863 resultados para Security Analyser


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La présente recherche porte sur la lecture littéraire dans un contexte d’enseignement primaire et concerne plus précisément les albums jeunesse qui favorisent le développement des habiletés interprétatives. Il s’agit d’une recherche-développement qui comporte trois objectifs. Le premier objectif consiste à développer un outil pour analyser les procédés narratifs des albums jeunesse et y cerner les éléments propices au travail interprétatif. Le second objectif vise à mettre à l’essai l’outil d’analyse afin d’en mesurer la validité et la fidélité, alors que le dernier objectif consiste à élaborer, à l’aide de l’outil développé, un répertoire d’albums jeunesse québécois susceptibles de favoriser le développement des habiletés interprétatives des élèves du primaire. La méthodologie mise en œuvre afin d’atteindre les trois objectifs a d’abord permis d’analyser les besoins, c’est-à-dire, les finalités et les utilisateurs de l’outil d’analyse, puis d’en concevoir et d’en élaborer une première version, de la mettre à l’essai afin d’en évaluer la validité auprès d’experts, avant d’en produire une deuxième version, d’en évaluer la fidélité à l’aide de codeurs et finalement, d’en produire une troisième puis une quatrième version afin d’élaborer un répertoire d’albums jeunesse québécois propices au travail interprétatif. Bien que la mise à l’essai ne permette pas de conclure de façon tout à fait satisfaisante à propos de l’objectivité des indicateurs de l’outil développé, l’analyse des commentaires des experts permet d’affirmer que les indicateurs de l’outil d’analyse présentent un très haut degré de pertinence, ce qui donne à penser que l’outil développé de même que le répertoire de quinze albums jeunesse québécois susceptibles de favoriser le développement des habiletés interprétatives des élèves du primaire élaboré, dans le cadre de cette recherche, peuvent s’avérer de premiers outils utiles et pertinents pour le milieu scolaire.


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La recherche sur les enfants de l’adoption internationale porte le plus souvent sur le rattrapage développemental, les troubles de l’attachement et la surreprésentation des enfants adoptés dans les services d’éducation spécialisée. Ces études incluent des enfants d’âge scolaire et adoptent une perspective quantitative. Peu d’auteurs se sont penchés sur les enfants d’âge préscolaire et il n’existe à notre connaissance aucune étude qualitative permettant d’explorer l’intégration de l’enfant de l’adoption internationale dans son milieu de garde. S’inscrivant dans une logique exploratoire descriptive, la présente thèse vise à donner la parole aux parents et aux éducatrices, premiers responsables de l’intégration de l’enfant au milieu de garde, afin d’obtenir des données sur leurs perceptions et leurs recommandations. Des entrevues individuelles semi-structurées sont réalisées avec 12 familles adoptantes et les 12 éducatrices des enfants. Les parents sont recrutés par l’intermédiaire des associations québécoises de parents adoptants, du journal Montréal pour enfants, d’un blogue sur l’adoption internationale et auprès de la direction d’une garderie. Une démarche d’analyse qualitative inductive, inspirée de la théorisation ancrée est employée pour analyser l’opinion des parents et de l’éducatrice d’un même enfant dans un premier temps puis dans un deuxième temps, selon leurs groupes d’appartenance respectifs. L’analyse des données relatives à l’expérience subjective d’intégrer un enfant en garderie permet de faire ressortir douze thèmes : contexte antérieur à l’arrivée de l’enfant, appréhensions des parents, premiers contacts, demandes spéciales, moments de vie en garderie, développement et spécificité de l’enfant adopté, comportements particuliers, intervention auprès de l’enfant en crise, nouvelles perspectives pour l’éducatrice et éléments de satisfaction et d’insatisfaction des parents. Une importante proportion d’éducatrices considère que l’enfant adopté de l’international ne présente aucun besoin particulier et que son intégration se vit de la même façon que pour tout autre enfant. Cette opinion n’est pas partagée par un groupe restreint d’éducatrices qui, comme les parents adoptifs, ont une expérience personnelle de l’adoption. La thèse se termine par une discussion sur les façons de contribuer à des meilleures pratiques en milieu de garde afin de favoriser l’intégration des enfants de l’adoption internationale.


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Une des caractéristiques fondamentales des policiers et des agents correctionnels est le recours légitime à la coercition pour imposer leur autorité. Cette force publique doit donc, en théorie, avoir le dessus sur toute forme de force privée. Dans l’étude des phénomènes de violence, cette caractéristique rend leur victimisation singulière. À ce jour, les formes d’influence, de pressions indues et d’intimidation vécus par les agents de la force publique demeurent relativement peu étudiées. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont d’améliorer notre compréhension des dynamiques d’intimidation, de soulever les différents enjeux pour la force publique et de proposer une théorie de l’intimidation criminelle. La force publique étant, avant toute chose, une émanation de l’État, nous avons commencé par analyser la problématique de l’intimidation criminelle de manière plus globale. En testant la théorie de l’action de sécurité (Cusson, 2010), nous avons constaté qu’une force publique intimidée et corrompue entraîne une perte de légitimité et une inefficacité du système judiciaire dans sa lutte contre la criminalité. Nous avons ensuite adopté une perspective interactionniste pour comprendre les dynamiques d’intimidation au quotidien. Nous nous sommes demandés quels étaient les éléments qui rendaient une intimidation crédible et grave pour les policiers. En identifiant leur monde d’objets (Blumer, 1986), nous avons constaté que les actes d’intimidation qui survenaient en dehors du cadre professionnel étaient jugés plus graves par les policiers et que l’appartenance de l’intimidateur à une organisation criminelle entraînait une augmentation de la gravité de la menace. Ensuite, nous nous sommes interrogés sur la notion d’identité sociale des agents correctionnels victimes d’intimidation (Tedeschi et Felson, 1994). Nous avons constaté que les intimidations mineures mais répétées avaient tendance à modifier les pratiques professionnelles des surveillants. Une analyse intégrée de ces perspectives met en lumière l’existence de deux formes d’intimidation : une intimidation réactive et peu sévère en nature et une intimidation planifiée et grave. Elle soulève également trois enjeux pour la force publique : son aspect symbolique, la transformation de son action et sa légitimité. En intégrant ces enjeux, une théorie de l’intimidation criminelle est proposée. En dernier lieu, des solutions préventives et répressives sont avancées pour lutter contre ce phénomène.


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Ce document est une version mise-à-jour du document "Lire la recherche utilisant des données qualitatives", décembre 2014 : http://hdl.handle.net/1866/11341


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L’objectif général de ma recherche doctorale est d’analyser le contexte sociojuridique de la régulation du port de signes religieux dans les établissements publics en France et au Québec. À partir d’une comparaison entre la Loi française n°2004-228 du 15 mars 2004 encadrant, en application du principe de laïcité, le port de signes ou de tenues manifestant une appartenance religieuse dans les écoles, collèges et lycées publics et l’arrêt canadien Multani c. Commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys (2006), l’analyse s’intéresse d’abord au « sous-texte » de ces décisions (les fondements philosophico-politiques que sont la laïcité et le multiculturalisme) et à la « mise en oeuvre contextuelle » de celles-ci (la place des représentations sociales et le rôle social attribué au droit dans la production et la réception de ces décisions). Ces deux niveaux d’analyse sociojuridique, le sous-texte et la mise en oeuvre contextuelle du droit, permettent d’expliquer ces réponses opposées à une problématique similaire.


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From the introduction: Mexico is in a state of siege. In recent years, organized crime and drug-related violence have escalated dramatically, taking innocent lives and leaving the country mired in bloodshed. The Mexican government, under the leadership of President Felipe Calderón, has responded in part by significantly extending the reach of its security operations, deploying thousands of federal police officers and military troops to combat the activities of drug cartels, and collaborating with the United States on an extensive regional security plan known as the Mérida Initiative. In the midst of the security crisis, however, the government has somewhat paradoxically adopted judicial reforms that protect human rights and civil liberties rather than erode them, specifically the presumption of innocence standard in criminal proceedings and the implementation of oral trials. Assuming that the new laws on the books will be applied in practice, these reforms represent an important commitment on the part of the government to uphold human rights and civil liberties. This is in stark contrast to the infamous judicial reforms in Colombia—the institutionalization of anonymous or “faceless” prosecutions in special courts—implemented after a surge in leftist and cartel brutality, and the murders of several prominent public and judicial officials in the 1980s.


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The study is a close scrutiny of the process of investigation of offences in India along with an analysis of powers and functions of the investigating agency. The offences, which are prejudicial to sovereignty, integrity and security of the nation or to its friendly relations with foreign states, are generally called the offences against national security. Offences against national security being prejudicial to the very existence of the nation and its legal system, is a heinous and terrible one. As early as 1971 the Law Commission of India had pointed out the need of treating the offences relating to national security and their perpetrators on a totally different procedural footing. The recommendation that, all the offences coming under the said category ought to be brought under the purview of a single enactment so as to confront such offences effectively. The discrepancies in and inadequacies of the criminal justice system in India as much as they are related to the investigations of the offences against national security are examined and the reforms are also suggested. The quality of criminal justice is closely linked with the caliber of the prosecution system and many of the acquittals in courts can be ascribed not only to poor investigations but also to poor quality of prosecution.


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The present research problem is to study the existing encryption methods and to develop a new technique which is performance wise superior to other existing techniques and at the same time can be very well incorporated in the communication channels of Fault Tolerant Hard Real time systems along with existing Error Checking / Error Correcting codes, so that the intention of eaves dropping can be defeated. There are many encryption methods available now. Each method has got it's own merits and demerits. Similarly, many crypt analysis techniques which adversaries use are also available.


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Internet today has become a vital part of day to day life, owing to the revolutionary changes it has brought about in various fields. Dependence on the Internet as an information highway and knowledge bank is exponentially increasing so that a going back is beyond imagination. Transfer of critical information is also being carried out through the Internet. This widespread use of the Internet coupled with the tremendous growth in e-commerce and m-commerce has created a vital need for infonnation security.Internet has also become an active field of crackers and intruders. The whole development in this area can become null and void if fool-proof security of the data is not ensured without a chance of being adulterated. It is, hence a challenge before the professional community to develop systems to ensure security of the data sent through the Internet.Stream ciphers, hash functions and message authentication codes play vital roles in providing security services like confidentiality, integrity and authentication of the data sent through the Internet. There are several ·such popular and dependable techniques, which have been in use widely, for quite a long time. This long term exposure makes them vulnerable to successful or near successful attempts for attacks. Hence it is the need of the hour to develop new algorithms with better security.Hence studies were conducted on various types of algorithms being used in this area. Focus was given to identify the properties imparting security at this stage. By making use of a perception derived from these studies, new algorithms were designed. Performances of these algorithms were then studied followed by necessary modifications to yield an improved system consisting of a new stream cipher algorithm MAJE4, a new hash code JERIM- 320 and a new message authentication code MACJER-320. Detailed analysis and comparison with the existing popular schemes were also carried out to establish the security levels.The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) I Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol is one of the most widely used security protocols in Internet. The cryptographic algorithms RC4 and HMAC have been in use for achieving security services like confidentiality and authentication in the SSL I TLS. But recent attacks on RC4 and HMAC have raised questions about the reliability of these algorithms. Hence MAJE4 and MACJER-320 have been proposed as substitutes for them. Detailed studies on the performance of these new algorithms were carried out; it has been observed that they are dependable alternatives.


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Globalisation has many facets and its impact on labour is one of the most significant aspects.Though its influence is worldwide,it is much more significant in a transforming economy like India.The right of workers to social security is seen recognised under the Constitution of India and other welfare legislations.But,after adoption of the new economic policy of liberalisation and privatisation by the Government of India,the labour is exposed to new set of challenges.They are posed mainly due to economic restructuring affected in employment relationship,coupled with the increase in unprotected informal labour force.This study is an attempt to analyse the new challenges stemming up in employment relation,efficacy of the existing measures for social security of labour in the present economic condition and the suggestions for securing workers'right to social security in the trade regime.


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A socio-economic research is required as an attempt to address the socio-economic issues facing small-scale fisheries. A study of the socio economic conditions of small-scale fishermen is a prerequisite for good design and successful implementation of effective assistance Programmes. It will provide an overall pidure of the structure, activities and standards of living of small-scale fisherfolk The study is confined to the coastal districts of Ernakulam, Thrissur and Malappuram districts. It also gives a picture of socio-economic conditions of the fisher folk in the study area. The variables that may depict the standard of living of the small-scale fisherfolk are occupational structure, family size, age structure, income, expenditure, education, housing and other social amenities. It attempts to see the asset creation of the fisherfolk with the help of government agencies, and the nature of savings and expenditure pattern of the fisherfolk. It also provides a picture of the indebtedness of the fisherfolk in the study area. The study analyses the schemes implemented by the government through its agencies, like Fisheries Department, Matsyaboard, and Matsyafed; and the awareness of fisherfolk regarding these schemes, their attitude and reactions, the extent of accessibility, and the viability of the schemes.


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Modern computer systems are plagued with stability and security problems: applications lose data, web servers are hacked, and systems crash under heavy load. Many of these problems or anomalies arise from rare program behavior caused by attacks or errors. A substantial percentage of the web-based attacks are due to buffer overflows. Many methods have been devised to detect and prevent anomalous situations that arise from buffer overflows. The current state-of-art of anomaly detection systems is relatively primitive and mainly depend on static code checking to take care of buffer overflow attacks. For protection, Stack Guards and I-leap Guards are also used in wide varieties.This dissertation proposes an anomaly detection system, based on frequencies of system calls in the system call trace. System call traces represented as frequency sequences are profiled using sequence sets. A sequence set is identified by the starting sequence and frequencies of specific system calls. The deviations of the current input sequence from the corresponding normal profile in the frequency pattern of system calls is computed and expressed as an anomaly score. A simple Bayesian model is used for an accurate detection.Experimental results are reported which show that frequency of system calls represented using sequence sets, captures the normal behavior of programs under normal conditions of usage. This captured behavior allows the system to detect anomalies with a low rate of false positives. Data are presented which show that Bayesian Network on frequency variations responds effectively to induced buffer overflows. It can also help administrators to detect deviations in program flow introduced due to errors.


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Any automatically measurable, robust and distinctive physical characteristic or personal trait that can be used to identify an individual or verify the claimed identity of an individual, referred to as biometrics, has gained significant interest in the wake of heightened concerns about security and rapid advancements in networking, communication and mobility. Multimodal biometrics is expected to be ultra-secure and reliable, due to the presence of multiple and independent—verification clues. In this study, a multimodal biometric system utilising audio and facial signatures has been implemented and error analysis has been carried out. A total of one thousand face images and 250 sound tracks of 50 users are used for training the proposed system. To account for the attempts of the unregistered signatures data of 25 new users are tested. The short term spectral features were extracted from the sound data and Vector Quantization was done using K-means algorithm. Face images are identified based on Eigen face approach using Principal Component Analysis. The success rate of multimodal system using speech and face is higher when compared to individual unimodal recognition systems


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With this document, we provide a compilation of in-depth discussions on some of the most current security issues in distributed systems. The six contributions have been collected and presented at the 1st Kassel Student Workshop on Security in Distributed Systems (KaSWoSDS’08). We are pleased to present a collection of papers not only shedding light on the theoretical aspects of their topics, but also being accompanied with elaborate practical examples. In Chapter 1, Stephan Opfer discusses Viruses, one of the oldest threats to system security. For years there has been an arms race between virus producers and anti-virus software providers, with no end in sight. Stefan Triller demonstrates how malicious code can be injected in a target process using a buffer overflow in Chapter 2. Websites usually store their data and user information in data bases. Like buffer overflows, the possibilities of performing SQL injection attacks targeting such data bases are left open by unwary programmers. Stephan Scheuermann gives us a deeper insight into the mechanisms behind such attacks in Chapter 3. Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a method to insert malicious code into websites viewed by other users. Michael Blumenstein explains this issue in Chapter 4. Code can be injected in other websites via XSS attacks in order to spy out data of internet users, spoofing subsumes all methods that directly involve taking on a false identity. In Chapter 5, Till Amma shows us different ways how this can be done and how it is prevented. Last but not least, cryptographic methods are used to encode confidential data in a way that even if it got in the wrong hands, the culprits cannot decode it. Over the centuries, many different ciphers have been developed, applied, and finally broken. Ilhan Glogic sketches this history in Chapter 6.


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Conceptual Information Systems are based on a formalization of the concept of "concept" as it is discussed in traditional philosophical logic. This formalization supports a human-centered approach to the development of Information Systems. We discuss this approach by means of an implemented Conceptual Information System for supporting IT security management in companies and organizations.