993 resultados para Roig, Jaume, 1401-1478. Spill
Aquesta s la realitzaci del TFC en l'rea de .NET de en quant al "Desenvolupament rpid de llocs web". L'objectiu global del projecte s explorar la tecnologia WebMatrix de Microsoft, proveint una web per la PYME Cermicas Alba, dedicada a les reformes i la venda al detall de mobiliari i cermiques per a banys i cuines. La PYME necessita amb certa urgncia una web per publicar d'una manera rpida informaci de l'empresa. La web tindr dues parts: back-end i el front-end. El back-end pretn permetre al client administrar les parts dinmiques de la web com ara productes i dades de l'empresa. El front-end ser la part visible per els usuaris d'Internet. Com a provedor de la web, s requisit disposar d'eines i un entorn per a generar i publicar la web, WebMatrix s una tecnologia de Microsoft que s'hi ajusta i la definida en el TFC.
Desenvolupament d'aplicaci per a iPhone que controla els esdeveniments d'un partit de futbol. Mentre es van registrant, es poden consultar en temps real les estadstiques individuals i collectives dels equips. En tot moment, es pot generar un xml que permetr exportar les dades a altres equips.
Actualmente se pretende que los ordenadores puedan entender la semntica de la informacin que hay en la Web y que sea posible integrar diversas fuentes de informacin independientemente de la procedencia y formato de stas, haciendo as una Web Semntica. Uno de los mayores problemas que tiene la Web Semntica es la falta de contenidos semnticos, principalmente debido a la falta de mtodos de anotacin automticos existentes. Una forma de resolver este problema se basa en esconder tras aplicaciones que la gente usa diariamente, como los juegos on-line, estos procesos de generacin de metadatos semnticos. El objetivo de este proyecto es estudiar diferentes iniciativas que tratan de enmascarar la generacin de metadatos semnticos a travs de los juegos on-line y el desarrollo de un prototipo de casual game para anotar semnticamente recursos. Se trata de un juego sencillo de pregunta-respuesta, donde dos usuarios concurrentes contestan a preguntas preestablecidas y definidas dentro de una ontologa de dominio, obteniendo puntos en aquellas preguntas donde hayan dado la misma respuesta.
La finalidad de este proyecto es la creacin de un nuevo software para la gestin de las fichas personales en las parroquias, facilitando el acceso a estos datos para cualquier usuario y su actualizacin. Se pretende que aquestainformaci deje de estar nicamente conservada en papeles para pasar a estar guardada en una base de datos y teniendo as la opcin de guardar copias de seguridad. El sistema a desarrollar lo har con tecnologa J2EE.
Objective:We investigated to what extent changes in metabolic rate and composition of weight loss explained the less-than-expected weight loss in obese men and women during a diet-plus-exercise intervention.Design:In all, 16 obese men and women (419 years; body mass index (BMI) 396 kg m(-2)) were investigated in energy balance before, after and twice during a 12-week very-low-energy diet(565-650 kcal per day) plus exercise (aerobic plus resistance training) intervention. The relative energy deficit (EDef) from baseline requirements was severe (74%-87%). Body composition was measured by deuterium dilution and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, and resting metabolic rate (RMR) was measured by indirect calorimetry. Fat mass (FM) and fat-free mass (FFM) were converted into energy equivalents using constants 9.45 kcal per g FM and 1.13 kcal per g FFM. Predicted weight loss was calculated from the EDef using the '7700 kcal kg(-1) rule'.Results:Changes in weight (-18.65.0 kg), FM (-15.54.3 kg) and FFM (-3.11.9 kg) did not differ between genders. Measured weight loss was on average 67% of the predicted value, but ranged from 39% to 94%. Relative EDef was correlated with the decrease in RMR (R=0.70, P<0.01), and the decrease in RMR correlated with the difference between actual and expected weight loss (R=0.51, P<0.01). Changes in metabolic rate explained on average 67% of the less-than-expected weight loss, and variability in the proportion of weight lost as FM accounted for a further 5%. On average, after adjustment for changes in metabolic rate and body composition of weight lost, actual weight loss reached 90% of the predicted values.Conclusion:Although weight loss was 33% lower than predicted at baseline from standard energy equivalents, the majority of this differential was explained by physiological variables. Although lower-than-expected weight loss is often attributed to incomplete adherence to prescribed interventions, the influence of baseline calculation errors and metabolic downregulation should not be discounted.
Aquesta recerca vol endinsar-se en les particularitats del sector bancari japons. Per particularitats entenem aquelles caracterstiques que defineixen una societat, i que la caracteritza com a singular i nica, diferent a les altres. Per tal d'enfocar-ne la recerca, prendrem com a punt de partida i referncia, la situaci de l'economia japonesa dels anys noranta, desprs de l'esclat de la bombolla financera l'any 1990. Tanmateix, prviament farem un breu incs amb l'objectiu de contextualitzar la situaci financera abans de l'esclat de la bombolla, per entendre aix quines foren les primeres conseqncies que provoc la crisi financera de 1990. Les respostes i el posicionament que emprendr el Govern tamb ens ajudaran a comprendre les caracterstiques del sistema bancari japons. A travs de l'estudi d'aquest sistema financer centrat en els bancs, identificarem conceptes com: la banca de relaci, la qual ens marcar una de les caracterstiques principals d'aquest sistema. A travs de la descripci de figures com: bancs principals i keiretsu , tamb aconseguirem identificar nous trets. A travs de la observaci crtica de la relaci entre entitats bancries i Govern, aconseguirem anar detallant les prctiques bancries que han seguit, amb l'objectiu de per poder descriure les poltiques de risc aplicades per les entitats bancries. Un cop caracteritzats els trets principals del sistema bancari japons, arribar l'hora de mostrar els canvis que s'han produt en el sistema bancari japons. L'estudi de la reestructuraci del sistema, ens mostrar el nou mapa bancari japons aix com la nova regulaci a la qual s sotms. Finalment serem capaos d'identificar aquells trets que han generat els principals problemes del sector bancari.
D'un temps en, amb diversos alts i baixos, sembla que en el nostre pas es viu el que podrem anomenar febre dels portals. Aquest fet ha comportat que es posessin en marxa una gran quantitat d'aquestes plataformes a Internet sense cap mena de model clar i amb els objectius poc definits. En aquest article es proposa una evoluci histrica dels portals, una anlisi dels seus continguts i serveis i una proposta de model de negoci, aix com l'esbs del possible futur.
En els ltims anys s'ha produt a Espanya un increment substancial de les revistes digitals de Documentaci, tant de tipus acadmic com merament informatiu o comercial. En la present comunicaci, centrada en les revistes de tipus acadmic, s'analitzen les existents, es realitza una proposta de definici i es presenta un model de revista.
Aquest estudi tracta d'entendre els patrons de transformaci actuals relacionats amb els mitjans de comunicaci a Catalunya dins d'un context de rpida expansi de les TIC i una creixent complexitat tecnolgica i social. Analitza Internet en els mitjans de comunicaci "tradicionals", pel que fa a s, funci i prctiques de comunicaci, tenint en compte l'impacte de les tendncies de digitalitzaci actuals i la convergncia en el procs de consum, creaci, producci, edici i distribuci de contingut.
Introduction. Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome with unknown etiology. Recent studies have shown some evidence demonstrating that oxidative stress may have a role in the pathophysiology of fibromyalgia. However, it is still not clear whether oxidative stress is the cause or the effect of the abnormalities documented in fibromyalgia. Furthermore, the role of mitochondria in the redox imbalance reported in fibromyalgia also is controversial. We undertook this study to investigate the role of mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and mitophagy in fibromyalgia. Methods. We studied 20 patients (2 male, 18 female patients) from the database of the Sevillian Fibromyalgia Association and 10 healthy controls. We evaluated mitochondrial function in blood mononuclear cells from fibromyalgia patients measuring, coenzyme Q10 levels with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and mitochondrial membrane potential with flow cytometry. Oxidative stress was determined by measuring mitochondrial superoxide production with MitoSOX and lipid peroxidation in blood mononuclear cells and plasma from fibromyalgia patients. Autophagy activation was evaluated by quantifying the fluorescence intensity of LysoTracker Red staining of blood mononuclear cells. Mitophagy was confirmed by measuring citrate synthase activity and electron microscopy examination of blood mononuclear cells. Results. We found reduced levels of coenzyme Q10, decreased mitochondrial membrane potential, increased levels of mitochondrial superoxide in blood mononuclear cells, and increased levels of lipid peroxidation in both blood mononuclear cells and plasma from fibromyalgia patients. Mitochondrial dysfunction was also associated with increased expression of autophagic genes and the elimination of dysfunctional mitochondria with mitophagy. Conclusions. These findings may support the role of oxidative stress and mitophagy in the pathophysiology of fibromyalgia.
La lgica industrial de les comarques gironines i levoluci que ha experimentat al llarg del segle XX cal emmarcar-les dins el conjunt de leconomia catalana. La demarcaci gironina, per, ha tingut certes especificitats territorials que han estat condicionades pels seus recursos, naturals i humans, i que li han donat un carcter propi. Lexistncia de rius adients per a la producci elctrica, de massissos surers, dagricultura, ramaderia i pesca, diniciativa local i duna situaci territorial privilegiada, al llarg de lautopista A-7 i al centre de larc mediterrani, han afavorit la localitzaci duna indstria diversa i dinmica
This research studies from an internal view based on the Competency-Based Perspective (CBP), key organizational competencies developed for small new business. CBP is chosen in an attempt to explain the differences characterizing the closed companies from the consolidated ones. The main contribution of this paper is the definition of a set of key organizational competencies for new ventures from services and low technology based sectors. Using the classification proposed by [1] and a review of the entrepreneurship literature, the main competencies were defined and classified as: managerial, input-based, transformation-based, and output-based competencies. The proposed model for evaluating new ventures organizational competence is tested by means of Structural Equation
INTRODUCTION: The objective was to investigate the potential implication of the IL18 gene promoter polymorphisms in the susceptibility to giant-cell arteritis GCA). METHODS: In total, 212 patients diagnosed with biopsy-proven GCA were included in this study. DNA from patients and matched controls was obtained from peripheral blood. Samples were genotyped for the IL18-137 G>C (rs187238), the IL18-607 C>A (rs1946518), and the IL18-1297 T>C (rs360719) gene polymorphisms with polymerase chain reaction, by using a predesigned TaqMan allele discrimination assay. RESULTS: No significant association between the IL18-137 G>C polymorphism and GCA was found. However, the IL18 -607 allele A was significantly increased in GCA patients compared with controls (47.8% versus 40.9% in patients and controls respectively; P = 0.02; OR, 1.32; 95% CI, 1.04 to 1.69). It was due to an increased frequency of homozygosity for the IL18 -607 A/A genotype in patients with GCA (20.4%) compared with controls (13.4%) (IL18 -607 A/A versus IL18 -607 A/C plus IL18 -607 C/C genotypes: P = 0.04; OR, 1.59; 95% CI, 1.02 to 2.46). Also, the IL18-1297 allele C was significantly increased in GCA patients (30.7%) compared with controls (23.0%) (P = 0.003; OR, 1.48; 95% CI, 1.13 to 1.95). In this regard, an increased susceptibility to GCA was observed in individuals carrying the IL18-1297 C/C or the IL18-1297 C/T genotypes compared with those carrying the IL18-1297 T/T genotype (IL18-1297 C/C plus IL18-1297 T/C versus IL18-1297 T/T genotype in GCA patients compared with controls: P = 0.005; OR, 1.61; 95% CI, 1.15 to 2.25). We also found an additive effect of the IL18 -1297 and -607 polymorphisms with TLR4 Asp299Gly polymorphism. The OR for GCA was 1.95 for combinations of genotypes with one or two risk alleles, whereas carriers of three or more risk alleles have an OR of 3.7. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show for the first time an implication of IL18 gene-promoter polymorphisms in the susceptibility to biopsy-proven GCA. In addition, an additive effect between the associated IL18 and TLR4 genetic variants was observed.
Our purpose in this article is to define a network structure which is based on two egos instead of the egocentered (one ego) or the complete network (n egos). We describe the characteristics and properties for this kind of network which we call nosduocentered network, comparing it with complete and egocentered networks. The key point for this kind of network is that relations exist between the two main egos and all alters, but relations among others are not observed. After that, we use new social network measures adapted to the nosduocentered network, some of which are based on measures for complete networks such as degree, betweenness, closeness centrality or density, while some others are tailormade for nosduocentered networks. We specify three regression models to predict research performance of PhD students based on these social network measures for different networks such as advice, collaboration, emotional support and trust. Data used are from Slovenian PhD students and their s