828 resultados para Social identity theory


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We examined how rhetorical style affects evaluations of group advocates, and how these evaluations are moderated by group identification. University students were given a letter to the editor defending student welfare. The argument was either constructed using personal language ('I believe') or collective language ('we believe'). Furthermore, the letter was either attributed to an official advocate (president of the student union) or an unofficial advocate (a rank-and-file member of the student body). Consistent with the social identity perspective, participants who showed strong identification as a university student thought that the group would feel better represented by official advocates using collective rather than personal language. Low identifiers, however, did not rate the rhetorical styles differently on representativeness. Furthermore, low identifiers (but not high identifiers) rated official advocates as more likable and more effective when they used personal rather than collective language. The discussion focuses on the conflict low identifiers might feel between (a) needing to homogenize with other group members in order to maximize the influence and political effectiveness of their message at the collective level, and (b) protecting themselves against categorization threat.


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Can a work setting with its organizational, cultural, and practical considerations influence the way occupational therapists make decisions regarding client interventions? There is currently a paucity of evidence available to answer this question. This study aimed to investigate the influence of work setting on therapists’ clinical reasoning in the management of clients with cerebral palsy and upper limb hypertonicity. Specifically the study aimed to examine therapists’ objective and stated policies, and their intervention decisions using Social Judgement Theory methodology. Participants were eighteen occupational therapists with more than five years experience with clients with cerebral palsy who were asked to make intervention decisions for clients represented by 90 case vignettes. They worked in three settings, hospitals (5), schools (6), and community (6). The results indicated that therapy settings did influence therapists’ decisions about intervention choices but not their objective and subjective policy decisions.


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Knowledge sharing is an essential component of effective knowledge management. However, evaluation apprehension, or the fear that your work may be critiqued, can inhibit knowledge sharing. Using the general framework of social exchange theory, we examined the effects of evaluation apprehension and perceived benefit of knowledge sharing ( such as enhanced reputation) on employees' knowledge sharing intentions in two contexts: interpersonal (i.e., by direct contact between two employees) and database (i.e., via repositories). Evaluation apprehension was negatively associated with knowledge sharing intentions in both contexts while perceived bene. it was only positively associated with knowledge sharing intentions in the database context. Moreover, compared to the interpersonal context, evaluation apprehension was higher and knowledge sharing lower in the database context. Finally, the negative effects of evaluation apprehension upon knowledge sharing intentions were worse when perceived benefits were low compared to when perceived benefits were high.


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This study tested the hypothesis derived from social pain theory (MacDonald & Leary, 2005) that pain affect serves as a signal of perceived social exclusion. Participants ranging in experience of persistent physical pain completed measures of pain affect, anxious and avoidant attachment, anxiety, and depression. Higher levels of pain affect were found to relate to higher levels of anxious, but not avoidant, attachment. Further, anxious attachment partially mediated the relation between pain affect and emotional distress. These data support the conclusion that one reason individuals with persistent pain experience anxiety and depression is because of heightened concerns over rejection. The data also support the conclusion that anxious attachment is more strongly related to the fight-flight-freezing system than avoidant attachment.


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Two experiments were conducted to investigate the impact of individualist and collectivist norms on evaluations of dissenting group members. In the first experiment (N = 113), group norms prescribing individualism or collectivism were manipulated and participants were asked to evaluate a group member who expressed an attitude dissenting from or concordant with the group. In line with predictions, group members with concordant attitudes were evaluated more positively than group members with dissenting attitudes when norms prescribed collectivism. However, for high identifiers, we found an attenuation of the preference for Concordant over dissenting attitudes when norms prescribed individualism. These findings were replicated in a second experiment (N= 87), where dissent was operationalized in a way that did not reveal the content of the attitude. The discussion focused on the importance of individualist norms for broadening latitudes of acceptable group member behavior. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Five studies examined the hypothesis that people will strategically portray the self as being more g-roup influenced the more junior they feel within the group. Among social psychologists (Study 1), ratings of self-conformity by g-roup members were greater when the status of the participant was low than when it was high. These effects were replicated in Studies 2, 3, and 4 in which relative intragroup status was manipulated. In Study 3, the authors found junior group members described themselves as more conformist than senior members when they were addressing an ingroup audience, but when they were addressing an outgroup audience the effect disappeared. Furthermore, junior members (but not senior members) rated themselves as more conformist when they were led to believe their responses were public than when responses were private (Study 5). The discussion focuses on the strategic processes underlying low-status group members' self-reports of group influence and the functional role of conformity in groups.


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The present study examined the role that group norms, group identification, and imagined audience (in-group vs. out-group) play in attitude-behavior processes. University students (N = 187) participated in a study concerned with the prediction of consumer behavior. Attitudes toward drinking their preferred beer, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, group norm, and group identification were assessed. Intentions and perceived audience reactions to consumption were assessed. As expected, group norms, identification, and imagined audience interacted to influence likelihood of drinking one's preferred beer and perceived audience reactions. High identifiers were more responsive to group norms in the presence of an in-group audience than an out-group audience. The present results indicate that audience concerns impact upon the relationship between attitude., and behavior.


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The power of individualist and collectivist group norms to influence intergroup and inter-individual differentiation was examined in three studies. Study I revealed that intergroup differentiation was lower when group norms prescribed individualism than when they prescribed collectivism. However inter-individual differentiation was higher when group norms endorsed individualism than when they promoted collectivism. In Studies 2 and 3 we found evidence for the moderating effect of group salience on the relationship between norms and differentiation. Specifically, the effect that individualist group norms reduced intergroup differentiation but enhanced inter-individual differentiation was more pronounced when group salience was high rather than low. This finding demonstrates that conformity to a group norm prescribing individualism influences the manner in which positive differentiation is expressed. The discussion focuses on the caveats of introducing individualist group norms when attempting to reduce intergroup differentiation. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This study examined the role of team identification in the dissimilarity and conflict relationship. We tested competing predictions that team identification would either mediate or moderate the positive associations between visible (age, gender and ethnic background), professional (background) and value dissimilarity and task and relationship conflict. Data was collected from 27 MBA student teams twice during a semester. Multilevel modelling and a longitudinal design were used. Results showed that value dissimilarity was positively associated with task and relationship conflict at Time 2. Its effects on relationship conflict at Time 1 were moderated by team identification. Team identification also moderated the effects of gender, age and ethnic dissimilarity on task conflict at Time 2, and the effects of gender and professional dissimilarity on relationship conflict at Time 2. No support was obtained for the mediating role of team identification on the associations between dissimilarity and conflict, or for changes in the effects of dissimilarity over time.


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The current experiment focuses on the roles of social identity and social comparison in perceptions of procedural justice. Participants are randomly allocated to conditions in a 2 (whether the participant has the opportunity to voice an opinion), X 2 (whether the comparison other has the opportunity to voice an opinion), X 2 (whether the comparison other is an ingroup or an outgroup member), between subjects design. Participants are then asked to report the extent to which they perceive the procedure they are involved in to be fair. It is predicted that participants will have a strong feeling of procedural unfairness when they are not given an opportunity by the leader to voice their opinion, but learn that their comparison other is given that opportunity. It is also predicted that the feeling of unfairness should be stronger when the comparison other is an outgroup rather than an ingroup member. Additionally, participants receiving a fair treatment may regard the procedure as fair when their outgoup comparison other receives an unfair treatment. Results support these predictions and reveal that how people make judgments of procedural justice through social comparison is qualified by the social identities of the parties involved.


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A questão relacional na área da saúde envolve o imaginário sociocultural. Nos casos de mulheres com câncer de mama, denota um caráter emergencial em virtude do elevado número de ocorrências ou pela falta de percepção feminina da doença, o que dificulta a prevenção e o tratamento em tempo hábil. Este estudo pretende analisar como e de que maneira ocorrem e repercutem as práticas discursivas entre os profissionais da saúde e as pacientes com câncer de mama. Para isso, delineamos como pressupostos teóricos as barreiras da comunicação, seja interpessoal, intrapessoal e não verbal. A metodologia foi com base na Teoria das Representações Sociais de Serge Moscovici e no Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC) de Ana Maria Cavalcanti Lefévre e Fernando Lefévre. Nas análises dos relatos das mulheres com câncer de mama, identificamos conflitos de ordem sociocultural, como crenças, valores pessoais, estereótipos, enfim, distorções provenientes do senso comum e do imaginário coletivo, disseminadas nas representações da doença levadas a público pela mídia em geral. Nas considerações finais, constatamos que tais representações (estigmas sociais) interferem na relação com os profissionais de saúde, influenciando, assim, a adesão ao tratamento da doença. Os aspectos comunicacionais são aqui apontados de maneira tácita.


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Este estudo investiga as convergências e as divergências na comunicação primária e na comunicação secundária do câncer de mama. Nós usamos um esquema interpretativo fornecido pela Análise de Enquadramento, Agenda Setting, Teoria do Aprendizado Social, Difusão de Inovações, Semiótica e conceito de Novidade na Ciência e no Jornalismo, para argumentar que cientistas e jornalistas comunicam as novidades da Ciência de modos diversos. Também tivemos como uma proposta secundária traçar um panorama histórico da Comunicação da Saúde, e sua evolução, considerando que a Comunicação empreendeu um esforço para legitimar um espaço de encontro com a Saúde, afirmando uma área de aplicação de teorias, princípios e técnicas comunicacionais, com o objetivo preciso de difundir e compartilhar informação, conhecimentos e práticas que contribuam para melhorar os sistemas de saúde e o bem-estar das populações. Através da análise dos dados de periódicos científicos e jornalísticos que divulgam o câncer de mama, nós encontramos apoio significante para nossas predições. As implicações destas diferenças entre a comunicação primária (interpares) e a comunicação secundária (público leigo) para a comunicação da saúde são discutidas, às vezes apresentando-se como convergências, às vezes como divergências. Quando bem esclarecidas e compreendidas, fazem avançar a Comunicação da Saúde, obtendo resultados positivos no bem-estar das populações, considerando que a origem das doen ças está, fundamentalmente, onde se entrelaçam o biológico e o social.(AU)


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Trata-se de um estudo sobre o papel do Jornal Pastoral da Criança enquanto instrumento de comunicação popularalternativa em auxilio a prática social das lideranças comunitárias da Pastoral da Criança da Arquidiocese de Aparecida. Seu principal objetivo é entender o tratamento que a entidade tem dado à comunicação por ela realizada e as contribuições que o Jornal, importante canal de comunicação da Pastoral da Criança com suas bases, tem oferecido para a promoção da missão da entidade e para a construção da cidadania nas comunidades. Este estudo parte de uma reflexão sobre movimentos sociais, comunicação popularalternativa e cidadania e incorpora, para o direcionamento das reflexões, os pensamentos dos principais autores dessas áreas. A metodologia, de natureza qualitativa, baseiase em pesquisas bibliográficas e documentais e entrevistas semiestruturadas, com cinco membros da Coordenação Nacional da Pastoral da Criança, uma coordenadora arquidiocesana, quinze coordenadoras paroquiais da Pastoral da Criança na Arquidiocese de Aparecida. A pesquisa revela, entre outras resultados, que o Jornal figurase como um instrumento de comunicação popularalternativa próprio dos movimentos sociais do século XXI e que as lideranças comunitárias têm papel fundamental no bom uso do material, o que conseqüentemente promove ou não cidadania.(AU)


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Este trabalho discute as Representações Sociais construídas por Coordenadores Pedagógicos sobre seu próprio trabalho. Apresenta-se, devido à atual pauta de reflexões da categoria, como uma discussão importante, principalmente se considerada como uma atividade profissional multifacetada e que encerra várias funções e atribuições simultâneas. De forma a constituir as bases teórico-metodológicas para a análise da temática, foram pesquisados autores de referência, a exemplo de Serge Moscovici (1971), com sua teoria das Representações Sociais e António Nóvoa que discute a teoria da pessoalidade inscrita no interior de uma teoria da profissionalidade para captar o sentido de uma profissão. A pesquisa apoiou-se na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional LDB-9394/96, bem como na Classificação Brasileira de Ocupações de 2002 que descreve e delimita as matrizes de responsabilidade do cargo e/ou função do Coordenador Pedagógico. Em relação à metodologia, procura articular uma pesquisa de cunho bibliográfico com a pesquisa de campo, com a realização de entrevistas com coordenadores pedagógicos de várias instituições educativas, a partir de um roteiro aberto. Os resultados revelaram novas relações e novas formas de entendimento da realidade do trabalho do Coordenador Pedagógico, do seu papel profissional, das dificultadas enfrentadas no cotidiano, de forma a oferecer algumas reflexões sobre as políticas e práticas relacionadas ao seu papel na organização do trabalho da e na escola.