990 resultados para SPIN VALVES


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Der Spin Seebeck Effekt repräsentiert einen neuartigen Spin kalorischen Effekt mit vorteilhaften und aussichtsreichen Eigenschaften für Anwendungen in den Gebieten der Spintronik und Thermoelektrik.rnIn dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir eine umfangreiche Untersuchung des Spin Seebeck Effekts in isolierenden, magnetischen Granaten und geben Antworten zum kontrovers diskutierten Ursprung des Effekts. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, haben wir die Abhängigkeit des Spin Seebeck Effekts von der Dicke des Ferromagneten, der Temperatur, der Stärke des magnetisches Feldes, der Grenzflächen und des Detektormaterials, sowie Kombinationen dieser Parameter gemessen. Im Zuge dessen haben wir das Wachstum der untersuchten magnetischen Granate optimiert und eine umfassende Analyse der strukturellen und magnetischen Parameter durchgeführt, um Einflüsse der Probenqualität auszuschließen. Des Weiteren zeigte eine Untersuchung des magnetoresistiven Effekts, welcher als mögliche Ursache des Effekts galt, in Kombination mit einer Studie des Messaufbaus, dass parasitäre Einflüsse auf das Messergebnis ausgeschlossen werden können. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Spin Seebeck Effekt mit zunehmender Dicke des Ferromagneten eine Sättigung des Signals aufweist. Diese hängt zudem von der Temperatur ab, da mit abnehmender Temperatur die Sättigung erst bei dickeren Filmen auftritt. Außerdem fanden unsere Messungen ein Maximum des Spin Seebeck Effekts für Temperaturen unterhalb der Raumtemperatur, welcher sowohl von der Dicke des Materials als auch der Magnetfeldstärke und dem Detektormaterial beeinflusst wird. In Messungen bei hohen magnetischen Feldstärken beobachteten wir eine Unterdrückung des Messsignals, dessen Ursache mithilfe von Simulationen auf den magnonischen Ursprung des Spin Seebeck Effekts zurückgeführt werden kann. Dies unterstreicht, dass der Effekt auf vom Ferromagneten emittierten Magnonen basiert. Im letzten Abschnitt dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir Messungen in einem bislang nicht untersuchten ferrimagnetischen Material, welche zwei Vorzeichenwechsel des Spin Seebeck Effekts als Funktion der Temperatur aufzeigen. Dieses bisher unbekannte Signalverhalten betont, dass der Effekt aus einem komplexen Zusammenspiel der magnonischen Moden resultiert und zusätzlich vom Detektormaterial abhängt.rnSomit tragen unsere Ergebnisse und Beobachtungen im hohen Maße zur Beantwortung der Frage nach dem Ursprungs des Spin Seebeck Effekts bei und zeigen neuartige bisher nicht beobachtete Effekte, welche ein neues Kapitel für das Gebiet der Spin Kaloritronik eröffnen.


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In questo elaborato vengono discusse le catene di spin-1, modelli quantistici definiti su un reticolo unidimensionale con interazione tra siti primi vicini. Fra la ricca varietà di tipologie esistenti è stato scelto di porre attenzione primariamente sul modello antiferromagnetico con interazione puramente biquadratica. Vengono presentati diversi metodi di classificazione degli autostati di tale modello, a partire dalle simmetrie che ne caratterizzano l’Hamiltoniana. La corrispondenza con altri modelli noti, quali il modello XXZ di spin 1/2, la catena di Heisenberg SU (3) ed i modelli di Potts, è utile ad individuare strutture simmetriche nascoste nel formalismo di spin-1, le quali consentono di ricavare informazioni sullo spettro energetico. Infine, vengono presentati risultati numerici accompagnati da alcune considerazioni sulle modifiche dello spettro quando si aggiunge un termine bilineare alla Hamiltoniana biquadratica.


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Il lavoro svolto si concentra sul trasporto di carica e spin in dispositivi trilayer La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrTiO3/Co multifunzionali. Questi dispositivi mostrano sia magnetoresistenza che resistive switching, con un'interessante interazione fra i due effetti. Le giunzioni SrTiO3 sono state scelte per questo lavoro sia per via dei precedenti studi su SrTiO3 come barriera in dispositivi spintronici (cioè dispositivi con magnetoresistenza), sia perché sono promettenti come materiale base per costruire memristor (cioè dispositivi con resistive switching). Il lavoro di tesi è stato svolto all'Istituto per lo studio dei materiali nanostrutturati (ISMN-CNR) a Bologna. Nella prima parte di questa tesi illustrerò la fisica dietro al resistive switching e alla magnetoresistenza di dispositivi trilayer, mostrando anche risultati di studi su dispositivi simili a quelli da me studiati. Nella seconda parte mostrerò la complessa fisica degli ossidi utilizzati nei nostri dispositivi e i possibili meccanismi di trasporto attraverso essi. Nell'ultima parte descriverò i risultati ottenuti. I dispositivi La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrTiO3/Co sono stati studiati tramite caratterizzazione elettrica, di magnetotrasporto e con spettroscopia di impedenza. Le misure ottenute hanno mostrato una fisica molto ricca dietro al trasporto di spin e carica in questi dispositivi, e la mutua interazione fra fenomeni spintronici e di resistive switching rappresenta una chiave per comprendere la fisica di questi fenomeni. Analisi dati della dipendenza della resistenza della temperature e caratteristiche corrente-tensioni saranno usati per quantificare e descrivere il trasporto in questi dispositivi.


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In questa tesi si è studiato uno dei principali processi nelle stelle responsabili della nucleosintesi degli elementi pesanti dopo il 56Fe, il processo-s. In particolare sono state illustrate le sorgenti di neutroni che alimentano questo processo e si è analizzata la reazione 22Ne (α,n) 25Mg. Per costruire un valido modello matematico di questo processo è necessario conoscere in maniera accurata il reaction rate di questa reazione. Conseguentemente è necessario conoscere la sezione d'urto di tale reazione in maniera molto accurata. Sono stati condotti diversi esperimenti nel tentativo di valutare la sezione d'urto per via diretta, facendo collidere un fascio di particelle α su un campione di 22Ne. Queste rilevazioni hanno dato esiti non soddisfacenti nell'intervallo di energie riguardanti il processo-s, in quanto, a causa di disturbi dovuti al fondo di raggi cosmici e alla barriera Coulombiana, non è stato possibile osservare risonanze per valori di energie delle particelle α minori di (832± 2) keV. Per colmare la mancanza di dati sperimentali si è deciso di studiare gli stati eccitati del nucleo composto 26Mg tramite la reazione inversa 25Mg+n alle facility n_TOF, situata al CERN, e GELINA al IRMM. Le misure effettuate hanno mostrato diverse risonanze al di sotto di (832±2) keV, compatibili con le spin-parità di 22Ne e α. In seguito è stato stimato il loro contributo al reaction rate e i risultati hanno mostrato che per temperature tipiche di stelle massive il contributo di queste risonanze è trascurabile ma risulta di grande rilevanza alle temperature tipiche delle stelle appartenenti al ramo asintotico delle giganti (AGB).


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Neuroimaging using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is required for the investigation of surgically intractable epilepsy. In addition to the standard MRI techniques, perfusion sequences can be added to improve visualization of the underlying pathological changes. Also, as arterial spin-labeling (ASL) MRI perfusion does not require contrast administration, it may even be advantageous in these patients. We report here on three patients with epilepsy and tuberous sclerosis who underwent brain MRI with ASL and positron emission tomography (PET), both of which were found to correlate with each other and with electrophysiological data.


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Background and Purpose: In acute stroke it is no longer sufficient to detect simply ischemia, but also to try to evaluate reperfusion/recanalization status and predict eventual hemorrhagic transformation. Arterial spin labeling (ASL) perfusion may have advantages over contrast-enhanced perfusion-weighted imaging (cePWI), and susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) has an intrinsic sensitivity to paramagnetic effects in addition to its ability to detect small areas of bleeding and hemorrhage. We want to determine here if their combined use in acute stroke and stroke follow-up at 3T could bring new insight into the diagnosis and prognosis of stroke leading to eventual improved patient management. Methods: We prospectively examined 41 patients admitted for acute stroke (NIHSS >1). Early imaging was performed between 1 h and 2 weeks. The imaging protocol included ASL, cePWI, SWI, T2 and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), in addition to standard stroke protocol. Results: We saw four kinds of imaging patterns based on ASL and SWI: patients with either hypoperfusion and hyperperfusion on ASL with or without changes on SWI. Hyperperfusion was observed on ASL in 12/41 cases, with hyperperfusion status that was not evident on conventional cePWI images. Signs of hemorrhage or blood-brain barrier breakdown were visible on SWI in 15/41 cases, not always resulting in poor outcome (2/15 were scored mRS = 0–6). Early SWI changes, together with hypoperfusion, were associated with the occurrence of hemorrhage. Hyperperfusion on ASL, even when associated with hemorrhage detected on SWI, resulted in good outcome. Hyperperfusion predicted a better outcome than hypoperfusion (p = 0.0148). Conclusions: ASL is able to detect acute-stage hyperperfusion corresponding to luxury perfusion previously reported by PET studies. The presence of hyperperfusion on ASL-type perfusion seems indicative of reperfusion/collateral flow that is protective of hemorrhagic transformation and a marker of favorable tissue outcome. The combination of hypoperfusion and changes on SWI seems on the other hand to predict hemorrhage and/or poor outcome.


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INTRODUCTION: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is required for the investigation of surgically intractable epilepsy. In addition to the standard MRI techniques, perfusion sequences can be added to improve visualization of underlying pathological changes. Arterial spin-labeling (ASL) MRI perfusion does not require contrast administration and, for this reason, may have advantages in these patients. METHODS: We report here on 16 patients with epilepsy who underwent MRI of the brain with ASL and positron emission tomography (PET). RESULTS: Despite a slightly reduced resolution with ASL, we found a correlation between ASL, PET and electrophysiological data, with hypoperfusion on ASL that corresponded with hypoperfusion on interictal PET. CONCLUSION: Given the correlation between ASL and PET and electrophysiology, perfusion with ASL could become part of the standard work-up in patients with epilepsy.


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We sought to analyze outcomes of patients with degenerated surgically implanted bioprosthetic heart valves undergoing valve-in-valve (viv) transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI).


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Energy in a multipartite quantum system appears from an operational perspective to be distributed to some extent non-locally because of correlations extant among the system's components. This non-locality allows users to transfer, in effect, locally accessible energy between sites of different system components by local operations and classical communication (LOCC). Quantum energy teleportation is a three-step LOCC protocol, accomplished without an external energy carrier, for effectively transferring energy between two physically separated, but correlated, sites. We apply this LOCC teleportation protocol to a model Heisenberg spin particle pair initially in a quantum thermal Gibbs state, making temperature an explicit parameter. We find in this setting that energy teleportation is possible at any temperature, even at temperatures above the threshold where the particles' entanglement vanishes. This shows for Gibbs spin states that entanglement is not fundamentally necessary for energy teleportation; correlation other than entanglement can suffice. Dissonance-quantum correlation in separable states-is in this regard shown to be a quantum resource for energy teleportation, more dissonance being consistently associated with greater energy yield. We compare energy teleportation from particle A to B in Gibbs states with direct local energy extraction by a general quantum operation on B and find a temperature threshold below which energy extraction by a local operation is impossible. This threshold delineates essentially two regimes: a high temperature regime where entanglement vanishes and the teleportation generated by other quantum correlations yields only vanishingly little energy relative to local extraction and a second low-temperature teleportation regime where energy is available at B only by teleportation.


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Aortic valve replacement using a tissue valve is controversial for patients younger than 60 years old. The long-term survival in this age group, the expected event rates during long-term follow-up, and valve-related complications are not clearly determined.


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To evaluate a new isotropic 3D proton-density, turbo-spin-echo sequence with variable flip-angle distribution (PD-SPACE) sequence compared to an isotropic 3D true-fast-imaging with steady-state-precession (True-FISP) sequence and 2D standard MR sequences with regard to the new 3D magnetic resonance observation of cartilage repair tissue (MOCART) score.