922 resultados para Sums of squares


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the potential benefits of cold water immersion (CWI) and active recovery (AR) on blood lactate concentration ([Lac]) and heart rate variability (HRV) indices following high-intensity exercise. 20 male subjects were recruited. on the first visit, an incremental test was performed to determine maximal oxygen consumption and the associated speed (MAS). The remaining 3 visits for the performance of constant velocity exhaustive tests at MAS and different recovery methods (6 min) were separated by 7-day intervals [randomized: CWI, AR or passive recovery (PR)]. The CWI and AR lowered [Lac] (p < 0.05) at 11, 13 and 15 min after exercise cessation in comparison to PR. There was a 'time' and 'recovery mode' interaction for 2 HRV indices: standard deviation of normal R-R intervals (SDNN) (partial eta squared = 0.114) and natural log of low-frequency power density (lnLF) (partial eta squared = 0.090). CWI presented significantly higher SDNN compared to PR at 15 min of recovery (p < 0.05). In addition, greater SDNN values were found in CWI vs. AR during the application of recovery interventions, and at 30 and 75 min post-exercise (p < 0.05 for all differences). The lnLF during the recovery interventions and at 75 min post-exercise was greater using CWI compared with AR (p < 0.05). For square root of the mean of the sum of the squares of differences between adjacent R-R intervals (RMSSD) and natural log of high-frequency power density (lnHF), a moderate effect size was found between CWI and PR during the recovery interventions and at 15 min post-exercise. Our findings show that AR and CWI offer benefits regarding the removal of [Lac] following high-intensity exercise. While limited, CWI results in some improvement in post-exercise cardiac autonomic regulation compared to AR and PR. Further, AR is not recommended if the aim is to accelerate the parasympathetic reactivation.


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A comparative study of nine assay methods for dextransucrase and related enzymes has been made. A relatively widespread method for the reaction of dextransucrase with sucrose is the measurement of the reducing value of D-fructose by alkaline 3,5-dinitrosalicylate (DNS) and thereby the amount of D-glucose incorporated into dextran. Another method is the reaction with C-14-sucrose with the addition of an aliquot to Whatman 3MM paper squares that are washed three times with methanol to remove C-14-D-fructose and unreacted C-14-sucrose, followed by counting of C-14-dextran on the paper by liquid scintillation counting (LSC). It is shown that both methods give erroneous results. The DNS reducing value method gives extremely high values due to over-oxidation of both D-fructose and dextran, and the C-14-paper square method gives significantly low values due to the removal of some of the C-14-dextran from the paper by methanol washes. In the present study, we have examined nine methods and find two that give values that are identical and are an accurate measurement of the dextransucrase reaction. They are (1) a C-14-sucrose/dextransucrase digest in which dextran is precipitated three times with three volumes of ethanol, dissolved in water, and added to paper and counted in a toluene cocktail by LSC: and (2) precipitation of dextran three times with three volumes of ethanol from a sucrose/dextransucrase digest, dried, and weighed. Four reducing value methods were examined to measure the amount of D-fructose. Three of the four (two DNS methods, one with both dextran and D-fructose and the other with only D-fructose, and the ferricyanide/arsenomolybdate method with is-fructose) gave extremely high values due to over-oxidation of D-fructose, D-glucose, leucrose, and dextran. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Two compounds [2tbpo·H+)2[CuCl4]= (yellow) and (2tbpo·H+)2[CuBr4]= (dark purple) (tbpo = tribenzylphosphine oxide) have been prepared and investigated by means of crystal structure, electronic, vibrational and ESR spectra. The crystal structure of the (2tbpo·H+)2[CuCl4]= complex was determined by three-dimensional X-ray diffraction. The compound crystallizes in the space group P42/n with unit-cell dimensions a = 19.585(2), c = 9.883(1)Å, V = 3790 (1)Å3, Z = 2, Dm = 1.303 (flotation) Dx = 1.302 Mg m-3. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined by blocked full-matrix least-squares to R = 0.053 for 2583 observed reflections. Cu(II) is coordinated to four chlorides in a tetrahedral arrangement. Tribenzylphosphine oxide molecules, related by a centre of inversion, are connected by a short hydrogen bridge. Chemical analysis, electronic and vibrational spectra showed that the bromide compound is similar to the chloride one and can be formulated as (2tbpo·H+)2[CuBr4]=. The position of the dd transition bands, the charge transfer bands, the ESR and the vibrational spectra of both complexes are discussed. The results are compared with analogous complexes cited in the literature. © 1983.


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Practical methods for land grading design of a plane surface for rectangular and irregularly shaped fields based on a least squares analysis are presented. The least squares procedure leads to a system of three linear equations with three unknowns for determination of the best-fit plane. The equations can be solved by determinants (Cramer's rule) using a procedure capable of solution by many programmable calculators. The detailed computational process for determining the equation of the plane and a simple method to find the centroid location of an irregular field are also given. An illustrative example and design instructions are included to demonstrate the application of the design procedure.


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We report the synthesis and the structural and magnetic characterization of two new compounds: dibromobis-(pdmp)copper(II), CuBr2C22H24N4 (1), and dichlorobis(pdmp)copper(II), CuCl2C22H24N4 (2), where pdmp = 1-phenyl-3,5-dimethylpyrazole. The structures were refined by full-matrix least-squares techniques to R1 = 0.0620 and 0.0777, respectively. Compound 1 belongs to the space group P21/n with a = 8.165(5) Å, b = 10.432(3) Å, c = 13.385(4) Å, β = 100.12(4)̊, and Z = 2. Compound 2 belongs to the space group P21/c with a = 8.379(2) Å, b = 22.630(2) Å, c = 12.256(2) Å, β= 98.43(3)°, and Z = 4. It has the same molecular formula as a compound reported previously but a different crystal structure. Detailed single-crystal EPR measurements were performed for single-crystal samples of 1 and 2 at 9 and 35 GHz and at room temperature. The positions and line widths of the EPR lines were measured as a function of the magnetic field orientation in three orthogonal planes. The data were used to study the electronic properties of the copper ions and to evaluate the exchange interactions between them. Our results are discussed in terms of the electronic pathways for superexchange between copper ions, which are provided by the stacking of pyrazole and phenyl rings of neighboring molecules and by hydrogen-halogen bonds. © 1999 American Chemical Society.


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In this work a new method is proposed of separated estimation for the ARMA spectral model based on the modified Yule-Walker equations and on the least squares method. The proposal of the new method consists of performing an AR filtering in the random process generated obtaining a new random estimate, which will reestimate the ARMA model parameters, given a better spectrum estimate. Some numerical examples will be presented in order to ilustrate the performance of the method proposed, which is evaluated by the relative error and the average variation coefficient.


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Additive and nonadditive genetic effects on preweaning weight gain (PWG) of a commercial crossbred population were estimated using different genetic models and estimation methods. The data set consisted of 103,445 records on purebred and crossbred Nelore-Hereford calves raised under pasture conditions on farms located in south, southeast, and middle west Brazilian regions. In addition to breed additive and dominance effects, the models including different epistasis covariables were tested. Models considering joint additive and environment (latitude) by genetic effects interactions were also applied. In a first step, analyses were carried out under animal models. In a second step, preadjusted records were analyzed using ordinary least squares (OLS) and ridge regression (RR). The results reinforced evidence that breed additive and dominance effects are not sufficient to explain the observed variability in preweaning traits of Bos taurus x Bos indicus calves, and that genotype x environment interaction plays an important role in the evaluation of crossbred calves. Data were ill-conditioned to estimate the effects of genotype x environment interactions. Models including these effects presented multicolinearity problems. In this case, RR seemed to be a powerful tool for obtaining more plausible and stable estimates. Estimated prediction error variances and variance inflation factors were drastically reduced, and many effects that were not significant under ordinary least squares became significant under RR. Predictions of PWG based on RR estimates were more acceptable from a biological perspective. In temperate and subtropical regions, calves with intermediate genetic compositions (close to 1/2 Nelore) exhibited greater predicted PWG. In the tropics, predicted PWG increased linearly as genotype got closer to Nelore. ©2006 American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved.


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Among the positioning systems that compose GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System), GPS has the capability of providing low, medium and high precision positioning data. However, GPS observables may be subject to many different types of errors. These systematic errors can degrade the accuracy of the positioning provided by GPS. These errors are mainly related to GPS satellite orbits, multipath, and atmospheric effects. In order to mitigate these errors, a semiparametric model and the penalized least squares technique were employed in this study. This is similar to changing the stochastical model, in which error functions are incorporated and the results are similar to those in which the functional model is changed instead. Using this method, it was shown that ambiguities and the estimation of station coordinates were more reliable and accurate than when employing a conventional least squares methodology.


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The Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE) is operating the Brazilian Environmental Data Collection System that currently amounts to a user community of around 100 organizations and more than 700 data collection platforms installed in Brazil. This system uses the SCD-1, SCD-2, and CBERS-2 low Earth orbit satellites to accomplish the data collection services. The main system applications are hydrology, meteorology, oceanography, water quality, and others. One of the functionalities offered by this system is the geographic localization of the data collection platforms by using Doppler shifts and a batch estimator based on least-squares technique. There is a growing demand to improve the quality of the geographical location of data collection platforms for animal tracking. This work presents an evaluation of the ionospheric and tropospheric effects on the Brazilian Environmental Data Collection System transmitter geographic location. Some models of the ionosphere and troposphere are presented to simulate their impacts and to evaluate performance of the platform location algorithm. The results of the Doppler shift measurements, using the SCD-2 satellite and the data collection platform (DCP) located in Cuiabá town, are presented and discussed.


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When searching for prospective novel peptides, it is difficult to determine the biological activity of a peptide based only on its sequence. The trial and error approach is generally laborious, expensive and time consuming due to the large number of different experimental setups required to cover a reasonable number of biological assays. To simulate a virtual model for Hymenoptera insects, 166 peptides were selected from the venoms and hemolymphs of wasps, bees and ants and applied to a mathematical model of multivariate analysis, with nine different chemometric components: GRAVY, aliphaticity index, number of disulfide bonds, total residues, net charge, pI value, Boman index, percentage of alpha helix, and flexibility prediction. Principal component analysis (PCA) with non-linear iterative projections by alternating least-squares (NIPALS) algorithm was performed, without including any information about the biological activity of the peptides. This analysis permitted the grouping of peptides in a way that strongly correlated to the biological function of the peptides. Six different groupings were observed, which seemed to correspond to the following groups: chemotactic peptides, mastoparans, tachykinins, kinins, antibiotic peptides, and a group of long peptides with one or two disulfide bonds and with biological activities that are not yet clearly defined. The partial overlap between the mastoparans group and the chemotactic peptides, tachykinins, kinins and antibiotic peptides in the PCA score plot may be used to explain the frequent reports in the literature about the multifunctionality of some of these peptides. The mathematical model used in the present investigation can be used to predict the biological activities of novel peptides in this system, and it may also be easily applied to other biological systems. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.


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Nine ruminally cannulated cows fed different energy sources were used to evaluate an avianderived polyclonal antibody preparation against specific ruminal bacteria and monensin on microbial community diversity. The experimental design was three Latin squares 3 x 3 distinguished by the main energy source in the diet [dry-ground corn grain, high moisture corn silage or citrus pulp]. Inside each Latin square, animals received one of the feed additives per period [control, monensin or polyclonal antibody preparation]. Each period lasted 21 days where 20 were used for treatments adaptation and the last one for sampling collection. Microbial diversity was evaluated by protozoa counts and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Polyclonal antibodies plus citrus pulp (CiPu) addition in the diet resulted in an increase of relative counting of Isotricha protozoa that indicates a possible effect on this ruminal ciliate population. In general lines, in the present experiment, it was not possible to assign that there was a pattern in the structures of amplification of Bacteria and Archaea communities of the ruminal content. Oral passive immunization is a technology that arises as an effective alternative for feed additive production. Further research is still necessary to better understand its mechanisms of action.


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The aim of this work is to evaluate the influence of point measurements in images, with subpixel accuracy, and its contribution in the calibration of digital cameras. Also, the effect of subpixel measurements in 3D coordinates of check points in the object space will be evaluated. With this purpose, an algorithm that allows subpixel accuracy was implemented for semi-automatic determination of points of interest, based on Fõrstner operator. Experiments were accomplished with a block of images acquired with the multispectral camera DuncanTech MS3100-CIR. The influence of subpixel measurements in the adjustment by Least Square Method (LSM) was evaluated by the comparison of estimated standard deviation of parameters in both situations, with manual measurement (pixel accuracy) and with subpixel estimation. Additionally, the influence of subpixel measurements in the 3D reconstruction was also analyzed. Based on the obtained results, i.e., on the quantification of the standard deviation reduction in the Inner Orientation Parameters (IOP) and also in the relative error of the 3D reconstruction, it was shown that measurements with subpixel accuracy are relevant for some tasks in Photogrammetry, mainly for those in which the metric quality is of great relevance, as Camera Calibration.


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The objective of this paper is to show a methodology to estimate transmission line parameters. The method is applied in a single-phase transmission line using the method of least squares. In this method the longitudinal and transversal parameters of the line are obtained as a function of a set of measurements of currents and voltages (as well as their derivatives with respect to time) at the terminals of the line during the occurrence of a short-circuit phase-ground near the load. The method is based on the assumption that a transmission line can be represented by a single circuit π. The results show that the precision of the method depends on the length of the line, where it has a better performance for short lines and medium length. © 2012 IEEE.