1000 resultados para Ricerca scientifica - Costi - Valutazione - Europa
Este artigo visa a apresentar um contributo para a reflexão acerca da integração de Cabo Verde na CEDEAO (Comunidade Económica dos Estados da África Ocidental) e sobre a aproximação de Cabo Verde às RUP (Regiões Ultraperiféricas) e, posteriormente, à União Europeia, tirando-se proveito da realidade de uma Nação que se gerou e se vai consolidando a partir da cooperação de povos e culturas oriundos dos dois espaços geográficos referidos. A discussão não se deve somente à posição geográfica privilegiada do arquipélago, mas, igualmente, liga-se a aspectos de ordem cultural, política, económica, comercial e de segurança, com especial destaque para a estruturação do Estado-Nação em Cabo Verde.
The cost of inappropriateness of coagulation testing [I costi dell'inappropriatezza in coagulazione]
Background. Laboratory utilization has steadily increased with a corresponding increase in overall costs; several authors have attempted to measure the impact of inappropriateness on clinical outcomes but data are insufficient. The aim of the study is to assess the cost of inappropriateness of test-ordering behaviour for second-level coagulation tests (hemorrhagic diathesisand thrombophilia). Methods. We reviewed all second-level coagulation testrequests received by our department during a six months period. Clinicians must fill out a specific order form for these kind of tests, containing all informations deemed necessary for the laboratory specialist to evaluatethe appropriateness of the request. We identified all inappropriate requests and counted the numbers and types of all coagulation tests that were not performed during the period. An analysis of the laboratory activity costs was done in order to calculate the global costof each test in our department and to estimate the savings achieved. Results. On a total of 1664 second-level coagulationtest requests, we estimated 150 as completely inappropriate. We found an overall of 295 inappropriate testswhich were not performed. This resulted in an economic saving of 20.000 euro in 6 months. Conclusions. The analysis of cost of our intervention shows the urgent need for a definite and sustained reduction in inappropriate requests of second-level coagulation tests. Even though we estimated only the economic aspect of inappropriate testing, this is also associated with the overuse of diagnostic tests which entailsthe risk of generating erroneous results with potentialnegative consequences on patients' health.
Gemäss der in Europa geltenden Definition werden Krankheiten als selten bezeichnet, an denen weniger als einer von 2000 Menschen leidet. Die Erkrankungen sind mit schweren Beeinträchtigungen und zum Teil auch einer verkürzten Lebenserwartung verbunden und erfordern eine komplexe und hochspezialisierte Behandlung. Über 7000 seltene Erkrankungen sind bis heute bekannt, an denen insgesamt 30 Millionen Menschen in Europa leiden. Die seltenen Erkrankungen in ihrer Gesamtheit stellen somit ein schwerwiegendes Problem für das Gesundheitswesen dar. Die Europäische Union und zahlreiche Mitgliedsstaaten haben im Kampf gegen die seltenen Erkrankungen bereits umfassende spezifische Massnahmen ergriffen, während in der Schweiz der Problematik noch zuwenig Gewicht beigemessen wird. Mit dem ersten Europäischen Tag der seltenen Erkrankungen werden alle Verantwortlichen in Politik, Gesundheitswesen, Wissenschaft und pharmazeutischer Industrie in der Schweiz aufgerufen, in ihren bisherigen Bemühungen nicht nachzulassen und im Kampf gegen die seltenen Krankheiten in unserem Land weitere Fortschritte zu erzielen.
En este estudio presentamos los valores medios del coeficiente de atenuación de las ondas Rayleigh para Europa occidental, obtenidos a partir del estudio de tres terremotos situados en las Azores, Sicilia y Mar Negro y registrados por estaciones europeas. Los resultados presentan una gran dispersión, mostrando claramente la inhomogeneidad de la zona. Para el terremoto del Atlántico, los resultados son muy coherentes y presentan unos valores del coeficiente de atenuación comparables, aunque ligeramente superiores para periodos cortos, a los haliados para la region estable de la placa Euroasiática.
Atesa la importància que darrerament estan adquirint els suports òptics, presentem una descripció de les aplicacions editorials del CDROM existents actualment a Europa, tot fent especial esment al projecte ADONIS. A més, pretenem fer una avaluació de les possibilitats i perspectives d'aquest nou suport d'informació.
The article shows how the library services of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) manage change and explores the current opportunities available (university, electronic information, etc.) for converting the libraries into centres that actively support training and research at the university level. After providing information about the current university scenario, the article focuses on the road taken by the UPC libraries to overcome at both a conceptual and a practical level the major challenge of the millennium: transforming the traditional university library into a centre with resources for supporting academic teaching and research.