1000 resultados para Serra Geral Formation
This report will describe the activities undertaken during my internship at the Personnel Department (DPE-UPE4.1) in Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD), Lisbon, between September 22, 2014, and February 28, 2015. I consider that it is important to note from the outset i) that the subject of my training was suggested by my supervisor in the DPE and accepted by me; and ii) that the internship consisted essentially of carrying out research and information gathering into the different social systems that coexist within the bank and the application of each legal system in solving concrete situations of the CGD employees. The research and analysis of information was important not only for my study but for the CGD itself, as it enables the department to have such an important matter, full of specific characteristics, condensed into a single document, i.e. this report. This is a complex reality. The various welfare systems differ according to the contractual agreement linking the employee to the employer at the date when the labour contract is signed, and also the unique/singular characteristics of the CGD. In the early stage I started by trying to understand the financial institution and its organization and role and the department where I worked. So I analyzed the CGD Statutes and the legal measures that crystallized the scheme for its employees and I also researched its domestic and international operations. The first month was devoted to the research and analysis of such legislation to understand the creation of the CGD and its path to date. In the second and third months I studied the legal social systems that are applied to different groups of CGD workers. This period was quite important to identify and understand the differences between those regimes of CGD employees as well as the procedure inherent in each case. I highlighted the non-implementation of “the social protection regime of convergence” to the workers of this institution; the differences regarding the allocation of sickness subsidies paid to workers who belong to Social Security and CGA contributors, as well as the enforcement of internal rules to all the workers when a work-related accident happens.Then I focused on to assessing and examining external legislation and several internal regulations in order to obtain solutions to questions raised and situations involving by the workers, in order to understand how the DPE solves these situations. Over the last three months of internship, after this more theoretical work, I began the analysis of concrete situations involving employees carrying out their duties in Portugal and abroad. Some of these situations had been received by the department before the beginning of my internship and others over this period. When I was “working” in the DPE I analyzed “cases” that had been solved and some others without a final solution because they were still in courts. As for the last ones (new cases) I was able to follow their assessment and sometimes their outcome. Some of them became study cases for me. Over these five months of my internship, several cases were analyzed and discussed by legal experts of DPE in which I could participate. I always worked hard. I know that this action contributed to elucidate me about the treatment of the issues, and allowed me to have a direct contact with some workers and be part of a dynamic work team. For these reasons, my internship report is not merely descriptive of activities. It consists of an analysis of rules (legislation) and a regulatory framework of activities and it is also a description of several specific situations solved or in a solution process. Through this work I intend to make known the particular reality of a modern Portuguese financial institution not only because of its importance in our country but also such a large number of employees work here (in Portugal and abroad). I should add that throughout my internship I was allowed to attend conferences, within the scope of the bank in order to get a broader view of some issues related to the daily life of the DPE and the CGD. So, I participated in I Jornadas Bancárias and the Conferência Internacional do Contrato a Termo, given that the CGD is a bank and the DPE deals with legal and labour relations.
A "Crónica Geral de Espanha", códice pertencente à Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, desde 1879, é uma cópia quatrocentista da Crónica de 1344 de D. Pedro Afonso, conde de Barcelos. A sua abundante iluminura é vestígio maior duma produção laica ligada à corte de Avis, em que o cultivo das letras, a par da constituição de livrarias, desde D. João I, mostram um apreço pelo livro que irá continuar no período manuelino. Este interesse revela-nos uma imagem da realeza que se encontra bem exemplificada nas representações deste códice; é nela que esta reflexão se vai centrar. Partiremos duma breve e possível análise material do códice, da sua construção, para tentarmos perceber como a imagem do rei se integra no discurso cronístico, gerando um discurso com intenções diversas daquelas que presidiram à elaboração do texto. Ter-se-á em conta que a imagem participa mais ou menos estreitamente dum contexto e da função do objecto, o livro, em que se integra. Aí intervém não apenas como marcador narrativo do texto, mas como potenciador e gerador de sentido a que não são alheios o brilho, a cor, a forma, o enquadramento espacial, a profusão dos ornatos.
This paper reports on the April-May 1983 Projeto Flora expedition to Serra do cachimbo in northcentral Brazil, a phytogeographically poorly known area near the transition between the Amazon forest and the central Brazilian planalto. The objective of this expedition was to collect botanical specimens with special emphasis on lichens. Rock outcrops are common in this area and several soil types combined with varied topography give rise to a diversity of vegetation types including Amazon caatinga, campo rupestre, gallery forest and Amazon forest. A preliminary checklist of 91 macrolichens is provided with a discussion of ecological distribution of lichens in each habitat.
The scope of the present work is to study the legal protection conferred upon the consumer in Angola, especially as regards electronic communication agreements. Its purpose is to promote consumers’ rights and contribute to its defence given the relatively privileged position of professionals in their relationship with consumers. With this in mind, we have made a description of the Consumer Law in Angola based on the Angolan Constitution (as the law that establishes the fundamental rights and guarantees of citizens) and on the Consumer’s Defence Law, which, as the basic law regarding consumers’ rights, provides the framework for this dissertation. We have analysed several aspects relating to consumer relationships, starting from its concept and rights of consumers and covering the legal and contractual mechanisms put in place for their protection. We have also analysed the Advertising Law with a view to better understand consumer’s rights before advertising campaigns carried out by professionals whilst promoting their goods and services and, additionally, to understand the duties and principles that shall be complied with in such campaigns with the purpose to protect the rights and interests of consumers. From a criminal point of view, we have briefly covered the crimes against consumers provided for in the Penal Code and the Law of Infractions against the Economy. In the second part of this work, we have summarised the institutions that protect the rights and interests of consumers, which include the Public Prosecutor Office, the National Institute for the Defence of the Consumers and the Consumers’ Associations. The third and last part of this work covers electronic communications agreements. Given the fact that there is no specific legislation in this matter, our analysis was based on the Civil Code – specifically the part relating to contracts – the Law on General Contractual Terms and Conditions and the Consumer’s Defence Law. We have analysed the formation of contracts, compliance and consumers’ rights resulting from contract breach. We further have appealed to the Angolan legislator to legislate certain aspects of consumer relationships, especially those where breach of consumers’ rights are blatant and facilitated by the lack of specific laws addressing such cases.
A new species of Tepuianthus (Tepuianthaceae) is described from Serra Aracá in Amazonas, Brazil. Also discussed is the occurrence on this isolated tepui of two species of Perissocarpa (Ochnaceae). This is the first record of that genus in Brazil.
Meriania aracaensis wurdack is described from collections on Serra Aracá, Amazonas, Brazil.
SUMMARYMajor mineral, major element and minor element compositions are documented for a suite of drill core sediment samples representing a ~350m profile through the Solimões Formation sediments (Western Amazonia). Major element compositions are quantified using a chemical index of alteration (CIA) in order to asses the degree of weathering. Significant variations in CIA values throughout the profile, as well as abrupt changes between overlying, suggest that during the generation and deposition of thes sediments there were rapid changes in the ambient tectonic setting.
São listadas as espécies de esfingídeos coletadas na Ilha de Maracã e na Serra de Pacaraima, em Roraima.
43 espécies e 3 "variedades" (sensu Fairchild) de mutucas (Diptera: Tabanidae) foram coletadas na Ilha de Maracá e na Serra de Pacaraima, Roraima, Brasil, fronteira com a Venezuela. Fidena schildi (Hine). Esenbeckia prasiniventris (Macquart) e Tabanus unimacula (Kroeber) são registradas pela primeira vez no Brasil e duas espécies novas são descritas: Catachlorops bindai e Stypomnisa vidali. O macho de Tabanus sannio Fairchild é descrito. Alguns dados ecológicos são apresentados.
São fornecidos aspectos ecológicos gerais da vegetação "rupestre" da Serra dos Carajás, envolvendo informações sobre composição floristica, associação solo/planta, fauna/planta e distribuição geográfica das espécies. Nesta vegetação foi registrado um total de 232 espécies, a maioria ervas, distribuídas em 145 gêneros e 58 famílias botânicas. As duas famílias mais bem representadas foram Gramineae e Leguminosae, seguidas de Cyperaceae, Myrtaceae, Rubiaceae, Malpighiaceae, Euphorbiaceae e Compositae. Algumas famílias apresentam espécies arbóreas esporadicamente representadas em "capões de árvores" ou isoladas como Anacardiaceae, Rutaceae, Sapotaceae e Vochysiaceae. Há famílias de ocorrência restrita em locais onde há acumulo de água, como Begoniaceae, Burmaniaceae, Eriocaulaceae, Gentíanaceae, etc. E finalmente aquelas famílias de ocorrência apenas ocasional, como Acanthaceae, Annonaceae. Chrysobalanaceae, Palmae, Sterculiaceae, etc. Parece que os polinizadores mais comumente encontrados na vegetação rupestre são as abelhas. Há também outros animais ali associados à biologia das plantas como meliponídeos, tabanídeos, répteis e pássaros. Além de apresentar uma insignificante camada lodosa, associada a musgos e líquens o solo onde se assenta a vegetação "rupestre" apresenta uma grande quantidade de ninhos de cupins, na transição entre as estações seca e chuvosa. A necessidade de preservação da área estudada justifica-se pela presença de inúmeras espécies endêmicas (ex. Ipomoea cavalcanteiAustin), espécies novas para a ciência (ex. Erytroxylum nelson-rosaePlowman), espécies medicinais (ex. Pilocarpus micmphylusStapf. ex. Wardleworth) e espécies ornamentais (ex. Vellozia glochideaPohl), todas associadas a uma fauna e a um tipo de solo que ainda carecem de pesquisas mais aprofundadas para melhor conhecê-los.
Este trabalho busca apresentar, de uma maneira compacta, os principais resultados científicos já alcançados pela comunidade brasileira e mundial sobre pesquisas na Amazônia. Aborda-se o paleoclima da região, bem como as características atuais, em termos de temperatura do ar e da distribuição de chuvas. São discutidos os principais sistemas atmosféricos atuantes na região, tais como linhas de instabilidade, brisa fluvial, teleconexões com El-Niño, interação com sistemas frontais no sul do país, friagens, além da variabilidade do clima nas escalas interanuais e de longo-prazo. Tendo em vista as altas taxas de desmatamento em algumas partes da Amazônia, são discutidos as principais modificações microclimáticas e resultados obtidos por simulações numéricas devido à substituição de floresta tropical por áreas de pastagens. Finalizando, é apresentado um resumo dos vários experimentos micrometeorológicos que ocorreram na Amazônia nas últimas duas décadas.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário
Foram utilizadas prioridades de conservação de morfo-espécies e gêneros, importância relativa de sítios e prioridade média para estabelecer um modelo de conservação para o Parque Nacional Serra do Divisor no Estado do Acre, Brasil, baseado na fauna de Bethylidae. Foram instaladas armadilhas Malaise em 12 sítios amostrais nas regiões norte em novembro de 1996 e sul do março de 1997, sendo reconhecidas 102 morfo-espécies de 8 gêneros de Bethylidae, com maior diversidade na região norte do parque. As morfo-espécies exclusivas foram os táxons com maior prioridade de conservação. Os sítios S6, N9, N6 e N5 apresentaram os índices mais altos de importância relativa para conservação por terem sido mais diversos.
Forming suitable learning groups is one of the factors that determine the efficiency of collaborative learning activities. However, only a few studies were carried out to address this problem in the mobile learning environments. In this paper, we propose a new approach for an automatic, customized, and dynamic group formation in Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (MCSCL) contexts. The proposed solution is based on the combination of three types of grouping criteria: learner’s personal characteristics, learner’s behaviours, and context information. The instructors can freely select the type, the number, and the weight of grouping criteria, together with other settings such as the number, the size, and the type of learning groups (homogeneous or heterogeneous). Apart from a grouping mechanism, the proposed approach represents a flexible tool to control each learner, and to manage the learning processes from the beginning to the end of collaborative learning activities. In order to evaluate the quality of the implemented group formation algorithm, we compare its Average Intra-cluster Distance (AID) with the one of a random group formation method. The results show a higher effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in forming homogenous and heterogeneous groups compared to the random method.
Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Industrial e de Sistemas