954 resultados para Spherical elastic shells
Deorbit, power generation, and thrusting performances of a bare thin-tape tether and an insulated tether with a spherical electron collector are compared for typical conditions in low-Earth orbit and common values of length L = 4−20 km and cross-sectional area of the tether A = 1−5 mm2. The relative performance of moderately large spheres, as compared with bare tapes, improves but still lags as one moves from deorbiting to power generation and to thrusting: Maximum drag in deorbiting requires maximum current and, thus, fully reflects on anodic collection capability, whereas extracting power at a load or using a supply to push current against the motional field requires reduced currents. The relative performance also improves as one moves to smaller A, which makes the sphere approach the limiting short-circuit current, and at greater L, with the higher bias only affecting moderately the already large bare-tape current. For a 4-m-diameter sphere, relative performances range from 0.09 sphere-to-bare tether drag ratio for L = 4 km and A = 5 mm2 to 0.82 thrust–efficiency ratio for L = 20 km and A = 1 mm2. Extremely large spheres collecting the short-circuit current at zero bias at daytime (diameters being about 14 m for A = 1 mm2 and 31 m for A = 5 mm2) barely outperform the bare tape for L = 4 km and are still outperformed by the bare tape for L = 20 km in both deorbiting and power generation; these large spheres perform like the bare tape in thrusting. In no case was sphere or sphere-related hardware taken into account in evaluating system mass, which would have reduced the sphere performances even further.
Performances of ED-tethers using either spherical collectors or bare tethers for drag, thrust, or power generation, are compared. The standard Parker-Murphy model of current to a full sphere, with neither space-charge nor plasmamotion effects considered, but modified to best fit TSS1R results, is used (the Lam, Al'pert/Gurevich space-charge limited model will be used elsewhere) In the analysis, the spherical collector is assumed to collect current well beyond its random-current value (thick-heath). Both average current in the bare-tether and current to the sphere are normalized with the short-circuit current in the absence of applied power, allowing a comparison of performances for all three applications in terms of characteristic dimensionless numbers. The sphere is always substantially outperformed by the bare-tether if ohmic effects are weak, though its performance improves as such effects increase.
The previous publications (Miñano et al, 2011 and Gonzalez et al, 2012) have shown that using a Spherical Geodesic Waveguide (SGW) it can be achieved the super-resolution up to λ/3000, which is far below the classic Abbe diffraction limit, close to a set of discrete microwave frequencies. The SGW was designed and simulated in COMSOL as a thin geodesic waveguide bounded by an ideal and lossless metal. Herein we present the experimental results for a manufactured SGW, slightly modified due to fabrication requirements, showing the super-resolution up to λ/105.
A theoretical model for a contactor, collecting electrons from an ambient, unmagnetized plasma and emitting a current Iiis discussed. The relation between Ii and the potential bias of the contactor is found to be crucial for the formation of a quasineutral core around the anode and, consequently, for the current colleted. Approximate analytical laws and charts for the current-voltage response are provided.
We consider the finite radially symmetric deformation of a circular cylindrical tube of a homogeneous transversely isotropic elastic material subject to axial stretch, radial deformation and torsion, supported by axial load, internal pressure and end moment. Two different directions of transverse isotropy are considered: the radial direction and an arbitrary direction in planes normal locally to the radial direction, the only directions for which the considered deformation is admissible in general. In the absence of body forces, formulas are obtained for the internal pressure, and the resultant axial load and torsional moment on the ends of the tube in respect of a general strain-energy function. For a specific material model of transversely isotropic elasticity, and material and geometrical parameters, numerical results are used to illustrate the dependence of the pressure, (reduced) axial load and moment on the radial stretch and a measure of the torsional deformation for a fixed value of the axial stretch.
A sensitivity analysis has been performed to assess the influence of the elastic properties of railway vehicle suspensions on the vehicle dynamic behaviour. To do this, 144 dynamic simulations were performed modifying, one at a time, the stiffness and damping coefficients, of the primary and secondary suspensions. Three values were assigned to each parameter, corresponding to the percentiles 10, 50 and 90 of a data set stored in a database of railway vehicles.After processing the results of these simulations, the analyzed parameters were sorted by increasing influence. It was also found which of these parameters could be estimated with a lesser degree of accuracy in future simulations without appreciably affecting the simulation results. In general terms, it was concluded that the highest influences were found for the longitudinal stiffness and the lateral stiffness of the primary suspension, and the lowest influences for the vertical stiffness and the vertical damping of the primary suspension, with the parameters of the secondary suspension showing intermediate influences between them.
En este trabajo se han analizado varios problemas en el contexto de la elasticidad no lineal basándose en modelos constitutivos representativos. En particular, se han analizado problemas relacionados con el fenómeno de perdida de estabilidad asociada con condiciones de contorno en el caso de material reforzados con fibras. Cada problema se ha formulado y se ha analizado por separado en diferentes capítulos. En primer lugar se ha mostrado el análisis del gradiente de deformación discontinuo para un material transversalmente isótropo, en particular, el modelo del material considerado consiste de una base neo-Hookeana isótropa incrustada con fibras de refuerzo direccional caracterizadas con un solo parámetro. La solución de este problema se vincula con instabilidades que dan lugar al mecanismo de fallo conocido como banda de cortante. La perdida de elipticidad de las ecuaciones diferenciales de equilibrio es una condición necesaria para que aparezca este tipo de soluciones y por tanto las inestabilidades asociadas. En segundo lugar se ha analizado una deformación combinada de extensión, inación y torsión de un tubo cilíndrico grueso donde se ha encontrado que la deformación citada anteriormente puede ser controlada solo para determinadas direcciones de las fibras refuerzo. Para entender el comportamiento elástico del tubo considerado se ha ilustrado numéricamente los resultados obtenidos para las direcciones admisibles de las fibras de refuerzo bajo la deformación considerada. En tercer lugar se ha estudiado el caso de un tubo cilíndrico grueso reforzado con dos familias de fibras sometido a cortante en la dirección azimutal para un modelo de refuerzo especial. En este problema se ha encontrado que las inestabilidades que aparecen en el material considerado están asociadas con lo que se llama soluciones múltiples de la ecuación diferencial de equilibrio. Se ha encontrado que el fenómeno de instabilidad ocurre en un estado de deformación previo al estado de deformación donde se pierde la elipticidad de la ecuación diferencial de equilibrio. También se ha demostrado que la condición de perdida de elipticidad y ^W=2 = 0 (la segunda derivada de la función de energía con respecto a la deformación) son dos condiciones necesarias para la existencia de soluciones múltiples. Finalmente, se ha analizado detalladamente en el contexto de elipticidad un problema de un tubo cilíndrico grueso sometido a una deformación combinada en las direcciones helicoidal, axial y radial para distintas geotermias de las fibras de refuerzo . In the present work four main problems have been addressed within the framework of non-linear elasticity based on representative constitutive models. Namely, problems related to the loss of stability phenomena associated with boundary value problems for fibre-reinforced materials. Each of the considered problems is formulated and analysed separately in different chapters. We first start with the analysis of discontinuous deformation gradients for a transversely isotropic material under plane deformation. In particular, the material model is an augmented neo-Hookean base with a simple unidirectional reinforcement characterised by a single parameter. The solution of this problem is related to material instabilities and it is associated with a shear band-type failure mode. The loss of ellipticity of the governing differential equations is a necessary condition for the existence of these material instabilities. The second problem involves a detailed analysis of the combined non-linear extension, inflation and torsion of a thick-walled circular cylindrical tube where it has been found that the aforementioned deformation is controllable only for certain preferred directions of transverse isotropy. Numerical results have been illustrated to understand the elastic behaviour of the tube for the admissible preferred directions under the considered deformation. The third problem deals with the analysis of a doubly fibre-reinforced thickwalled circular cylindrical tube undergoing pure azimuthal shear for a special class of the reinforcing model where multiple non-smooth solutions emerge. The associated instability phenomena are found to occur prior to the point where the nominal stress tensor changes monotonicity in a particular direction. It has been also shown that the loss of ellipticity condition that arises from the equilibrium equation and ^W=2 = 0 (the second derivative of the strain-energy function with respect to the deformation) are equivalent necessary conditions for the emergence of multiple solutions for the considered material. Finally, a detailed analysis in the basis of the loss of ellipticity of the governing differential equations for a combined helical, axial and radial elastic deformations of a fibre-reinforced circular cylindrical tube is carried out.
This paper describes an approach to solve the inverse kinematics problem of humanoid robots whose construction shows a small but non negligible offset at the hip which prevents any purely analytical solution to be developed. Knowing that a purely numerical solution is not feasible due to variable efficiency problems, the proposed one first neglects the offset presence in order to obtain an approximate “solution” by means of an analytical algorithm based on screw theory, and then uses it as the initial condition of a numerical refining procedure based on the Levenberg‐Marquardt algorithm. In this way, few iterations are needed for any specified attitude, making it possible to implement the algorithm for real‐time applications. As a way to show the algorithm’s implementation, one case of study is considered throughout the paper, represented by the SILO2 humanoid robot.
A Finite Element technique to interpolate general data (function values and its derivatives) has been developped. The technique can be considered as a generalized solution of the classical polynomial interpolation, because the condition for the interpolating function to be a polynomial is replaced by a minimizing condition of a given “smoothing” functional. In this way it is possible to find interpolating functions with a given level of continuity according to the class of finite elements used. Examples have been presented in order to assess the accuracy and efficiency of the procedure.
Examples of global solutions of the shell equations are presented, such as the ones based on the well known Levy series expansion. Also discussed are some natural extensions of the Levy method as well as the inherent limitations of these methods concerning the shell model assumptions, boundary conditions and geometric regularity. Finally, some open additional design questions are noted mainly related to the simultaneous use in analysis of these global techniques and the local methods (like the finite elements) to finding the optimal shell shape, and to determining the reinforcement layout.
Safety is one of the most important feature in the aviation industry, and this involves too many factors. One of these is the aircraft maintenance. Over time, the procedures have been changing, and improving themselves. Non Destructive Testing (NDT) appeared in the late 19th century as a great option, because it enabled to inspect any structure without damaging it. Nowadays, there are several kinds of NDT, but ultrasound is one of the most widely used. This Master Thesis is devoted to an innovative ultrasound technique for crack detection. A technique, whose main aim lies in getting a good location of defects from a few measures, breaking with the currently widespread methods, as phased array. It is not necessary to use trains of waves, only discrete excitations, which means a great saving of time and energy. This work is divided into two steps: the first is to develop a multiphysics simulator, which is able to solve linear elasticity 3D problems (via Finite Element Method, FEM). This simulator allows to obtain in a computationally efficient way the displacement field for different frequencies and excitations. The solution of this elastic problem is needed to be used in the second step, which consists of generating a code that implements a mathematical tool named topological derivative, allowing to locate defects in the studied domain. In this work, the domain is a plate, and the defect is a hidden spherical void. The simulator has been developed using open source software (Elmer, Gmsh, ...), achieving a highly versatile simulator, which allows to change the configuration easily: domain size and shape, number and position of transducers, etc. Just one comercial software is used, Matlab. It is used to implement the topological derivative. In this work, the performance of the method is tested in several examples comparing the results when one or more frequencies are considered for different configurations of emisors/receptors.
The book represents a very interesting example of the possibility to combine in a single publication basic theory of structures and quite advanced topics on the same subject. The author fulfills this objective in a reasonable size book, less than 400 pages divided into 15 chapters averaging 20 pages each plus 9 short appendices. A diskette is also included in the book. This diskette contains training as well practical executable programs on different aspects of structural analysis, such as cross-sections properties,general-purpose computer programs for the static, dynamic and stability analysis of simple bar structures, etc. The book figures are didactic and have been carefully drawn.
In this paper a dynamic analysis of transnational shells is presented. The general linear shell theory is used in conjunction with additional shallow and curved plate approximations. In order to apply some type of extended Levy solution, the shell is assumed to be limited by a rectangular plan form, with two opposite edges simply supported (gable boundary conditions). First, the shells free vibrations are studied in the usual way, obtaining for each Fourier term the natural frequencies as solutions of a transcendental equation. However, solving these equations arises enormous computational difficulties. This paper deals specifically with this problem, trying to reduce its dimension by a discretization procedure. In the shell dynamic characteristics, namely the mass. The shell mass is lumped along a family of coordinate lines. Therefore, the natural frequencies for each harmonic term can be found from the solution of a typical matrix eigenvalues problem and standard numerical techniques can be applied. The shell response to forced vibrations, particularly to earthquake excitation, can be determined by using conventional procedure either in the time or in the frequency domain. Finally, extending the above procedure, any system of translational shells under dynamic loading can be studied. Then, by using matrix methods, a general computer program is written and applied to some illustrative examples. Numerical results has been obtained in two cases: circular cylindrical shell and box girder bridge.
This paper focuses on the design of railway timetables considering a variable elastic demand profile along a whole design day. Timetabling is the third stage in the classical hierarchical railway planning process. Most of previous works on this topic consider a uniform demand behavior for short planning intervals. In this paper, we propose a MINLP model for designing non-periodic timetables on a railway corridor where demand is dependent on waiting times. In the elastic demand case, long waiting times lead to a loss of passengers, who may select an alternative transportation mode. The mode choice is modeled using two alternative methods. The first one is based on a sigmoid function and can be used in case of absence of information for competitor modes. In the second one, the mode choice probability is obtained using a Logit model that explicitly considers the existence of a main alternative mode. With the purpose of obtaining optimal departure times, in both cases, a minimization of the loss of passengers is used as objective function. Finally, as illustration, the timetabling MINLP model with both mode choice methods is applied to a real case and computational results are shown.