957 resultados para Schreuder, Hans T.: Sampling methods for multiresource forest inventory


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The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector is described. The detector operates at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. It was conceived to study proton-proton (and lead-lead) collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 14 TeV (5.5 TeV nucleon-nucleon) and at luminosities up to 10(34)cm(-2)s(-1) (10(27)cm(-2)s(-1)). At the core of the CMS detector sits a high-magnetic-field and large-bore superconducting solenoid surrounding an all-silicon pixel and strip tracker, a lead-tungstate scintillating-crystals electromagnetic calorimeter, and a brass-scintillator sampling hadron calorimeter. The iron yoke of the flux-return is instrumented with four stations of muon detectors covering most of the 4 pi solid angle. Forward sampling calorimeters extend the pseudo-rapidity coverage to high values (vertical bar eta vertical bar <= 5) assuring very good hermeticity. The overall dimensions of the CMS detector are a length of 21.6 m, a diameter of 14.6 m and a total weight of 12500 t.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A floristic study was carried out in an area of semideciduous mesophytic forest, lied in the municipality of Jahu, São Paulo State, Brazil. Due to the fact of the forest be crossed by three small rivers, for the sampling process, the forest was divided in two sampling areas: Area I (under the influence of the rivers) and Area II (without this influence). Differences in the abundance of some species between the two sampling areas were observed.


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This work has been developed using a sylvestral fruit tree, native to the Brazilian forest, the Eugenia uniflora L., one of the Mirtaceae family. The main goal of the analytical study was focused on extraction methods themselves. The method development pointed to the Clevenger extraction as the best yield in relation to SFE and Soxhlet. The SFE method presented a good yield but showed a big amount of components in the final extract, demonstrating low selectivity. The essential oil extracted was analyzed by GC/FID showing a large range of polarity and boiling point compounds, where linalool, a widely used compound, was identified. Furthermore, an analytical solid phase extraction method was used to clean it up and obtain separated classes of compounds that were fractionated and studied by GC/FlD and GUMS. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The species of the sandy plains forests (forests of the ''restingas'') have not yet had their spatial patterns studied as aids to the understanding of the diversity found in the different physiognomies along the Brazilian coast. In this paper a 10 x 10 m quadrat framework laid in a hectare of a tree dominant forest in the sandy plains of the Picinguaba area of the Serra do Mar State Park (municipality of Ubatuba, state of São Paulo, Brazil) was used to assess the spatial pattern of distribution for the ten most important species : Pera glabrata, Euterpe edulis, Eugenia brasiliensis, Alchornea triplinervea, Guatteria australis, Myrcia racemosa, Jacaranda semiserrata, Guarea macrophylla, Euplassa cantareirae and Nectandra oppositifolia. The spatial patterns were inferred through the calculations of their T-Square Index (C) and Dispersal Distance Index (I). P. glabrata shows a random pattern, E. edulis aggregate, E. brasiliensis, A. triplinervia, G. australis, E. cantareirae and N. oppositifolia with a tendency between aggregate and uniform and, M. racemosa, J. semiserrata and G. macrophylla between aggregate and random. Although the indexes are dependent of the sample size and of the technique adjustments, the relationship of the pattern with the environmental factors is shown by clustering methods. The results give confirmation of how the spatial patterns bring associations between populations and shape of the vegetation physiognomy.


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Through the point-centered quarter method, a phytosociological study was carried out in an area of semideciduous mesophytic forest with 190 ha, in the municipality of Jahu,SP. Due to the fact of the forest be crossed by three small rivers, for the sampling process, the Total Area was divided in two sampling areas: the Area I (under the influence of the rivers) and the Area II (without this influence). Some differences between the two regions were observed.


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The floristic composition was studied in an area of semideciduous mesophytic forest, with 120 ha, in the municipality of Botucatu, SP, Brazil. This forest lies on the ascent of the Cuesta of Botucatu. Due to the heterogeneity of the relief, for the sampling process, the forest was divided in three regions: the upper one (comprising the strip of forest on the plateau), middle on (the forestal area lied on the ascent properly said) and the lower one (the strip of forest on the plain). The tree sampling regions showed some differences among them and this must be connected to the differences in the soil.


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A standard (X) over bar chart for controlling the process mean takes samples of size no at specified, equally-spaced, fixed-time points. This article proposes a modification of the standard (X) over bar chart that allows one to take additional samples, bigger than no, between these fixed times. The additional samples are taken from the process when there is evidence that the process mean moved from target. Following the notation proposed by Reynolds (1996a) and Costs (1997) we shortly call the proposed (X) over bar chart as VSSIFT (X) over bar chart: where VSSIFT means variable sample size and sampling intervals with fixed times. The (X) over bar chart with the VSSIFT feature is easier to be administered than a standard VSSI (X) over bar chart that is not constrained to sample at the specified fixed times. The performances of the charts in detecting process mean shifts are comparable.


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Visual communication is widespread among several anuran families, but seems to be more common than currently thought. We investigated and compared visual communication in six species of an anuran community in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Four are nocturnal species: Hyalinobatrachium uranoscopum (Centrolenidae), Hyla albomarginata, Hyla sp. (aff. ehrhardti), and Scinax eurydice (Hylidae), and two are diurnal species: Hylodes phyllodes and Hylodes asper ( Leptodactylidae). For H. uranoscopum, H. albomarginata, S. eurydice, and H. phyllodes, this is the first record of visual communication. Observations were made at Nucleo Picinguaba, Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, in the Municipality of Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Descriptions of behaviour were based on individuals observed in the field, using sequence sampling with continuous tape recording for behavioural observations. Eight new behaviours are described: body wiping, face wiping, jump display, leg kicking, limb lifting, mouth opening, toe flagging, and vocal sac display. of the 42 anuran species known from Nucleo Picinguaba, at least six ( approximately 14%) display visual communication. The evolution of visual signals in these species may be related to the availability of ambient light, the structural complexity of the habitat, and/or the ambient noise. They may also have evolved to aid in the location of the individual, to avoid physical combat, and/or may be a by-product of seismic communication.


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The phytosociological structure was studied in an area of semideciduous mesophytic forest lied on the ascent of the Cuesta of Botucatu. Once the relief of the area was very heterogeneous, the forest, for the sampling process, was divided in three sampling regions: the upper one (on the plateau), the middle one (on the ascent properly said) and the lower one (on the plain). Through the point-centered method, 1224 (408 in each region) trees were sampled. For this work, only the trees with shaft equal or higher than 1.30m high were considered. The three sampling regions showed some interesting differences in regard to the phytosociologic structure. Once there are differences among the soil of the three regions, the variations in the structure must be connected to the differences in the soil.


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Results are given of a phytosociological study of a forest located in the Morro do Diabo State Park. in the county of Teodoro Sampaio (22 degrees 31'S, 52 degrees 10'W), Pontal do Paranapanema region, state of São Paulo. The point-centered quarter method, using 300 sampling points, was used establishing 3 trails of 100 sampling points each, 10 m interdistant. All woody vegetation with a breast height diameter of 5 cm or more were samplied. Three distinct ecotopes could be identified in the forest: the lower, thc slope and the peak, which were analised separately.The families that presented the greatest numbers of genera, species and individuals were Leguminosae, Euphorbiaceae and Myrtaceae, followed by Rutaceae, Lauraceae, Meliaceae and Moracea. A total of 104 species, 85 genera and 37 families were sampled by the phytosociological survey. The relative sociological position of each plant family or species varied according to ecotope.


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Objective: To estimate the prevalence of blindness in the elderly population of Campinas, Brazil, and to describe the coverage and quality of cataract surgery services in the area. Methods: A brief assessment of cataract surgery services (using the RACSS (Rapid Assessment of Cataract Surgical Services Method) was conducted using random cluster sampling, with a sample composed of 60 clusters of 40 people aged 50 years or older. Visual acuity (VA) was measured and the lens status observed by direct visual ophthalmoscopy. From the selected sample of 2,400 subjects, 92.67% were examined. Results: Blindness (VA 3/60 with available correction) was found in 1.98 % (2.03 % among male subjects, and 1.94 % among female subjects). The prevalence of blindness varied with age, from 0.2%, in the group from 50 to 54 years, to 7.2% in those above 80. Cataract was the main cause of blindness (40.2%) followed by suspected posterior segment disorders (18.2%), diabetic retinopathy (15.9%), and glaucoma (11.4%). The cataract surgical coverage was of 93% (VA 3/60) and 82.18% when the criterion was VA 6/60 in the best eye. The main reasons the subjects did not receive surgical treatment were: fear of undergoing surgery, 11.1%; lack of awareness about the condition, 16.7%; waiting for maturity, 16.7%; and contraindication to surgery, 44.4%. Conclusion: Cataract is the major cause of blindness in Campinas. Education on eye diseases, their prevention and treatment must become part of the city's public healthcare policies.


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To investigate the feasibility and validity of sampling blood from the carpal pad in hospitalised healthy and diabetic dogs. METHODS The carpal pad was compared to the ear as a sampling site in 60 dogs (30 healthy and 30 diabetic dogs). RESULTS Lancing the pads was very well tolerated. The average glucose concentrations in blood samples obtained from the ears and carpal pads exhibited a strong positive correlation (r = 0.938) and there were no significant differences between them (P = 0.914). In addition, 98.3% of the values obtained were clinically acceptable when assessed by the error grid analysis. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE The carpal pad is a good alternative sampling site for home monitoring, especially in animals with a soft and/or light-coloured pad.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Recent theoretical studies have shown that the X̄ chart with variable sampling intervals (VSI) and the X̄ chart with variable sample size (VSS) are quicker than the traditional X̄ chart in detecting shifts in the process. This article considers the X̄ chart with variable sample size and sampling intervals (VSSI). It is assumed that the amount of time the process remains in control has exponential distribution. The properties of the VSSI X̄ chart are obtained using Markov chains. The VSSI X̄ chart is even quicker than the VSI or VSS X̄ charts in detecting moderate shifts in the process.