954 resultados para Septic Tank
As cablagens metálicas são aplicadas abundantemente na montagem dos automóveis, para accionamento de diversos dispositivos, tais como a abertura de portas, abertura da mala ou da tampa do motor, abertura do tampão do depósito de combustível, accionamento do travão de mão, etc. Nas cablagens metálicas utilizadas na indústria automóvel é comummente utilizado arame entrançado de aço zincado, o qual foi já estudado resistir à agressividade das condições em que habitualmente trabalham. No entanto, para que esta estabilidade de funcionamento exista, torna-se necessário que a qualidade do arame entrançado seja a mais adequada. O presente trabalho surgiu da necessidade de averiguar quais as razões que estariam por detrás do aparecimento de quantidades relativamente abundantes de Óxido de Zinco (ZnO) em cablagens metálicas utilizadas na indústria automóvel, poucas semanas depois do seu fabrico. O estudo foi levado a cabo com vista a satisfazer as necessidades de investigação deste problema por parte de uma empresa de cablagens metálicas instalada no nosso país, a FicoCables, estabelecendo quais as causas-raiz deste problema, com vista a poder evitálo no futuro. O trabalho foi concluído com sucesso, tendo-se averiguado que existiam lacunas graves de limpeza do cabo entre as operações de conformação do arame e de zincagem, com deposição de elementos potenciadores do Óxido de Zinco na interface, os quais viriam a revelar-se cruciais à posteriori, para a nucleação e desenvolvimento do Óxido de Zinco na superfície do cabo.
O presente relatório é o corolário do Estágio Curricular que a autora efetuou, durante o segundo semestre do ano letivo de 2014/2015 na SBS – Engenharia Civil, Hidráulica e Ambiente, Lda. Nesta empresa a autora foi integrada na equipa técnica que elaborou um Projeto de Execução para uma Estação de Tratamento de Águas Residuais que irá ser construída em Montemor-o-Novo, tendo-lhe sido atribuídas as seguintes tarefas principais: i) estudo de ferramentas de dimensionamento de ETAR; e ii) estudo dos processos de tratamento de águas residuais a instalar. O tratamento de águas residuais não é matéria que conste do atual Plano de Estudos do Mestrado em Engenharia Civil do ISEP. Este facto, associado à premente necessidade de dar resposta às expectativas da Entidade Acolhedora, obrigou a autora a um esforço de aprendizagem significativo. Nesta fase foi executada uma aprofundada pesquisa bibliográfica que permitiu à autora obter o nível de conhecimentos teóricos necessário para a plena integração na Equipa de Projeto. Já integrada na Equipa de Projeto o primeiro trabalho desenvolvido pela autora foi a análise detalhada do Caderno de Encargos e da respetiva Nota Técnica. Seguidamente a autora participou em todas as fases do Projeto tendo, por isso, colaborado na análise do Estudo Geotécnico, no dimensionamento dos órgãos da ETAR, no cálculo do perfil hidráulico, na definição de formas (plantas e cortes) dos órgãos, na elaboração da Lista de Equipamentos e do Mapa de Quantidades e, por último, na elaboração da Memória Descritiva e Justificativa do Processo de Tratamento e Equipamentos. O Caso Prático incluído no presente documento é, em larga medida, o corolário do processo de aprendizagem de que a autora beneficiou no decorrer do Estágio Curricular. Grande parte das tarefas que a autora executou ao longo da elaboração do projeto relacionaram-se com o dimensionamento dos órgãos da ETAR e com os respetivos cálculos hidráulicos. Os conhecimentos teórico-práticos desta forma adquiridos foram reunidos num conjunto de ferramentas, maioritariamente folhas de cálculo, que se verificou serem úteis nos processos de dimensionamento e de teste de soluções alternativas. É parte integrante deste relatório um capítulo no qual é feita uma detalhada apresentação dos conceitos teóricos subjacentes ao Projeto de ETAR. Este capítulo reflete o estudo que a autora teve necessidade de efetuar antes de se sentir capaz de integrar a Equipa de Projeto.
This case report is believed to be the first case of Kawasaki disease in Portugal. An otherwise healthy 20 years old female was carefully examined and diagnosis of mucocutaneous lyrnphnode syndrome estab lished, based on: typical clinical picture, exclusion of other mimicking situations and middle term evolution of this patient. The A. A. wish to emphasize their diagnosis complied on C. D. C. criteria for Kawasaki disease. A short up dated briefing on this peculiar entity and geographycal pathology are included in this article.
Descreve-se um caso raro de artrite séptca por Haemophilus Influenzae (Hi) serotipo a (Hia)numa criança com o programa nacional de vacinação atualizado e antecendentes pessoais e familiares irrelevantes. A doente não apresentava fatores de risco e o estudo imunológico realizado não revelou alterações. Existem poucos casos relatados a nível mundial de infecção Hia e, de acordo com a revisão bibliográfica realizada. este é o primeiro caso de infecção osteoarticular por Hia descrito na Europa. No contexto deste caso, salienta-se a importância da determinação da estirpe na era pós-vacinal, bem como a exclusão de fatores predisponentes de doença invasiva por Hi não-b em idade pediátrica.
Introdução: A artrite séptica é uma entidade pouco frequente, cujo diagnóstico e tratamento precoces podem evitar sequelas graves. Em Janeiro de 2007, foi implementado no nosso hospital um protocolo de actuação com a finalidade de melhorar a abordagem das crianças com artrite séptica. Objectivos: Comparar resultados pré e pós-protocolo; avaliação do cumprimento do protocolo e dos efeitos da sua implementação na abordagem diagnóstica, terapêutica e morbilidade da artrite séptica. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo das crianças e adolescentes internadas por artrite séptica, durante 8 anos. Foram constituídos dois grupos: pré-protocolo (2003-2006) e pós-protocolo (2007-2010). Analisaram-se dados demográficos, clínicos, laboratoriais, imagiológicos, de terapêutica e evolução. Resultados: Foram incluídos 93 doentes (42 pré-protocolo; 51 pós-protocolo). Após a implementação do protocolo, verificou-se um aumento significativo das colheitas de líquido sinovial para análise citoquimica (0/42 (0%) vs 14/51 (27,5%), p<0.001) e bacteriológica (25/41 (59,5%) vs 45/51 (90,2%), risco relativo 1.52, IC 1,13-1,94). De igual modo, a avaliação de proteína C reactiva [37/42 (88,1%) vs 50/51 (98%); RR 1,11 (0,99-1,25)] e, principalmente, da velocidade de sedimentação [25/42 (40,5%) vs 41/51 (80,4%); RR 1.98 (1,34-2,94)] registaram aumentos. Verificou-se um aumento do isolamento de Staphylococcus aureus meticilino-resistente [1/42 (2,4%) vs 3/51 (5,9%); RR 2,47 (0,27-22,89)]. O esquema terapêutico foi instituído em conformidade com o protocolo em cerca de 60% dos casos e a duração da antibioticoterapia endovenosa foi ajustada em mais de três quartos dos casos (82%). Identificaram-se registos de seguimento na quase totalidade dos doentes (92,1%). Conclusão: Esta avaliação revelou uma melhoria global no padrão de cuidados prestados aos doentes com artrite séptica embora haja margem para evolução no futuro. O perfil de susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos permite manter a flucloxacilina na terapêutica empírica destas infecções. A elaboração de um protocolo nacional com a colaboração de outras instituições, poderá permitir uma melhor adesão, tendo em vista a optimização de resultados.
This is a case report of a 43-year-old Caucasian male with end-stage renal disease being treated with hemodialysis and infective endocarditis in the aortic and tricuspid valves. The clinical presentation was dominated by neurologic impairment with cerebral embolism and hemorrhagic components. A thoracoabdominal computerized tomography scan revealed septic pulmonary embolus. The patient underwent empirical antibiotherapy with ceftriaxone, gentamicin and vancomycin, and the therapy was changed to flucloxacilin and gentamicin after the isolation of S. aureus in blood cultures. The multidisciplinary team determined that the patient should undergo valve replacement after the stabilization of the intracranial hemorrhage; however, on the 8th day of hospitalization, the patient entered cardiac arrest due to a massive septic pulmonary embolism and died. Despite the risk of aggravation of the hemorrhagic cerebral lesion, early surgical intervention should be considered in high-risk patients.
Nursing home-acquired pneumonia (NHAP) is one of the most common infections arising amongst nursing home residents, and its incidence is expected to increase as population ages. The NHAP recommendation for empiric broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy, arising from the concept of healthcare-associated pneumonia, has been challenged by recent studies reporting low rates of multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria. This single center study analyzes the results of NHAP patients admitted through the Emergency Department (ED) at a tertiary center during the year 2010. There were 116 cases, male gender corresponded to 34.5 % of patients and median age was 84 years old (IQR 77-90). Comorbidities were present in 69.8 % of cases and 48.3 % of patients had used healthcare services during the previous 90 days. In-hospital mortality rate was 46.6 % and median length-of-stay was 9 days. Severity assessment at the Emergency Department provided CURB65 index score and respective mortality (%) results: zero: n = 0; one: n = 7 (0 %); two: n = 18 (38.9 %); three: n = 26 (38.5 %); four: n = 30 (53.3 %); and five; n = 22 (68.2 %); and sepsis n = 50 (34.0 %), severe sepsis n = 43 (48.8 %) and septic shock n = 22 (72.7 %). Significant risk factors for in-hospital mortality in multivariate analysis were polypnea (p = 0.001), age ≥ 75 years (p = 0.02), and severe sepsis or shock (p = 0.03) at the ED. Microbiological testing in 78.4 % of cases was positive in 15.4 % (n = 15): methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (26.7 %), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (20.0 %), S. pneumoniae (13.3 %), Escherichia coli (13.3 %), others (26.7 %); the rate of MDR bacteria was 53.3 %. This study reveals high rates of mortality and MDR bacteria among NHAP hospital admissions supporting the use of empirical broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy in these patients.
We reviewed the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) syndromes of 100 consecutive HIV-positive patients presenting acute consciousness compromise in emergency rooms, and correlated them with clinical data. The most frequent CSF syndromes were: absolute protein-cytological dissociation (21), viral (19), neurocryptococcosis (7), relative protein-cytological dissociation (6) and septic (4), moderate hypoglycorrachia (4), severe hypoglycorrachia (4) and hydroelectrolytic disturbance (3). One fifth of the patients had CSF syndromes considered sufficient for diagnosis or an immediate clinical decision. The most common clinical data were infective and neurological. There was little correlation between the clinical data and the CSF syndromes. We conclude that in HIV-positive individuals presenting acute consciousness disturbances there are frequently non-specific results in the CSF analysis that must be weighed against a detailed history and thorough physical examination. Taking this into account, in about one fifth of cases the CSF analysis can offer useful information for treatment.
Resumo: Objetivou-se avaliar a composição bromatológica do soro de leite bovino derivado da fabricação do queijo mozarela. Foram coletadas três amostras de 500 mL diretamente do tanque de uma fábrica de beneficiamento de queijo tipo mozarela na cidade de Damolândia em Goiás. Foram realizadas análises de matéria seca, umidade, matéria orgânica, cinzas e proteína bruta. O resultado para proteína bruta foi baixo, porém o tipo processamento usado na produção do queijo pode ter influenciado nesse resultado. [Chemical composition of bovine whey derived of processing of mozzarella cheese]. Abstract: The aim of experiment was to evaluate the Chemical composition of bovine whey derived of processing of mozzarella cheese. Three samples of 500 mL were collected in tank of a factory's processing of mozzarella cheese localized on Damolândia city, Goias. The analisys dry matter, moisture, organic matter, ash and crude protein were realized. Low results of crude protein was observed, however the kind of processing of cheese can influenced in this result.
A prospective study was conducted from June 2001 to May 2002 at the Burns Unit of Hospital Regional da Asa Norte, Brasília, Brazil. During the period of the study, 252 patients were treated at the Burns Unit, 49 (19.4%) developed clinically and microbiologically proven sepsis. Twenty-six (53.1%) were males and 23 (46.9%) females with a mean age of 22 years (range one to 89 years) and mean burned body surface area of 37.7 ± 18.4% (range 7 to 84%). Forty-three patients had flame burns, five a scald and one an electric burn. These 49 patients had a total of 62 septic episodes. Forty (81.6%) patients had only one and nine (18.4%) had up to three episodes of sepsis. Thirty (61.2%) patients had their first septicemic episode either earlier or by one week postburn. Out of 62 septic episodes, 58 were due to bacteria and four due to Candida sp. The most common bacteria isolated from blood culture were Staphylococcus aureus, coagulase-negative Staphylococcus, Acinetobacter baumannii, Enterobacter cloacae and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Eleven (18.9%) episodes were due to oxacillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Acinetobacter baumannii was sensitive to ampicillin/sulbactam in 71.4% and to imipenem in 85.7% of the cases. The primary foci of sepsis were the burn wound in 15 ( 24.2% ) episodes. The most common clinical findings of sepsis in these patients were fever, dyspnea, hypotension and oliguria. The most common laboratory findings of these patients were anemia, leukocytosis, hypoalbuminemia and thrombocytopenia. Twelve (24.5%) patients died. The appropriate knowledge of clinical, epidemiological, laboratorial and microbiological aspects of sepsis in burned patients permits an adequate diagnosis and treatment of this complication.
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are biosynthetic polyesters, biodegradable and biocompatible making them of great interest for industrial purposes. The use of low value substrates with mixed microbial communities (MMC) is a strategy currently used to decrease the elevated PHA production costs. PHA production process requires an important step for selection and enrichment of PHA-storing microorganisms which is usually carried out in a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR). The aim of this study was to optimize the PHA accumulating culture selection stage using a 2-stage Continuous Stirrer Tank Reactor (CSTR) system. The system was composed by two separate feast and famine bioreactors operated continuously, mimicking the feast and famine phases in a SBR system. Acetate was used as carbon source and biomass seed was highly enriched in Plasticicumulans acidivorans obtained from activated sludge. The system was operated under two different sets of conditions (setup 1 and 2), maintaining a system total retention time of 12 hours and an OLR of 2.25 Cmmol/L.h-1. An average PHB-content of 3.3 % wt was obtained in setup 1 and 4.8% wt in setup 2. Several other experiments were performed in order to better understand the continuous system behaviour, using biomass from the continuous system. With the fed-batch experiment a maximum of 8.1% PHB was stored and the maximum substrate uptake and specific growth rates obtained in the growth experiment (1.15 Cmol Cmol-1.h-1 and 0.53 Cmol Cmol-1.h-1) were close to the ones from continuous system (1.12 Cmol Cmol-1.h-1 and 0.59 Cmol Cmol-1.h-1). The microbial community was characterized trough microscopic visualization, Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis and Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). The last studied performed mimicked the continuous system by building up a SBR system with all the same operational conditions while adding an extra acetate dosage during the 12 h cycle, simulating the substrate passing from the feast to the famine reactors under continuous operation. It was shown that possibly the continuous system was not able to efficiently select for PHB storing organisms under the operational conditions imposed, although the selected culture was capable of consuming the substrate and grow fast. This main conclusion might have resulted from two major factors affecting the system performance: the ammonium concentration in the Feast reactor and the amount of substrate leaching from the Feast to the Famine reactor.
Sporotrichosis occurs after fungal implantation of Sporothrix spp. in the skin, and is the main subcutaneous mycosis in Latin America. Here we describe three atypical cases of the disease. The first case report an extra-cutaneous occurrence of the disease with joint infection; the second one describes a patient with bilateral lymphocutaneous form of sporotrichosis; and the third shows a zoonotic cutaneous case with the development of an erythema nodosum as a hypersensitivity reaction. These cases show the disease importance on the region and the necessity of fungal culture to the diagnosis confirmation.
INTRODUCTION: Bioecological aspects of anophelines (Diptera: Culicidae) near areas under the direct influence of the hydroelectric plant reservoir of Serra da Mesa in Goiás, Brazil, were analyzed. METHODS: Samples were collected at the surrounding dam area during the phases before and after reservoir impoundment. The influence of climatic and environmental factors on the occurrence of Anopheles darlingi, Anopheles albitarsis, Anopheles triannulatus, Anopheles oswaldoi and Anopheles evansae was assessed using Pearson's correlations with indicators for richness and diversity as well as the index of species abundance (ISA) and the standardized index of species abundance (SISA). RESULTS: The highest anopheline density occurred during the phase after filling the tank; however, no direct correlation with the climatic factors was observed during this stage. The reservoir formation determined the incidence of the anopheline species. An. darlingi was the predominant species (SISA = 1.00). CONCLUSIONS: The significant difference (p < 0.05) observed between the species incidence during the different reservoir phases demonstrates the environmental effect of the reservoir on anophelines.
Seriously ill infants often display protein-calorie malnutrition due to the metabolic demands of sepsis and respiratory failure. Glutamine has been classified as a conditionally essential amino acid, with special usefulness in critical patients. Immunomodulation, gut protection, and prevention of protein depletion are mentioned among its positive effects in such circumstances. With the intent of evaluating the tolerance and clinical impact of a glutamine supplement in seriously ill infants, a prospective randomized study was done with nine patients. Anthropometric and biochemical determinations were made, and length of stay in the intensive care unit (ICU), in the hospital, and under artificial ventilation, and septic morbidity and mortality were tabulated. Infants in the treatment group (n=5) were enterally administered 0.3 g/kg of glutamine, whereas controls received 0.3 g/kg of casein during a standard period of five days. Septic complications occurred in 75% of the controls (3/4) versus 20% of the glutamine-treated group (1/5, p<=0.10), and two patients in the control group died of bacterial infections (50% vs. 0%, p<=0.10). Days in the ICU, in the hospital, and with ventilation numerically favored glutamine therapy, although without statistical significance. The supplements were usually well tolerated, and no patient required discontinuation of the program. The conclusion was that glutamine supplementation was safe and tended to be associated with less infectious morbidity and mortality in this high-risk population.
Blood glucose levels in the high normal range or even moderate hyperglycemia is the expected profile in septic postoperative patients receiving high-calorie enteral alimentation. The addition of growth hormone as an anabolic agent should additionally reinforce this tendency. In a cancer patient undergoing partial gastrectomy with lymphadenectomy and suffering from postoperative subphrenic abscess and prolonged sepsis, tube feeding (38.3 kcal/kg/day) and growth hormone (0.17 IU/kg/day) were simultaneously administered for 25 days. Blood glucose levels were in the lower limits of the normal range before growth hormone introduction, and continued with a similar tendency during most of the therapeutic period. Two additional complications, namely heart arrest and peripheral edema, were documented during the same period. It is concluded that sepsis was the most likely mechanism for low glucose values, and that high-calorie enteral diet and growth hormone supplementation did not prevent that result. It is uncertain whether heart arrest was due to the drug, but its association with peripheral edema is well documented in clinical series.