averages in groups of items that dealt with feelings of sadness and discouragement. Hasn’t been observed differences related to negative health habits and problematic adherence among patients in different functional classes. More studies in this research line, with a larger population and from other regions of the country, are needed in order to expand the data presented here


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In this work it was developed mathematical resolutions taking as parameter maximum intensity values for the interference analysis of electric and magnetic fields and was given two virtual computer system that supports families of CDMA and WCDMA technologies. The first family were developed computational resources to solve electric and magnetic field calculations and power densities in Radio Base stations , with the use of CDMA technology in the 800 MHz band , taking into account the permissible values referenced by the Commission International Protection on non-Ionizing Radiation . The first family is divided into two segments of calculation carried out in virtual operation. In the first segment to compute the interference field radiated by the base station with input information such as radio channel power; Gain antenna; Radio channel number; Operating frequency; Losses in the cable; Attenuation of direction; Minimum Distance; Reflections. Said computing system allows to quickly and without the need of implementing instruments for measurements, meet the following calculated values: Effective Radiated Power; Sector Power Density; Electric field in the sector; Magnetic field in the sector; Magnetic flux density; point of maximum permissible exposure of electric field and power density. The results are shown in charts for clarity of view of power density in the industry, as well as the coverage area definition. The computer module also includes folders specifications antennas, cables and towers used in cellular telephony, the following manufacturers: RFS World, Andrew, Karthein and BRASILSAT. Many are presented "links" network access "Internet" to supplement the cable specifications, antennas, etc. . In the second segment of the first family work with more variables , seeking to perform calculations quickly and safely assisting in obtaining results of radio signal loss produced by ERB . This module displays screens representing propagation systems denominated "A" and "B". By propagating "A" are obtained radio signal attenuation calculations in areas of urban models , dense urban , suburban , and rural open . In reflection calculations are present the reflection coefficients , the standing wave ratio , return loss , the reflected power ratio , as well as the loss of the signal by mismatch impedance. With the spread " B" seek radio signal losses in the survey line and not targeted , the effective area , the power density , the received power , the coverage radius , the conversion levels and the gain conversion systems radiant . The second family of virtual computing system consists of 7 modules of which 5 are geared towards the design of WCDMA and 2 technology for calculation of telephone traffic serving CDMA and WCDMA . It includes a portfolio of radiant systems used on the site. In the virtual operation of the module 1 is compute-: distance frequency reuse, channel capacity with noise and without noise, Doppler frequency, modulation rate and channel efficiency; Module 2 includes computes the cell area, thermal noise, noise power (dB), noise figure, signal to noise ratio, bit of power (dBm); with the module 3 reaches the calculation: breakpoint, processing gain (dB) loss in the space of BTS, noise power (w), chip period and frequency reuse factor. Module 4 scales effective radiated power, sectorization gain, voice activity and load effect. The module 5 performs the calculation processing gain (Hz / bps) bit time, bit energy (Ws). Module 6 deals with the telephone traffic and scales 1: traffic volume, occupancy intensity, average time of occupancy, traffic intensity, calls completed, congestion. Module 7 deals with two telephone traffic and allows calculating call completion and not completed in HMM. Tests were performed on the mobile network performance field for the calculation of data relating to: CINP , CPI , RSRP , RSRQ , EARFCN , Drop Call , Block Call , Pilot , Data Bler , RSCP , Short Call, Long Call and Data Call ; ECIO - Short Call and Long Call , Data Call Troughput . As survey were conducted surveys of electric and magnetic field in an ERB , trying to observe the degree of exposure to non-ionizing radiation they are exposed to the general public and occupational element. The results were compared to permissible values for health endorsed by the ICNIRP and the CENELEC .


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Objective: Relapse fear is a common psychological scar in cancer survivors. The aim of this study is to assess the effects of an abridged version of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in breast cancer patients.Method: An open trial was developed with 12 non-metastatic breast cancer patients assigned to 2 conditions, ACT and waiting list. Interventions were applied in just one session and focused on the acceptance of relapse fears through a ‘defusion’ exercise. Interference and intensity of fear measured through subjective scales were collected after each intervention and again 3 months later. Distress, hypochondria and ‘anxious preocupation’ were also evaluated through standardized questionnaires.Results: The analysis revealed that ‘defusion’ contributed to decrease the interference of the fear of recurrence, and these changes were maintained three months after intervention in most subjects. 87% of participants showed clinically significant decreases in interference at follow-up sessions whereas no patient in the waiting list showed such changes. Statistical analysis revealed that the changes in interference were significant when comparing pre, post and follow-up treatment, and also when comparing ACT and waiting list groups. Changes in intensity of fear, distress, anxious preoccupation and hypochondria were also observed.Conclusions: Exposure through ‘defusion’ techniques might be considered a useful option for treatment of persistent fears in cancer patients. This study provides evidence for therapies focusing on psychological acceptance in cancer patients through short, simple and feasible therapeutic methods.


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A toxicodependência tem sido, desde há décadas, um dos mais graves problemas sociais, apesar dos múltiplos esforços – entre os quais se pretendeu integrar a presente investigação – tendentes a reverter a situação. Defendendo a centralidade na pessoa como a abordagem mais correcta e eficaz, baseámos o nosso estudo nas perdas decorrentes do consumo de drogas. Pretendeu-se identificar e analisar as perdas no indivíduo, no seu meio social, assim como, compreender a percepção das perdas e o seu impacto na motivação para o tratamento. Ainda como objectivo, mas secundário, o estudo pretendeu identificar o papel do Assistente Social na reinserção social do toxicodependente no contexto da equipa multidisciplinar. Seguindo uma lógica abdutiva e tomando em consideração que a escolha do campo empírico incidisse num observatório capaz de responder às exigências da investigação, estudámos os percursos de vida de seis residentes da Comunidade Terapêutica Nova Fronteira e de quatro indivíduos frequentadores do grupo de auto-ajuda Narcóticos Anónimos, aos quais efectuámos entrevistas semi-estruturadas e de tipo compreensivo. Para complementar os dados recolhidos, entrevistámos duas técnicas especialistas no tratamento de toxicodependentes. Os resultados obtidos permitem afirmar que os toxicodependentes em recuperação conseguem percepcionar algumas das perdas sofridas. Concluímos, também, que o toxicodependente só encontra motivação para o tratamento quando a consciência da(s) perda(s) sofrida(s) é de tal maneira dolorosa que não lhe deixa alternativas. Relativamente à dimensão da reinserção social, os dados recolhidos não permitem tirar conclusões definitivas. Apenas que, no ciclo vicioso do tratamento/recaída, o processo de reinserção se apresenta descontínuo e fragmentado.


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A Relação Terapêutica, de um modo geral e a Aliança Terapêutica, de um modo particular, são elementos fundamentais da psicoterapia e comuns às diferentes abordagens psicoterapêuticas. Apesar dos estudos nacionais serem escassos, os estudos feitos além-fronteiras testemunham a existência de uma relação entre a relação terapêutica e os resultados da terapia, uma vez que esta tem sido considerada um elemento preditor de resultados, na medida em que a percepção dos clientes acerca da relação é aquela que prediz melhores resultados. No presente estudo pretendemos compreender a Aliança Terapêutica, como uma das dimensões do processo terapêutico, segundo a percepção dos clientes, nas diferentes abordagens terapêuticas consideradas. A amostra é constituída por 60 clientes de psicoterapia, com idade igual ou superior a 18 anos, de três distritos da zona centro do país. A recolha da amostra foi efectuada através de um questionário construído por nós e de um questionário destinado a avaliar a aliança – Inventário da Aliança Terapêutica (Machado & Horvath, 1999). A análise estatística dos resultados obtidos mostra que não existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as abordagens psicoterapêuticas consideradas no estudo, quanto às Dimensões da Aliança Terapêutica.