986 resultados para Sensory processing
The Office of Special Investigations at Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) collects FWD data on regular basis to evaluate pavement structural conditions. The primary objective of this study was to develop a fully-automated software system for rapid processing of the FWD data along with a user manual. The software system automatically reads the FWD raw data collected by the JILS-20 type FWD machine that Iowa DOT owns, processes and analyzes the collected data with the rapid prediction algorithms developed during the phase I study. This system smoothly integrates the FWD data analysis algorithms and the computer program being used to collect the pavement deflection data. This system can be used to assess pavement condition, estimate remaining pavement life, and eventually help assess pavement rehabilitation strategies by the Iowa DOT pavement management team. This report describes the developed software in detail and can also be used as a user-manual for conducting simulation studies and detailed analyses. *********************** Large File ***********************
Proneuropeptide Y (ProNPY) undergoes cleavage at a single dibasic site Lys38-Arg39 resulting in the formation of 1-39 amino acid NPY which is further processed successively by carboxypeptidase-like and peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase enzymes. To investigate whether prohormone convertases are involved in ProNPY processing, a vaccinia virus derived expression system was used to coexpress recombinant ProNPY with each of the prohormone convertases PC1/3, PC2, furin, and PACE4 in Neuro2A and NIH 3T3 cell lines as regulated neuroendocrine and constitutive prototype cell lines, respectively. The analysis of processed products shows that only PC1/3 generates NPY in NIH 3T3 cells while both PC1/3 and PC2 are able to generate NPY in Neuro2A cells. The convertases furin and PACE4 are unable to process ProNPY in either cell line. Moreover, comparative in vitro cleavage of recombinant NPY precursor by the enzymes PC1/3, PC2 and furin shows that only PC1/3 and PC2 are involved in specific cleavage of the dibasic site. Kinetic studies demonstrate that PC1/3 cleaves ProNPY more efficiently than PC2. The main difference between the cleavage efficiency is observed in the Vmax values whereas no major difference is observed in Km values. In addition the cleavage by PC1/3 and PC2 of two peptides reproducing the dibasic cleavage site with different amino acid sequence lengths namely (20-49)-ProNPY and (28-43)-ProNPY was studied. These shortened ProNPY substrates, when recognized by the enzymes, are more efficiently cleaved than ProNPY itself. The shortest peptide is not cleaved by PC2 while it is by PC1/3. On the basis of these observations it is proposed, first, that the constitutive secreted NPY does not result from the cleavage carried out by ubiquitously expressed enzymes furin and PACE4; second, that PC1/3 and PC2 are not equipotent in the cleavage of ProNPY; and third, substrate peptide length might discriminate PC1/3 and PC2 processing activity.
The physical disector is a method of choice for estimating unbiased neuron numbers; nevertheless, calibration is needed to evaluate each counting method. The validity of this method can be assessed by comparing the estimated cell number with the true number determined by a direct counting method in serial sections. We reconstructed a 1/5 of rat lumbar dorsal root ganglia taken from two experimental conditions. From each ganglion, images of 200 adjacent semi-thin sections were used to reconstruct a volumetric dataset (stack of voxels). On these stacks the number of sensory neurons was estimated and counted respectively by physical disector and direct counting methods. Also, using the coordinates of nuclei from the direct counting, we simulate, by a Matlab program, disector pairs separated by increasing distances in a ganglion model. The comparison between the results of these approaches clearly demonstrates that the physical disector method provides a valid and reliable estimate of the number of sensory neurons only when the distance between the consecutive disector pairs is 60 microm or smaller. In these conditions the size of error between the results of physical disector and direct counting does not exceed 6%. In contrast when the distance between two pairs is larger than 60 microm (70-200 microm) the size of error increases rapidly to 27%. We conclude that the physical dissector method provides a reliable estimate of the number of rat sensory neurons only when the separating distance between the consecutive dissector pairs is no larger than 60 microm.
Non-malignant inflammatory sensory polyganglionopathy (NISP) is the most common form of acquired ganglionopathies, a rare and distinct subgroup of peripheral nerve diseases characterized by a primary degeneration of sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia. There is a rational for the use of immune modifying agents (IMA) in NISP since an underlying auto-immune process is demonstrated or suspected. However, commonly used IMA such as corticosteroids, azathioprine, methotrexate or IVIG do not prevent disease's progression in the majority of patients. The use of newer IMA, especially those directed against B-cells, may be a therapeutic alternative. An interesting candidate is rituximab, a mouse-human chimeric anti CD20 antibody that specifically eliminates B-cells and B-cells precursors.Objectives: This is a prospective open label pilot study to determine the efficacy of rituximab treatment in NISP patients, who did not respond to commonly used IMA.Methods: Five patients (40% male) with a mean age of 55 years (range 49-67), diagnosed with NISP after extensive work-up, were treated (schema used for one cure: 2 9 1gr within 15 days interval). Neurological scores (NIS, ISSS, ODSS) and B cell counts were assessed at baseline and during clinical follow-up at 2 and 6 monthsto assess treatment efficacy.Results: The treatment was generally well tolerated. Minor adverse events reported were transient arterial hypotension during the infusions in two patients and intermittent mild leucopenia in one patient. Clinical evolution during the follow-up period was characterized by a stability of the functional scores in four patients (80%) and the continuation of disability progression of one patient (20%). CD4 cells disappeared in all patients after the second infusion, an effect that lasted until the follow up at 6 months.Conclusion: The preliminary results of this pilot study indicate that rituximab is generally well tolerated and prevents progression of disability during the 6-month observation period in NISP patients. Inclusion of additional patients and extending of the follow-up period are intended to further investigate the efficacy of rituximab in NISP.
Forensic science is generally defined as the application of science to address questions related to the law. Too often, this view restricts the contribution of science to one single process which eventually aims at bringing individuals to court while minimising risk of miscarriage of justice. In order to go beyond this paradigm, we propose to refocus the attention towards traces themselves, as remnants of a criminal activity, and their information content. We postulate that traces contribute effectively to a wide variety of other informational processes that support decision making inmany situations. In particular, they inform actors of new policing strategies who place the treatment of information and intelligence at the centre of their systems. This contribution of forensic science to these security oriented models is still not well identified and captured. In order to create the best condition for the development of forensic intelligence, we suggest a framework that connects forensic science to intelligence-led policing (part I). Crime scene attendance and processing can be envisaged within this view. This approach gives indications abouthowto structure knowledge used by crime scene examiners in their effective practice (part II).
Neuronal subpopulations of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells in the chicken exhibit carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity. To determine whether CA activity is expressed by DRG cells maintained in in vitro cultures, dissociated DRG cells from 10-day-old chick embryos were cultured on a collagen substrate. The influence exerted by environmental factors on the enzyme expression was tested under various conditions of culture. Neuron-enriched cell cultures and mixed DRG-cell cultures (including numerous non-neuronal cells) were performed either in a defined medium or in a horse serum-supplemented medium. In all the tested conditions, subpopulations of cultured sensory neurons expressed CA activity in their cell bodies, while their neurites were rarely stained; in each case, the percentage of CA-positive neurons declined with the age of the cultures. The number and the persistence of neurons possessing CA activity as well as the intensity of the reaction were enhanced by addition of horse serum. In contrast, the expression of the neuronal CA activity was not affected by the presence of non-neuronal cells or by the rise of CO2 concentration. Thus, the appearance and disappearance of neuronal subpopulations expressing CA activity may be decisively influenced by factors contained in the horse serum. The loss of CA-positive neurons with time could result from a cell selection or from genetic repression. Analysis of the time curves does not support a preferential cell death of CA-positive neurons but suggests that the eventual conversion of CA-positive neurons into CA-negative neurons results from a loss of the enzyme activity. These results indicate that the phenotypic expression of cultured sensory neurons is dependent on defined environmental factors.
Remote sensing image processing is nowadays a mature research area. The techniques developed in the field allow many real-life applications with great societal value. For instance, urban monitoring, fire detection or flood prediction can have a great impact on economical and environmental issues. To attain such objectives, the remote sensing community has turned into a multidisciplinary field of science that embraces physics, signal theory, computer science, electronics, and communications. From a machine learning and signal/image processing point of view, all the applications are tackled under specific formalisms, such as classification and clustering, regression and function approximation, image coding, restoration and enhancement, source unmixing, data fusion or feature selection and extraction. This paper serves as a survey of methods and applications, and reviews the last methodological advances in remote sensing image processing.