993 resultados para Sanitary reform


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This thesis contains three chapters. The first chapter uses a general equilibrium framework to simulate and compare the long run effects of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and of health care costs reduction policies on macroeconomic variables, government budget, and welfare of individuals. We found that all policies were able to reduce uninsured population, with the PPACA being more effective than cost reductions. The PPACA increased public deficit mainly due to the Medicaid expansion, forcing tax hikes. On the other hand, cost reductions alleviated the fiscal burden of public insurance, reducing public deficit and taxes. Regarding welfare effects, the PPACA as a whole and cost reductions are welfare improving. High welfare gains would be achieved if the U.S. medical costs followed the same trend of OECD countries. Besides, feasible cost reductions are more welfare improving than most of the PPACA components, proving to be a good alternative. The second chapter documents that life cycle general equilibrium models with heterogeneous agents have a very hard time reproducing the American wealth distribution. A common assumption made in this literature is that all young adults enter the economy with no initial assets. In this chapter, we relax this assumption – not supported by the data – and evaluate the ability of an otherwise standard life cycle model to account for the U.S. wealth inequality. The new feature of the model is that agents enter the economy with assets drawn from an initial distribution of assets. We found that heterogeneity with respect to initial wealth is key for this class of models to replicate the data. According to our results, American inequality can be explained almost entirely by the fact that some individuals are lucky enough to be born into wealth, while others are born with few or no assets. The third chapter documents that a common assumption adopted in life cycle general equilibrium models is that the population is stable at steady state, that is, its relative age distribution becomes constant over time. An open question is whether the demographic assumptions commonly adopted in these models in fact imply that the population becomes stable. In this chapter we prove the existence of a stable population in a demographic environment where both the age-specific mortality rates and the population growth rate are constant over time, the setup commonly adopted in life cycle general equilibrium models. Hence, the stability of the population do not need to be taken as assumption in these models.


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This dissertation has as aim the praxis of co-management of the health service of CAPS II OESTE of Natal-RN, where health workers, family members got to materialize guidelines and principles of psychiatric Brazilian reform in real possibilities of subjectivity construction, whereas they changed social relations in daily life. The path chosen to record was from testimonials and contributions of those who meant their done. Redeeming this story from social representations of the majority of their builders was an instigating, delicate and rewarding task, emphasizing the living memory, rebuilt in a line of time which could not be found in simple documentary collections. Mainly, by knowing that service routine was intense and had as characteristic the singular mobility itself from a creation process and therefore not always its dynamic allowed adequate records. At the same time, from this occurred the field and bibliographic research which allowed the detailed information from the prior milestones and motivated to the practice here reported. The rereading of concepts in an interface with the reports of the interviewees enabled the verification that the model of mental health advocated by psychiatric reform was understood. Once noticed the presence of the beliefs and values of people in motivating energy for the progress of reform, it has gone to fetch theoretical subsidies of administrative order to understand how they saw this building and that uniqueness has been printed. The theoretical way and praxis have tracked here has allowed to analyze how occurred such a process of production and subjectivity and collectives that when organize enabled themselves for analysis and intervention, including in crisis situations. Therefore, it was revealed that ethical and multi-disciplinarity, the humanitarian sense, the coresponsibility, co-production and horizontal management were the key factors for spread from a changing protagonist. One can thus conclude that co-management from that collective has been multi-disciplinary weaving a cross


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The treatment for abusive users of alcohol and other drugs suffered significant modifications until arriving to the psychosocial model that is used by Centro de Atenção Psicossocial CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN (Psychosocial Support Center). That model appears starting from Brazilian sanitary and psychiatric reforms which are expressed in the principles and propositions of Sistema Único de Saúde SUS (Unique System of Health). The Psychiatric Reform meant a rupture with the mental hospital and hospital centered treatment pattern which was destined to the abusive users of alcohol and other drugs. The new proposal offers the universalization, democratization, regionalization and completeness of the actions in the field of mental health. It gathers a strictly interdisciplinary health staff. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment for abusive users of alcohol and other drugs offered by CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN. The evaluation used, as priority, the qualitative social research through an evaluating study starting from the non-experimental model. The methodological process used different instruments of data collection: bibliographical and documental researches, systematic observations at CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN and, mainly, the semistructured interviews (21) that were accomplished with the professionals, users and relatives of CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN. The investigation showed the effectiveness of the service and, therefore, CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN constitute itself as the main confronting strategy to the mental hospital and hospital centered treatment pattern of caring the abusive users of alcohol and other drugs


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Brazilian Psychiatry Reform, through Psychosocial Care Strategy, has intended to build insane people care practices from community care services which contemplates the subjects complete lives. However, to change the traditional care ways demands the facing of a series of epistemological, political and cultural obstacles. One of the current challenges deals with patients aggravation processes, with management ways, with devices and with professionals, as well as with the assistance network. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how these aggravation processes has been constituted in Natal mental healthcare network, understanding its effects in the work teams and patients. Theoretical and methodological perspective used was Institutional analysis was, subsidizing the usage of concept-tools as the implication analysis, selfmanagement and self-analysis, and restitution. The research was carried out at the Natal East Sanitary District Mental Healthcare Clinic, with the participation of technicians and patients. The research procedures were: literature and document research on the attendance and the analyzed theme; attendance registers analysis; participating observation of the institutional routine for three months and field log entries; talking groups, one with the team and one with the patients. Two main discussion points are shown: 1. The mental healthcare clinic organization logic and the intersector politics; 2. The work and management processes developed at the mental healthcare clinic. The analysis show diversity in the attended demands in the service, which has favored the patients aggravation, this device and the substitute network processes. The work processes are apart from the political sphere and from the managements processes. In this sense, we show the need to reevaluate the clinic device as well as the management models adopted in the Brazilian Psychiatry Reform context


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Urban solid residues are constituted of food remaining, grass leaves, fruit peelings, paper, cardboard, rubber, plastic, etc. The organic fraction formed represents about 50% during the decomposition yields biogas and leachate, which are sources of pollution. Residue samples were collected from the landfill in different and cells from several ages and the corresponding leachate, both after treatments, were submitted to thermal analysis. Kinetic parameters were determined using Flynn-Wall-Ozawa method. The linear relation between the two kinetic parameters (ln A and E) was verified for organic residue urban's samples, but not for leachate's sample. The occurred difference can be attributed to the constituents present in leachate.


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O objetivo desse artigo é caracterizar as fontes da ineficiência técnica e alocativa em um conjunto de 308 beneficiários de um programa de reforma agrária de mercado, chamado Cédula da Terra;, distribuídos em cinco estados do Nordeste brasileiro. Estudos conduzidos por Buainain et al. (2002) mostraram existem poucas diferenças entre as características de beneficiários deste programa e dos programas tradicionais de reforma agrária por expropriação e que portanto, os resultados obtidos por este trabalho permitem visualizar as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos assentamentos no Brasil. Para medir eficiência, estimou-se uma função de produção potencial segundo a metodologia de Battese e Coelli (1995) e a partir disto, procurou-se explicar as razões da ineficiência (relativa) encontrada. Os resultados apontam para a existência de ineficiência técnica e alocativa que é identificada principalmente nas situações em que a presença de produção para consumo é elevada. Tratase de um resultado que revela a pouca maturidade da maioria dos lotes dos assentados do PCT e a dificuldade de superar as limitações impostas pela condição inicial de formação dos assentamentos de reforma agrária, principalmente na região nordeste do Brasil.


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Leachate samples from a sanitary landfill of Araraquara city and composting usine of Vila Leopoldina, São Paulo, Brazil were lyophilized to remove the water content. TG/DTG curves at different heating rates were recorded. The second step of the thermal decomposition of leachate from the Araraquara landfill (CB1), from the composting usine from Vila Leopoldina (CB2) from the organic phase extracted (FO) and aqueous phase (FA) were all kinetically evaluated using the non-isothermal method.By Flynn-Wall isoconversional method the following values were obtained: E=234 +/- 3.65 kJ mol(-1) and logA=29.7 +/- 0.58 min(-1) for CB1; E=129 +/- 1.66 kJ mol(-1) and logA=11.8 +/- 0.10 min(-1) for CB2; E=51.6 +/- 1.35 kJ mol(-1) and logA=6.09 +/- 0.09 min(-1) for FO and E=76.91 +/- 6.33 kJ mol(-1) and logA=8.88 +/- 0.7 min(-1) for FA with 95% confidence level. Applying the procedures of Malek and Koga, SB kinetic model (Sestak-Berggren) is the most appropriate to describe the decomposition of CB1, CB2, FO and FA.


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The urban solid waste of the city of Indaiatuba (pop. 175 000), located in the state of São Paulo, was characterized, focusing on the recycling potential. For this purpose, collected waste was subdivided into 27 items, classified by mass and volume. About 90% of this waste was found to be potentially recyclable and only 10% requiring landfilling. The compostable organic matter, in the form of food and garden waste, both with high moisture content (51 and 41%, respectively), represents 54% in mass and 21% in volume. The most common type of plastic in this waste is high density polyethylene, whose estimated disposal is about 5000 kg day(-1). A socio-economic analysis of the waste generation indicates that low-income neighbourhoods discard relatively less packaging and more food waste, shoes and construction debris than middle and high income ones, which may be due to low purchasing power and schooling. Our findings indicate that more aluminium and uncoloured polyethylene terephthalate is discarded in the warmest months of the year, probably due to a greater consumption of canned and bottled drinks.


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This article examines the interplay between legitimacy and context as key determinants of public sector reform outcomes. Despite the importance of variables Such as legitimacy of public institutions, levels of civic morality and socio-economic realities, reform strategies often fail to take such contextual factors into account. The article examines, first, relevant literature both conceptual and empirical, including data from the World Values Survey project. It is argued that developing countries have distinctive characteristics which require particular reform strategies. The data analysed shows that in Latin American countries, there is no clear Correlation between confidence in public institutions and civic morality. Other empirical studies show that unemployment has a negative impact on the level of civic morality, while inequality engenders corruption. This suggests that poorer and socio-economically stratified countries face greater reform challenges owing to the lack of legitimacy of public institutions. The article concludes that reforms should focus on areas of governance that impact on poverty. This will in turn help produce more stable outcomes. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Agrarian reform has long been an acute issue in Brazil, where the distribution of cultivable land is extremely unequal. The Land Statute adopted by the military in 1964 constituted a genuine reform programme, which, however, was never implemented as the government chose to modernize agriculture and expand cultivated areas. This has prevented the poorest from having access to the land.-from English summary


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography