998 resultados para Sarpi, Paolo , 1552-1623
Background. This study is an evaluation of the vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) therapy for the treatment of severe intrathoracic infections complicating lung resection, esophageal surgery, viscera perforation, or necrotizing pleuropulmonary infections.Methods. We reviewed the medical records of all patients treated by intrathoracic VAC therapy between January 2005 and December 2008. All patients underwent surgical debridement-decortication and control of the underlying cause of infection such as treatment of bronchus stump insufficiency, resection of necrotic lung, or closure of esophageal or intestinal leaks. Surgery was followed by intrathoracic VAC therapy until the infection was controlled. The VAC dressings were changed under general anesthesia and the chest wall was temporarily closed after each dressing change. All patients received systemic antibiotic therapy.Results. Twenty-seven patients (15 male, median age 64 years) underwent intrathoracic VAC dressings for the management of postresectional empyema (n = 8) with and without bronchopleural fistula, necrotizing infections (n = 7), and intrathoracic gastrointestinal leaks (n = 12). The median length of VAC therapy was 22 days (range 5 to 66) and the median number of VAC changes per patient was 6 (range 2 to 16). In-hospital mortality was 19% (n = 5) and was not related to VAC therapy or intrathoracic infection. Control of intrathoracic infection and closure of the chest cavity was achieved in all surviving patients.Conclusions. Vacuum-assisted closure therapy is an efficient and safe adjunct to treat severe intrathoracic infections and may be a good alternative to the open window thoracostomy in selected patients. Long time intervals in between VAC changes and short course of therapy result in good patient acceptance. (Ann Thorac Surg 2011;91:1582-90) (C) 2011 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons
BACKGROUND: We assessed end-diastolic right ventricular (RV) dimensions and left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction by use of intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography before and after surgical correction of pectus excavatum in adults. METHODS: A prospective study was conducted including 17 patients undergoing surgical correction of pectus excavatum according to the technique of Ravitch-Shamberger between 1999 and 2004. Intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography was performed under general anesthesia before and after surgery to assess end-diastolic RV dimensions and LV ejection fraction. The end-diastolic RV diameter and area were measured in four-chamber and RV inflow-outflow view, and the RV volume was calculated from these data. The LV was assessed by transgastric short-axis view, and its ejection fraction was calculated by use of the Teichholz formula. RESULTS: The end-diastolic RV diameter, area, and volume all significantly increased after surgery (mean values +/- SD, respectively: 2.4 +/- 0.8 cm versus 3.0 +/- 0.9 cm, p < 0.001; 12.5 +/- 5.2 cm(2) versus 18.4 +/- 7.5 cm(2), p < 0.001; and 21.7 +/- 11.7 mL versus 40.8 +/- 23 mL, p < 0.001). The LV ejection fraction also significantly increased after surgery (58.4% +/- 15% versus 66.2% +/- 6%, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Surgical correction of pectus excavatum according to Ravitch-Shamberger technique results in a significant increase in end-diastolic RV dimensions and a significantly increased LV ejection fraction.
A 9-month-old girl presented with life-threatening acute respiratory failure 1 week after the surgical correction of a double aortic arch, which was due to a severe bulging of the pars membranacea into the lumen of the trachea that produced a complete obstruction of the lower trachea. Under cardiopulmonary bypass, a Y-shaped posterior biodegradable splint was placed behind the trachea and sutured to the posterior trachea, and a simultaneous right aortic arch aortopexy was performed. Thereafter, the child recovered normal respiratory function. Follow-up bronchoscopy showed a posterior dip at the splint level and an asymptomatic persistent posterior compression of the right main bronchus.
Cf. notice du ms. par Leroquais, Sacramentaires, II, 180-183 n° 366. Les incipit des proses ont été relevés dans la table des incipit. F. 1-6v Calendrier de Paris : 3 janv., en rouge, «Genovefe virg. IX lc.» (1); 22 avr., «Inventio corporis s. Dyonisii sociorumque ejus. Oportune virg. semid.» (2v); 28 mai, en rouge, «Germani ep. Parisiensis semid. Carauni mart. memoria» (3); 25juin, en violet, «Translatio s. Eligii ep.» (3v); en violet, «In prima dominica hujus mensis [augusti] fit d. de cruce» [réception à Notre-Dame d'un fragment de la vraie Croix] (4v); 9 oct., en rouge, «Dyonisii sociorumque ejus duplex» (5v); 28 oct., «Germani ep. Translatio s. Genovefe virg. mart. memoria» (5v); 3 nov. «Marcelli ep. Parisiensis dupl.»; 13 nov., «Gendulphi ep. et conf. [Parisiensis] dupl.»; 26 nov., en violet, «Genovefe virg. de miraculo [ardentium] IX lc.» (6); 4 déc., «Susceptio capillorum b. Marie et capitis b. Dyonisii in ecclesia Parisiensi» (6v). Le calendrier ne contient pas la fête de s. Louis au 25 août (établie en 1298) ni au 17 mai la translation du chef de s. Louis à la Sainte-Chapelle (en 1306); — Ajout du XIVe s. au 30 avr., «Eutropii mart. et conf.» [culte établi à Paris en 1296] (2v); cf. Leroquais, Bréviaires, I, CXII-CXIII, Tableau chronologique des fêtes parisiennes. — Au début de chaque mois, vers sur les jours égyptiaques (éd. Hennig, Traditio, XI (1955), 84 III), sauf celui de janvier (1) qui correspond au premier vers de la série éd. par Riese (Anthol. lat., I2 (1906), 680a); — À la fin de février, vers sur l'année bissextile : «Byssextum sexte martis tenuere kalende...»; cf. ms. Latin 3162, f. 102 (1v); — À la fin de mars, vers sur la date de Pâques : «Post martis nonas ubi sit nova luna requiras...» (2); — Notations astrologiques et de comput, passim. F. 7-353v Temporal, avec parties chantées notées. Incomplet du début par la perte du premier f., il commence dans la prose du premier dimanche de l'Avent : «... [eterna indefici]ens mundi vita...» (7). À remarquer : «dominica IIIa [in Adventu] more ecclesie Parisiensis» (24v); — Cérémonie des Cendres avec rubriques liturgiques (62v-66v); — Dimanche des Rameaux, «congregatis processionibus conventualibus in ecclesia B. Marie, capiceriis portantibus capsam et tribus clericis in albis paratis tres textus, exitur de ecclesia nichil cantando et sic eundum est ad ecclesiam Sancte Genovefe de Monte...» (147); cf. Leroquais, 181; — Dans l'évangile des Rameaux, le Christ est désigné par la lettre L, le narrateur par la lettre C et les autres par la lettre S (153-158); dans les autres évangiles de la Passion (162-186 passim), ces lettres suscrites ont été effacées et remplacées à la mine de plomb de façon sporadique, le Christ étant alors désigné par une croix; — «Oremus pro papa nostro N...» (186v); «... pro christianissimo rege nostro N...» (187); — Parmi les litanies, «s.Stephane... s. Dyonisi...» (191v)..., « s. Lucane... s. Justine... s. Gendulphe... s. Germane...» (199)..., « s. Genovefa...» (201v). — «Incipit ordo misse. Sacerdos primo induat se rocheto dicens : Actiones nostras...» (203v-206); pour les rubriques liturgiques, cf. Leroquais, 181; — Préfaces notées : «Incipiunt prefationes...» (206-210); — Canon de la messe (210-213); pour les rubriques liturgiques, cf. Leroquais, 182; — «In die Re[sur]rectionis» (214); — «In die sancto [Pentecostes]» (262v); — [De sancta Trinitate] (280v); — «Dominica XXVa» (348v); — «In dedicatione ecclesie» (350-353v). La fête du Saint-Sacrement ne figure pas. F. 354-496v Sanctoral, avec parties chantées notées. À noter parmi les saints parisiens : 3 janv., «S. Genovefe virg.» (373v); 22 avr., «Inventio corporis s. Dyonisii, Rustici et Eleuterii» (398v); — 28 mai, «S. Germani ep. Parisiensis» (407v); — 10 juin, «S. Landerici Parisiensis ep.» (410); — 26 juill., «In translatione s. Marcelli» (432); — 11août, «De receptione s. corone...» (443v); —, 4 oct., «Auree virg. [abb. Parisiis]» (480); 9 oct., «In die [s. Dyonisii]», avec octave (481v); — 28oct., «In translatione s. Genovefe» (487); — 3nov., «S. Marcelli Parisiensis ep.», avec octave (489v); — 26 nov., «S. Genovefe de miraculo ardentium» (495); — «De s. Gendulpho. Prosa» (495). F. 497-541 Commun des saints, avec pièces chantées notées. F. 541-559 Messes votives, sans parties notées à l'exception de la messe des morts (551v-556). Aux ff. 546v-547, en marge de la messe «pro amico», deux additions d'une écriture cursive de la fin du XIVe s. précisent : «ducem nostrum et duxissem ejusque prolem». — Prières diverses (556-559). F. 559-563 Rituel de mariage. «Incipit ordo ad sponsam benedicendam. Cum venerint ante valvas ecclesie sponsus et sponsa, accinctus sacerdos alba et stola... auxilium et argentum super scutum positum benedicat dicens : Manda Deus... Tunc aspergatur aqua benedicta et thurificetur et sponsus et sponsa; quo facto sacerdos dicat : Bones genz nos avons faiz les bans III foiz de ces II genz et encore les faison nous, que se il i a nul ne nule qui sache enpeschement par quoi l'un ne puisse avoir l'autre par loi de mariage, si le die. Et re[spon]dent assistentes : Nous ni savons se bien non. Quo audito, accipiat sacerdos manum dexteram sponse et ponat in dextera manu sponsi et dicat... nominandos eos : Vos Marie et vos Jeham vous prometez, fianciez et jurez l'un à l'autre à garder la foi et la loiauté du mariage... Tunc sacerdos tradat anulum sponso et sponsus autem per manum sacerdotis primo in police sponse... dicens... : Marie de cest annel t'espous et de mon cors t'ennor et de douaire qui est devisiez entre mes amis et les tiens. In nomine... Secundo in indice dicens... Tercio in medio dicens : Et Spiritus sancti. Amen... Postea sacerdos extensa manu super illos dicat orationes... Tunc sacerdos centus [sic] sponsum per manum dexteram et sponsam et introducat eos in ecclesiam...» (559-559bis); — Messe de mariage, comportant deux préfaces notées : «Deinde celebratur missa...» (559bis-562v); pour les rubriques liturgiques, cf. Leroquais, 183. — «Missa celebrata, recedant sponsus et sponsa et, ipsis stantibus ante hostium domus illorum presentibus pane et vinum [sic], faciat sacerdos benedictionem super panem dicens : Benedic Domine creaturam... Tunc sponsus mordet in pane, postea sponsa. Item benedictio super vinum... Tunc sponsus bibat, postea sponsa. Quo facto introducit eos sacerdos per manum in domum... Item in sero benedictio thalami... Tunc turificet thalamum, postea sponsum et sponsam sedentes vel jacentes in lecto suo benedicat dicens : Benedic Domine adulescentulos...» (562v-563) (éd. avec variantes par E. Martène, De antiquis Ecclesiae ritibus, II, 374-376, d'après le ms. Latin 859A); même ordo dans le ms. NAL 2649, f. 333-336. F. 563-565v Exorcisme de l'eau et du sel (563-564v). — «Pro Terra sancta» (564v-565). — «Pro rege nostro» (565). — «Benedictio pere et baculi peregrinorum» (565-565v). — «Benedictio crucis... Benedictio novorum fructuum... Benedictio panis» (565v).
Comprend : Epistolae et orationes
Purpose. To investigate the role of the myocyte enhancer factor 2 (Mef2) transcription factor family in retinal diseases, Mef2c expression was assessed during retinal degeneration in the Rpe65(-/-) mouse model of Leber's congenital amaurosis (LCA). Mef2c-dependent expression of photoreceptor-specific genes was further addressed. Methods. Expression of Mef2 members was analyzed by oligonucleotide microarray, quantitative PCR (qPCR) and in situ hybridization. Mef2c-dependent transcriptional activity was assayed by luciferase assay in HEK293T cells. Results. Mef2c was the only Mef2 member markedly downregulated during retinal degeneration in Rpe65(-/-) mice. Mef2c mRNA level was decreased by more than 2 fold at 2 and 4 months and by 3.5 fold at 6 months in retinas of Rpe65(-/-) mice. Downregulation of Mef2c at the protein level was confirmed in Rpe65(-/-) retinas. The decrease in Mef2c mRNA levels in the developing Rpe65(-/-) retinas, from post-natal day (P)13 onward, was concomitant with the decreased expression of the rod-specific transcription factors Nrl and Nr2e3. Nrl was further shown to drive Mef2c transcriptional activity, supporting a physiological role for Mef2c in the retina. In addition, Mef2c appeared to act as a transcriptional repressor of its own expression, as well as those of the retina-specific retinal G-protein coupled receptor (Rgr), rhodopsin and M-opsin genes. Conclusions. These findings highlight the early altered regulation of the rod-specific transcriptional network in Rpe65-related disease. They further indicate that Mef2c may act as a novel transcription factor involved in the development and the maintenance of photoreceptor cells.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of XG-102 (formerly D-JNKI1), a TAT-coupled dextrogyre peptide that selectively inhibits the c-Jun N-terminal kinase, in the treatment of endotoxin-induced uveitis (EIU). METHODS: EIU was induced in Lewis rats by LPS injection. XG-102 was administered at the time of LPS challenge. The ocular biodistribution of XG-102 was evaluated using immunodetection at 24 hours after either 20 microg/kg IV (IV) or 0.2 microg/injection intravitreous (IVT) administrations in healthy or uveitic eyes. The effect of XG-102 on EIU was evaluated using clinical scoring, infiltration cell quantification, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression and immunohistochemistry, and cytokines and chemokines kinetics at 6, 24, and 48 hours using multiplex analysis on ocular media. Control EIU eyes received vehicle injection IV or IVT. The effect of XG-102 on c-Jun phosphorylation in EIU was evaluated by Western blot in eye tissues. RESULTS: After IVT injection, XG-102 was internalized in epithelial cells from iris/ciliary body and retina and in glial and microglial cells in both healthy and uveitic eyes. After IV injection, XG-102 was concentrated primarily in inflammatory cells of uveitic eyes. Using both routes of administration, XG-102 significantly inhibited clinical signs of EIU, intraocular cell infiltration, and iNOS expression together with reduced phosphorylation of c-Jun. The anti-inflammatory effect of XG-102 was mediated by iNOS, IFN-gamma, IL-2, and IL-13. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first evidence that interfering with the JNK pathway can reduce intraocular inflammation. Local administration of XG-102, a clinically evaluated peptide, may have potential for treating uveitis.
We argue that the procompetitive effect of international trade may bring about significant welfare costs that have not been recognized. We formulate a stylized general equilibrium model with a continuum of imperfectly competitive industries to show that, under plausible conditions, a trade-induced increase in competition can actually amplify monopoly distortions. This happens because trade, while lowering the average level of market power, may increase its cross-sectoral dispersion. Using data on US industries, we document a dramatic increase in the dispersion of market power overtime. We also show evidence that trade might be responsible for it and provide some quantifications of the induced welfare cost. Our results suggest that, to avoid some unpleasant effects of globalization, trade integration should be accompanied by procompetitive reforms (i.e., deregulation) in the nontraded sectors.
This paper investigates the relationship between trade openness and the size of government, both theoretically and empirically. We show that openness can increase the size of governments through two channels: (1) a terms of trade externality, whereby trade lowers the domestic cost of taxation and (2) the demand for insurance, whereby trade raises risk and public transfers. We provide a unified framework for studying and testing these two mechanisms. First, we show how their relative strength depends on a key parameter, the elasticity of substitution between domestic and foreign goods. Second, while the terms of trade externality leads to inefficiently large governments, the increase in public spending due to the demand for insurance is optimal. We show that large volumes of trade may result in welfare losses if the terms of trade externality is strong enough while small volumes of trade are always beneficial. Third, we provide new evidence on the positive association between openness and the size of government and test whether it is consistent with the terms of trade externality or the demand for insurance. Our findings suggest that the positive relationship is remarkably robust and that the terms of trade externality may be the driving force behind it, thus raising warnings that globalization may have led to inefficiently large governments.
We performed association studies with 5,151 SNPs that were judged as likely candidate genetic variations conferring susceptibility to anorexia nervosa (AN) based on location under reported linkage peaks, previous results in the literature (182 candidate genes), brain expression, biological plausibility, and estrogen responsivity. We employed a case-control design that tested each SNP individually as well as haplotypes derived from these SNPs in 1,085 case individuals with AN diagnoses and 677 control individuals. We also performed separate association analyses using three increasingly restrictive case definitions for AN: all individuals with any subtype of AN (All AN: n = 1,085); individuals with AN with no binge eating behavior (AN with No Binge Eating: n = 687); and individuals with the restricting subtype of AN (Restricting AN: n = 421). After accounting for multiple comparisons, there were no statistically significant associations for any individual SNP or haplotype block with any definition of illness. These results underscore the importance of large samples to yield appropriate power to detect genotypic differences in individuals with AN and also motivate complementary approaches involving Genome-Wide Association (GWA) studies, Copy Number Variation (CNV) analyses, sequencing-based rare variant discovery assays, and pathway-based analysis in order to make up for deficiencies in traditional candidate gene approaches to AN.
Mutations in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) cause a variety of craniosynostosis syndromes. The mutational spectrum tends to be narrow with the majority of mutations occurring in either exon IIIa or IIIc or in the intronic sequence preceding exon IIIc. Mutations outside of this hotspot are uncommon and the few identified mutations have demonstrated wide clinical variability, making it difficult to establish a clear-cut genotype-phenotype correlation. To better delineate the clinical picture associated with these unusual mutations, we describe a severely affected patient with Pfeiffer syndrome and a missense mutation in the tyrosine kinase (TK) domain of FGFR2.
Contient : Notes de naissances et décès de différents membres de la famille Lescot, descendants des Hennequins (1552-1745). — Blasons coloriés. — Au fol. 1, la mention : « A Jehan Lescot, sieur du Tronchet, contrerolleur ordinaire des guerres »
Hoje em dia, apesar da não obrigatoriedade Estatal da Educação Pré-escolar, tornou-se culturalmente habitual a frequência de crianças a estabelecimentos de Educação Pré-escolar. Cabo Verde não foge à regra e Pedra Badejo também não. No entanto, algumas questões podem ser levantadas perante esta prática social: Em que consiste Educação de infância? Existirão diversas categorias de Instituições que prestem esse serviço? Creche e Jardim infantil designam a mesma coisa? Qual o nível de penetração deste sistema no meio acima referido? Em que medida as teorias contemporâneas de educação infantil têm eco dentro das instituições desse sector na localidade? Estas são algumas das questões esclarecidas neste trabalho, ao lado de um recenseamento sobre as instituições de acolhimento e educação pré-escolar, bem como a teorização desta etapa da educação, seu enquadramento à luz das Leis da Republica, Organização das Nações Unidas para a Infância (UNICEF) e da Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação e Cultura (UNESCO).