983 resultados para Secretory ducts


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A literature survey and a theoretical study were performed to characterize residential chimney conditions for flue gas flow measurements. The focus is on Pitot-static probes to give sufficient basis for the development and calibration of a velocity pressure averaging probe suitable for the continuous dynamic (i.e. non steady state) measurement of the low flow velocities present in residential chimneys. The flow conditions do not meet the requirements set in ISO 10780 and ISO 3966 for Pitot-static probe measurements, and the methods and their uncertainties are not valid. The flow velocities in residential chimneys from a heating boiler under normal operating condi-tions are shown to be so low that they in some conditions result in voiding the assumptions of non-viscous fluid justifying the use of the quadratic Bernoulli equation. A non-linear Reynolds number dependent calibration coefficient that is correcting for the viscous effects is needed to avoid significant measurement errors. The wide range of flow velocity during normal boiler operation also results in the flow type changing from laminar, across the laminar to turbulent transition region, to fully turbulent flow, resulting in significant changes of the velocity profile during dynamic measurements. In addition, the short duct lengths (and changes of flow direction and duct shape) used in practice are shown to result in that the measurements are done in the hydrodynamic entrance region where the flow velocity profiles most likely are neither symmetrical nor fully developed. A measurement method insensitive to velocity profile changes is thus needed, if the flow velocity profile cannot otherwise be determined or predicted with reasonable accuracy for the whole measurement range. Because of particulate matter and condensing fluids in the flue gas it is beneficial if the probe can be constructed so that it can easily be taken out for cleaning, and equipped with a locking mechanism to always ensure the same alignment in the duct without affecting the calibration. The literature implies that there may be a significant time lag in the measurements of low flow rates due to viscous effects in the internal impact pressure passages of Pitot probes, and the significance in the discussed application should be studied experimentally. The measured differential pressures from Pitot-static probes in residential chimney flows are so low that the calibration and given uncertainties of commercially available pressure transducers are not adequate. The pressure transducers should be calibrated specifically for the application, preferably in combination with the probe, and the significance of all different error sources should be investigated carefully. Care should be taken also with the temperature measurement, e.g. with averaging of several sensors, as significant temperature gradients may be present in flue gas ducts.


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Hybrid Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) collectors are an emerging technology that combines PV and solar thermal systems in a single solar collector producing heat and electricity simultaneously. The focus of this thesis work is to evaluate the performance of unglazed open loop PVT air system integrated on a garage roof in Borlänge. As it is thought to have a significant potential for preheating ventilation of the building and improving the PV modules electrical efficiency. The performance evaluation is important to optimize the cooling strategy of the collector in order to enhance its electrical efficiency and maximize the production of thermal energy. The evaluation process involves monitoring the electrical and thermal energies for a certain period of time and investigating the cooling effect on the performance through controlling the air mass flow provided by a variable speed fan connected to the collector by an air distribution duct. The distribution duct transfers the heated outlet air from the collector to inside the building. The PVT air collector consists of 34 Solibro CIGS type PV modules (115 Wp for each module) which are roof integrated and have replaced the traditional roof material. The collector is oriented toward the south-west with a tilt of 29 ᵒ. The collector consists of 17 parallel air ducts formed between the PV modules and the insulated roof surface. Each air duct has a depth of 0.05 m, length of 2.38 m and width of 2.38 m. The air ducts are connected to each other through holes. The monitoring system is based on using T-type thermocouples to measure the relevant temperatures, air sensor to measure the air mass flow. These parameters are needed to calculate the thermal energy. The monitoring system contains also voltage dividers to measure the PV modules voltage and shunt resistance to measure the PV current, and AC energy meters which are needed to calculate the produced electrical energy. All signals recorded from the thermocouples, voltage dividers and shunt resistances are connected to data loggers. The strategy of cooling in this work was based on switching the fan on, only when the difference between the air duct temperature (under the middle of top of PV column) and the room temperature becomes higher than 5 °C. This strategy was effective in term of avoiding high electrical consumption by the fan, and it is recommended for further development. The temperature difference of 5 °C is the minimum value to compensate the heat losses in the collecting duct and distribution duct. The PVT air collector has an area of (Ac=32 m2), and air mass flow of 0.002 kg/s m2. The nominal output power of the collector is 4 kWppv (34 CIGS modules with 115 Wppvfor each module). The collector produces thermal output energy of 6.88 kWth/day (0.21 kWth/m2 day) and an electrical output energy of 13.46 kWhel/day (0.42 kWhel/m2 day) with cooling case. The PVT air collector has a daily thermal energy yield of 1.72 kWhth/kWppv, and a daily PV electrical energy yield of 3.36 kWhel /kWppv. The fan energy requirement in this case was 0.18 kWh/day which is very small compared to the electrical energy generated by the PV collector. The obtained thermal efficiency was 8 % which is small compared to the results reported in literature for PVT air collectors. The small thermal efficiency was due to small operating air mass flow. Therefore, the study suggests increasing the air mass flow by a factor of 25. The electrical efficiency was fluctuating around 14 %, which is higher than the theoretical efficiency of the PV modules, and this discrepancy was due to the poor method of recording the solar irradiance in the location. Due to shading effect, it was better to use more than one pyranometer.


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Cultured human breast carcinoma cell lines are important models for investigating the pathogenesis of breast cancer. Their use, however, is limited because of loss of expression of breast-specific markers and the development of a dedifferentiated phenotype after continuous culture. PMC42 is a unique human breast carcinoma line, previously shown to express secretory and myoepithelial markers. We have induced PMC42 cells to form hollow organoids in culture, similar to in vivo breast structures, using a combination of hormones including estrogen, progesterone, dexamethasone, insulin, and prolactin in combination with a permeable extracellular matrix. The organoids comprised polarized cells located around a central lumen. Expression of β-casein was demonstrated in cells within organoids using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction, Western blot analysis, and confocal immunofluorescence. In this in vitro system, milk-specific gene expression was induced through hormone and matrix interactions which may be similar to those operating in vivo. PMC42 is a novel model for investigations into the molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis and differentiation in the human breast.


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Zinc is an essential trace element required by all living organisms. An adequate supply of zinc is particularly important in the neonatal period. Zinc is a significant component of breast milk, which is transported across the maternal epithelia during lactation. The mechanisms by which zinc becomes a constituent of breast milk have not been elucidated. The function of the zinc transporter ZnT4 in the transport of zinc into milk during lactation was previously demonstrated by studies of a mouse mutant, the ‘lethal milk’ mouse, where a mutation in the ZnT4 gene decreased the transport of zinc into milk. In the present study, we have investigated the expression of the human orthologue of ZnT4 (hZnT4) in the human breast. We detected hZnT4 mRNA expression in the tissue from the resting and lactating human breast, using reverse-transcriptase PCR. Western-blot analysis using antibodies to peptide sequences of hZnT4 detected a major band of the predicted size of 47 kDa and a minor band of 77 kDa, in extracts from the resting and lactating breast tissues. There was no difference in the hZnT4 expression levels between lactating and resting breasts. The hZnT4 protein was present in the luminal cells of the ducts and alveoli where it had a granular distribution. A cultured human breast epithelial cell line PMC42 was used to investigate the subcellular distribution of hZnT4 and this showed a granular label throughout the cytoplasm, consistent with a vesicular localization. The presence of zinc-containing intracellular vesicles was demonstrated by using the zinc-specific fluorphore Zinquin (ethyl-[2-methyl-8-p-toluenesulphonamido-6-quinolyloxy]acetate). Double labelling indicated that there was no obvious overlap between Zinquin and the hZnT4 protein, suggesting that hZnT4 was not directly involved in the transport of zinc into vesicles. We detected expression of two other members of the hZnT family, hZnT1 and hZnT3, in human breast epithelial cells. We conclude that hZnT4 is constitutively expressed in the human breast and may be one of the several members of the ZnT family involved in the transport of zinc into milk.


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Introducing new technologies poses a particular challenge to the players involved in a project. For a successful low energy building, a new design process is required and players must assume new and additional responsibilities. Hypocaust systems, where conditioned or non-conditioned air is passed through ducts within the concrete floor or ceiling of a building prior to its delivery to the rooms, are starting to appear in new buildings in Australia. This paper describes the lessons learned from the early experiences with a hypocaust system, installed in a new building in Melbourne. It concludes that a more cooperative process among all those involved in introducing and using a new 'technology' is essential if the problems described are to be avoided or at least minimized.


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Natriuretic peptides are linked to osmoregulation, cardiovascular and volume regulation in fishes. The peptides bind to two guanylyl-cyclase-linked receptors, natriuretic peptide receptor-A (NPR-A) and NPR-B, to elicit their effects. Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) binds principally to NPR-A, whereas C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) binds to NPR-B. The teleost kidney has an important role in the maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance; therefore, the location of NPR-A and NPR-B in the kidney could provide insights into the functions of natriuretic peptides. This study used homologous, affinity purified, polyclonal antibodies to NPR-A and NPR-B to determine their location in the kidney of the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica. Kidneys from freshwater and seawater acclimated animals were fixed overnight in 4% paraformaldehyde before being paraffin-embedded and immunostained. NPR-A immunoreactivity was found on the apical membrane of proximal tubule 1 and the vascular endothelium including the glomerular capillaries. In contrast, NPR-B immunoreactivity was located on the smooth muscle of blood vessels including the glomerular afferent and efferent arterioles, and on smooth muscle tissue surrounding the collecting ducts. No difference in the distribution of NPR-A and NPR-B was observed between freshwater and seawater kidneys. Immunoreactivity was not observed in any tissue in which the antibodies had been preabsorbed. In addition, there was no difference in NPR-A and NPR-B mRNA expression between freshwater-acclimated and seawater-acclimated eels. These results suggest that, although utilizing the same second messenger system, ANP and CNP act on different targets within the kidney and presumably elicit different effects.


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The existence of an egg-laying hormone (ELH) was identified for the first time in the black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon, by means of immunoenzyme and immunofluorescence techniques. This was achieved using a polyclonal antibody produced against expressed recombinant ELH of the female Australian blacklip abalone, Haliotis rubra. The shrimp ELH reactive material was found to be localised within female neurosecretory tissues and the secretory tissue of the antennal gland, but was not identified in the X-organ sinus gland within the eyestalk. It was also present in the ovary, where the amount of ELH present was observed to be greatest in the period prior to spawning. These findings implied that the induction of P. monodon spawning might be involved with humoral regulation relating to ELH expression.


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Hypocaust systems, where conditioned or non-conditioned air is passed through ducts within the concrete floor or ceiling of a building prior to its delivery to the rooms, are starting to appear in new buildings in Australia.

This paper describes the lessons that can be learned from the early experiences with a hypocaust system, installed in a new building in Melbourne. It concludes that a more cooperative process between all those involved in introducing and using a new 'technology' is essential if the problems described are to be avoided or at least minimized.


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The MNK (Menkes disease protein; ATP7A) is a major copper- transporting P-type ATPase involved in the delivery of copper to cuproenzymes in the secretory pathway and the efflux of excess copper from extrahepatic tissues. Mutations in the MNK (ATP7A) gene result in Menkes disease, a fatal neurodegenerative copper deficiency disorder. Currently, detailed biochemical and biophysical analyses of MNK to better understand its mechanisms of copper transport are not possible due to the lack of purified MNK in an active form. To address this issue, we expressed human MNK with an N-terminal Glu-Glu tag in Sf9 [Spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworm) 9] insect cells and purified it by antibody affinity chromatography followed by size-exclusion chromatography in the presence of the non-ionic detergent DDM (n-dodecyl b-D-maltopyranoside). Formation of the classical vanadate-sensitive phosphoenzyme by purified MNK was activated by Cu(I) [EC50=0.7 µM; h (Hill coefficient) was 4.6]. Furthermore, we report the first measurement of Cu(I)-dependent ATPase activity of MNK (K0.5=0.6 µM; h=5.0). The purified MNK demonstrated active ATP-dependent vectorial 64Cu transport when reconstituted into soya-bean asolectin liposomes. Together, these data demonstrated that Cu(I) interacts with MNK in a co-operative manner and with high affinity in the sub-micromolar range. The present study provides the first biochemical characterization of a purified full-length mammalian copper-transporting P-type ATPase associated with a human disease.


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The fur seal (Arctocephalus spp. and Callorhinus spp., members of the pinniped family) is a mammal with the unusual capability to modulate its lactation cycle by turning milk production on and off without the typical mammalian regression and involution of the mammary gland. Lactation has evolved from constraints arising from the spatial and temporal separation of infant nursing and maternal foraging as the mother gives birth and feeds the pup on land while acquisition of nutrients for milk production occurs at sea. The lactation cycle begins with the female fur seal undergoing a perinatal fast of approximately 1 wk, after which time she departs the breeding colony to forage at sea. For the remainder of the long lactation period (116–540 days), the mother alternates between short periods ashore suckling the young with longer periods of up to 4 wk of foraging at sea. Milk production continues while foraging at sea, but at less than 20% the rate of production on land. Fur seals produce one of the richest milk reported, with a very high lipid content contributing up to 85% of total energy. This feature serves as an adaptation to the young's need to produce an insulating blubber layer against heat loss and to serve as an energy store when the mother is away foraging at sea. This atypical pattern of lactation means mothers have long periods with no suckling stimulus and can transfer high-energy milk rapidly while on land to minimize time away from foraging grounds. The absence of suckling stimulus and milk removal during foraging does not result in the onset of involution with associated apoptosis of mammary secretory cells and a subsequent progressive breakdown of the cellular structure of the mammary gland. The mechanisms controlling lactation in the fur seal mammary gland have been investigated using molecular and cellular techniques. These findings have shed light on the processes by which the unique features of lactation in the fur seal are regulated.


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Irinotecan (CPT-11, 7-ethyl-10-[4-(1-piperidino)-1-piperidino] carbonyloxycamptothecin) has exhibited clinical activities against a broad spectrum of carcinomas by inhibiting DNA topoisomerase I (Topo I). However, severe and unpredictable dosing-limiting toxicities (mainly myelosuppression and severe diarrhea) hinder its clinical use. The latter consists of early and late-onset diarrhea, occurring within 24 hr or ≥ 24 hr after CPT-11 administration, respectively. This review highlights novel agents potentially inhibiting CPT-11-induced diarrhea, which are designed and tested under guidance of disposition pathways and potential toxicity mechanisms. Early-onset diarrhea is observed immediately after CPT-11 infusion and probably due to the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase activity, which can be eliminated by administration of atropine. Lateonset diarrhea appears to be associated with intestinal exposure to SN-38 (7-ethyl-10-hydroxycamptothecin), the major active metabolite of CPT-11, which may bind to Topo I and induce apoptosis of intestinal epithelia, leading to the disturbance in the absorptive and secretory functions of mucosa. CPT-11 and SN-38 may also stimulate the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and prostaglandins (PGs), thus inducing the secretion of Na+ and Cl-. Early treatment of severe late-onset diarrhea with oral high-dose loperamide has decreased patient morbidity. Extensive studies have been conducted to identify other potential agents to ameliorate diarrhea in preclinical and clinical models. These include intestinal alkalizing agents, oral antibiotics, enzyme inducers, P-glycoprotein (PgP) inhibitors, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors, tumor necrosis factor-agr (TNF-α) inhibitors, or blockers of biliary excretion of SN-38. Further studies are needed to identify the molecular targets associated with CPT-11 toxicity and safe and effective agents for alleviating CPT-11-induced diarrhea.


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Intervention of the biliary system is frequently done in patients with obstructive jaundice and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. The pathogenesis is unknown.
Materials and methods
A rat model of bile duct ligation (BDL) for 2 weeks was established in which biliary intervention was feasible by injection of normal saline through an indwelling catheter in the bile ducts. Plasma levels of C-C chemokine MCP-1 and C-X-C chemokine MIP-2 were measured by using ELISA. Blood monocytes, Kupffer cells, and neutrophils in the liver were characterized with antibodies to ED1, ED2, and myeloperoxidase (MPO). Lipid peroxidation was measured by malondialdehyde contents and apoptosis by TUNEL stain of the liver.
Biliary intervention resulted in an increase of plasma MCP-1 and MIP-2 proteins by 1 h, which declined to normal level by 3 h in both sham and BDL rats. The levels in BDL rats were significantly higher than in sham at most points. There was a transient increase of ED1- and ED2-positive cells and MPO-staining cells in sham rat liver by 1 h after intervention. ED2-positive cells increased significantly by 1 h, while ED1- and MPO-positive cells decreased, yet insignificantly after intervention in BDL rats. The cell counts in BDL were constantly higher than in sham. Malondialdehyde increased precipitously in BDL by 3 h and was significantly higher than in sham throughout the study period. Parenchymal liver injury, manifested by elevated ALT, as well as apoptosis and necrosis of liver cells, was significantly increased in BDL rats, but not in sham rats.
Biliary intervention augments chemokine expression, precipitates lipid peroxidation, and aggravates liver injury in cholestatic rats.


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In the lactating breast, the development of secretory alveoli consisting of differentiated cells arranged around a central lumen is dependent on signals from the extracellular environment of the cells. There are few cell lines that model this process. We previously showed that the human breast carcinoma line PMC42-LA can be induced to form organoids, reminiscent of secretory alveoli found in the lactating human breast. In this report, we used high-resolution scanning electron microscopy to show that the formation of organoids is accompanied by development of cell surface microvilli. Extracellular matrix-induced formation of microvilli occurred on the internal and external surfaces of cells in the organoids and not on surfaces in contact with the extracellular matrix. Organoid formation of PMC42-LA cells induced a rearrangement of the extracellular matrix, seen in the form of radiating fibers from the organoids. In summary, there is an interaction between PMC42-LA cells and the underlying extracellular matrix, which leads to the formation of polarized cells with well-developed microvilli. This is accompanied by organization of the extracellular matrix. PMC42-LA is a relevant model of the human breast for investigations into cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions.


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Many depictions of urban futures have a distinctly Asian flavour. There have been numerous visions of highly technological futures whose environments extrapolate present societies into futures technically, culturally and politically dominated by China or Japan, Such futures are portrayed as both exciting and threatening, to the point that the Japanese academic and cultural critic Toshiya Ueno used the term ‘Techno-Orientalism’ to describe the phenomenon. Nevertheless, whether Western interest is Orientalist or not, Asian architects are also increasingly looking to their own contemporary and future cultures for inspiration. This paper will discuss two manifestations of this. The first is Thai architect Sumet Jumsai’s Bank of Asia. Unlike contemporaneous English hightech buildings, with their coldly mechanistic representation of ducts and struts, Jumsai’s Bank of Asia, takes on the anthropomorphic character of Japanese scifi robots. It is endearing, friendly, even cute. The second example is what might be termed superflat architecture, from the term coined by the artist Takashi Murakami to describe an aesthetic of intrinsic flatness, eliminating depth in favour of skin and surface. The emergence of Techno-Cute and Superflat architecture suggest contemporary Asian architectural sensibilities that neither derive their aesthetic qualities solely from tradition nor from Western Modernism or Postmodernism.


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The secreted metalloprotease ADAMTS5 is implicated in destruction of the cartilage proteoglycan aggrecan in arthritis, but its physiological functions are unknown. Its expression profile during embryogenesis and in adult tissues is therefore of considerable interest. β-Galactosidase (β-gal) histochemistry, enabled by a LacZ cassette inserted in the Adamts5 locus, and validated by in situ hybridization with an Adamts5 cRNA probe and ADAMTS5 immunohistochemistry, was used to profile Adamts5 expression during mouse embryogenesis and in adult mouse tissues. Embryonic expression was scarce prior to 11.5 days of gestation (E11.5) and noted only in the floor plate of the developing brain at E9.5. After E11.5 there was continued expression in brain, especially in the choroid plexus, peripheral nerves, dorsal root ganglia, cranial nerve ganglia, spinal and cranial nerves, and neural plexuses of the gut. In addition to nerves, developing limbs have Adamts5 expression in skeletal muscle (from E13.5), tendons (from E16.5), and inter-digital mesenchyme of the developing autopod (E13.5–15.5). In adult tissues, there is constitutive Adamts5 expression in arterial smooth muscle cells, mesothelium lining the peritoneal, pericardial and pleural cavities, smooth muscle cells in bronchi and pancreatic ducts, glomerular mesangial cells in the kidney, dorsal root ganglia, and in Schwann cells of the peripheral and autonomic nervous system. Expression of Adamts5 during neuromuscular development and in smooth muscle cells coincides with the broadly distributed proteoglycan versican, an ADAMTS5 substrate. These observations suggest the major contexts in which developmental and physiological roles could be sought for this protease.