897 resultados para Socio-ecological systems


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The increase in the use of natural gas in Brazil has stimulated public and private sectors to analyse the possibility of using combined cycle systems for generation of electrical energy. Gas turbine combined cycle power plants are becoming increasingly common due to their high efficiency, short lead times, and ability to meet environmental standards. Power is produced in a generator linked directly to the gas turbine. The gas turbine exhaust gases are sent to a heat recovery steam generator to produce superheated steam that can be used in a steam turbine to produce additional power. In this paper a comparative study between a 1000 MW combined cycle power plant and 1000 kW diesel power plant is presented. In first step, the energetic situation in Brazil, the needs of the electric sector modification and the needs of demand management and integrated means planning are clarified. In another step the characteristics of large and small thermoelectric power plants that use natural gas and diesel fuel, respectively, are presented. The ecological efficiency levels of each type of power plant is considered in the discussion, presenting the emissions of particulate material, sulphur dioxide (SO2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work aims with an approach for cogeneration plants evaluation based on thermoeconomic functional diagram analysis. The second law of thermodynamics is used to develop a methodology to analyse cogeneration systems, based on exergoeconomics evaluation. The thermoeconomic optimisation method developed is applied to allow a better configuration of the cogeneration plant associated to a university hospital. Also ecological efficiency is evaluated. The method was efficient and contributes for thermoeconomics modelling and analysis and can be applied to any sort of thermal system, especially those with combined heat and power in thermal parity. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of the paper is to carry out a geo-environmental characterization of Apodi District, in Rio Grande do Norte State, as a support to agro-ecological zoning studies on that region. The first methodology action was to accomplish a comprehensive bibliography review on the subject, followed by observation of satellite images and their processing throughout geographic information systems (SIG), as well as technical visits to various places in order to verify in loco the preset conditions of the soil and the environmental degradation problems in those areas. The paper also presents data about the socio-economy and physic-natural local aspects of the land, required to the implementation of zoning studies which are one the most important tool to the planning and organization of the use of the soil containing a sustainable cattle-raising activity. As a result, thematic maps describing the physic-natural features and analysis of the socio-environment data, indispensable to the agro-ecological zoning, have been provided


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Biodiversity is organised into complex ecological networks of interacting species in local ecosystems, but our knowledge about the effects of habitat fragmentation on such systems remains limited. We consider the effects of this key driver of both local and global change on both mutualistic and antagonistic systems at different levels of biological organisation and spatiotemporal scales.There is a complex interplay of patterns and processes related to the variation and influence of spatial, temporal and biotic drivers in ecological networks. Species traits (e.g. body size, dispersal ability) play an important role in determining how networks respond to fragment size and isolation, edge shape and permeability, and the quality of the surrounding landscape matrix. Furthermore, the perception of spatial scale (e.g. environmental grain) and temporal effects (time lags, extinction debts) can differ markedly among species, network modules and trophic levels, highlighting the need to develop a more integrated perspective that considers not just nodes, but the structural role and strength of species interactions (e.g. as hubs, spatial couplers and determinants of connectance, nestedness and modularity) in response to habitat fragmentation.Many challenges remain for improving our understanding: the likely importance of specialisation, functional redundancy and trait matching has been largely overlooked. The potentially critical effects of apex consumers, abundant species and supergeneralists on network changes and evolutionary dynamics also need to be addressed in future research. Ultimately, spatial and ecological networks need to be combined to explore the effects of dispersal, colonisation, extinction and habitat fragmentation on network structure and coevolutionary dynamics. Finally, we need to embed network approaches more explicitly within applied ecology in general, because they offer great potential for improving on the current species-based or habitat-centric approaches to our management and conservation of biodiversity in the face of environmental change.


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The objective of this study was to address the importance of implementing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas in Brazil and to examine their distribution, based on the delimitation of Large Marine Ecosystems. Out of a total of 336 protected areas identified in Brazilian coastal and marine areas, the North Platform has the largest protected area, but the ecosystem with the largest number of protected area, predominantly sustainable areas, was the East Coast followed by the South Platform. One of the reasons the eastern coast of Brazil to have more protected areas is the fact that there is a largest amount of coral reefs. Additionally there was political opportunities for the creation of protected areas for sustainable use. The coastal region of Brazil has achieved the goal proposed by the Seventh Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity - 7, but only then through the category V of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, which is not the best efficient means of conserving resources. The goal for marine conservation shows only the area above the recommended under protection in North Platform. The Marine portion of the East Coast and the South Platform has few protected areas, regardless of category management. We consider the coastal region the range of 12 nautical miles from baselines determined in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. As for the number of strategies permitted by law and used for the conservation of coastal and marine systems, coastal systems show a higher number when compared with the marine system. We suggest that the Brazilian government should specify strategies for the protection of marine systems and expand the protected areas of all Large Marine Ecosystems. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Spatial patterns in assemblage structures are generated by ecological processes that occur on multiple scales. Identifying these processes is important for the prediction of impact, for restoration and for conservation of biodiversity. This study used a hierarchical sampling design to quantify variations in assemblage structures of Brazilian estuarine fish across 2 spatial scales and to reveal the ecological processes underlying the patterns observed. Eight areas separated by 0.7 to 25 km (local scale) were sampled in 5 estuaries separated by 970 to 6000 km (regional scale) along the coast, encompassing both tropical and subtropical regions. The assemblage structure varied significantly in terms of relative biomass and presence/absence of species on both scales, but the regional variation was greater than the local variation for either dataset. However, the 5 estuaries sampled segregated into 2 major groups largely congruent with the Brazilian and Argentinian biogeographic provinces. Three environmental variables (mean temperature of the coldest month, mangrove area and mean annual precipitation) and distance between estuaries explained 44.8 and 16.3%, respectively, of the regional-scale variability in the species relative biomass. At the local scale, the importance of environmental predictors for the spatial structure of the assemblages differed between estuarine systems. Overall, these results support the idea that on a regional scale, the composition of fish assemblages is simultaneously determined by environmental filters and species dispersal capacity, while on a local scale, the effect of environmental factors should vary depending on estuary-specific physical and hydrological characteristics © 2013 Inter-Research.


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Defaunation, the loss or population decline of medium and large native vertebrates represents a significant threat to the biodiversity of tropical ecosystems. Here we review the anthropogenic drivers of defaunation, provide a brief historical account of the development of this field, and analyze the types of biological consequences of this impact on the structure and functioning of tropical ecosystems. We identify how defaunation, operating at a variety of scales, from the plot to the global level, affects biological systems along a gradient of processes ranging from plant physiology (vegetative and reproductive performance) and animal behavior (movement, foraging and dietary patterns) in the immediate term; to plant population and community dynamics and structure leading to disruptions of ecosystem functioning (and thus degrading environmental services) in the short to medium term; to evolutionary changes (phenotypic changes and population genetic structure) in the long-term. We present such a synthesis as a preamble to a series of papers that provide a compilation of our current understanding of the impact and consequences of tropical defaunation. We close by identifying some of the most urgent needs and perspectives that warrant further study to improve our understanding of this field, as we confront the challenges of living in a defaunated world. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Analisa as transformações no extrativismo do açaí na várzea do médio rio Pracuúba (Marajó, PA), estimuladas pela intensificação da demanda deste fruto pelos mercados locais e extra-locais. Examina, de um lado, as relações socioeconômicas estabelecidas na extração e na comercialização deste fruto, mostrando a coexistência de princípios de mercado ao lado de relações peculiares ao antigo sistema de aviamento, e de outro, as interações da população com os açaizais, através dos diversos sistemas de manejo, adotados por contas da valorização de tais recursos. Assim, mostra-se que a economia do açaí, no plano socioeconômico, é caracterizada por "mudanças" e "continuidades" e na esfera das interações homem/natureza, apresenta-se cada vez mais fortalecida pela intensificação das atividades de manejo.


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A pesca artesanal na costa Norte do Brasil é caracterizado por um conjunto de modalidades de pesca diferentes. Utilizando uma abordagem multidisciplinar, 20 sistemas de produção pesqueira foram identificados, com características distintas em relação à tecnologia e finalidade. As características de cada sistema foram classificados em cinco dimensões (ecológicas, económicas, sociais, tecnológicos e políticos). A análise de escalonamento multidimensional revelou que alguns destes 20 sistemas têm semelhanças maiores. Assim, um total de 10 grupos distintos foram identificados.


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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A proposta desta pesquisa foi identificar convergências e divergências nas crenças, metas de socialização e práticas de cuidados parentais em dois contextos ecológicos amazônicos, buscando analisar a relação entre fatores biológicos e ecoculturais. Participaram da pesquisa 99 mães de duas localidades: Belém – capital (CEU – contexto ecológico urbano – N=50) e Santa Bárbara (CENU – contexto ecológico não urbano – N=49), com idade superior a 18 anos com pelo menos uma criança com idade entre 0 e 6 anos . Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas em que se aplicavam questionários e para análise destes foram utilizados critérios estatísticos e o respaldo teórico da Psicologia Evolucionista. Os dados indicaram que as comunidades estudadas em relação aos dados socio-demográficos diferem de forma sistemática uma da outra, em função dos níveis de desenvolvimento tecnológico e diferentes organizações para o contexto social. O mundo social das crianças de CENU e de CEU representam contextos desenvolvimentais que oferecem diferentes oportunidades. A literatura aponta que as trocas sociais estabelecidas entre crianças e cuidadores podem refletir sobre o desenvolvimento da criança em relação ao aspecto cognitivo, emocional e social. Os resultados encontrados indicam que as mães de CEU apesar de terem sido mais autônomas que as de CENU, foram ao mesmo tempo mais relacionais que as mesmas, demonstrando que talvez as mudanças que atingem os contextos, ocorram com mais rapidez em ambientes urbanizados. Além disso, os dados parecem indicar que os contextos por estarem em um momento de transição passam de um modelo interdependente para um modelo autônomo-relacional. Entretanto, foi possível perceber que as idéias que as mães possuem sobre a importância de determinadas ações nem sempre refletem suas práticas. Em relação aos cuidados primários as mães parecem valorizar e realizar de igual modo. Em relação ao Contato corporal as mães de CENU valorizam mais que as mães de CEU. Em estimulação corporal o resultado foi bastante interessante, pois os itens que CEU deu mais importância e praticou menos, foram os mesmos itens em que CENU deu menos importância e praticou mais. No que tange a estimulação por objeto as mães de CEU dão mais importância as praticas do que as realizam e vice-versa acontece em CENU. Ao sistema face-a-face foi atribuída maior importância pelas mães de CEU. Os dados apresentados sugerem que as mães de ambos os contextos estão utilizando estratégias parentais distais e proximais ao mesmo tempo, ou seja, desejam que seus filhos se tornem auto-suficientes, mas também desejam que os mesmos sejam respeitosos e obedientes. Além disso, os resultados aqui encontrados confirmam que os quatro sistemas descrevem as experiências interacionais das crianças e expressam a ênfase cultural de combinações e estilos particulares. Não foram encontradas diferenças marcantes nas crenças e práticas de cuidados maternos entre CEU e CENU, o que nos levou a considerar que as crenças parentais, em consequência à adaptação ao contexto, variaram menos conspicuamente nas cidades escolhidas do que entre outras cidades examinadas em outros estudos. Outra questão bastante interessante encontrada foi o resultado relativo ao nível de instrução das mães de CEU e a valorização de metas relacionais, pois de acordo com a hipótese na literatura o nível educacional das mães torna-se uma variável importante em relação às metas de socialização. CENU demonstrou uma tendência para metas e práticas relacionais. Isso se deve ao modo de vida mais próximo do protótipo de interdependência que este contexto apresenta, no qual as mães tendem a valorizar as normas e regras determinadas pela família ou grupo ao qual pertencem. Os resultados referentes ao CEU não confirmaram a hipótese de que ele apresentaria mais metas e práticas voltadas para a independência, sendo percebido que Belém apresenta tanto características do modelo de independência como de interdependência. Presume-se que CEU e CENU são contextos que passam por mudanças, uma vez que as mães podem acreditar em uma coisa e na realidade agir de outra forma.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)