940 resultados para Telecomunicação, aplicação de recursos, Brasil
Este trabalho procura sintetizar oito anos de experiência profissional na implantação de recursos de Sistemas de Engenharia nas unidades industriais da John Deere no Brasil. No capítulo 2 são apresentados Fundamentos Teóricos ( conceitos básicos de Sistemas de Engenharia, fundamentos teóricos relativos a Mudança de Paradigmas e uma breve revisão sobre a Teoria das Restrições ) que embasarão a descrição da evolução do cenário tecnológico que atualmente compõe as operações de desenvolvimento de produto e de manufatura da John Deere no Brasil. Esta descrição é feita no capítulo 3. O capítulo 4 descreve a implantação dos recursos de Sistemas de Engenharia atualmente em uso bem como faz estudos comparativos entre este ambiente e o ambiente anterior. Neste capítulo também são apresentados alguns dos resultados alcançados no novo ambiente. No capítulo 5 são apresentados novos conceitos ( atualmente em implementação ) derivados do ambiente descrito assim como define o perfil profissional desejado pela companhia para os engenheiros que atuarão neste ambiente. Nos Anexos são apresentadas descrições de eventos ou situações que de alguma forma influenciaram o atual ambiente de engenharia da companhia no Brasil.
The objective of this dissertation is to discover and to analyze the way how the consumer uses his/her perception to decide contracting a health plan, to supply elements that can serve to subsidize the State, the market and the consumers, in relation to the knowledge on the process of choice of the consumer and the decisions of purchase and contracting services of private health. The estimated one is to evidence that the brand of health plan is an important variable and decisive to the consumer contracting the service of a company that operates in these sector, because mean for the consumer security about the product, through the symbolism that the same one represents, despite the consumer not knowing to the certainty what is contracting in quality and amount. The theoretical construction is carried through using literature of anthropology of the consumption, theory of modernity, theory of the regulation, economic utilitarism, and marketing. Moreover, referential specific theoretician on the regulation of the market of health plans in Brazil. The health plan market in Brazil is anti-symmetrical and the consumer doesn¿t have knowledge technician who makes possible it to form judgment and to carry through rationality choices. Than the consumer uses to his/her decision symbolic elements that are available to his/her and supply to his/her the security that is look likes in the consumption of this kind of good. These symbolic elements related the confidence and security and are into the strong brands of the companies and are transmitted to the consumer through the mass media. In this dissertation are used as sources of data some information of the regulatory agency of the sector ¿ ANS -, a research of public opinion with health plans users and the results of the application of proper questionnaires for this research.
This work analyses the application of the so-called corporative university model in business enterprises in Brazil. What are the impacts observed in the training and development structures in companies that adopt learning systems defined within the corporative university? It aims to offer an analytical basis to those interested in the educational tendency of knowledge management as a strategy for a sustained competitive edge in business nowadays.
The Strategic Planning is the managerial process that it makes possible to establish one heading for being followed by the company, with views to obtain an optimization level in this relationship with the external atmosphere. In the small company¿s improvement the general performance of the results and the use of resources, however it is still little known and used. These organizations need administration tools to be capable to promote the business growth and to guarantee the survival more and more in this market competitive. This way, it is done necessary to approach the strategic planning in a complex less way and the objective of this research is to provide larger knowledge regarding the Strategic Planning in the personal computer and small companies, to verify the limitations in the implantation, to analyze the reasons for the low effectiveness of the use in companies of this load and to identify the consultants interviewees close to the best way to implant it. The understanding of these limitations aids the small intrepreneur and the consultant in the implantation of the strategic planning as increment of competitiveness as this use provides reflections, guidelines for the activities of the organization, as well as it makes possible adaptation and answer capacity to the changes of the market.
Este estudo objetivou analisar de que forma as empresas brasileiras de grande porte utilizamse dos cursos de pós-graduação lato sensu brasileiros na área de Administração de Empresas, como critério de seleção e ferramenta de formação e atualização para executivos, assim como as principais características esperadas de profissionais oriundos destes cursos. Os resultados da pesquisa, realizada junto a profissionais da área de Recursos Humanos das maiores empresas brasileiras, indicaram que a maioria das empresas se utiliza destes cursos como critério de seleção para contratação de profissionais, inclusive sendo a instituição de ensino onde o mesmo foi realizado, diferencial para obtenção da vaga. Da mesma forma, concluiu-se que a maior parte das empresas deste grupo utilizam-se com freqüência destes cursos como ferramenta de atualização e treinamento de profissionais, sendo o curso escolhido geralmente pelo próprio profissional.
A dissertação tem como objeto a investigação das relações entre a o design de um website de comércio eletrônico de CDs e o comportamento do consumidor virtual, com ênfase a sua atitude e intenção de compra. O objetivo principal é mensurar o efeito do design da loja virtual (website) em seu papel de agente de vendas na Internet. A análise do comércio varejista de CDs foi escolhida, pois este produto é um dos principais artigos de venda neste canal. O estudo é apoiado em um referencial teórico, no qual são analisadas as características dos seguintes pontos: i) a Internet atuando como canal de vendas; ii) o comércio varejista de CD no Brasil e iii) o comportamento do consumidor e o seu processo decisório. Ainda no referencial teórico são apresentados os diversos modelos de avaliação de website existentes: baseado em Marketing, Teoria dos Dois Fatores, avaliação da qualidade, avaliação da web (W AM) e aceitação da Tecnologia na Web (T AM). A análise e comparação destes modelos serviu como base para o desenvolvimento da proposta do modelo de avaliação website. O estudo é complementado pelo desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa, com aplicação de questionário via web (websurvey). A coleta dos dados é utilizada como forma de validação estatística das relações existentes no modelo desenvolvido. Isto é feito por meio do uso da ferramenta de análise de Equações Estruturadas (SEM), suportada pelos conceitos e métodos de abordagem descritos no referencial teórico. A ferramenta permite tanto avaliar um modelo de mensuração e um modelo estrutural simultaneamente.
O presente trabalho analisa a Trajetória do Processo de Aprendizagem Organizacional no Banco do Brasil, desde o treinamento tradicional até a aplicação do modelo de Universidade Corporativa. Neste contexto, pretendese verificar se os impactos das mudanças causaram rupturas com as práticas do treinamento e proporcionar um referencial de análise voltado à gestão do conhecimento, enquanto estratégia de vantagem competitiva.
Since electric power is an essential element in modern society, this paper analyzes the historic and institutional factors that have contributed to the formation and organization of the Brazilian electric sector, from the time when it started to be used in this country until the end of year 2002. This analysis is based on a linear description of historic facts, giving emphasis to crucial events ¿ or critical incidents, as they were called for the purpose of this paper. As to these happenings, the social actors who played an important role in the development of the Brazilian electric power sector were analyzed. An analytical model based on the theoretical references offered by the Institutional Theory was used. The study also highlights the elements that comprehend the development of the phenomenon in face of the ambivalence existing in a developing country, which is the case of the Brazilian electric power sector. The organizational fields that were established at the time determined by the main crucial incidents presented throughout the length of time covered by this study. The resources that the main social actors involved in the electric power sector may use by are also identified, as well as their main interests and level of influence these actors may have. Several documents were analyzed. The qualitative methodology was used. Also, many semi-structured in-depth interviews of the people who have made the history of this sector for reliability were conducted. Finally, this study includes the main elements that have shaped the institutional model of the Brazilian electric sector. It also characterizes the external environment as the element which has most influenced the sector and has also led its way throughout the different developmental phases, especially with respect to funding. The growing rates of power consumption indicate the need for a constant increase in the supply of electric power to meet the needs of society and economic development. This requires constant investment. Lack of investment is a limiting factor. Not only does it hinder the development of the country but it may also result in very unfortunate mishaps such as electric power rationing, such as the kind we had to endure a while ago.
The following paper analyses the managerial and administrative aspects of a project named Projeto de Serviços Básicos de Saúde no Nordeste (PNE I) - initiated in the 80¿s and has been funded by the International Development and Reconstruction Bank (IDRB) ¿ for the construction of a series of lessons and recommendations to be observed along the formulation, implementation and assessment of projects performed under external financing. During the Project time the most important and deep changes and innovations have occurred involving the national politics for health, which have been mostly decisive at directing the Project, specially concerning the organization of services with emphasis to the process of decentralization as well as the participation of the organized society as a tool of social control. The expectations towards the publicizing and the dissemination of the paper presented are laid upon the warranty that the recommendations hereby given shall, effectively, contribute for the decrease of unwanted results and for the magnification of variables to be considered in projects with the scope and characteristics similar to PNE I.
The aim of the present study is to analyze the evolution of the historical and institutional elements that generate the current design of the private health market in Brazil. Its main theoretical basis is the Theory of the Symbolic Power, by Pierre Bourdieu, complemented, in the non-conflictive aspects of these two visions, by the Anthony Giddens¿ institutional vision on the field genesis motivational factors. The research¿ data were collected through documents and semi structured interviews during 2002 e 2003 period, involving the qualitative analyze due to understand the field¿s phenomena under an actors¿ perspective. The research identifies the several players that integrate the market, their evident strategic goals, and those that are not so, besides of the powers¿ resources used to reach them, by DiMaggio and Powell¿ vision. Thus, it tries to show, through a historic linear description, and emphasis in the determinant facts, the evolution of the market¿s constitution. The study demonstrates that the field had formed from several Estate¿ actions, basically after the past seventy¿ decade, as result of a alternative Government¿ strategy towards a Brazilian population¿s dissemination plan of health¿ services that enforced the institutionalization of isomorphic structures, with a strong internal interaction and a hierarchy between kinds of values, that had emphasized the health¿ symbol as a citizenship¿s value. In the end, the study estimates that the crescent longevity¿ Brazilian¿s population and the consequent work¿s dismiss may cause a private health¿ elitism conforming a future problem in this sensible segment of the social politics of the Brazilian government.
O agronegócio tornou-se, nos últimos anos, um importante motivador do crescimento da pauta de exportações brasileiras e do desenvolvimento da agricultura no Centro Oeste do Brasil. Um dos principais produtos deste setor é o farelo de soja, componente da ração na criação em larga escala de aves e suínos. Esse trabalho de conclusão trata da implantação de HACCP e da aplicação de técnicas estatísticas em uma fábrica produtora de farelo de soja localizada em Cuiabá. A exigência dos clientes nacionais e internacionais por um produto seguro sob o ponto de vista alimentar, torna a implantação dessas metodologias um importante diferencial competitivo para se comercializar o farelo de soja na Europa, Ásia e para os grandes consumidores do mercado interno brasileiro. Fez-se uma revisão bibliográfica que contemplou aspectos de microbiologia, engenharia de alimentos, HACCP e CEP. Descreveu-se, passo a passo, todo o processo produtivo, analisando-se os perigos de contaminação de cada etapa, aplicando-se o CEP no Ponto Crítico de Processo. Apresentou-se todo o processo de implantação das metodologias propostas. Os objetivos do trabalho são, além da implantação das metodologias, conseguir melhorias no processo produtivo, caracterizando a melhoria contínua e também garantir a certificação da planta em HACCP. Tais objetivos foram alcançados: houve significativas mudanças nos índices de avaliação da fábrica onde o HACCP foi implantado, e a metodologia passou a ser utilizada como uma nova ferramenta de gestão na empresa.
Este trabalho situa o Programa de Medicamentos Excepcionais no Brasil diante da judicialização da demanda, contextualizando a relação entre direitos humanos e recursos financeiros do Programa, identificando os argumentos embasadores das ações impetradas contra o gestor. Consiste em estudo de natureza documental, com emprego de dados secundários em bases de dados nacionais e estaduais e análise da totalidade dos mandados impetrados contra o estado do Espírito Santo. Os princípios do SUS são apresentados para contextualizar a aplicação do direito, dando enfoque à eqüidade. Os principais achados foram: as demandas judiciais iniciam-se pelo poder executivo por meio do Ministério Público e o judiciário, com apresentação de antecipação de tutela, mandado judicial ou termo de ajustamento de conduta. O objeto das notificações apresentou variações quanto ao nível de atenção, ocorrendo notificações para fornecimento de medicamento básico, de média e alta complexidade, e até importados sem registro no Brasil. A argumentação utilizada nas notificações, em sua maioria, refere-se ao artigo 196 da Constituição Federal, incluindo também os artigos 5.º, 6.º, 159 e 198, ao Código Civil, à Constituição Estadual, ao Pacto de São José da Costa Rica e à Lei Estadual n.º 4.317/90. Conclui-se neste estudo que a judicialização gera individualização da demanda em detrimento do coletivo e tendenciona a uma maior desorganização dos serviços. Os dados referentes ao Programa no Estado comportam-se de forma semelhante aos do Brasil. Entre os entrevistados e na conclusão da autora, fica evidente a necessidade de discussão ampla e envolvimento dos atores para que haja consenso coerente com a eqüidade e a coletividade, não excluindo o papel de controle social estabelecido pela Constituição ao Ministério Público e ao judiciário.
Over the last 40 years there has been a profusion of studies about the ccumulation of technological capacities in firms from developing economies. However, there remain few studies that examine, on a combined basis, the relationship among: the trajectories of technological capacities accumulation; the underlying learning mechanisms; and, the implications of organizational factors for these two variables. Still scarcer are the studies that examine the relationship among these variables along time and based on a comparative case study. This dissertation examines the relationship among the trajectory of accumulation of innovative capacities in complex project management, the learning mechanisms underlying these technological capacities and the intra-organizational factors that influence these learning echanisms. That set of relationships is examined through a comparative and a long-term (1988-2008) case study in a capital goods firm (for the pulp and paper industry) and a pulp mill in Brazil. Based on first-hand quantitative and qualitative empiric evidence, gathered through extensive field research, this dissertation found: 1. Both firms accumulated innovative capacity in project management at the international frontier level (Level 6). However, there was variability between the firms in terms of the nature and speed of accumulation of those capacities. It was also observed that, at this level of innovation, the innovative capacities of both firms are not confined to their organizational boundaries, but they are distributed beyond their boundaries. 2. So that these companies could accumulate those levels of innovative capacities it was necessary to manage several learning mechanisms: leveraging of external knowledge and its internalization in terms of internal apacities of the firm. In other words, as the companies accumulated more innovative levels of capacities for project management, it was necessary to manage different cycles of technological learning. 3. Further, the relationship between the ccumulation of technological capacities and learning was affected positively by intra-organizational factors, such as 'authority disposition', 'mutability of work roles' and 'intensity of internal crises', and negatively by the factor 'singularity of goals'. This dissertation revealed divergent results between firms in two of the four factors studied. These results contribute to advance our understanding of the complexity and variability involved in the process of accumulation of innovative capacities in firms from developing economies. This highlights the growing importance of the organizational and the human resource dimensions of innovation and technological capacity as the company approaches the international frontier. The results suggest to managers that: (i) the good performance in project management in the two firms studied did not occur simply as a result of the pulp and paper Brazilian industry growth, rather as a result of the deliberate construction and accumulation of the capacities through an intensive and coordinated cyclical process of technological learning, (ii) to develop innovative capabilities in project management, besides looking for learning mechanisms they should also look at the organizational factors that influence the learning mechanisms directly, (iii) performance of pulp mill¿s projects is better when projects are implemented together with technology suppliers than when performed only by the mill. This dissertation concludes that capital goods firms have been having a fundamental role for the innovative capabilities accumulation in project management of pulp mills in Brazil (and vice-versa) for a long time. This contradicts some authors' propositions that affirm that: a) equipment suppliers for the pulp and paper industry have been creating little, if any, development of processes or engineering projects in Brazil; b) firms in the pulp and paper industry have little capacity for machinery and equipments projects only taking place in few technological activities, being internal or external to the firm. Finally, some studies are proposed for future research.
During the 1980¿s and the 1990¿s, the Brazilian federal government started to set up a new public administration policy called ¿managerial¿ conceived of new patterns of efficiency and effectiveness and extremelly concerned about optimizing state administration to grant best results for people. This decision has been taken due to three main reasons; (i) the worst fiscal crisis considering the last decades; (ii) exhaustion on interfering with Brazilian economy due to its opening to globalization, and (iii) extremelly deep-rooted burocratic methods. The Brazilian state reform presented as a diagnosis of the human resource government area: (i) gradual raising costs in payroll, allied to (ii) huge raising inefficiency in public services, and (iii) civil servants are unprepared to improve better responses to currents citizen demands and to adopt new methods of management based on the best professional performance and the best quality of public services. We have concluded that the federal government often tries to make civil servants redundant instead of adopting a real policy of management that would give them better conditions to improve their performance. This paper presents a concrete proposal to improve quality in civil servants performance by taking advantage of information technology and of our assumed country¿s democratization. We suggest that the Brazilian state reform must be and should be a new path of social growth and development not only in economic basis.
Industrial segment uses natural resources in a wide scale, but evaluate the use of these resources is a complex and new task. Few is known about existing methodologies of evaluation, mainly because of the fact that the value of this resource is more implicit than explicit. It is known that evaluation methods support the environmental accounting but the industrial community for an effective environmental management of their businesses does not yet use this tool in a regular basis. The main objective of this work is to analyze how companies who develop industrial activities on mining, siderurgy, paper and cellulose segments, are evaluating the use of natural resources for economic development, in terms of methodologies application for environment evaluation. Based on an explore research with companies from the segments previously defined in an intentional sampling and through a case study, it was possible to understand enterprise behavior according to the existing level of knowledge internalized on evaluation methodologies, to go deeper on an analysis of the premises and of the basis of the methodologies in an environmental accounting project of a paper and cellulose segment industry.