962 resultados para Sexually Transmitted Diseases, diagnosis


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BACKGROUND: The epidemiology of respiratory viruses and their potential clinical impact when recovered in lower respiratory specimens has not been established in the hospital setting. A study was performed to investigate the association between positive viral detection and respiratory infection in an at-risk population. METHODS: 299 adult patients who underwent bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) procedures were enrolled in a hospital-based prospective cohort study. Descriptive epidemiology is presented of 17 different respiratory viruses detected by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction assays in BAL fluid specimens. Multivariate analysis was conducted to identify the clinical characteristics independently associated with the presence of virus. RESULTS: Of 522 BAL fluid specimens analysed, 81% were collected in adult transplant recipients or other immunocompromised patients. Overall, PCR assays identified viral nucleic acid in 91 BAL fluid samples (17.4%). Similar rates of virus-positive BAL fluid were found in the different subpopulations studied (p = 0.113). Coronaviruses were the most frequent (32.3%), followed by rhinovirus (22.6%), parainfluenza (19.5%), influenza (9.7%), respiratory synctial virus (8.6%), human metapneumovirus (4.2%) and bocavirus (3.1%). Multivariate analysis using mixed models showed that respiratory viral infections were associated with a lack of antibiotic treatment response (OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.2 to 4.1) and the absence of radiological infiltrate (OR 0.3, 95% CI 0.2 to 0.8). In lung transplant recipients in whom a respiratory infection was suspected, the respiratory viral detection rate was 24.4% compared with 13.8% overall in other patients (p = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: In this cohort of hospitalised adults, respiratory viruses detected in BAL fluid specimens were associated with respiratory symptoms, absence of radiological infiltrates and a poor response to antibiotic therapy.


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The vast majority of Swiss adolescents see a physician at least once a year. However, a sizeable proportion of them indicate that they don't have the opportunity to address their own concerns and problems. While female adolescents have access to health care in the field of sexual and reproductive health through family planning clinics, this is not the case of adolescent males. The "clinic for boys only" is an open space for adolescent males where they can bring questions and health problems related to their body, their growth and their puberty, just as their difficulties and their fears regarding their normality, their sexuality, their feelings, sexual dysfunctions and questions related to violence within the couple. They can also get information/treatment in the area of sexually transmitted infections.


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There are approximately 12000 patients suffering from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in Switzerland. IBD can be debilitating not only because of the direct consequences in the gut but also because of extraintestinal manifestations. An early diagnosis is the key in defining optimal therapeutic interventions. The management is multidisciplinary and the general practitioner should work in direct collaboration with a gastroenterologist. Optimal management should aim at inducing and maintaining remission as well as reducing the risk of complications such as abcesses, fistulas or colorectal cancer.


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BACKGROUND: We report a patient with a highly unusual presentation of a mitochondrial disorder. HISTORY AND SIGNS: An 8-year old girl presented with muscular cramps as well as height and weight deceleration. Investigations revealed lactic acidosis, electrolytic imbalance and urinary loss of glucose and electrolytes secondary to proximal renal tubulopathy consistent with Fanconi syndrome (FS). Ophthalmic examination revealed asymptomatic retinitis pigmentosa (RP) with no other ocular manifestations. A mitochondriopathy was suspected and genetic analysis performed. THERAPY AND OUTCOME: Southern blotting documented a heteroplasmic mutation of mtDNA with deletion/duplication. Three discrete mitochondrial genomes were detected: normal; deletion of 6.7 kb and a deletion/duplication consisting of 1 normal and 1 deleted genome. The relative proportions varied considerably between tissues. CONCLUSIONS: The association of FS and RP combines features of Kearns-Sayre syndrome and Pearson marrow-pancreas syndrome, without being typical of either. This highly unusual clinical presentation emphasises the need for systemic investigation of patients with FS and further underlines the importance of mtDNA analysis in patients with unexpected associations of affected tissues.


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Henoch-Schönlein purpura is a well known paediatric disease characterized by the classic triad: purpura, arthritis and abdominal pain. Short term prognosis is excellent and is mostly dependant on abdominal complications. Long term morbidity depends essentially on the severity of renal involvement which occurs in 35% of cases. Microhematuria and light proteinuria are the only signs in 80% of cases. The remaining 20% presents with nephrotic or nephritic syndrome and acute renal insufficiency. Among patients with Henoch-Schönlein nephritis the risk of developing renal insufficiency varies between 11-30% of cases. Currently, the follow up guidelines are multiple and the optimal treatment of nephritis is controversial; this is what this article proposes to discuss.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of HIV infection on the reliability of the first-trimester screening for Down syndrome, using free beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin, pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A and fetal nuchal translucency, and of the second-trimester screening for neural tube defects, using alpha-fetoprotein. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Multicentre study comparing the multiples of the median of markers for Down syndrome and neural tube defect screening among 214 HIV-infected pregnant women and 856 HIV-negative controls undergoing a first-trimester Down syndrome screening test, and 209 HIV-positive women and 836 HIV-negative controls with a risk evaluation for neural tube defect. The influence of treatment, chronic hepatitis and HIV disease characteristics were also evaluated. RESULTS: Multiples of the median medians for pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A and beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin were lower in HIV-positive women than controls (0.88 vs. 1.05 and 0.84 vs. 1.09, respectively; P < 0.005), but these differences had no impact on risk estimation; no differences were observed for the other markers. No association was found between HIV disease characteristics, antiretroviral treatment use at the time of screening or chronic hepatitis and marker levels. CONCLUSION: Screening for Down syndrome during the first trimester and for neural tube defect during the second trimester is accurate for HIV-infected women and should be offered, similar to HIV-negative women.


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Direct MR arthrography has a better diagnostic accuracy than MR imaging alone. However, contrast material is not always homogeneously distributed in the articular space. Lesions of cartilage surfaces or intra-articular soft tissues can thus be misdiagnosed. Concomitant application of axial traction during MR arthrography leads to articular distraction. This enables better distribution of contrast material in the joint and better delineation of intra-articular structures. Therefore, this technique improves detection of cartilage lesions. Moreover, the axial stress applied on articular structures may reveal lesions invisible on MR images without traction. Based on our clinical experience, we believe that this relatively unknown technique is promising and should be further developed.


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No existen protocolos claramente establecidos para el tratamiento de la boca seca. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura médica de los últimos 10 años. Hemos utilizado las palabras: «dry mouth», «prognosis», «treatment» y «dentistry». En una primera búsqueda hemos encontrado 1.450 entradas. Con la restricción «clinical trials OR randomized controlled trial OR systemic reviews» se han reducido a 522, de las que 145 eran metaanálisis y revisiones sistemáticas. Se han eliminado las que no eran pertinentes al tema y han quedado reducidas a 53. Posteriormente se descartaron 24 (8 no pertinentes, 7 revisiones y 9 opiniones personales). De los 29 artículos analizados, 15 son ensayos clínicos controlados, 2 ensayos no controlados, 4 estudios observacionales, 2 revisiones sistemáticas y 5 revisiones. Los enfermos mejor estudiados son los pacientes con síndrome de Sjögren y los pacientes irradiados. El tratamiento se centra en el etiológico, preventivo, sintomático, de estimulación salival local y sistémicos. Podemos concluir que el tratamiento debe ser individualizado, pudiéndose aplicar sustitutos salivales y diferentes técnicas de estimulación mecánica. There are no clearly established protocols for the treatment of dry mouth. The aim of this paper is a systematic review of the literature of the past 10 years using the words «dry mouth», «prognosis», «treatment» and «dentistry». The initial search found 1,450 entries and within the restriction «clinical trials OR randomized controlled trial OR systemic reviews» it has been reduced to 522, which 145 were meta-analysis and systematic reviews. Papers not relevant to the issue were removed reducing the entries to 53. Twenty-four were dismissed (8 irrelevant, 7 reviews without adequate information and 9 personal opinions). Of the 29 items tested, 15 were controlled trials, 2 uncontrolled trials, 4 observational studies, 2 systematic reviews and 5 non systematic reviews. The most studied patients were Sjögren's syndrome and the irradiated patients. Treatments are focused on the etiology, prevention, symptomatic, local salivary stimulation and systemic treatments. It can be concluded that treatment must be individualized, salivary substitutes and mechanical stimulation techniques can be applied.


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El síndrome de boca ardiente (SBA) se conoce también como boca escaldada, ardor bucal, glosodinia, glosopirosis, estomatodinia, estomatopirosis o disestesia oral. Se caracteriza por dolor o sensación de ardor, escozor o picazón, a veces aspereza, sobre todo en la lengua, paladar duro y labio inferior, en ausencia de datos clínicos o de laboratorio que justifiquen estos síntomas. Puede acompañarse de disgeusia (trastornos del gusto) y de xerostomía (boca seca), constituyendo la tríada clásica. Su etiología, poco precisa, es multifactorial. La evolución del cuadro tiende a ser crónica, alternando períodos de exacerbación y mejoría durante meses o años. Es más frecuente en mujeres perimenopáusicas o posmenopáusicas. Los episodios de SBA aparecen de forma espontánea y presentan un abanico variable en la gravedad de los síntomas. Mientras algunos pacientes refieren malestar leve o moderado, otros manifiestan dolor insoportable. Los síntomas suelen ser menos intensos...


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El síndrome de boca ardiente (SBA) se conoce también como boca escaldada, ardor bucal, glosodinia, glosopirosis, estomatodinia, estomatopirosis o disestesia oral. Se caracteriza por dolor o sensación de ardor, escozor o picazón, a veces aspereza, sobre todo en la lengua, paladar duro y labio inferior, en ausencia de datos clínicos o de laboratorio que justifiquen estos síntomas. Puede acompañarse de disgeusia (trastornos del gusto) y de xerostomía (boca seca), constituyendo la tríada clásica. Su etiología, poco precisa, es multifactorial. La evolución del cuadro tiende a ser crónica, alternando períodos de exacerbación y mejoría durante meses o años. Es más frecuente en mujeres perimenopáusicas o posmenopáusicas. Los episodios de SBA aparecen de forma espontánea y presentan un abanico variable en la gravedad de los síntomas. Mientras algunos pacientes refieren malestar leve o moderado, otros manifiestan dolor insoportable. Los síntomas suelen ser menos intensos...


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BACKGROUND: Patients with type 1 diabetes and nephropathy maintain an excess cardiovascular mortality compared with diabetic patients with normoalbuminuria. We sought to evaluate coronary and aortic atherosclerosis in a cohort of asymptomatic type 1 diabetic patients with and without diabetic nephropathy using cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging. METHODS AND RESULTS: In a cross-sectional study, 136 subjects with long-standing type 1 diabetes without symptoms or history of cardiovascular disease, including 63 patients (46%) with nephropathy and 73 patients with normoalbuminuria, underwent cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging. All subjects underwent cardiac exercise testing and noninvasive tests for peripheral artery disease and autonomic neuropathy. Coronary artery stenoses were identified in 10% of subjects with nephropathy (versus 0% with normoalbuminuria; P=0.007). Coronary plaque burden, expressed as right coronary artery mean wall thickness (1.7+/-0.3 versus 1.3+/-0.2 mm; P<0.001) and maximum right coronary artery wall thickness (2.2+/-0.5 versus 1.6+/-0.3 mm; P<0.001), was greater in subjects with nephropathy. The prevalence of thoracic (3% versus 0%; P=0.28) and abdominal aortic plaque (22% versus 16%; P=0.7) was similar in both groups. Subjects with and without abdominal aortic plaques had similar coronary plaque burden. CONCLUSIONS: In asymptomatic type 1 diabetes, cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging reveals greater coronary plaque burden in subjects with nephropathy compared with those with normoalbuminuria.


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We report a case of xeroderma pigmentosum in a 9-year-old back Cameroonian boy. The diagnosis was based on typical clinical presentation of the disease: cutaneous atrophy, hypepigmented macules, and areas of depigmentation on sun exposed regions of the skin. Multiple tumoral lesions were localized on the head. Ocular findings were also present: conjunctival hyperemia, peripheral corneal opacification. Excision of the tumors and potoprotection was proposed for this patient. The role of tribal black African marriage traditions in disease transmission is discussed.


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: An increase in new HIV cases among men who have sex with men (MSM) has been reported in Switzerland since 2001. A rapid result HIV testing for MSM through voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) facility ("Checkpoint") was opened in Geneva in 2005. This gay-friendly facility, the first to open in Switzerland, provides testing for sexually transmitted infections (STI) and rapid result HIV testing and counselling. Our objective was to analyze Checkpoint's activity over its first five years of activity and its ability to attract at-risk MSM. METHODS: We used routine data collected anonymously about the facility activity (number of clients, number of tests, and test results) and about the characteristics of the clientele (sociodemographic data, sexual risk behaviour, and reasons for testing) from 2005 to 2009. RESULTS: The yearly number of HIV tests performed increased from 249 in 2005 to 561 in 2009. The annual proportion of positive tests among tests performed varied between 2% and 3%. Among MSM clients, the median annual number of anal intercourse (AI) partners was three. Roughly 30% of all MSM clients had at least one unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) experience in the previous 12 months with a partner of different/unknown HIV status.The main reason for testing in 2007, 2008, and 2009 was "sexual risk exposure" (~40%), followed by "routine" testing (~30%) and "condom stopping in the beginning of a new steady relationship" (~10%). Clients who came to the facility after a sexual risk exposure, compared to clients who came for "routine testing" or "condom stopping" reasons, had the highest number of AI partners in the previous 12 months, were more likely to have had UAI with a partner of different/unknown HIV status in the previous 12 months (respectively 57.3%, 12.5%, 23.5%), more likely to have had an STI diagnosed in the past (41.6%, 32.2%, 22.9%), and more likely to report recent feelings of sadness or depression (42.6%; 32.8%, 18.5%). CONCLUSION: Many of Checkpoint's clients reported elevated sexual risk exposure and risk factors, and the annual proportion of new HIV cases in the facility is stable. This VCT facility attracts the intended population and appears to be a useful tool contributing to the fight against the HIV epidemic among MSM in Switzerland.


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The spirometric values (VC, FeV1, FEF25-75%) were studied in 44 workers of 17 chromium electroplating plants. Urinary chromium was also measured. The dynamic values of spirometry are lower amongst the workers who have higher urinary chromium. The part that can be attributed to tobacco smoking is much lower than that of chromium. The workers dealing with chromium electroplating in poor conditions seem to be subjects at risk in developing obstructive respiratory syndrome. The hazard seems to be especially high in plants dealing with hard chromium plating.