986 resultados para Soil moisture sensor
A Mata Atlântica é considerada um dos biomas mais importantes do mundo devido à sua alta biodiversidade e funções ecossistêmicas. Entretanto, encontra-se fragmentada em porções de pequenas dimensões esparsas em uma matriz predominantemente agrícola, composta principalmente por extensas pastagens e monoculturas. Desse modo, os sistemas agroflorestais por apresentarem uma estrutura diferenciada dos monocultivos e similar às condições naturais, podem ser utilizados como uma alternativa para o manejo e a conservação da biodiversidade nos remanescentes florestais. A fragmentação provoca modificações no ambiente que irão refletir na perda e no deslocamento da biodiversidade, estando os insetos entre os grupos mais afetados. Uma das formas de se avaliar o estado de conservação dos fragmentos e o impacto antrópico nos sistemas vegetacionais, é estudar a presença e distribuição de organismos bioindicadores. Dentre esses, os insetos ocupam posição de destaque. Os insetos da família Scarabaeidae e da subfamília Scolytinae são bons indicadores de distúrbios, pois são muito sensíveis ás mudanças ambientais. Neste trabalho hipotetisou-se que a presença desses insetos está relacionada com a estrutura da vegetação e as condições de vida proporcionadas pelas diferentes formas de uso-da-terra. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a diversidade de espécies, o padrão de abundância e a similaridade entre as populações de coleópteros (Scarabaeidae e Scolytinae) em diferentes sistemas vegetacionais de diferentes estruturas: i) Fragmento de floresta estacional semidecidual dividido em três áreas: beira do rio, centro e borda; ii) Sistema Agroflorestal (SAF) (interface entre o fragmento e o pasto); iii) Pasto composto de Brachiaria decumbens (L.); iv) Monocultivo de café (Coffea arábica L.); v) Monocultivo de seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis Müell. Arg.); vi) SAF de café e seringueira - todos situados numa região de domínio anterior de floresta estacional semidecidual em Piracicaba-SP. Os sistemas foram caracterizados quanto à sua estrutura e condições micrometeorológicas. Os insetos foram coletados mensalmente entre agosto/2013 e julho/2014 utilizando-se dois tipos de armadilhas: Pitfall e etanol modelo ESALQ-84. Foram coletados 1.047 espécimes distribuídos em 21 espécies da família Scarabaeidae e 1.833 indivíduos de 38 espécies da subfamília Scolytinae. A maior quantidade de espécies de Scarabaeidae foi encontrada na borda do fragmento florestal, enquanto que a maior abundância ocorreu no fragmento florestal perto do rio. A subfamília Scolytinae apresentou a maior riqueza de espécies no sistema agroflorestal misto (borda) e a maior abundância no sistema agroflorestal café-seringueira. A abundância e riqueza de espécies da família Scarabaeidae foram correlacionadas positivamente com a temperatura do ar, temperatura e umidade do solo e a precipitação. Por outro lado, a abundância e a riqueza de espécies da subfamília Scolytinae apresentaram correlação negativa com a temperatura do ar e a temperatura e umidade do solo. Ambos os grupos de insetos apresentaram a maior abundância e riqueza de espécies nas áreas com estrutura vegetacional mais complexa, sendo influenciadas pelas condições microclimáticas dentro de cada local.
Reforestation projects in semiarid lands often yield poor results. Water scarcity, poor soil fertility, and structure strongly limit the survival and growth of planted seedlings in these areas. At two experimental semiarid sites, we evaluated a variety of low-cost planting techniques in order to increase water availability to plants. Treatments included various combinations of traditional planting holes; water-harvesting microcatchments; stone or plastic mulches; small waterproof sheets to increase water harvesting; dry wells; buried clay pots; and deep irrigation. Some of these treatments were also combined with addition of composted biosolids. Waterproof sheets significantly enhanced water harvesting (43%) and soil moisture in the planting hole (40%), especially for low-intensity rainfall events. Treatment effects on the survival and growth of Olea europaea seedlings varied between experimental sites. At the most water-limited site, clay pots, and dry wells improved seedling survival, while no treatment enhanced seedling growth. At the least water-stressed site, the application of composted sludge significantly improved seedling growth. We conclude that nutrient-mediated stress is subordinate to water stress in arid and semiarid environments, and we suggest modifications on the microsite scale to address these limiting conditions in Mediterranean drylands.
This paper proposes the implementation of different non-local Planetary Boundary Layer schemes within the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) model. The two selected PBL parameterizations are the Medium-Range Forecast (MRF) PBL and its updated version, known as the Yonsei University (YSU) PBL. YSU is a first-order scheme that uses non-local eddy diffusivity coefficients to compute turbulent fluxes. It is based on the MRF, and improves it with an explicit treatment of the entrainment. With the aim of evaluating the RAMS results for these PBL parameterizations, a series of numerical simulations have been performed and contrasted with the results obtained using the Mellor and Yamada (MY) scheme, also widely used, and the standard PBL scheme in the RAMS model. The numerical study carried out here is focused on mesoscale circulation events during the summer, as these meteorological situations dominate this season of the year in the Western Mediterranean coast. In addition, the sensitivity of these PBL parameterizations to the initial soil moisture content is also evaluated. The results show a warmer and moister PBL for the YSU scheme compared to both MRF and MY. The model presents as well a tendency to overestimate the observed temperature and to underestimate the observed humidity, considering all PBL schemes and a low initial soil moisture content. In addition, the bias between the model and the observations is significantly reduced moistening the initial soil moisture of the corresponding run. Thus, varying this parameter has a positive effect and improves the simulated results in relation to the observations. However, there is still a significant overestimation of the wind speed over flatter terrain, independently of the PBL scheme and the initial soil moisture used, even though a different degree of accuracy is reproduced by RAMS taking into account the different sensitivity tests.
Pressurised slurries of fine-grained sediment expelled from the base of the active layer have been observed in recent years in the High Arctic. Such mud ejections, however, are poorly understood in terms of how exactly climate and landscape factors determine when and where they occur. Mud ejections at the Cape Bounty Arctic Watershed Observatory, Melville Island, Nunavut, were systematically mapped in 2012 and 2013, and this was combined with observations of mud ejection activity and climatic measurements carried out since 2003. The mud ejections occur late in the melt season during warm years and closely following major rainfall events. High-resolution satellite imagery demonstrates that mud ejections are associated with polar semi-desert vegetative settings, flat or low-sloping terrain and south-facing slopes. The localised occurrence of mud ejections appears to be related to differential soil moisture retention.
1Recent studies demonstrated the sensitivity of northern forest ecosystems to changes in the amount and duration of snow cover at annual to decadal time scales. However, the consequences of snowfall variability remain uncertain for ecological variables operating at longer time scales, especially the distributions of forest communities. 2The Great Lakes region of North America offers a unique setting to examine the long-term effects of variable snowfall on forest communities. Lake-effect snow produces a three-fold gradient in annual snowfall over tens of kilometres, and dramatic edaphic variations occur among landform types resulting from Quaternary glaciations. We tested the hypothesis that these factors interact to control the distributions of mesic (dominated by Acer saccharum, Tsuga canadensis and Fagus grandifolia) and xeric forests (dominated by Pinus and Quercus spp.) in northern Lower Michigan. 3We compiled pre-European-settlement vegetation data and overlaid these data with records of climate, water balance and soil, onto Landtype Association polygons in a geographical information system. We then used multivariate adaptive regression splines to model the abundance of mesic vegetation in relation to environmental controls. 4Snowfall is the most predictive among five variables retained by our model, and it affects model performance 29% more than soil texture, the second most important variable. The abundance of mesic trees is high on fine-textured soils regardless of snowfall, but it increases with snowfall on coarse-textured substrates. Lake-effect snowfall also determines the species composition within mesic forests. The weighted importance of A. saccharum is significantly greater than of T. canadensis or F. grandifolia within the lake-effect snowbelt, whereas T. canadensis is more plentiful outside the snowbelt. These patterns are probably driven by the influence of snowfall on soil moisture, nutrient availability and fire return intervals. 5Our results imply that a key factor dictating the spatio-temporal patterns of forest communities in the vast region around the Great Lakes is how the lake-effect snowfall regime responds to global change. Snowfall reductions will probably cause a major decrease in the abundance of ecologically and economically important species, such as A. saccharum.
Question: How do interactions between the physical environment and biotic properties of vegetation influence the formation of small patterned-ground features along the Arctic bioclimate gradient? Location: At 68° to 78°N: six locations along the Dalton Highway in arctic Alaska and three in Canada (Banks Island, Prince Patrick Island and Ellef Ringnes Island). Methods: We analysed floristic and structural vegetation, biomass and abiotic data (soil chemical and physical parameters, the n-factor [a soil thermal index] and spectral information [NDVI, LAI]) on 147 microhabitat releves of zonalpatterned-ground features. Using mapping, table analysis (JUICE) and ordination techniques (NMDS). Results: Table analysis using JUICE and the phi-coefficient to identify diagnostic species revealed clear groups of diagnostic plant taxa in four of the five zonal vegetation complexes. Plant communities and zonal complexes were generally well separated in the NMDS ordination. The Alaska and Canada communities were spatially separated in the ordination because of different glacial histories and location in separate floristic provinces, but there was no single controlling environmental gradient. Vegetation structure, particularly that of bryophytes and total biomass, strongly affected thermal properties of the soils. Patterned-ground complexes with the largest thermal differential between the patterned-ground features and the surrounding vegetation exhibited the clearest patterned-ground morphologies.
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Bibliographical footnotes.
Chiefly tables.
Caption title.
Extracted from the 24th annual report of the Department of geology and natural resources of Indiana, published 1900.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
The biology and phenology of the eriophyid mite, Floracarus perrepae Knihinicki and Boczek,a potential biological control agent of Lygodium microphyllum (Cav.) R. Br., was studied in its native range - Queensland, Australia. F. perrepae forms leaf roll galls oil tile subpinnae of L. microphyllum. It has a simple biology, with females and males produced throughout the year. Tile Population was female biased at 10.5 to 1. The immature development time was 8.9 ± 0.1 and 7.0 ± 0.1 days; adult longevity was 30.6 ± 1.6 and 19.4 ± 1.2 days and mean fecundity per female was 54.5 ± 3.2 and 38.5 ± 1.6 eggs at 21 and 26 ° C, all respectively. Field studies showed that tile mite was active year round, with populations peaking when temperatures were cool and soil moisture levels were highest. Two species of predatory mites, Tarsonemus sp. and a species of Tydeidae, along with the pathogen Hirsutella thompsonii, had significant effects oil all life stages of F. perrepae. Despite high levels of predators and the pathogen, F. perrepae caused consistent damage to L. microphyllum at all the field sites over the entire 2 years of the study.
Background and Aims Summer dormancy in perennial grasses has been studied inadequately, despite its potential to enhance plant survival and persistence in Mediterranean areas. The aim of the present work was to characterize summer dormancy and dehydration tolerance in two cultivars of Dactylis glomerata (dormant 'Kasbah', non-dormant 'Oasis') and their hybrid using physiological indicators associated with these traits. Methods Dehydration tolerance was assessed in a glasshouse experiment, while seasonal metabolic changes which produce putative protectants for drought, such as carbohydrates and dehydrins that might be associated with summer dormancy, were analysed in the field. Key Results The genotypes differed in their ability to survive increasing soil water deficit: lethal soil water potential (ψ(s)) was -3(.)4 MPa for 'Kasbah' (although non-dormant), -1(.)3 MPa for 'Oasis', and -1(.)6 MPa for their hybrid. In contrast, lethal water content of apices was similar for all genotypes (approx. 0(.)45 g H2O g d. wt(-1)), and hence the greater survival of 'Kasbah' can be ascribed to better drought avoidance rather than dehydration tolerance. In autumn-sown plants, 'Kasbah' had greatest dormancy, the hybrid was intermediate and 'Oasis' had none. The more dormant the genotype, the lower the metabolic activity during summer, and the earlier the activity declined in spring. Decreased monosaccharide content was an early indicator of dormancy induction. Accumulation of dehydrins did not correlate with stress tolerance, but dehydrin content was a function of the water status of the tissues, irrespective of the soil moisture. A protein of approx. 55 kDa occurred in leaf bases of the most dormant cultivar even in winter. Conclusions Drought avoidance and summer dormancy are correlated but can be independently expressed. These traits are heritable, allowing selection in breeding programmes.