986 resultados para South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce
The State Historic Preservation Office at the South Carolina Department of Archives and History publishes a monthly newsletter featuring agency programs and events, and highlights those of state and national preservation groups.
These bookmarks state: African-Americans are less likely to exercise than Caucasians. In S.C., 1 in 3 African-Americans has high blood pressure and 1 in 3 has high cholesterol. This causes an increase in death rates from heart disease and stroke. Regular physical activity can help to: prevent heart disease and prevent high blood pressure.
These bookmarks state: Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder that affects red blood cells and causes organ damage, anemia, and lifelong episodes of pain. The disease most commonly affects people of African, Asian, Mediterranean, Central and South American ancestry. About 70,000 Americans are currently diagnosed with sickle cell anemia. Newborn screening for sickle cell disease and trait is required in South Carolina and most other states. One in 10 African Americans has the sickle cell trait. Knowing if you have the trait is important! Also is a list of available resources with addresses and phone numbers.
These bookmarks state: African-Americans smoke less, but have more smoking-related diseases than Caucasians. Smoking causes cancer, heart disease and a higher chance of stroke. The Good News If smoking is stopped, the health risks caused by smoking are reduced.
These bookmarks state: African-Americans face higher risks of stroke. The more risk factors you have, the greater your chances of having a stroke. The best way to prevent a stroke is to reduce your risk factors. Common Risk Factors for Stroke: smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, physical inactivity, obesity/overweight, diabetes. It also lists the warning signs of stroke.
This is a list and map of South Carolina schools involved in the SC Farm to Preschool and SC Farm to School Program.
This brochure describes the kinds of carpeting accepted and not accepted at the Lexington County landfill. It also gives the address of the landfill.
This sheet gives facts about rabies and what you should and shouldn't do to avoid it.
This brochure discusses these topics concerning radon: What Is Radon?, Health Effects Of Radon, Radon Action Level, How Much Radon In A Home Is Safe?, What Do I Do If I Have A Radon Problem?, Major Radon Entry Routes, How Do I Know If I Have A Radon Problem?, Where Should I Test?, Retesting For Radon and Radon in Water.
This chart gives the long term effects of radon on smokers and non-smokers.
Fish assemblages in seagrass and unvegetated habitats located in shallow intertidal creeks within the saltmarsh area of the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon were sampled with a Riley push net at 3 sites on a monthly basis over a 1 yr period. The objective was to test if both habitats support similar fish assemblages in terms of abundance, diversity, assemblage structure, and size distribution, and to investigate how site and season affect the assemblages. Fish assemblages associated with these habitats were significantly different in terms of diversity, abundance, and assemblage structure. Seagrass supported a larger number of species and greater diversity, while unvegetated habitat supported greater fish numbers but only of a few species. The habitats were dominated by different groups of resident species that were responsible for major differences in fish assemblage structure between habitats. Pomatoschistus microps and young-of-the-year (YOY) Atherina presbyter dominated the unvegetated habitat, while seagrass was dominated by a diverse group of species, in particular syngnathids and small labrids, revealing different habitat preferences. Site and season were determinant factors conditioning the role of habitat in structuring fish assemblages. Distance between habitats, site elevation, and the amount of marsh drained affected fish assemblages in both habitats. Seasonal fluctuations in the presence and abundance of YOY from marine migrant and resident species were responsible for comparable changes in fish assemblage structure in both habitats. Both habitats provide a distinctive nursery area for different species, while common species reveal ontogenic distributional changes between habitats, where smaller fish appear first in unvegetated creeks.
The “Compass E-Newsletter” is published quarterly by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control and is compiled by the Office of Solid Waste Reduction and Recycling to provide environmental information from the agency.
This sheet tells what immunizations children should have at various ages. It also lists vaccine-preventable diseases and the vaccines that prevent them.
At least 61 different species of mosquitoes exist in South Carolina. Mosquitoes are pests that can cause itchy bites, but they can also cause serious health issues. Mosquitoes can carry harmful viruses and parasites that infect millions of people worldwide each year. Mosquito-borne diseases can cause brain inflammation (or encephalitis), birth defects, internal bleeding, complications from parasites and even death in some cases.
Mosquitoes develop in water that stands for more than five days. To reduce the mosquito population around your home and property, eliminate all standing water and debris. These tips help eliminate mosquitoes: locate sites where mosquitoes breed ; drain, fill, or get rid of areas that hold water ; protect yourself from biting mosquitoes.