769 resultados para TCP, ritrasmissione
Renovados são os desa os trazidos à computação distribuída pelos recentes desenvolvimentos nas tecnologias de computação móvel. Tais avanços inspiram uma perspectiva na qual a computação tornar-se-á uma entidade ubíqua em um futuro próximo, estando presente nas mais simples atividades do dia-a-dia. Esta perspectiva é motivadora das pesquisas conduzidas no escopo do projeto ISAM, as quais investigam as questões relativas ao uso da computação em ambientes móveis de larga escala. Neste trabalho é apresentado o sistema PRIMOS (PRIMitives for Object Scheduling), o qual busca, pela complementação da plataforma Java, satisfazer as emergentes necessidades do ISAM. Especi camente, o PRIMOS constitui um conjunto de primitivas para instanciação remota e migração de objetos, comunicação e monitoração, direcionadas a um ambiente de computação distribuída de larga escala de características pervasivas. A primitiva de instanciação remota disponibilizada pelo PRIMOS aumenta a plataforma Java padrão com a possibilidade de criar e ativar objetos em nodos remotos do sistema. Por sua vez, a primitiva de migração faculta a relocação de objetos. A consecu- ção de tais semânticas tem como sub-produto a de nição de semânticas para ativação e desativação de objetos, assim como para captura e restauração de contexto de execução. Sob a perspectiva da comunicação, o PRIMOS de ne um esquema de endereçamento independente de protocolo de transporte, assim como uma interface neutra para acesso às facilidades de comunicação. A integração destas funcionalidades ao mecanismo de invocações remotas da plataforma Java, o RMI, permite a desvinculação deste da pilha TCP/IP. Por conseguinte, habilita a adoção de transportes otimizados ao hardware de comunicação disponibilizado pelo sistema. No que se refere à monitoração, o PRIMOS de ne um esquema exível e extensível baseado em sensores. A exibilidade vem principalmente da possibilidade dos sensores terem seus parâmetros de operação recon gurados a qualquer momento em resposta a novas necessidades do sistema. Por outro lado, o sistema é extensível pois o conjunto de sensores básicos, ditos nativos, pode ser aumentado por sensores providos pela aplicação. Com intuito de validar as idéias postuladas, um protótipo foi construído para o sistema. Sobre este, baterias de testes foram realizadas para cada uma das primitivas constituintes do PRIMOS.
Este estudo busca compreender e explicitar as concepções políticas, pedagógicas e estéticas do Teatro de Cultura Popular. Para alcançar esse objetivo, adotamos os princípios da pesquisa histórica e documental, através do estudo de caso. Nosso objeto de estudo é formado pelos jornais de grande circulação que publicaram críticas ao TCP, de 1960 a 1964; por depoimentos e pelo texto teatral “Julgamento em Novo Sol”. Alguns depoimentos foram gravados em vídeo, outros estavam em documentários ou em publicações, que foram posteriormente transcritos. Esse material foi submetido à Análise de Conteúdo, o que possibilitou responder à questão que nos propusemos: “será que a práxis do Teatro de Cultura Popular se configurou como inovação pedagógica no campo da pedagogia do teatro?” A análise provou que sim. O TCP desenvolveu uma pedagogia teatral completamente nova e criou um teatro político, pedagógico e estético de forma indissociável. Esse grupo construiu, não apenas na cidade do Recife, mas em todo o estado de Pernambuco, um teatro comprometido com o povo e com a sua cultura. Rompeu com os paradigmas vigentes e se estabeleceu como uma nova realidade, reverberando para todo o Brasil. Além disso, o TCP trabalhou com várias linguagens: teatro popular, teatro para crianças, teatro de propaganda política, teatro de mamulengo, teatro épico e didático. Desse novo olhar, surgiu um projeto de educação nacional idealizado por Paulo Freire.
T'his dissertation proposes alternative models to allow the interconnectioin of the data communication networks of COSERN Companhia Energética do Rio Grande do Norte. These networks comprise the oorporative data network, based on TCP/IP architecture, and the automation system linking remote electric energy distribution substations to the main Operatin Centre, based on digital radio links and using the IEC 60870-5-101 protoco1s. The envisaged interconnection aims to provide automation data originated from substations with a contingent route to the Operation Center, in moments of failure or maintenance of the digital radio links. Among the presented models, the one chosen for development consists of a computational prototype based on a standard personal computer, working under LINUX operational system and running na application, developesd in C language, wich functions as a Gateway between the protocols of the TCP/IP stack and the IEC 60870-5-101 suite. So, it is described this model analysis, implementation and tests of functionality and performance. During the test phase it was basically verified the delay introduced by the TCP/IP network when transporting automation data, in order to guarantee that it was cionsistent with the time periods present on the automation network. Besides , additional modules are suggested to the prototype, in order to handle other issues such as security and prioriz\ation of the automation system data, whenever they are travesing the TCP/IP network. Finally, a study hás been done aiming to integrate, in more complete way, the two considered networks. It uses IP platform as a solution of convergence to the communication subsystem of na unified network, as the most recente market tendencies for supervisory and other automation systems indicate
This dissertation presents a cooperative virtual multimedia enviroment for employing on time medical Field, using a TCP/IP computer network. The Virtual Diagnosis Room environment make it possible to perform cooperative tasks using classical image processing. Synchronous and assynchronous text conversation (chat) and content markup, in order to produce remote cooperative diagnosis. The dissertation also describes the tool in detail and its functions, that enables the interaction among users, along with implementation detals, contributions and weakness of this work
A new method to perform TCP/IP fingerprinting is proposed. TCP/IP fingerprinting is the process of identify a remote machine through a TCP/IP based computer network. This method has many applications related to network security. Both intrusion and defence procedures may use this process to achieve their objectives. There are many known methods that perform this process in favorable conditions. However, nowadays there are many adversities that reduce the identification performance. This work aims the creation of a new OS fingerprinting tool that bypass these actual problems. The proposed method is based on the use of attractors reconstruction and neural networks to characterize and classify pseudo-random numbers generators
Technological evolution of industrial automation systems has been guided by the dillema between flexibilization and confiability on the integration between devices and control supervisory systems. However, there are few supervisory systems whose attributions can also comprehend the teaching of the communication process that happens behind this technological integration, where those which are available are little flexible about accessibility and reach of patterns. On this context, we present the first module of a didactic supervisory system, accessible through Web, applied on the teaching of the main fieldbus protocols. The application owns a module that automatically discovers the network topology being used and allows students and professionals of automation to obtain a more practical knowledgment by exchanging messages with a PLC, allowing those who are involved to know with more details the communication process of an automation supervisory system. By the fact of being available through Web, the system will allow a remote access to the PLC, comprehending a larger number of users. This first module is focused on the Modbus protocol (TCP and RTU/ASCII)
The tricalcium phosphate ceramics has been widely investigated in the last years due its bioresorbable behavior. The limiting factor of the application of these materials as temporary implants is its low strength resistance. The tricalcium phosphate presents an allotropic transformation β→α around 1250 ºC that degrades its resistance. Some studies have been developed in order to densify this material at this temperature range. The objective of this work is to study the influence of the addition of magnesium oxide (MgO) in the sintering of β-TCP. The processing route was uniaxial hot pressing and its objective was to obtain dense samples. The samples were physically characterized through density and porosity measurements. The thermal behavior was studied through dilatometric, thermal differential and thermogravimetric analysis. The mechanical properties were characterized by three point flexure test and Vickers microhardness measurements, analyzed of the microstructure. The addition of magnesium oxide doesn t cause an improvement of the mechanical strength in relation to material without additive.
The calcium phosphate ceramics have been very investigated as material for bone implants. The tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) had a great potential for application in temporary implants like a resorbable bioceramic. This material presents a limitation in its sintering temperature due to occurrence of the allotropic transformation β → α at temperatures around 1200°C, not allowing the attainment of dense ceramic bodies. This transformation also causes cracks, what diminishes the mechanical strength, limiting its use to applications of low mechanical requests. This work studies the influence of the addition of manganese oxide in the sintering of β-TCP. Two processing routes were investigated. The first was the powder metallurgy conventional process. The test bodies (samples) were pressed and sintering at temperatures of 1200 and 1250°C. The second route was uniaxial hot pressing and its objective was to obtain samples with high relative density. The samples were physically characterized through density and porosity measurements. The thermal behavior was studied through dilatometric, thermal differential and thermogravimetric analysis. The mechanical properties were characterized by three point flexure test and Vickers microhardness measurements. The microstructure was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The addition of manganese oxide caused an improvement of the mechanical strength in relation to the material without additive and promoting the stabilization of β-TCP to greater temperatures
Esse estudo apresenta os resultados obtidos quando da inoculação de Trychophyton mentagrophytes na bolsa jugal do hamster, local imunologicamente privilegiado. Foram utilizados 42 animais: 21 inoculados com 10(6) fungos na bolsa jugal (grupo 1) e, 21 inicialmente inoculados com 10(6) fungos no coxim plantar e, 15 dias após, na bolsa jugal com a mesma quantidade fúngica (grupo 2). Os animais foram sacrificados às 20 h, 3, 7, 14, 30, 60 e 120 dias; foram coletadas amostras da bolsa jugal inoculada, e das patas submetidas ao teste do coxim plantar (TCP). Independente do grupo e do tempo de evolução da infecção, os animais não desenvolveram hipersensibilidade tardia avaliada através do TCP. A pré-inoculação de fungos no coxim plantar não alterou a morfologia das lesões induzidas na bolsa jugal. Assim, nos animais do grupo 1 e grupo 2, a introdução do fungo na bolsa jugal, resultou em lesão focal, constituída por infiltrado inflamatório agudo estéril, com formação de abscesso, que evoluiu para reação macrofágica e, posteriormente, para a resolução mesmo na ausência de resposta imune detectável pelo TCP. Nossos resultados indicam que, apesar do importante papel da resposta imune na regressão espontânea da dermatofitose, outros fatores são, também, parte integral da defesa contra esta infecção fúngica.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Extensive bone defects in maxillofacial region can be corrected with autogenous grafts; otherwise, the disadvantages of the therapeutics modality take the research for new bone substitutes. The aim of the study was to evaluate and compare the osteoconductive properties of 3 commercial available biomaterials. A total of 30 calvarial defects (5-mm diameter) were randomly divided into 5 treatment groups, with a total of 6 defects per treatment group (n = 6). The treatment groups were as follows: 500 to 1000 Km beta-tricalcium phosphate (beta-TCP), polylactic and polyglycolic acid (PL/PG) gel, calcium phosphate cement, untreated control, and autograft control. The evaluations were based on histomorphometric analysis at 60 postoperative days. The results have shown that beta-TCP and autograft control supported bone formation at 60 postoperative days. beta-Tricalcium phosphate showed the highest amount of mineralized area per total area and statistically significant compared with PL/PG, calcium phosphate cement, and untreated control groups. The PL/PG gel does not have osteoconductive properties and performed similar to empty control. Calcium phosphate cement showed higher number of multinucleated giant cells around the sites of the biomaterial and showed newly formed bone only at the edges of the biomaterial, without bone formation within the biomaterial. The findings presented herein indicate that bone formation reached a maximum level when rat calvarial defects were filled with beta-TCP at 60 postoperative days. Further studies should be conducted with beta-TCP to understand the potential of this biomaterial in bone regeneration.
The biological response following subcutaneous and bone implantation of beta-wollastonite(beta-W)-doped alpha-tricalcium phosphate bioceramics in rats was evaluated. Tested materials were: tricalciurn phosphate (TCP), consisting of a mixture of alpha- and beta-polymorphs; TCP doped with 5 wt. % of beta-W (TCP5W), composed of alpha-TCP as only crystalline phase; and TCP doped with 15 wt. % of beta-W (TCP15), containing crystalline alpha-TCP and beta-W. Cylinders of 2x1 mm were implanted in tibiae and backs of adult male Rattus norvegicus, Holtzman rats. After 7, 30 and 120 days, animals were sacrificed and the tissue blocks containing the implants were excised, fixed and processed for histological examination. TCP, TCP5W and TCP15W implants were biocompatible but neither bioactive nor biodegradable in rat subcutaneous tissue. They were not osteoinductive in connective tissue either. However, in rat bone tissue beta-W-doped alpha-TCP implants (TCP5W and TCP15W) were bioactive, biodegradable and osteoconductive. The rates of biodegradation and new bone formation observed for TCP5W and TCP15W implants in rat bone tissue were greater than for non-doped TCP.
For decades the Hydroxyapatite (HA) was only bioceramic of calcium phosphate system used for bone replacement and regeneration, due to its similarity to the mineral phase of bones and teeth. Because its slow degradation, other calcium phosphate classified as biodegradable started to awaken interest, such as: amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP), octacalcium phosphate (OCP) and tricalcium phosphate (TCP). This work presents the evolution of the use of other calcium phosphates due to their better solubility than the HA, comparing their main physical-chemical and biological properties. Are also presented the main methods used to obtain bioceramic coatings on metal and polymer surfaces.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)